The "set up' questions

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I know that BR was described as the tea drinker, but did he prepare his own hot tea?
Was the microwave within his reach?
From Patsy:
14 TOM HANEY: Take a little breather from the
15 pineapple and let's talk about the glass, do you drink
16 hot tea?
TOM HANEY: Iced tea?
19 PATSY RAMSEY: Iced tea.
20 TOM HANEY: There is December 25, iced tea
21 year round.
22 PATSY RAMSEY: Mostly in the summer.
23 (inaudible).
24 TOM HANEY: Anybody else in the house drink
25 any tea?

1 PATSY RAMSEY: Burke drinks iced tea in the
2 summer time. (inaudible).

22 PATSY RAMSEY: No. And JonBenet didn't like
23 iced tea or tea at all.

From JR:
1 MIKE KANE: Any other tea drinkers in the
2 house?
3 JOHN RAMSEY: Patsy drank tea. She likes
4 sweet ice tea.
6 JOHN RAMSEY: I believe, not much, once
7 in a while.
8 LOU SMIT: (INAUDIBLE) sweet ice tea, you
9 can put a tea bag (INAUDIBLE)?
10 JOHN RAMSEY: Oh, no. With sweet ice tea
11 you have to make the tea. And I don't know how you
12 do it, but she puts sugar in it or something. It's
13 a southern drink. But, no.
14 I mean, first of all, it was hot tea. You
15 wouldn't (put?) it in that kind of a glass, it was weird.
16 That doesn't make sense.

My point was to express (as I stated) "a couple of thoughts on the 'set up'..."

And your point in asking was what?

So your point was the tea bag was placed in the glass as a method of disposal of the bag while the tea itself went into a proper cup for tea which was not reported to be observed by police?
To me, the tea points to Burke.

I know when I was younger I'd try and make tea using 'hot' (more like lukewarm) water from the tap because using the kettle wasn't allowed, and if a regular glass was the first thing I saw in the cupboard that's what I'd use.

Not to mention his fingerprints being all over that bowl.
Evidence please.

Did you not read the words "my take on it"? How could there possibly be evidence. Only a videotape would provide that. NONE of us was there so as it says in my siggy- My OPINION only.
There are many facts that are just that - facts. But as to what occurred inside the home that night- only the 3 surviving residents would know that and for all of us, we form opinions on how things went down.
As to the facts- you know what they are as well as anyone here. The fiber evidence IS evidence. So is the autopsy, which is FACT and not the coroner's opinion.
Did you not read the words "my take on it"? How could there possibly be evidence. Only a videotape would provide that. NONE of us was there so as it says in my siggy- My OPINION only.
There are many facts that are just that - facts. But as to what occurred inside the home that night- only the 3 surviving residents would know that and for all of us, we form opinions on how things went down.
As to the facts- you know what they are as well as anyone here. The fiber evidence IS evidence. So is the autopsy, which is FACT and not the coroner's opinion.

Then you have no evidence to support your take on it. I understand. There is nothing wrong with having a sense, a hunch. The next step is to look at the evidence. If the evidence does not support the hunch then the hunch leads nowhere and another idea should be sought.
A couple of thoughts on the “set up”...

The bowl and spoon aren’t nearly as large as they appear in the photo. The bowl can be seen in other pictures from the earlier party here and here. With a small bowl (as this was, which Patsy identified it as Lennox China), the spoon would look larger than it actually is. Most likely it was a tablespoon -- not a teaspoon, not a serving spoon.

The other thing I think people are loosing sight of is that most likely the teabag was not used in the glass it was found in. No one brews hot tea in a drinking glass. It was probably used in something else (Is it a single-serve or family-size teabag?), and then the used teabag placed in an empty glass rather than into the trash while it’s wet and too hot to squeeze out.

June, 1998 Interview:
3 TOM HANEY: You can tell me about the glass
4 and the tea bag, how those got to be there?
5 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't know. I don't. I
6 mean, I make iced tea. I usually boil it in a pan, put
7 the tea bag in and let them steep, and then transfer it
8 to a pitcher and add the sugar. (Inaudible).
9 TOM HANEY: How about that particular glass?
10 PATSY RAMSEY: That is a water glass.


No one does? Not even children? Because that's exactly what I did when I was a kid. Out of tea, not allowed to use the stove? No water from the tap and a tea bag. Voila.

Not saying your theory that the teabag was simply discarded in the drinking glass doesn't have merit, mind you. I certainly think that's possible. I simply believe that a child making "iced tea" is equally possible.

A couple of thoughts on the “set up”...

The bowl and spoon aren’t nearly as large as they appear in the photo. The bowl can be seen in other pictures from the earlier party here and here. With a small bowl (as this was, which Patsy identified it as Lennox China), the spoon would look larger than it actually is. Most likely it was a tablespoon -- not a teaspoon, not a serving spoon.

The other thing I think people are loosing sight of is that most likely the teabag was not used in the glass it was found in. No one brews hot tea in a drinking glass. It was probably used in something else (Is it a single-serve or family-size teabag?), and then the used teabag placed in an empty glass rather than into the trash while it’s wet and too hot to squeeze out.

June, 1998 Interview:
3 TOM HANEY: You can tell me about the glass
4 and the tea bag, how those got to be there?
5 PATSY RAMSEY: I don't know. I don't. I
6 mean, I make iced tea. I usually boil it in a pan, put
7 the tea bag in and let them steep, and then transfer it
8 to a pitcher and add the sugar. (Inaudible).
9 TOM HANEY: How about that particular glass?
10 PATSY RAMSEY: That is a water glass.

As a Southerner, I can attest to the fact that Patsy was spot on with the tea making rundown. No one makes a single glass of iced tea, especially not in the glass!

But then again, a 9 year old might have thought that was the way to do it......

Either way, the only significance the whole snack thing has for me is that the Ramsey's lied about it. Which is not only ridiculous to lie about something so inconsequential, but begs the question "If they'll lie about THAT, what WON'T they lie about?"

Then you have no evidence to support your take on it. I understand. There is nothing wrong with having a sense, a hunch. The next step is to look at the evidence. If the evidence does not support the hunch then the hunch leads nowhere and another idea should be sought.

Were you ever able to cite the claim about the edges of the pineapple? I did not find that anywhere in the AR.
Was anyone ever able to make out the label on the teabag string? It would help to know if it was a regular tea or one like chamomile.
(respectfully snipped)
No one does? Not even children? Because that's exactly what I did when I was a kid. Out of tea, not allowed to use the stove? No water from the tap and a tea bag. Voila.

Not saying your theory that the teabag was simply discarded in the drinking glass doesn't have merit, mind you. I certainly think that's possible. I simply believe that a child making "iced tea" is equally possible.

As a Southerner, I can attest to the fact that Patsy was spot on with the tea making rundown. No one makes a single glass of iced tea, especially not in the glass!

But then again, a 9 year old might have thought that was the way to do it......

Either way, the only significance the whole snack thing has for me is that the Ramsey's lied about it. Which is not only ridiculous to lie about something so inconsequential, but begs the question "If they'll lie about THAT, what WON'T they lie about?"
FrayedKnot, I agree with you about the significance being in the fact that the whole thing was a lie, and maybe we're beating this thing to death. I simply threw out there that I think the teabag was discarded and not actually used in the glass to brew tea. But since you and Mountain_Kat have said you see it as a possibility that a child might do exactly that when they need a glass of iced tea before they go to bed (after returning home from a party with probably a choice of all the punch and soft drinks they could imagine), tell me this... As a child, after you've brewed the tea in the glass you were going to drink it in, did you then add the sugar and the ice and drink it -- with the teabag still in the glass the entire time? And then did you drink every last bit -- including the ice cubes after they melt?

I'm not trying to pick apart what either of you said. I realize it is possible. But is it really likely with all things considered? Or do you agree that it's more likely that someone simply discarded their teabag in the glass?

Was anyone ever able to make out the label on the teabag string? It would help to know if it was a regular tea or one like chamomile.
I don't recognize the label, txsvicki. Anyone?

IMO, The only important part of the "set up" is that JR and PR lied about JBR being alseep when they got home. As far as PR prints being on there, IMO it came from when she was setting out bowls, like in the pics OTG posted. I think BR was eating the pineapple and JBR got some out with her fingers and that is where it turned into something more serious. The tea bag........ BR might have seen his mom make tea and observed her dipping the tea bags in water and thought this is how you make tea. I'm sure those kids hardly did anything for themselves. They were probaly waited on hand and foot by the maid. And they were afraid to ask for help that night because they were supposed to be asleep. Were the reminants in the glass ever tested? He could have easily put hot tap water in there (as suggested earlier) and dip the tea bag in and then mixed in sugar. IMO
I don't see milk nor cream in that bowl. I see pineapple which can also have a whitish edge to it, especially if it's been sitting out.
It's easy to see the milk or cream in the bowl. IMO.

It was for John Ramsey:

18 LOU SMIT: That's why I wanted to show you
19 the picture. I just didn't know what you had heard
20 of this thing. I'm going to show you what's called
21 a picture of 414.
22 This is a photograph that's taken of the dining
23 room table. And it shows various things on the
24 dining room table.

2 JOHN RAMSEY: Um hmm.
3 LOU SMIT: What else do you see on there?
4 JOHN RAMSEY: I see a glass with what looks
5 like (INAUDIBLE). Tissues on the glass.
7 LOU SMIT: Do you have any idea how that got
8 on that table?
9 JOHN RAMSEY: It might have been (INAUDIBLE)
10 that's a big bowl.
11 LOU SMIT: I'm going to straighten out the
12 picture so we'll want a close up of everything.
13 This is a photograph of 417. what does that
14 represent there?
15 JOHN RAMSEY: Well, it's a large spoon, not
16 a teaspoon. It looks like Patsy's good silver. I
17 guess that could be pineapple, I can't tell. But
18 it could be. Some people (INAUDIBLE) pineapple to
19 make it old and there's this teabag in an empty
20 glass. I can't tell, but it looks like there is
21 some milk or something.
22 LOU SMIT: Who do you know would eat
23 pineapple like that? Do you have any idea?
IMO, The only important part of the "set up" is that JR and PR lied about JBR being alseep when they got home. As far as PR prints being on there, IMO it came from when she was setting out bowls, like in the pics OTG posted. I think BR was eating the pineapple and JBR got some out with her fingers and that is where it turned into something more serious. The tea bag........ BR might have seen his mom make tea and observed her dipping the tea bags in water and thought this is how you make tea. I'm sure those kids hardly did anything for themselves. They were probaly waited on hand and foot by the maid. And they were afraid to ask for help that night because they were supposed to be asleep. Were the reminants in the glass ever tested? He could have easily put hot tap water in there (as suggested earlier) and dip the tea bag in and then mixed in sugar. IMO
Yes, the Rs saying JB was asleep is important, mainly because BR didn't back up their story and also because the adult Rs were on the same page here. If her being asleep was a lie, then it shows that from the very beginning, they were in on a coverup together. You have to remember though, it was PR who showed evidence of never going to bed that night, and her fingerprints were on the pineapple set up, so the likelihood of the kids being in the kitchen without her knowledge, seems kind of slim. MOO
It is logical that the set up was put together before JonBenet died and the pineapple she te came from that set up as found. IMO.
Then you have no evidence to support your take on it. I understand. There is nothing wrong with having a sense, a hunch. The next step is to look at the evidence. If the evidence does not support the hunch then the hunch leads nowhere and another idea should be sought.

All any of us has are "hunches" because none of us were there. But there is plenty of evidence to base our "hunches" on. And IMO, the evidence supports my hunches.
I have also thought it possible the tea bag was simply discarded in the glass. I don't know about you, but I don't like drinking tea, hot or cold, with the tea bag still in it. Most kids prefer sweetened tea too- don't see sugar or a spoon on the table (other than the serving spoon in the bowl). Patsy tried to say she wouldn't use that "set up" and I think she meant using a large serving spoon like that. But there was apparently another container of pineapple in the fridge and the serving spoon may have come from that.
I don't see any tea residue left in the glass. Does anyone? This supports the theory that the tea bag was simply put in an empty glass, leading me to think that maybe it was Patsy who had hot tea and walked away with the mug or cup. (after getting out the pineapple for the kid(s). BR's prints are on the glass, but we don't know if the prints are on the tag, or if it was even tested. Many Europeans make hot tea in a glass-whenever I drink tea with my German friends it is served in a tall glass. Italians will sometimes serve coffee, espresso and even wine in a short glass. But Americans as a rule, make tea in a cup or mug.
There is also no way to prove that the pineapple, tea, or whatever was in that glass, was consumed at the same time. The only thing evidence proves is that JB did consume pineapple about 2 hours before her death and that pineapple was tested and found to match the pineapple in that bowl.

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