The Sidebar - Harris Trial #2

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I like it when I learn regional words not heard in other areas. I've heard it called many,many things from many, many regions, but never shtupping. I like that one and will use it if you don't have the word trademarked.

I'm not Magdalyn but Lol, it's Yiddish slang so not trademarked. I lived in Miami for many years and even my non-Jewish friends there used it sometimes so I guess you could consider it to be somewhat regional. I don't hear it much where I live now though.
The more I learn about the details in the case the more convinced I am that he did it on purpose. From this one article I see these things that are very very disturbing.

"Harris pulled into a shopping center parking lot roughly seven minutes after leaving the Home Depot campus. He pulled Cooper's lifeless body from the car. His screams attracted a crowd of onlookers, some of whom called 911 and others of whom attempted to help Harris administer first aid to Cooper."

So he drives a whole 7 minutes before he pulls into where?
Of course a place where there will be plenty of witnesses for his "act".

IMO he wanted that scene to be at lunchtime but they didnt stay long enough or there were not enough other persons around for his scene to have the effect he wanted. Same after work. He got off too early around 4pm for his movie so probably not enough people around. So he takes off to find his audience.

Next we have this....

"Upon signing off on the indictment, Cobb County Chief Magistrate Frank Cox also remarked that Harris should have noticed that "the stench in the car was overwhelming" upon entering the car that afternoon."

So we are supposed to believe from him that the "smell" took 7 whole minutes to get to his nose before he noticed him in backseat. BS
Or whatever he claims about his sinuses not being able to smell that. BS
The smell of death is one of the most distinct, unappealing, strong odors on earth.


"Investigators found Harris made online searches in the days before Cooper's death related directly to babies in hot cars, and one search for "how to survive prison."" forget about the searches for babies dying in hot cars. The one on how to survive prison is the one that is most striking to me. He knew there was a chance his plan would not work!


"an app that encourages people to tell secrets, Stoddard testified that Harris wrote "I miss having time to myself" and said he hated being married with kids"

No need to comment on that. Self explanatory.

"citing a time when Harris allegedly sent pictures of his genitalia to women while attending an Atlanta Braves baseball game with his son."

And we are supposed to believe he cared a lot about his son to be doing this sort of thing at a ballgame with his boy. Good grief.

And finally....

We are supposed to believe he forgot to take boy to daycare. Well the daycare themselves sent him an email that day.

"They also discovered Harris received a group email that day from Cooper's day care that apparently failed to jog his memory."

Ive seen enough to convince me of his guilt in this 1 single article.
I have always thought along those lines as well. If I were going to commit a murder I would plan to have no witnesses or evidence. I wouldn't have stopped by CFA. I wouldn't have visited my car at lunch. I definitely wouldn't have introduced movie plans. I wouldn't have been texting 6 women seeking a hook up and left evidence on phone knowing those sext offered jail time all by themselves. But, if I were going to try pull off a murder like this, I would plan on allowing the son to bake until the end of my work day then throw the surprise. Why incorporate more potential witnesses when they couldn't offer RH a morning alibi or excuse?

This was suppose to be a normal day for Ross, it wasn't suppose to look suspicious, it was suppose to look like he forgot. He went about his day as usual, but made that one little OOPS, he didn't make that turn. Easy to do, doesn't have to lie about his day. He told the truth about what he did that day, he just couldn't tell LE why he went straight to work. I think he made the decision then blocked it out of his mind, no conscious, none, nada, zilch. That was it!
Precisely, I am paranoid of hot car deaths. It's one of my biggest fears. But I think my fear is smaller than the Harrises because my husband and I don't "talk about it ALL the time." So every day, exactly one block from my workplace, I glance into my rear view mirror so I can look into the car seat in the back of my van. I also place my teacher bag on the floor in front of the car seat as a fail-safe, so when I open the sliding door I look directly into the car seat to get to my bag.

People who are scared of things take precautions against them. Especially if it's their "biggest fear."

Exactly. My 23 yr old daughter still laughs at me and complains about the 'floatie' swimsuits I made her wear at pool parties when she was a toddler. I was traumatized by seeing a baby pulled from a pool when I was a teen. [ he was eventually revived] But I knew how quickly a baby can fall into a pool and not be seen.

Did I make them wear floaties and did I hover like a helicopter mom? YES. But they are both still alive and well. :wink:

It really saddens me that they both had a huge fear of hot cars and yet they did nothing proactive to prevent this tragedy.
I have read the following information, can anyone verify if this was said somewhere by a reporter?

I heard a reporter say he/she was very sure they knew who the foreman because when they came into jury box to watch first video ( detective's interview with Ross) that this person told each of the jurors where to sit. A couple of the jurors did not even look at video but watched other jurors to make sure they were watching.

During second video with Leanna they were more interested in the first part of video. More interested in what was said because they were talking notes from transcript that they were given to follow the video but could not take to jury room. They seemed very interested in what was said more than his demeanor. The second video during certain parts was very hard to hear.

And the third video from the parking lot after lunch, the screen was brought up next to jury box so they could see what he was doing. Still hard to see.

I'm sorry. I totally disagree. If Cooper wasn't deceased and someone else noticed, than he simply had to start screaming that he forgot him. If Cooper was deceased, he would be in the same position he was when he "discovered" Cooper offsite. Just earlier in the day.

Ross clearly believed the police had zero reason to charge him with child endangerment after his son was found dead in his car, having been "forgotten" all day. He stated that emphatically. So what makes you think he would assume he would be charged with anything if Cooper was "discovered" while still alive?

He parked in a way that was close enough to other cars not to stand out, but also close enough that someone might have seen Cooper, even though he made sure there wasn't much visibility on one side. he knew form the get go that Cooper could be discovered at any time if someone came close enough to hear him cry, or whatever. All he had to do if that happened would be the same he did after he "found" Cooper - claim FBS.

Bottom line, he would have been anxious to know what was happening and filled with the urge to check. There was no reason make a detour to his car at that time and then casually toss the light bulbs that were so precious to him that he made sure to put them in his car at lunch, in such a careless manner and in a bizarre an unnatural way that kept him standing close and straight against the car.

I really think you are having to twist yourself in knots to make the "guilty of malice murder" hang together.

You think it was bizarre that he went to his car at lunch and tossed in light bulbs, and I still do not understand how that makes him more likely guilty of malice murder when it is exactly the opposite of what a premeditated murderer would do.

If he was so obsessed with checking on a dead (or dying) Cooper, he could have made any number of excuses to go to his car at any time without his two friends being right there. Same thing goes for sexting underage girls on the day he's supposedly murdering his son and will come under scrutiny.

No, his behaviors that day do not point to consciousness of guilt IMO; they point to complete cluelessness. It is really amazing how people can look at the exact same circumstances so differently, isn't it?
And you don't think it is ultra-hinky that he posted a comment on that hot car video----about hating it if his son was left in a hot car. Then 5 days later, it happens? I can't get past the hinkiness of that.

It is rather chilling.
I have a question that I should already know the answer through testimony. Has it been proven JRH sent pics to underage girls AFTER he learned their age? I recall there being 2 minors. We heard testimony from oldest of the two minors as she is no longer a minor. I think she said she initially had info on profile she was 18 or so. Then later told him the truth she was a minor. In my eyes there is a huge difference when he sent her a junk pic. Either he assumed she was of legal age when he sent pic, or he sent pic after he learned she was a minor. Of course we have zero info of the minor that remains protected at your youthful age.
And FWIW, I think there are many men when trying to get into a woman's pants to go schtupping*(I don't have a registered trademark symbol on my keyboard), would answer "no" to a woman's question of something like "do you have no conscious
I'm not Magdalyn but Lol, it's Yiddish slang so not trademarked. I lived in Miami for many years and even my non-Jewish friends there used it sometimes so I guess you could consider it to be somewhat regional. I don't hear it much where I live now though.

Yes. I was going to say yiddish. My best friend from Brooklyn used to use that word way back in high school. Made me laugh every time.
I have a question that I should already know the answer through testimony. Has it been proven JRH sent pics to underage girls AFTER he learned their age? I recall there being 2 minors. We heard testimony from oldest of the two minors as she is no longer a minor. I think she said she initially had info on profile she was 18 or so. Then later told him the truth she was a minor. In my eyes there is a huge difference when he sent her a junk pic. Either he assumed she was of legal age when he sent pic, or he sent pic after he learned she was a minor. Of course we have zero info of the minor that remains protected at your youthful age.
And FWIW, I think there are many men when trying to get into a woman's pants to go schtupping*(I don't have a registered trademark symbol on my keyboard), would answer "no" to a woman's question of something like "do you have no conscious

Yes, he said "make me a dirty old man."
These stupid ads at the bottom of the pages are killing my computers. Ugh.

Hatfield, much of what you posted has been impeached through testimony. I'm not going to "reply with a quote" because I don't like seeing the lies repeated.
I know you know this...whatever motivates a person to kill someone doesn't have to 'make sense' to the juror, for we are not murderers, murder does not 'make sense' to us. It is helpful to be shown by the State that the logic appeared to make sense to the person who committed the murder.

You totally ignored the Ganesh Ramsaran case I sited. He killed his wife and the mother of his children instead of just divorcing her. He was shtupping her 'best friend'. In their house sometimes. Does it 'make sense' to kill your faithful and innocent wife and mother of your children instead of divorcing her? No. Nevertheless, the jurors had no problem seeing that in Ganesh's head, this was a viable solution for not having to deal with the old ball-and-chain anymore.

It doesn't have to be logical to us, or the jurors (for in what world do we all see murder as logical?) to find the defendant guilty. It's helpful to see what the murderer's logic was, however.

I would agree if there were not also the reasonable conclusion that it was actually an accident.

If the jurors can't find any reason for Ross to kill his son - nothing to gain, but something very valuable to lose - then I think they will have a really hard time with a verdict of malice murder.

I'm not familiar with the case you mentioned but IMO it is much easier to understand an unfaithful husband killing his wife instead of divorcing her. Happens all the time. Unfaithful husband killing his toddler son, who by all accounts he was thrilled with? Doesn't make sense.
The HD/lightbulb theory, I believe he wanted to make a big production around a audience but was unable to since his friends just dropped him off then took off themselves. I also noticed a slight hesitation when he opened the car door, don’t most people who have newer model cars have a FOB that unlocks in a distant instead of using a key? He also didn’t bend over to look in the car but simply tossed the bulbs in and left. Looked funny IMO. Ross wanted this to look like he simply forgot Cooper and IMO thought LE would buy into it. I don’t think Ross knew the trouble he was going to be in. I really don’t,he was so taken aback when he found out they were going to charge him.

(I’m typing in Word and mywords are probably going to run together, Quick Reply is sooooooo slow and Itype fast, can’t keep up)
Just as men who send pictures of their junk to 14 yr olds are pretty despised. And getting caught doing that with minors could also mean he'd lose everything and go to prison, and he still continued to do it, not even trying to hide any connection to his screen name.

Well there you go. Unlikely he'd plan to murder his son and attract the attention of law enforcement while he's got all that incriminating evidence on his phone.

Has anyone else got the thing about the Killing Season and latest activity boxes taking up a big space on the right of the screen?

I'm not sure if I clicked on something by accident, if I have, what should I do to get rid of it? TIA.
Well there you go. Unlikely he'd plan to murder his son and attract the attention of law enforcement while he's got all that incriminating evidence on his phone.

I don't think he thought it through. I don't think he thought they would arrest him and take his phone. JMO :moo:
Yes, he said "make me a dirty old man."
Yes, I remember RH words...but that still doesn't help determine if he sent pics pre/post finding out her age. The crime is sending the pic to a known minor. I clearly recall her testimony she has lied initially to RH about her age.
Why take the no conscience comment seriously but ignore the comments about things getting better with his wife, him loving his son (to everyone), and him loving sex with strangers (not looking for romance)?

I think people are putting way to much stock into what he was saying trying to get into women's pants. I have been hit on by married men, they ALL said the exact same thing this guy did, it's like they get it from the same textbook or something. I don't believe for a second they wanted to leave their wives, and I know they loved their kids, they were just skeevy gross cheaters.
It is rather chilling.

Did he actually leave a comment on YouTube? Because that's where he viewed it.

I don't remember that being the case. iirc , the comment was made to LE. Five days after the fact of watching the video, not 5 days before Cooper died.

Please correct me if thst's inaccurate.
Yes, I remember RH words...but that still doesn't help determine if he sent pics pre/post finding out her age. The crime is sending the pic to a known minor. I clearly recall her testimony she has lied initially to RH about her age.

He said that when she told him she was under age. His response was 'make me a dirty old man.' He is disgusting, imo.
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