Right, definitely not an advocate for change. To me, LH sounds more like an advocate for the "accidents" to just continue. Her words imply sympathy not for kids but for the parent who leaves a child in a hot car. She insists hot car deaths have happened and will continue to happen through no one's fault and everyone will just have to accept it and quit trying to hold parents accountable.
I have followed this case on here, and in the media, but I haven't been able to watch the trial daily. I depended on WS to keep me in tune with what was going on.
Just for S & G, I watched a few days of this trial.
I just finished watching Day 17 Part 6, Cross Examination of the wife.
Can I just say Shades of Jodi Arias????????????
Everything I have read on here has depicted her as under his spell, brainless, totally devoted to Ross.... when I watched this video I saw utter manipulation and twisting of words and literal evidence of text message times, text messages, etc... the evading of answering questions directly and answering questions with a differing time but still the same time... in other words, she would never say yes or no but had a way of admitting it but making the person questioning her wrong.....
examples.... when he said movie started at 5 right? She started to disagree and then said yes. He then said you talked to him at 4 right? she responds I sent him the text around 3:50. He said then you all talked at 4:04 correct? He is looking at phone record and reads 4:04. Instead of saying yes she says it was shortly after I sent that text. And it goes on and on. Everything lawyer says she has to politely correct him in his ineptness. And I do believe this was Ross's lawyer. Very quick on the feet, lounging back in her chair very comfortable. This goes on for the whole testimony. Calm cool collected and able to in a second think of a comeback that seem to correct a wrong conclusion.... this really reminded me of JA. She seems to me to be very confident and assured, not a woman who totally depends upon a man to the point that the death of her only child matters little if any.... I actually now think... I'm not going to go there.
I just know that I do not see what others have depicted her to be.
Here is the video if anyone wants to watch. It's really interesting how when the questioner says she had an argument thru text and she says it's not arguement it is disagreement and he goes line by line of the arguement and how she twists and distorts each line, all while she lounges back and is calm and self assured.
All my opinion of course......