Okay, the red fibers are not from the shirt. Q81 clothing (shirt) - off-white cotton, purple (d), off-white (d), pink (d). However, the shirt MAY HAVE contained the same contaminating fiber from another source as Q104 tape - black (d), red (l). (BTW - just noticed that these are not "1's" they are "l's". Not sure what the (d), (l) and (ld) stand for at this point.)
The red fibers don't come from the laundry bag (Q84) which is made up of off-white (d), off-white (ld) coarse. The laundry bag is contaminated with fringe hairs as well, but no red fibers there. It has fringe hairs.
The shorts have pink printed off-white cotton, blue printed off-white cotton, purple off-white cotton and orange printed off-white cotton. They have contaminating fibers of pink printed off-white cotton (probably from shorts), green printed off-white cotton, and red (d).
The winnie the pooh blanket (Q82) has no red fibers present but does have head hairs (Caylee's) and fringe hairs.
The second blanket (Q103) (labeled as "miscellaneous blanket") has fringe hairs, and within it's fiber content "light red (d)" fibers. I'm thinking these don't match with those on Q104 as distinguished both by the "light", but possibly could be the same. The red fibers on Q104 are described as "red cotton".
The interesting part of this is that there are only two items listed in this long string of evidence that outright state "red cotton", and neither of them were at the crime scene. Those are:
Q245 - rug from Anthony's front porch (contains fringe hairs and blue cotton, red cotton and pink cotton as contaminating fibers).
Q248 - Napkins from trash bag of KC's trunk (contains head hair - not like Caylee's, blue cotton, red cotton and black cotton as contaminating fibers).
It is worth noting that the other pieces of duct tape at the crime scene (Q62-Q64) and the tape on the gas can (Q66) did not have red cotton fibers on them.
I'm not sure anything I just said is useful...but it helps me think through things to type this stuff out, so I might as well share it once I've done it! lol