The Single Piece of Henkel Duct Tape Found NOT on Remains

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Kathi Belich has ruined this theory for them I think! Henkel tape showed up AFTER the fact, so...if the defense goes there then they are going to be rowing the ____creek without a paddle me thinks...:dance:
By no means saying I believe there is any chance a jury would buy the ZFG stole the tape thing - but just felt compelled to point out that the possibility that the A's had more than one roll of this unique tape purchased at the same time from the same place - making it possible for one roll (or more) to be stolen and one roll (or more) to be at the A's when GA was using it to hang posters.

(When I buy duct tape I almost always buy several rolls at a time - one for the tool shed, one for the house, one for the car, and one for the truck. I rarely run out at the same time and keep the extras in the tool shed until I need them in the various places. And while I don't think I have ever purchased this unique Henkel tape, I can't say that I never have as I really wouldn't have known the difference and if it was in a display that I happened to walk by when I needed duct tape then I could have picked it up not realizing it wasn't just plain old duct tape. I never noticed any difference in duct tape until I recently used some for the first time that I purchased about 2 years ago that was about as strong as plumbers tape! Before that, I thought all gray tape was the same old duct tape - I do look a little closer now.)
'cause she had a key...of course!

yes of course and i would like to know where exactly KC had the duplicate made... 10 bucks says she will never "remember" or that the nanny had it made for her........ grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Who wants to bet they are going to say "Zanny stole the duct tape!"? Probably the same time she stole all the other items tied to the A's home from the scene <insert sarcasm here>

Kathi Belich has ruined this theory for them I think! Henkel tape showed up AFTER the fact, so...if the defense goes there then they are going to be rowing the ____creek without a paddle me thinks...:dance:

'cause she had a key...of course!

Yes, Casey told Cindy that Zanny had a key to the house. So then Zanny must have returned the duct tape to implicate the Anthony's. Of course!:rolleyes:
By no means saying I believe there is any chance a jury would buy the ZFG stole the tape thing - but just felt compelled to point out that the possibility that the A's had more than one roll of this unique tape purchased at the same time from the same place - making it possible for one roll (or more) to be stolen and one roll (or more) to be at the A's when GA was using it to hang posters.

(When I buy duct tape I almost always buy several rolls at a time - one for the tool shed, one for the house, one for the car, and one for the truck. I rarely run out at the same time and keep the extras in the tool shed until I need them in the various places. And while I don't think I have ever purchased this unique Henkel tape, I can't say that I never have as I really wouldn't have known the difference and if it was in a display that I happened to walk by when I needed duct tape then I could have picked it up not realizing it wasn't just plain old duct tape. I never noticed any difference in duct tape until I recently used some for the first time that I purchased about 2 years ago that was about as strong as plumbers tape! Before that, I thought all gray tape was the same old duct tape - I do look a little closer now.)
Someone stole the duct tape? And someone stole Caylee? IMO there's only one person in this scenario who has a penchant for stealing. So maybe you're right...someone did steal the tape.
Agreeing with Val that the Q104 duct tape does appear to have been tampered with by animals, unlike Q62-Q64:


Add to that the fact that the hairs recovered are "fringe hairs". The FBI defines these as:

Hairs originating from areas of the body outside those specifically designated as head or pubic are generally not suitable for significant comparison purposes. These hairs might originate from the neck, sideburns, abdomen, upper leg, and back.
Or possibly arm hairs?

Having been too busy to check...where was this tape found in relation to the remains and specific bones? I hate to be graphic, but why were animals attracted to this tape and not the others?
Agreeing with Val that the Q104 duct tape does appear to have been tampered with by animals, unlike Q62-Q64:

View attachment 5513

Add to that the fact that the hairs recovered are "fringe hairs". The FBI defines these as:

Or possibly arm hairs?

Having been too busy to check...where was this tape found in relation to the remains and specific bones? I hate to be graphic, but why were animals attracted to this tape and not the others?

This article seems to categorize limb hair separately from fringe hairs:

Limb Hairs
Hairs from the legs and arms constitute limb hairs. These hairs are shorter in length, arc-like in shape, and often abraded or tapered at the tips. The pigment in limb hair is generally granular in appearance, and the medulla is trace to discontinuous.

While limb hairs are not routinely compared in a forensic laboratory, they can differ in appearance between individuals. These differences, however, are not considered sufficient to allow limb hairs to be of value for meaningful comparison purposes. The presence of leg or arm hairs on certain items of evidence may help to corroborate other investigative information.

Fringe Hairs
Hairs originating from areas of the body outside those specifically designated as head or pubic are generally not suitable for significant comparison purposes. These hairs might originate from the neck, sideburns, abdomen, upper leg, and back.
Agreeing with Val that the Q104 duct tape does appear to have been tampered with by animals, unlike Q62-Q64:

View attachment 5513

Add to that the fact that the hairs recovered are "fringe hairs". The FBI defines these as:

Or possibly arm hairs?

Having been too busy to check...where was this tape found in relation to the remains and specific bones? I hate to be graphic, but why were animals attracted to this tape and not the others?

Okay, I'm tired and not reading well at this point. I think this tape and the letters were from Area H at the crime scene. If not, then I'm totally wet.

Area H included 9 ribs, a left scapula and half of a neural arch of C1. That would indicate the upper portion of the midsection (her chest to her neck). The arm bones were still in the initial area of decomposition.

So this would indicate that either Q104 was in the chest/neck region, or...when the animals started to drag this portion away, the arms separated (sorry people).

I do know that the lungs are typically the last organs to go. In fact, I had been hopeful they would find her in time to still have the lungs intact to the point they could discern if she had breathed in chloroform, because it can reside in the lung tissue for some time. With the water and all, there had been a chance that her lungs could have survived. But I'm afraid her lungs may have been the attraction here.
Okay, I'm tired and not reading well at this point. I think this tape and the letters were from Area H at the crime scene. If not, then I'm totally wet.

Area H included 9 ribs, a left scapula and half of a neural arch of C1. That would indicate the upper portion of the midsection (her chest to her neck). The arm bones were still in the initial area of decomposition.

So this would indicate that either Q104 was in the chest/neck region, or...when the animals started to drag this portion away, the arms separated (sorry people).

I do know that the lungs are typically the last organs to go. In fact, I had been hopeful they would find her in time to still have the lungs intact to the point they could discern if she had breathed in chloroform, because it can reside in the lung tissue for some time. With the water and all, there had been a chance that her lungs could have survived. But I'm afraid her lungs may have been the attraction here.

And it correlates well with the finding of the fringe hairs on the tape, too. But I can't imagine any purpose (even evil) for taping her chest/neck region, can you?
And it correlates well with the finding of the fringe hairs on the tape, too. But I can't imagine any purpose (even evil) for taping her chest/neck region, can you?
and this is horrible so get ready...

she taped up her face with straight duct tape and then she taped a bag over her head and taped THAT to her chest? so she would never actually have to even SEE her face again...This could also account for why the tape may have been gnawed as it appears to have been. She could have taped it around her neck just as easily.

I have been so sick while researching on this particular has broken my heart and my spirit and I only continue to pursue it in hopes of the JUSTICE that Caylee so rightly deserves prevailing!:sick::furious:

Considering the length I think around the neck is probably even more probable.
Okay guys, where is the genuflecting smilie??? Once again, stellar-level sleuthery all around!
I am reading this document: and am noting that the references to "fringe hair" cited in this document, as far as I can determine, refer to items recovered from the car-and more specifically, the trash bag...a good way for this type of hair to appear in a bag would be from a shaving razor? wouldn't you think? I am on page 88 and am noting also caucasion EYE perhaps someone plucked their eyebrows and tossed it in the trash? Very strange indeed...
Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this, but I was wondering if there is a place here within this forum that I have missed that has a thread depicting the crime scene photos with the little colored flags and what we know now as to the "numbers" they were each assigned. I remember that there were crime scene photos with flags and I remember at the time wondering what the flags mean and if I was looking at where a bone was or what...........

Anyway don't know if that makes sense or not, if not, sorry!

So this would indicate that either Q104 was in the chest/neck region, or...when the animals started to drag this portion away, the arms separated (sorry people).
respectfully snipped

Valhall, please do not apologize for any of the necessary gory details. They are important because they are a vivid and grim reminder of the reality of that horrific event, to us and to everyone who considers this case. The Anthonys and the defense have tried to sanitize this by concentrating on a live child, fixing her in our memories with photographs and videos. I hope that a jury is subject to the same kind of awful detail discussed here as the SA describes the crime scene so they can imagine what Caylee's last moments and thoughts may have been and then picture how her body was further disrespected and abused after death, and what investigators were put through as they spent hours and hours, day upon day, on their knees in the dirt trying to salvage every last piece of her little remains.

I can only hope that CA and GA have some kind of epiphany in court regarding how little their daughter cared about Caylee's body after she was unceremoniously dumped and how, by contrast, many LE officials (the same ones CA has railed against) patiently and painstakingly searched for her tiny scattered and scavenged bones. If not for them, much more of Caylee would still be in that swamp on Suburban.
respectfully snipped

Valhall, please do not apologize for any of the necessary gory details. They are important because they are a vivid and grim reminder of the reality of that horrific event, to us and to everyone who considers this case. The Anthonys and the defense have tried to sanitize this by concentrating on a live child, fixing her in our memories with photographs and videos. I hope that a jury is subject to the same kind of awful detail discussed here as the SA describes the crime scene so they can imagine what Caylee's last moments and thoughts may have been and then picture how her body was further disrespected and abused after death, and what investigators were put through as they spent hours and hours, day upon day, on their knees in the dirt trying to salvage every last piece of her little remains.

I can only hope that CA and GA have some kind of epiphany in court regarding how little their daughter cared about Caylee's body after she was unceremoniously dumped and how, by contrast, many LE officials (the same ones CA has railed against) patiently and painstakingly searched for her tiny scattered and scavenged bones. If not for them, much more of Caylee would still be in that swamp on Suburban.

HI Cecy ~:smileyhyper (1):

I'd like to add that not only will that jury be subject to the same awful details, but they will also have the unfortunate experience of having to see the photographs of Caylee when she was discovered and every photo of every detail thereafter. Should GA & CA happen to stay in the courtroom during this process *and I don't think they will* that would be the only chance of any epiphany on their part. Just my thoughts.
I'm packing boxes to move later this month. I'm using all kinds of different tapes, and all the while I keep going back to this case. Some tape is so sticky and strong I can barely get it off my finger if it wraps around, and even that is alittle terrifying.

Oh, how I hope Caylee was not conscious for the taping, and did not know who was doing it. For those involved in any way to this case we will never be able to forget it entirely, probably for the rest of our lives. The jurors will most likely be horror-stricken for years. I pray we see Justice for Caylee.
and this is horrible so get ready...

she taped up her face with straight duct tape and then she taped a bag over her head and taped THAT to her chest? so she would never actually have to even SEE her face again...This could also account for why the tape may have been gnawed as it appears to have been. She could have taped it around her neck just as easily.

I have been so sick while researching on this particular has broken my heart and my spirit and I only continue to pursue it in hopes of the JUSTICE that Caylee so rightly deserves prevailing!:sick::furious:

Considering the length I think around the neck is probably even more probable.

To be quite honest, I couldn't even come up with that. The only thing I could think of was that she literally choked her with it. But what your proposing actually makes more sense.

Okay, the red fibers are not from the shirt. Q81 clothing (shirt) - off-white cotton, purple (d), off-white (d), pink (d). However, the shirt MAY HAVE contained the same contaminating fiber from another source as Q104 tape - black (d), red (l). (BTW - just noticed that these are not "1's" they are "l's". Not sure what the (d), (l) and (ld) stand for at this point.)

The red fibers don't come from the laundry bag (Q84) which is made up of off-white (d), off-white (ld) coarse. The laundry bag is contaminated with fringe hairs as well, but no red fibers there. It has fringe hairs.

The shorts have pink printed off-white cotton, blue printed off-white cotton, purple off-white cotton and orange printed off-white cotton. They have contaminating fibers of pink printed off-white cotton (probably from shorts), green printed off-white cotton, and red (d).

The winnie the pooh blanket (Q82) has no red fibers present but does have head hairs (Caylee's) and fringe hairs.

The second blanket (Q103) (labeled as "miscellaneous blanket") has fringe hairs, and within it's fiber content "light red (d)" fibers. I'm thinking these don't match with those on Q104 as distinguished both by the "light", but possibly could be the same. The red fibers on Q104 are described as "red cotton".

The interesting part of this is that there are only two items listed in this long string of evidence that outright state "red cotton", and neither of them were at the crime scene. Those are:

Q245 - rug from Anthony's front porch (contains fringe hairs and blue cotton, red cotton and pink cotton as contaminating fibers).

Q248 - Napkins from trash bag of KC's trunk (contains head hair - not like Caylee's, blue cotton, red cotton and black cotton as contaminating fibers).

It is worth noting that the other pieces of duct tape at the crime scene (Q62-Q64) and the tape on the gas can (Q66) did not have red cotton fibers on them.

I'm not sure anything I just said is useful...but it helps me think through things to type this stuff out, so I might as well share it once I've done it! lol

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