The SODDI Defense (Some Other Dude Did It)...If not KC, who?

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and the report of the decomp said it could be human...but it didnt say 100%

like i said already....just throwing this carp out go along with the see if we can come up with an idea that could be used and supported by the defense..... not sure if that is such a great idea.....i would hate for us to do all the work for JB

But it also didn't say it was 100 percent a dead dog either.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I was not entertaining the 'accident' theory in mind when reading or responding on this thread. I was strictly addressing/thinking about SODDI theory.

To me, those are two different sets of theories.

Unless, you are also suggesting an SODDI by accident discussion?

No, not suggesting a SODDI by accident discussion - that would be waaaay out there IMO - :)

I just think it's an interesting topic and would like to see any possible theories if anyone has any but though the wording in the OP, below, should perhaps be a bit clearer.

IOW, just because someone doesn't believe KC murdered Caylee, doesn't mean they think someone else did. They could believe it was an accident, whether due or not to neglect.

(I know the ME said it was homicide. But I think there are more folks that believe it an accident of some kind, than that actually think it was someone else. KWIM? (Just saying.)

I have been reading through some posts and catching up and am still amazed to read posters stating that they are not sure Casey murdered her daughter.

If Casey didn't do it? Who did? What evidence points to a different murderer other than Casey?

[OT - wow, the first time I've actually figured out how to multi-quote! :) ]
I would think if they were gonna say someone else did this it would be that someone randomly kidnapped Caylee and KC was too scared to tell her parents, fearing that they would "kill" her. I mean lets face it, CA sounded like a crazy, controlling, and overbearing mother and if something happened to her grandchild on my watch I might be afraid to tell her too. In the case of her partying during the 31 days, they might say she was too "traumatized" to process it or react, and therefore went on coping as best she could . Here's the problem with that: In her interview with the FBI in July, the guy questioning CA asks her how KC reacts to certain situations and CA tells him that she reacts normally (ie: happy when she should be, sad when she should, mad when she should, etc). If the defense is gonna say she was using "ugly coping" or didn't know how to react, couldn't the prosecution say "well according to her mother's statements, KC always reacted to things accordingly so wouldn't she have reacted to her child missing like a normal person would?"
Just thought I'd add that, in order to get anyone to actually post their theories featuring anothe perp besides KC, this would need to be kept a SODDI friendly thread if you KWIM. Meaning that folks will feel their opinion is, at least, respected if not agreed with. :)

I agree wholeheartedly, and I think there are many posters here who are both mature and respectful enough to respond accordingly.

That said, for true debate there must be actual theories posted, not vague suppositions or suspicions without some sort of concrete points which posters can respectfully consider.

I've seen many SODDI threads come and go, and they usually fall apart because other 'perps' are hinted at without a shred of supporting points for consideration.
and the report of the decomp said it could be human...but it didnt say 100%

like i said already....just throwing this carp out go along with the see if we can come up with an idea that could be used and supported by the defense..... not sure if that is such a great idea.....i would hate for us to do all the work for JB

I honestly don't know how JB can come up with anything that can't be disputed easily. We only have a few of the released facts, we don't have the big "Bombshells" that I expect are going to come down. I do not envy JB, as I don't know what the defense is going to defend KC with as I think she is indefensible. (Is that a word?)
I agree wholeheartedly, and I think there are many posters here who are both mature and respectful enough to respond accordingly.

That said, for true debate there must be actual theories posted, not vague suppositions or suspicions without some sort of concrete points which posters can respectfully consider.

I've seen many SODDI threads come and go, and they usually fall apart because other 'perps' are hinted at without a shred of supporting points for consideration.

ITA - if someone has a theory, they should at least be able to line it up with most of the known facts if we are to seriously consider/discuss it.
im trying to think of the stuff the A's and the defense have thrown out there....

i will stop :)
The only SODDI theory that I can tie most of the evidence into is SODDI and KC is covering up for them? That would have to be a "true love" or very close family member, for her to have remained silent?
Perhaps AL,LA,RM CA GA none of them actually stand close scrutiny.
Caylee was placed in 3 bags. Maybe the odor of decomp was not enough to be smelled from a distance at this point. TL states in his interview that KC would not let him put the gas in her car she did it.

One of which was the laundry bag that matched the one at the A's.

How did the OD get the laundry bag from the A's?
ITA - if someone has a theory, they should at least be able to line it up with most of the known facts if we are to seriously consider/discuss it.


I would be keen to see a genuine SODDI thread like that. That would be a constructive, logical approach.

Which is why the SODDI threads always fall apart, because that is never what is offered up for consideration. :crazy:
One of which was the laundry bag that matched the one at the A's.

How did the OD get the laundry bag from the A's?

Laundry hamper did not match one at Anthonys, just same brand, different shape actually. Anyway common brand, about $11 at JC Penny's I am making this up a bit, but you get the point. The laundry bag is explainable on what we know so far.
i know :crazy: just throwing stuff out that could be used :)

Oh, I know. I just have this new really serious pair of pumps and for some reason they make me think like a SA. Hang on and I'll throw on a pair of flip flops, grab a drink and be normal again:crazy:
can we start a brain storming thread ? throw carp out there not a big brain :deal:...but i do have idea's :razz:....well....i like to argue carp :blushing:....hee hee hee :)

its so hard :sheesh:....when everything say's KC did it :eek:ther_beatingA_Dead.....but im very interested in how the defense could defend her actions.....:waitasec:
can we start a brain storming thread ? throw carp out there not a big brain :deal:...but i do have idea's :razz:....well....i like to argue carp :blushing:....hee hee hee :)

its so hard :sheesh:....when everything say's KC did it :eek:ther_beatingA_Dead.....but im very interested in how the defense could defend her actions.....:waitasec:

We don't know what all the evidence is yet and neither does JB :jester:

Really we and he need to see that evidence before we can explain/refute it. I am hoping the tape, heart sticker, fibres, laundry bag, garbage bags etc all tie in to Anthony home and/or KC. Heaven knows how the defence will explain that?:confused:
thats what i want to know as will the defense spin this thought.....we have heard the one arm man, the ugly coping and now the mention of a child molester/murder from the defense on the civil case.....

One armed man?

I must have missed that! :D
how about someone stole KC car with caylee in it.....then it was returned with out caylee...but the car started to smell and KC found caylee in the trunk....:rolleyes: KC freaked and lost her mind....:eek: she thought no one would believe her and she made up the nanny story....


I think the only type of theory/explanation that could actually work with all the facts i.e. KC not reporting Caylee missing, the trunk, etc. would be one in which their was a real threat to KC and/or her families safety if she said anything as well as a conspiracy to frame KC for the murder of Caylee.
All pretty hard to imagine, but hey, it does happen in the movies. :) JMO

Will be checking back to see if we get any theories. :)

This "threat" that KC told her parents, if that was "real", then why was there no security on this family while KC was out on bond originally? Why was there no police protection around their house 24/7? I've posed this question in the past, and there is no logical explanation, if, there was any "true" threat to KC or the family...IMO
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