The SODDI Defense (Some Other Dude Did It)...If not KC, who?

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Decided to come out of lurking and post a theory.....

The defense will state KC never bonded with Caylee. They will say Cindy was overbearing and KC regarded Caylee more like an annoying sister who hindered her party plans. They will say one day a few years ago KC ran into a homeless woman in the park named ZFG. Since KC never really bonded with Caylee she didn't care who was watching her as in her mind this homeless woman meant freedom. ZFG began babysitting Caylee (mostly at the park where KC dropped her off). ZFG had the keys to KC's car as part of payment for watching Caylee was the use of KC's car to sleep in when KC spent the night at her boyfriends. So, KC tells these elaborate lies to ZFG - great job and how she loves spending time with Caylee - and ZFG becomes pissed because in her mind KC has the "perfect life." To get her back, ZFG kidnaps Caylee. So why didn't KC call for 31 days? They will say she never bonded with Caylee and she really didn't care. She was happy with her new freedom and ZFG never hurt Caylee before. As far as ZFG, she was under the impression that KC had the perfect life so she thought she was getting KC back by taking Caylee. In reality KC's was lying to ZFG (just like everybody else) and she was glad to be rid of Caylee. The defense will say she was a neglectful mom in a certain sense but the killer is a homeless woman named ZFG.

-Smell in the car - ZFG had keys to the car.
- Where is ZFG - she is a homeless woman who headed back to Mexico after she killed Caylee.
- Why all the lies about ZFG - KC did not want to admit that the babysitter of her daughter was a homeless woman.

Please don't yell at me, lol ( I don't believe this just posting a theory that the defense might use?)

OK... There were several rapes that occured at Blanchard Park leading up to a young woman being murdered there on 6/10/08. A week later KC took Caylee that park and left her there to "play". Came back later and she was gone. KC was afraid to tell CA cause obviously CA is too intense, so she made up the nanny story.
I'm reaching I know.

Yes, and somehow this mystery rapist/murderer knew where KC lived and dumped the body right down the street to frame her!
The only thing she can claim is that she was a terrible mother and that she lied about having a nanny because she couldn't find a job and so made up the nanny story to keep her mother happy, that she stole from friends because she had no choice, that she was expected to be a mom and also work and was put too high on the pedestal by CA and GA, but that she was bad at motherhood and never had any real direction. And so she made a bad decision and left Caylee alone somewhere for a while, or even left her asleep in the car and when she returned someone had taken Caylee and her CAR. She later found her car but no Caylee and was so scared and overwhelmed that she kept it a secret for fear of being arrrested or worse CA thinking poorly of her, so she spent the next month trying to find Caylee and convince everyone she was fine and nothing was wrong. She noticed the smell in her car too, but did not think anything of it. The person contacted her and kept telling her they would kill her family. She only did what she thought was right and in the end she lost Caylee and her family and was framed by this person who wanted to ruin her life and she suspects the person knows her and her movements and knew about her lies to her family and used all of it to get her and take Caylee.

THEN END> signed ZFG. (AKA this is the script)
I am prepared, and even keen, to read some SODDI theory. At the very least something to discuss and perhaps refine my own thoughts on the details of what happened.

Like you I have heard "possibly SODDI" but not a specific theory. Just Somebody unspecified other than KC.
There is a vast difference between a plausible theory based on facts and unsubstantiated supposition.
As my sig used to say: "Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but they are NOT entitled to be right" I think we are all gradually refining our opinion of what happened, to include facts as they come to light.

I just came up with another unsubstantiated supposition of how SODDI, that would explain why KC does not tell (it is extremely distasteful though) KC wanting money of her own decides to let a child *advertiser censored* movie producer have her child for a few hours. Child is returned dead reeking of chloroform. KC puts her in trunk. KC is an accessory who also sold her child so she can not tell. *advertiser censored* producer hires sleazy attorney to keep everyone away from KC.
how about someone stole KC car with caylee in it.....then it was returned with out caylee...but the car started to smell and KC found caylee in the trunk....:rolleyes: KC freaked and lost her mind....:eek: she thought no one would believe her and she made up the nanny story....

So she decided to Party and "Hook up" rather than call the Police in her freaked out state? jury doesn't buy it but it at least explains some of the physical evidence.
I just came up with another unsubstantiated supposition of how SODDI, that would explain why KC does not tell (it is extremely distasteful though) KC wanting money of her own decides to let a child *advertiser censored* movie producer have her child for a few hours. Child is returned dead reeking of chloroform. KC puts her in trunk. KC is an accessory who also sold her child so she can not tell. *advertiser censored* producer hires sleazy attorney to keep everyone away from KC.

Oh my, that really is terrible, but honestly much more believable than the nanny.
The only SODDI theory that I can tie most of the evidence into is SODDI and KC is covering up for them? That would have to be a "true love" or very close family member, for her to have remained silent?
Perhaps AL,LA,RM CA GA none of them actually stand close scrutiny.

To accept this theory wouldn't you have to also be saying that KC loves the other person MORE than she loves her own daughter? Just saying.........most would have trouble buying that premise.
Decided to come out of lurking and post a theory.....

The defense will state KC never bonded with Caylee. They will say Cindy was overbearing and KC regarded Caylee more like an annoying sister who hindered her party plans. They will say one day a few years ago KC ran into a homeless woman in the park named ZFG. Since KC never really bonded with Caylee she didn't care who was watching her as in her mind this homeless woman meant freedom. ZFG began babysitting Caylee (mostly at the park where KC dropped her off). ZFG had the keys to KC's car as part of payment for watching Caylee was the use of KC's car to sleep in when KC spent the night at her boyfriends. So, KC tells these elaborate lies to ZFG - great job and how she loves spending time with Caylee - and ZFG becomes pissed because in her mind KC has the "perfect life." To get her back, ZFG kidnaps Caylee. So why didn't KC call for 31 days? They will say she never bonded with Caylee and she really didn't care. She was happy with her new freedom and ZFG never hurt Caylee before. As far as ZFG, she was under the impression that KC had the perfect life so she thought she was getting KC back by taking Caylee. In reality KC's was lying to ZFG (just like everybody else) and she was glad to be rid of Caylee. The defense will say she was a neglectful mom in a certain sense but the killer is a homeless woman named ZFG.

-Smell in the car - ZFG had keys to the car.
- Where is ZFG - she is a homeless woman who headed back to Mexico after she killed Caylee.
- Why all the lies about ZFG - KC did not want to admit that the babysitter of her daughter was a homeless woman.

Please don't yell at me, lol ( I don't believe this just posting a theory that the defense might use?)

this is a plausible theory. i'm trying to think of some things to add to your well thought out post. fyi-i don't believe there is any other suspect besides casey but enjoy looking at things from the opposite side.

to help with the homeless ZFG, maybe casey could be telling the truth about where she dropped caylee off at all of the different ZFG addresses as maybe the homeless ZFG moved around to sleep since she didn't have a house.

and maybe all the different phone numbers that ZFG changed all the time were for payphones that ZFG could call from? of course casey's phone records don't support that to my knowledge.
No matter what they are going with she will have to admit to the nanny being fake and not having a job. Then she can just say she was a bad mother and left her with someone she barely knew who had access to her car and the Anthony home. Read my theory above.
The only thing she can claim is that she was a terrible mother and that she lied about having a nanny because she couldn't find a job and so made up the nanny story to keep her mother happy, that she stole from friends because she had no choice, that she was expected to be a mom and also work and was put too high on the pedestal by CA and GA, but that she was bad at motherhood and never had any real direction. And so she made a bad decision and left Caylee alone somewhere for a while, or even left her asleep in the car and when she returned someone had taken Caylee and her CAR. She later found her car but no Caylee and was so scared and overwhelmed that she kept it a secret for fear of being arrrested or worse CA thinking poorly of her, so she spent the next month trying to find Caylee and convince everyone she was fine and nothing was wrong. She noticed the smell in her car too, but did not think anything of it. The person contacted her and kept telling her they would kill her family. She only did what she thought was right and in the end she lost Caylee and her family and was framed by this person who wanted to ruin her life and she suspects the person knows her and her movements and knew about her lies to her family and used all of it to get her and take Caylee.

THEN END> signed ZFG. (AKA this is the script)

Have we anywhere on this forum ever wrote up the whole story from Casey, Cindy, George and Lee's perspective to see if anything meshes at all...altogether (or just to see the absurdity of the story?)
I will take a run at this, just for the heck of it, not because I acutally believe it was anyone but KC.

My 'theory' is that CA did it.. she was mad at KC for stealing and for leaving her to babysit while KC partied.
So.. CA followed KC one night to see what she was up to and where she went.. discovered the car parked outside the boyfriends apartment, with little Caylee sleeping in her car seat inside the car.. she had an extra key so she stole the car, and went home with Caylee..
The following morning, she was playing in the pool with Caylee, and got distracted, and unfortunatly Caylee drowned.. she panicked, and put her body back in the car seat and returned the car to where she had found it.

KC didn't know about the abduction, since when she woke up and came out the car and 'sleeping' baby were just as she had left them, except for the change of clothes, and maybe her hair was still damp, that puzzled her so she checked the baby.. then she discovered Caylee was dead!

In a panic, she moved the body to the trunk, and drove around with it for several days. Finally she contacted her mother, who broke down and confessed what had happened and she came home .. between the two of them, they managed to get the body hidden in the woods..still they knew they would have to come up with some sort of accounting for Caylees disappearance .. so the 'script' was written by CA and the nanny story began ..
Still leaves some pretty big holes, but covers some of them at least.
The only SODDI defenseI think has any shred of plausibility, and this scenario also includes complicity on KC's part, is that if KC was involved in the sex industry in some way (internet *advertiser censored*, escorts, etc) and got in over her head with a wealthy, well-connected man with a lot of money from questionable sources. I've read posts that aluded to her having some secret relationship with someone like that that range from the fantastic, that she was pimping Caylee for child *advertiser censored* and she was killed in that scenario, to the plausible, that this money man was Caylee's father and is the source of funding for the As and KC. And yet it also doesn't make sense, b/c surely if some rich-yet-evil puppet master was involved in the disappearance and death of Caylee, she surely would have been disposed of in a far away place with zero items from the Anthony home to tie anyone to the crime scene.

I've also read theories that involve cars and car parts in lieu of sex, but it's always nefarious and very shady. I personally doubt that any well-connected pimp/mafioso type would have left KC alive had Caylee been killed during a *advertiser censored* shoot or other perverted scene. To know KC is not to trust her, and why would somebody place their literal life in her hands with such damning info? There are versions of the story that suggest this shadow-daddy only helped in the clean-up, which also makes no sense, as surely someone of means with business savvy and underworld connections could find a better final resting place than down the street from the Anthony home. I personally feel that she acted alone 100%. I don't doubt she had the capacity to mingle with types like that, maybe that she even did as an escort or *advertiser censored* actress, I just don't see anyone from that world taking on the dead Caylee problem in the first place, nor bungling it so badly if they did.
Yeah, the only bad thing about all the alternate universe scenarios we come up with is that, even if they are physically possible, the operative word here is reasonable, and none of what we've been able to imagine strikes me as something a reasonable, rational jury member would believe over the glaringly obvious. Anything else is just too convoluted, circuitous and embellished. The shortest distance between the two points of KC and Caylee is a straight line, I'm afraid.
I think they will say it was a tragic accident and that Caylee drowned in the swimming pool. The scenario that I thought of is that KC and Caylee left the house the morning of the 16th and drove around until GA went to work. Then went back to the house. KC put Caylee down for a nap and when she thought she was sleeping, she went to take a shower. Unknown to her, Caylee wasn't sleeping or woke up and went out to the pool. After her shower KC played around on the computer and chatted with friends on her cell phone. (which computer and cell phone logs prove) When she went to wake Caylee she wasn't in bed, she searched the house and then tried to call her parents (which the cell phone records show) to see if they'd picked Caylee up while she (KC) was in the shower. KC noticed the back door open and went to see if Caylee was in the play house and realized the ladder was up and found Caylee in the pool. Once she realized Caylee was dead, she knew her family would be devastated, so to protect her family, she wrapped Caylee in her fave Pooh blanket, put her into the trunk and left the house before they got home. It was all CA's fault for leaving that ladder up and KC was protecting her. Everything she did was to protect her family.

*She went to Tony's because if she stayed home, her family would find out about Caylee.

*She acted like nothing was wrong, because she was protecting her family. She had to pretend everything was normal.

*She borrowed the shovel with the intent of burying Caylee at home to keep her close.

*When she realized she realized she couldn't dig a hole in the backyard, she had to put the duct tape around Caylee's head to stop the leakage, to buy more time to find a proper burial site. She felt horrible about it, so she placed the heart on her lips as a kiss.

*She had to put Caylee in the woods because the car ran out of gas and help was on the way, she was afraid Tony would see Caylee and her family would be crushed.

*She did cry about losing Caylee, Tony witnessed it. She got drunk and smoked pot to help her forget.

*She had to steal money, she couldn't go home or her family would find out Caylee was gone.

*She made up the name Zanny as a cover story when she was staying out and didn't want her parents asking questions.

I don't believe this is true, I think KC killed Caylee, whether by accident or on purpose. But I think the defense will take everything that KC has said and make their case match up with it.
I really dont see the defense going with an accident scenario. I really think they want her cleared of all charges. By going on TV and saying that she's "innocent of all charges", they are basically saying she had absolutely no part in any of this. If if they claim accident, KC will most likely be charged with child neglect and some other stuff. I don't see them settling on a defense that could give her that, even if it could get her off Murder 1.
First of all, the State Attorney has the burden of proof....They MUST PROVE "beyond a reasonable doubt" that KC murdered Caylee.

The defense DOES NOT have the burden of proof. They ONLY need to show that the State has NOT met the burden of proof. They can say the pet dogs did it, and if they can get one juror to think that is reasonable, she will be found not guilty. I know this is extreme, but I use this example to make a point.

I started a thread a couple of days ago when Reyes was arrested for attempting to abduct a 4 year-old little girl whose mouth he covered with duct tape. I think the defense could try to connect this case to Caylee as SODDI. They will have to jump through many hoops to say why KC did what she did, didn't do what she should, why she lied etc, etc....but it really only matters that they can establish doubt in the mind of ONE juror.

They could say that KC left Caylee alone in the house asleep to run an errand (maybe she did that often), and she returned to find Caylee dead in the garage lying on a make-shift bed with duct tape over her mouth. KC doesn't know who did this or why. She only knows that the back sliding door was open, and someone had been in the house. She went into panic mode, knowing how CA would react and blame her for leaving Caylee alone.

She wrapped her up in blanket, placed a heart sticker on her mouth, and made a little bed for her in the clean laundry bag, placed her in her trunk and left the house to think of what to do next.

She had plans with Tony, and went ahead with those plans to try to "act normal." All the while she was trying to get ideas for what to do next. She rents the movies, which she either had already seen or knew of the plots with kidnapping of child, setting her plan of cover-up in motion. Meanwhile she blocked her mind by drinking, partying and sexing it up to convince herself that it wasn't real for moments at a time.

Not being a criminal-minded person, she carried the body in her trunk not knowing what to do, until the day that her father almost discovered the body in her trunk. She again went to panic mode and dumped the body. (Could just as easily say that she dumped the body when she ran out of gas looking for a burial site the day that TonE came to bring her gas.)

All of this would just be to create a reasonable doubt in the mind of ONR juror! I don't know if this would work, but I do think the duct tape on the mouth is a strange coincidence. I could make someone consider the defense theory if they can bring in enough experts to dispute to forensics put up by the State.

This is ONLY A THEORY.... I personally believe that KC is guilty based on what I know right now, but if the defense is able to dispute some of the critical evidence and offer another plausible explanation for why the State hasn't proven beyond a reasonable doubt their case, I think someone on the jury could be swayed to believe SODDI, maybe! This is only a theory for others to think about. Remember, regardless of what any of us think of the A's and KC and all the lies and deception, the State still has the burden of proof, not the defense.

ETA: The defense does not have to put KC on the stand to use this defense. They just need to offer up the suggestion. They could do that by asking the detectives about other children who were abducted or attempted to be abducted by perp using duct tape. In closing statements they would be able to say what KC's part was in cover up does not make her guilty of murder. She isn't charged with accessory after the fact.
I really dont see the defense going with an accident scenario. I really think they want her cleared of all charges. By going on TV and saying that she's "innocent of all charges", they are basically saying she had absolutely no part in any of this. If if they claim accident, KC will most likely be charged with child neglect and some other stuff. I don't see them settling on a defense that could give her that, even if it could get her off Murder 1.

I go with the accident/protecting family theory because even if she claims she had nothing to do with it, there's still that darn 31 days. She knew she hadn't seen her daughter in over a month, wouldn't that be neglect? She was "worried and pacing" and "afraid she wouldn't get to see her daughter again." I think the fact that she didn't report her daughter could be in danger would work against her. Just my opinion.
The defense DOES NOT have the burden of proof. They ONLY need to show that the State has NOT met the burden of proof. They can say the pet dogs did it, and if they can get one juror to think that is reasonable, she will be found not guilty. I know this is extreme, but I use this example to make a point.

snipped for brevity - with all due respect I believe that would be a hung jury and she would be retried. she would not walk.
Who had the most to gain (in their own little twisted mind) to get rid of Caylee? Stranger abduction highly unlikely. Someone wanted to set Casey up, why? I can't buy the SODDI defense.
Who had the most to gain (in their own little twisted mind) to get rid of Caylee? Stranger abduction highly unlikely. Someone wanted to set Casey up, why? I can't buy the SODDI defense.

"All they want is Caylee back. That's ALL they care about. And you know what?? That's all I care about too."

~ KC's first phone call from jail; June 2008
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