The SODDI Defense (Some Other Dude Did It)...If not KC, who?

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Obviously that is just a simple example. It would soon get very implausible if you included evidence such as body in the trunk, duct tape on skull(matching gas can duct tape), heart sticker, KC not reporting to LE etc.

BODY OF CAYLEE In the Trunk of KC's Car ! ! !

Body of CAYLEE i n the TRUNK OF KC'S C A R ! ! !


any way you say it....

it is just still EVIDENCE ! ! ! BODY OF CAYLEE IN THE TRUNK OF KC's CAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

************ how in the world can that be explained AWAY!!????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

with the * F A C T S * ~ that KC lied to EVERYONE !!!!!

KC LIED !!!! KC LIED again ! ! ! & KC LIED AGAIN & AGAIN !!!!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Body of CAYLEE in the TRUNK = a FACT = true ! ! !
not a lie !!!!!!!!!! REAL EVIDENCE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dang I'm out of control again !!!
& Again !!!!

Nite !

God Bless !


Thanks for the GRRRRREAT POST HP !!!!!:blowkiss:

Did I mention..... You are Correct ~ Body of CAYLEE in the trunk of KC's car !!!!! It's a Fact !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Am I right in assuming you are not including the "it was some kind of accident" theory in with the SODDI defense/theories? IOW, you aren't asking for versions of Caylee's death possibly being some kind of accident (even if due to KC's neglect)?

I'm asking b/c in the OP you use the word "murder." So, if someone believes KC did not murder Caylee, they could believe it was some type of accident which did not include SOD.

Just wanted to be clear on that. I too, am interested in any possible theories others may have that someone else was responsible for Caylee's death.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I was not entertaining the 'accident' theory in mind when reading or responding on this thread. I was strictly addressing/thinking about SODDI theory.

To me, those are two different sets of theories.

Unless, you are also suggesting an SODDI by accident discussion?
how about someone stole KC car with caylee in it.....then it was returned with out caylee...but the car started to smell and KC found caylee in the trunk....:rolleyes: KC freaked and lost her mind....:eek: she thought no one would believe her and she made up the nanny story....

And KC didn't report the car stolen? Or that she couldn't find Caylee? Not even before the car was returned?
how about someone stole KC car with caylee in it.....then it was returned with out caylee...but the car started to smell and KC found caylee in the trunk....:rolleyes: KC freaked and lost her mind....:eek: she thought no one would believe her and she made up the nanny story....

DIAL 911 !!!!

D I A L 9 1 1 ! ! !

D I A L ~ 9 1 1 ~ ! ! !

simple !

the cops would then L@@K for the KILLER !!!

SIMPLE !!!!!:rolleyes:


God Bless !
Just thought I'd add that, in order to get anyone to actually post their theories featuring anothe perp besides KC, this would need to be kept a SODDI friendly thread if you KWIM. Meaning that folks will feel their opinion is, at least, respected if not agreed with. :)
And KC didn't report the car stolen? Or that she couldn't find Caylee? Not even before the car was returned?

im just grasping here.....or reaching.....ha!

im trying to come up anything that the defense could throw out there....with out having to name and prove that someone else did it.....the stolen car was one thought.......KC could say....she thought one of her parents took the car....since it was her parents car.....
Children are kidnapped for a number of reasons...
A ransom being one of them..this did not occur.
Rape...we don't know, but rarely, if ever, does the perp place the abducted child back into the parents vehicle only to return to vehicle to retrieve body to dump in a swamp at a later time.
SODDI? Gonna have to have loads of evidence to convince me.
I will watch this thread with interest, but at the moment have little to contribute. I am at a loss to name a credible possible suspect, even a distant second choice to KC.

I am prepared to seriously consider other theories I hope the "I am not sure peeps" post.

Bold mine.

Me too. If anyone has any evidence pointing to anyone else I'd really be interested to hear about it.
I think the only type of theory/explanation that could actually work with all the facts i.e. KC not reporting Caylee missing, the trunk, etc. would be one in which their was a real threat to KC and/or her families safety if she said anything as well as a conspiracy to frame KC for the murder of Caylee.

All pretty hard to imagine, but hey, it does happen in the movies. :) JMO

Will be checking back to see if we get any theories. :)
OK... There were several rapes that occured at Blanchard Park leading up to a young woman being murdered there on 6/10/08. A week later KC took Caylee that park and left her there to "play". Came back later and she was gone. KC was afraid to tell CA cause obviously CA is too intense, so she made up the nanny story.
I'm reaching I know.

And the decomp got into the car how?
and the pictures of her at fusion was before she found caylee in the trunk.....TonE did say they used his car/jeep when ever they went somewhere....i have not seen anything that said that anyone had road in KC car......where was her car this whole time.....

like i said....i dont buy this....but just throwing it out got along with the thread....of someone else did it....
im just grasping here.....or reaching.....ha!

im trying to come up anything that the defense could throw out there....with out having to name and prove that someone else did it.....the stolen car was one thought.......KC could say....she thought one of her parents took the car....since it was her parents car.....

Very true. She could have thought that her parents picked up the car. But wouldn't she notice the missing child? And how did she get the car back, because she was seen driving it with the odor of decomp in the vehicle?
And the decomp got into the car how?

Not to mention the fact the first story KC gave, Caylee was taken at the steps at Sawgrass Apts. Then her story changed while talking to one of the people taking her back and forth to JB office. Which story/lie you believe is the one you have to base your theory on.
who seen her driving the car?
i know TonE helped her get gas for the car.....but he didnt notice a smell then....or her father on the 24th...she could say it happend after that...and she thought her mother had caylee
and the report of the decomp said it could be human...but it didnt say 100%

like i said already....just throwing this carp out go along with the see if we can come up with an idea that could be used and supported by the defense..... not sure if that is such a great idea.....i would hate for us to do all the work for JB
who seen her driving the car?

Well, she was driving the car because she kept running out of gas in the darn thing and TL had to go and pick her up once and take her gas once, IIRC AH had to get gas can for her. So she did in fact have her car, she was complaining via text to AH about the foul odor," KC's dad ran over a squirrel " or something to that effect.
Caylee was placed in 3 bags. Maybe the odor of decomp was not enough to be smelled from a distance at this point. TL states in his interview that KC would not let him put the gas in her car she did it.
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