The SODDI Defense (Some Other Dude Did It)...If not KC, who?

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No matter what they are going with she will have to admit to the nanny being fake and not having a job. Then she can just say she was a bad mother and left her with someone she barely knew who had access to her car and the Anthony home. Read my theory above.

In my area, a woman just got a big fat prison sentence for leaving her baby with her boyfriend, who then killed the baby. Just saying.
OK, this may be long, so please bear with me. First, I must state that for myself, I am 100% convinced that LE has the right suspect in custody.

However, I have always been a debater, both for and against things I believe in, and I do have some legal background.

That being said, to even think about the SODDI defense, we'd have to begin by listing the options that the defense has for their client:

1. Someone close to KC, who knows her, who knew baby Caylee, and who had access to the house, to car keys, to KC and to Caylee.

2. A complete stranger, child perp, molestor, or killer, loose in the area.

3. Someone in KC's family.

4. An Aquaintance of KC's - not a close friend, but someone who perhaps became obsessed with her daughter.

For each of these to even be considered as a SODDI defense, we would then have to find:

#1 - Motive
#2 - Opportunity
#3 - Intention
#4 - Some type of evidence in support of that theory
#5 - Witnesses

So, for any of the above theories to hold any water, (am I missing any? I didn't include accidental death that was covered up simply because I think it goes beyond the scope of SODDI.) one would have to look at just the facts, not the opinions, and find a way to argue even in light of the defendant's multiple lies (remember, according to CA lying is not a crime).

I am going to try and put together an argument for each of the 4 theories, and hopefully someone can bang each one down until there's nothing left to grasp onto.

A critical argument for opportunity will be.. who had access to KC's car, and could persuade/force her to drive around with the baby's body in the trunk, for a few days.
I have been reading through some posts and catching up and am still amazed to read posters stating that they are not sure Casey murdered her daughter.

If Casey didn't do it? Who did? What evidence points to a different murderer other than Casey?

She may have but if we had all the answers an investigation would be totally unnecessary.
How many come out of jail and have been innocent? WAY too many IMO.
I don't understand this either.

Apparently, not enough evidence yet to point to Casey?

BUT there's some mystery evidence that out there which must more abundantly point at this SOD???

What could there possibly be that trumps the guilt of this woman other than some who think that there has to be Beyond any Shadow of Doubt to convict.

Which isn't the standard. For that we need confession and/or eyewitness/video of the crime. Of all crimes!

We only need beyond a Reasonable doubt.

And there's no reason IMHO which which even comes close to being reasonable to doubt Casey Anthony murdered Caylee, hid her body down her street and never called the police or told another living soul something was wrong or that her daughter was "missing".

Cindy did after 31 DAYS.

Nope, why would she HIDE this at all, let alone that long if she were Innocent???
They have to be thorough and tie her to the deed, other wise she can walk and what if she is the only perp?
he did enough wrong but to what extent?
Yep. The way I see it, the defense can knock themselves out to manufacture DOUBT, but they'll only be able to get up to REASONABLE doubt if hell freezes over.

The way I'm understanding it now, the defense doesn't have to prove she's innocent that's "assumed" until the prosecution proves that she's guilty.

That said, I think she is guilty, I just hope the prosecution can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt with what they currently have.
I am prepared, and even keen, to read some SODDI theory. At the very least something to discuss and perhaps refine my own thoughts on the details of what happened.

Like you I have heard "possibly SODDI" but not a specific theory. Just Somebody unspecified other than KC.
There is a vast difference between a plausible theory based on facts and unsubstantiated supposition.
As my sig used to say: "Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but they are NOT entitled to be right" I think we are all gradually refining our opinion of what happened, to include facts as they come to light.
I have several thoughts running simultaneously...
That is not good to get a final just verdict; RIGHT?
details of it all is still murky.
1) Maybe Casey had an accident got scared.
2) Maybe she was selling drugs in the Club and gave Casey to someone to watch her while she is "Promoting the product"
Maybe she came up a lot of dollars short and was told that she better clean it up or else?
That would tie her into a shady bunch- what if she called LE daddy and due to shady bunch he selected to clean up.
3) what if she was busy with a John and left Caylee in a bordello and poor Caylee was abused?

I can not say she is responsible for it all if any of these elements exist.
I have said that she is guilty in degrees but to WHAT EXTENT?

There in lies the difference - it is not totally SODDI.
I hate to just point fingers without having all the pieces lined up.
dont forget the clean up job :furious: suggests that she is definitly a part of this murder. Or LE Daddy would not take this chance he is taking.
The way I'm understanding it now, the defense doesn't have to prove she's innocent that's "assumed" until the prosecution proves that she's guilty.

That said, I think she is guilty, I just hope the prosecution can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt with what they currently have.
these are operative words you using :)
Who had the most to gain (in their own little twisted mind) to get rid of Caylee? Stranger abduction highly unlikely. Someone wanted to set Casey up, why? I can't buy the SODDI defense.
Teach Casey a lesson?
Such as:
"You do not Rip me off without consequences ! ! ! "
I have several thoughts running simultaneously...
That is not good to get a final just verdict; RIGHT?
details of it all is still murky.
1) Maybe Casey had an accident got scared.
2) Maybe she was selling drugs in the Club and gave Casey to someone to watch her while she is "Promoting the product"
Maybe she came up a lot of dollars short and was told that she better clean it up or else?
That would tie her into a shady bunch- what if she called LE daddy and due to shady bunch he selected to clean up.
3) what if she was busy with a John and left Caylee in a bordello and poor Caylee was abused?

I can not say she is responsible for it all if any of these elements exist.
I have said that she is guilty in degrees but to WHAT EXTENT?

There in lies the difference - it is not totally SODDI.
I hate to just point fingers without having all the pieces lined up.
dont forget the clean up job :furious: suggests that she is definitly a part of this murder. Or LE Daddy would not take this chance he is taking.

Thinking of "maybe's" is fine, but they are not "theories" unless based on, and consistent with known facts. They may, or may not, be hypotheses worth following up, but are not theories.
For instance:
1. There is no evidence found of an accident. KC has never even claimed an accident. Certainly no ante mortem damage to the skeletal remains tends to rule out major physical trauma, car accidental running over etc.

2. There is no evidence of drug trafficking. Perhaps some testimony could show minor use, but nothing beyond that

3. No evidence of sex work, beyond a very enthusiastic and prolific amateur.
I have not even seen any testimony suggesting she was particularly good at it?
To me, it takes all types to make the world and it would be a boring place if we were all of a like mind. There are those who do take an opposing position, others who have an open mind and it takes a lot to convince them and, still others who look at KC differently than most do -- that she could not do this and it must have been one of her many encounters. It is sorta like politics that there are conservatives and liberals and many blend in their views (like a venn diagram) but there are the extremes on the left and right.

Nothing wrong with that -- makes life interesting.

I think a theory we should consider in SODDI is this recent floating of child molesters and if that is the Defense path, to win the sympathies of folks who fear perps and can see them taking Caylee.

ITA with you. Diversity of thought is healthy.
REPLY to Bolded area: that happens to be ONE of my theories but Casey has to admit having left Caylee with an Unsavory type.
This is what she is avoiding because the unsavory folks IMO are paying not to be brought into the case, and are setting up the foundation too.
So as long as she refuses to speak she is going to fry.
Really.... everyone knew about JB Park....and NOT to go alone...

but... the whole point... KC LIED !!!!!

KC LIED>>>> Again & again !!!!

Plus... the 1st thing...
very 1st thing... NO Matter what... CALL LE !!!! DIAL 911 !!!!!

& for sure....
after the story..... when she KNEW LE knew she lied....


BE SAD>>>>

CRY>>>>>> some kind of EMOTION Please ~ beside...
I have to eat cold slaw !!!!!

Please ~ after the BODY is found... SOMEONE KILLED CAYLEE!!!!

PLEASE ~~~~ SOME KIND OF ~ E M O T I O N ! ! ! ! !????

What's up with that...

even a :sheesh::beagle-flip: would show some EMOTION ! ! !

Oh well .... I forgot .... it's KC we are talking about !!!!!
Ms ________________________________________________________

God Bless !

heheheh ! You crack me up. (made red)
but you are right on girl friend ! :)
I would think if they were gonna say someone else did this it would be that someone randomly kidnapped Caylee and KC was too scared to tell her parents, fearing that they would "kill" her. I mean lets face it, CA sounded like a crazy, controlling, and overbearing mother and if something happened to her grandchild on my watch I might be afraid to tell her too. In the case of her partying during the 31 days, they might say she was too "traumatized" to process it or react, and therefore went on coping as best she could . Here's the problem with that: In her interview with the FBI in July, the guy questioning CA asks her how KC reacts to certain situations and CA tells him that she reacts normally (ie: happy when she should be, sad when she should, mad when she should, etc). If the defense is gonna say she was using "ugly coping" or didn't know how to react, couldn't the prosecution say "well according to her mother's statements, KC always reacted to things accordingly so wouldn't she have reacted to her child missing like a normal person would?"
And Cindy is a great barometer to know what acting normal is? :eek:

to Cindy a clean up job may be normal too. :rolleyes:
Here is why I get confused when I hear murmurs of SODDI: because that is all I have ever heard. Vague whispers.

I have yet to hear a single SODDI argument or piece of evidence articulated fully, other than to say, "SODDI."

There is never really anything to chew on or think over. No possible scenarios with supporting time lines or facts as to how JG, AH, TL or anyone else might have been the SOD.

I've seen some small possibilities that might have pointed towards CA, but other facts seem to counter those, so that is a wash for me.

It all comes down to this when the SODDI defense gets whispered - IMO:

If you can't articulate your argument, you don't have one.

But, I still read each time this topic comes up, because I wonder what will happen at the trial.

You don't have to be able to identify who the murderer was, to be able to see that the information available so far does not rule out the possibility of another perpetrator. The investigation into Casey was great. The investigation into the other people who had been with and around her and Caylee, very limited. Where are the ping maps for the other players? Where was even forensic examination of their homes/vehicles, etc (other than the luminol on the shoes in TL's jeep and the hair and leaf collection from the jeep.) And not just the family/friend circle, what about other people in the vicinities where Caylee had been?

Then add to that the fact that despite the location being right down the street from the Anthony home, right there in the neighborhood just beyond a back yard fence of a property, no body was ever smelled or noticed there, until so much later. No smell ever noticed by anyone who lived there, or by dogs out for walks, then people were all over the neighborhood, press, protesters, volunteer searchers, etc, and no one ever came across the body all that time.
We don't know what all the evidence is yet and neither does JB :jester:

Really we and he need to see that evidence before we can explain/refute it. I am hoping the tape, heart sticker, fibres, laundry bag, garbage bags etc all tie in to Anthony home and/or KC. Heaven knows how the defence will explain that?:confused:

How can we know - sifting through the lies is a full time job. :crazy:
As for JB even if he had evidence - doubt he would know what to do with it :spinner:
Thinking of "maybe's" is fine, but they are not "theories" unless based on, and consistent with known facts. They may, or may not, be hypotheses worth following up, but are not theories.
For instance:
1. There is no evidence found of an accident. KC has never even claimed an accident. Certainly to ante mortem damage to the skeletal remains tends to rule out major physical trauma, car accidental running over etc.

2. There is no evidence of drug trafficking. Perhaps some testimony could show minor use, but nothing beyond that

3. No evidence of sex work, beyond a very enthusiastic and prolific amateur.
I have not even seen any testimony suggesting she was particularly good at it?

You are right that evidence is lacking - and one of my sentences was about why they would ALL cover it up
- theory is : follow the money.

I am saying --- PROVE, PROVE, PROBE.. We already know a cover up did happen.
Actually the thought that Casey loves anyone more than herself is the fatal flaw in any theory that has Casey involved in covering up for someone else. Casey only cares about Casey. If there was someone she could roll over on she would do it in a heartbeat. There's no way she would cause herself one minute of even mild discomfort on someone else's behalf.

So any SODDI theory really has to have no involvement by Casey.
Casey would not cover up for anyone out of the goodness o her heart, no.
So far I see a clean up and a foundation. hmmmm.
something smells foul to me.
would she cover it up because of some other reason? YAP!
This "threat" that KC told her parents, if that was "real", then why was there no security on this family while KC was out on bond originally? Why was there no police protection around their house 24/7? I've posed this question in the past, and there is no logical explanation, if, there was any "true" threat to KC or the family...IMO
The threat could have been subsided because there was cooperation; namely a clean up and no finger pointing by Casey.
Could Cindy be this furious because she feels trapped? ...I'd say - maybe.
To accept this theory wouldn't you have to also be saying that KC loves the other person MORE than she loves her own daughter? Just saying.........most would have trouble buying that premise.

Or for money.....That is why she belongs in jail. but she may have not done the deed.
If this is the way it happend. :furious:
:whipper: :whipper: :whipper: :thewhip: :thewhip: :thewhip:

IF that hppend hense the 31 days, they did need time for the body to be a skelaton.
they do not want this to be out at all.
Who had the most to gain (in their own little twisted mind) to get rid of Caylee? Stranger abduction highly unlikely. Someone wanted to set Casey up, why? I can't buy the SODDI defense.

Well, as far as anything to "gain" by killing Caylee, what would Casey gain? Nothing. What would she lose? Everything. She'd lose Caylee, plus put at risk everything else she cared about and wanted, and she'd be looking at prison for the rest of her life or a death penalty. And the people who had known Casey throughout Caylee's life say Casey didn't have any motive to "get rid of" Caylee, and they don't believe she would ever harm Caylee.

A child molester/murderer (could be anyone who was around Casey and Caylee, friend or stranger) who simply saw an opportunity, for example, when Casey was occupied with a boyfriend or on the computer or at the club or asleep or on the phone or socializing with friends and not watching Caylee closely or whatever, a predator taking advantage of the situation to access Caylee, someone like that wouldn't be thinking in terms of "gain", most likely.

A rage killing, or killing by someone who was simply high or out of their mind or whatever, could have been perpetrated by anyone conceivably, not necessarily Casey, and there's no history of that kind of behavior on Casey's part, though I can't rule her out completely either of course. The fact that she didn't report the disappearance and her strange behavior while in prison etc (i.e. the lack of urgency and concern) is one of the strangest things about this case and very incriminating. If she didn't commit the murder, was she involved in the coverup, possibly even in the disposal of the body, or was it something completely different, did she think Caylee was alive and was going to be returned, but she was wrong? MOO
Well dear, you have outdone yourself, and certainly put the sod in SODDI!! Now you need to copyright it so that JB can't co-opt the entire thing and make it into some kind of defense. Something like Casey Anthony and the Half-Blood Prince...

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
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