The SODDI Defense (Some Other Dude Did It)...If not KC, who?

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As a former member and chapter president when I lived in FL, I can assure you that AIA is an established and highly thought of organization. However, as you must know, any study in academia has those experts who agree and disagree with any given set of facts or their interpretation. Scholarly debates are the norm not the exception.

However, even if the cadaver dog info is correct, what everyone is missing is that we have always managed to assume that any decomp fluid the dogs hit on in the back yard was due to something KC herself did with Caylee's body the month prior. We have another alternative available to us and that would be if, after picking up the car at Johnsons, either of the Anthonys took either the wheel well cover (if the stain was decomp fluid) and pants, shoes or any other items and propped them up against the sandbox or playhouse and rinsed them off with a hose. If the trunk had been cleaned with a wet vac and the water dumped out using the garage back door, it would be next to the pool and could explain that hit as well. That would make the deposit of decomp within a day or two and not over a month and would explain why two sets of cadaver dogs managed to hit the same places.

Circumstantial evidence is not strong because it is scientifically irrefutable, it's because, when it is considered in toto it presents a pattern any reasonable person would see and agree with. Three or four separate sources pointing to decomp (humans, animals and scientific instruments) would indicate the likelihood of something being true more than it being false.

OK, this is a bit off topic, but what you wrote made me think of something. Remember the day Casey reportedly backed into the garage? Could it be that on that day Casey took the Wheel well cover out herself and washed it in the backyard? I wonder if perhaps that was THE DAY that she actually left Caylee's body on the vacant lot on Suburban and she stopped by home to clean up afterwards. Do we know what day that was? I couldn't find it on the case calendar...
Thank you for clearing that up. Earlier in the week other poster's claimed it was NOT likely that ANYONE had the other set of keys to Casey's car. But now we know the truth. That's very helpful.
That's still a far cry from Cindy's claims that JG has keys to Casey's car. Oh, yes, and Zenaida had keys to the house. Does ANYONE see Cindy being OK with a stranger having a key to her house? I sure don't.
I've wondered about this possibility myself. You've laid out a very interesting theoretical Defense case. If the defense goes this direction, how do you think they will explain the odor in Casey's car?

One would also wonder whether KC would remain incarcerated to protect CA.
Casey protect Cindy? hahahahahhaaha
She'd throw her under the bus at the first opportunity.
I agree with you. We have seen no evidence of any SO being looked at. I hope that this is not tunnel vision on the part of LE. While Casey certainly did EVERYTHING possible to make herself look bad to LE, I do think that at the very least SO's should have been considered. I hope LE did that and we just don't know. If not, that is a hole in the case that the defense will exploit to show reasonable doubt.

I really hate to think what the lawyers (both defense and prosecution) may make of this case once it goes to trial. What is presented may be so drastically different from what we have all read and know about that we barely recognize the case.

IF the As or JB felt they had any ground to gain by accusing an SO, they would be shouting it to the rooftops, even now.
OK, this is a bit off topic, but what you wrote made me think of something. Remember the day Casey reportedly backed into the garage? Could it be that on that day Casey took the Wheel well cover out herself and washed it in the backyard? I wonder if perhaps that was THE DAY that she actually left Caylee's body on the vacant lot on Suburban and she stopped by home to clean up afterwards. Do we know what day that was? I couldn't find it on the case calendar...

If you are talking about the day she borrowed the shovel, that was June 18th and probably too early for the scenario you are imagining. I'm not sure if she was noticed backing into the garage any other time in the next 9 days.
I can't help it. This thread reminds me of an old Bill Cosby stand up record (age alert!) in which he describes how his father enters the bedroom wondering why there is a racket on the other side of the door where Bill and his brother are ostensibly sleeping. It's a long and involved monologue but the punch line is something like "Dad, seriously, A MAN CAME IN THROUGH THE WINDOW and MADE us JUMP on the BED!"

And then I visualize KC (doing her impression of Jon Lovitz as SNL's The Pathological Liar) saying, "Yeah! Yeah! Some other dude did it! Yeah! That's the ticket!"

BAD Beans! You just dated BOTH of us!:blowkiss:
If you are talking about the day she borrowed the shovel, that was June 18th and probably too early for the scenario you are imagining. I'm not sure if she was noticed backing into the garage any other time in the next 9 days.

She only backed into the garage that one time - at least that was observed and reported. You know, we really don't know for absolute certain what day Caylee died. The odor signature was 2.6 days decomp. If on that afternoon Casey was cleaning out her trunk, then that would indicate Caylee might have died on the evening of the 15th, not the 16th. So what would that mean for the SODDI defense strategy?
IF the As or JB felt they had any ground to gain by accusing an SO, they would be shouting it to the rooftops, even now.

Well, if you don't think the Defense has a SODDI strategy, why are you on this thread?

Also, Linda Baden compared Casey's case to Sam Sheppard's case, so what do YOU think she meant by that if not SODDI?
Again, my comment was taken out of context. I simply meant since being arrested and hiring JB Casey has not lied to LE because she has not talked to them.

That's like saying that KC only lies when her mouth is open. With which we would all agree.
These are my feelings on the SODDI topic here.
If the Defense does decide to pin Caylee's death on someone else, it will either be a family member or a close friend/associate of Casey.
I think they are going to cry accident, that is really the only logical choice for JB and his crowd to use.
Well, if you don't think the Defense has a SODDI strategy, why are you on this thread?

Also, Linda Baden compared Casey's case to Sam Sheppard's case, so what do YOU think she meant by that if not SODDI?

I took the title of this thread to mean that if someone did not agree with a SODDI defense they were free to voice the fact they thought if not KC, then they feel the evidence doesn't really point to anyone.

LKB may have insinuated that a SODDI defense could be possible if she meant to link it to Sam Sheppard, but from what I've read about AL so far, that's not an avenue she likes to go down on DP cases, so this whole concept may be moot eventually. Until then, I think it's interesting to weight the various merits of different SODDI scenarios even vs. no SODDI scenario.
Well, if you don't think the Defense has a SODDI strategy, why are you on this thread?

Also, Linda Baden compared Casey's case to Sam Sheppard's case, so what do YOU think she meant by that if not SODDI?

She meant that Sheppherd claimed SODDI, was not believed, and was ultimately proved innocent. Which, by extension, means that we should take KC's SODDI claims seriously.

She forgot to mention that in Sheppard's day, we did not have the DNA and other criminalist technology that we have now.

Sheppard was tried in 1954! The two cases are as comparable as a propeller- driven airplane and a rocket ship.
I know this may come as a shock to you, but Grand Juries HAVE indicted innocent people before on weak or inconclusive evidence. It does happen.

I'm not saying that is the case here - I have no idea what the Grand Jury heard - but it has happened.

I seem to recall the lawyer's joke on Court TV--"A grand jury would indict a ham sandwich" if they could.
I personally, have never seen a dog "sniff the air slowly and carefully." I would suggest you put on your hip waders while reading this article. It is against the nature of most working dogs I have ever known. They tend to be very high drive dogs. To describe what I mean, we had a saying, "You can barely stand to live with a good search dog."

There is no indication in what I have read, as to the certification body, or training given to these dogs or handlers. South Florida dogs train and work in Florida every day, and do very well in the heat. I have personally never owned a cadaver dog, but have trained with them on several occasions. I never recall a time when we had to go show a certified dog where the scent article was.

Statistics are easy to manipulate, which is why they will undoubtedly play a prominent part in this trial.

I have a tracking dog.That's him in my siggie.He moves at the speed of light when he's on a track.We have to work him around at times so he doesn't overshoot a scent.If he has lost a scent or is trying to pick one up he may air scent for a moment,but his nose is usually to the ground.He tracks live people.Cadaver dogs are not tracking exactly,they move around until they hit upon the scent at the place a dead body was or is.
Was actually confirming your post while replying to AE ,USARDOG.I defer to you as the expert.I just have one that's trained to track because my son has autism : )
You are taking my statement out of context. From the time of Casey's first arrest and hiring of Baez, forward, she has not told the police any lies because she hasn't talked to police. Yes, I agree, she has zero credibility regarding all the stuff she told police up until her arrest. My response was to those who keep saying that Casey has continued to lie to police, when in fact, she has said nothing more to police.

By leaving her story as it is and not correcting what she originally told LE ,KC is ,in essence,continuing to lie to police.
Well, first an anthropologist's credentials are challenged and now a publication of the Archaeological Institute of America. I would think that this orginization wouldn't publish nonsense. The other article was simply reporting, not publishing their opinion. And Ms. Enwere was good enough to have her thesis excepted and published, so I would give it due respect. But we all must make our choices as to how we form our opinions and gather information in which to do that in a well balanced way. I have been very careful to not state opinions that are not based on the actual documents in this case, balanced with research through reputable sources, where I don't already have enough knowledge. That isn't to say that I won't have my opinion changed as more real facts come forth in this case. At this point, her guilt can not be determined reasonably. That can't happen till both sides present all the evidence.

As I see it ,the problem with research documents and experts reports is that as time goes on opinions change.The medical diet research changes all the time,as an example.Coffee is harmful,coffee is good.Fat is harmful,no it's the carbs that cause fat.
Researchers and acadamia are always looking for the next thing to report about.It doesn't make it irrefutable.
For every document you show us there are likely to be other documents with another expert saying something different.
Even in a trial you will have very well respected experts disagree.Then the jury has to decide for themselves.
I've wondered about this possibility myself. You've laid out a very interesting theoretical Defense case. If the defense goes this direction, how do you think they will explain the odor in Casey's car?

LKB will dispute the science and claim everyone smelled pizza.That's how she rolls and it's why she was hired .
OK, this is a bit off topic, but what you wrote made me think of something. Remember the day Casey reportedly backed into the garage? Could it be that on that day Casey took the Wheel well cover out herself and washed it in the backyard? I wonder if perhaps that was THE DAY that she actually left Caylee's body on the vacant lot on Suburban and she stopped by home to clean up afterwards. Do we know what day that was? I couldn't find it on the case calendar...

Finally ,something we can agree on! :blowkiss:
That would be a definite possibility.IMO
I have a tracking dog.That's him in my siggie.He moves at the speed of light when he's on a track.We have to work him around at times so he doesn't overshoot a scent.If he has lost a scent or is trying to pick one up he may air scent for a moment,but his nose is usually to the ground.He tracks live people.Cadaver dogs are not tracking exactly,they move around until they hit upon the scent at the place a dead body was or is.
Was actually confirming your post while replying to AE ,USARDOG.I defer to you as the expert.I just have one that's trained to track because my son has autism : )

Yes, my dog was more than willing to air scent too. i had to work to teach him to track. As a matter of fact, being a Mal I had to work to teach him to use his nose at all, as he would prefer to use his eyes, ears, and brain to solve problems. He also was a very fast worker. His son was so fast I could not use him at all. The son insistad on running everywhere! He couldn't be trused around cliffs.

Congratulations on your having the insite to train your own search dog, and please forgive any preceved slight on my part, as it was not intended.
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