The SODDI Defense (Some Other Dude Did It)...If not KC, who?

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Yep yep. Now, I might add this - Princess, take a chicken leg - place it in the trunk of a car, or even a sealed box. After two days, lift the lid and remove the chicken, but leave the juices in the box and reseal. Check the box or trunk after another 3 days - check it again after 5 days - check it again after 10 days - check it at 15 days - and come back and tell me if the smell grew stronger or faded away.

(had to do a project in biology once, so I already know what the answer will be..)
I have to laugh at this. I had an odor in my kitchen one summer. I thought something was rotten in the frig. Nope. Smell got worse and worse and after a week I found a raw chicken breast that had fallen out of the freezer and into a magnet paper holder on the frig. However, even a raw uncooked meat product with produce the two chemicals that are produced in the decomposition of HUMAN flesh. That is why cadaver dogs don't usually hit on animal remains.
I agree. I thought the purpose of this thread was to see if we could come up with a viable SOD, not to put each other down.

Stating for the record I think everyone here is extremely intelligent and inquisitive and searching for the truth - please do not take anyone's comments personally because I want those that believe an SO did it to convince me as you would if you were trying to convince a juror of KC's innocence.

I have not seen ANY evidence that leads to an SO and TONS of other evidence that leads to KC herself.

Do we want her to be guilty? I can't bear the thought. But sadly, it does happen sometimes that a mother takes the life of her children. :( :cry:
He might have seen Caylee in her front yard with any of the family and therefore knew where she lived. That is a common way for SO's who are not known to the family to find their victim. They cruise around and look for kids in various neighborhoods. It would have been easy for him to go in back of the Anthony house through the vacant lot and look over or possibly through the fence and whenever he wanted to, unobserved by others. Even in the daytime, he would be able to do this unobserved.

Okay,my question wasn't when he might have seen Caylee ,it was "when did he take her and where did he take her from?"
We have family saying Caylee left with KC on June 16th .No one ever sees her again until her remains are found in Dec. You believe SO's from the area should be investigated. What would LE go on?
WHERE did he pick Caylee up and WHEN was it he was able to take her and WHERE WAS KC since she was the one who left with Caylee.
The police have to have something to go on to start an investigation.KC didn't claim a stranger took her.She didn't claim Caylee disappeared from the yard or the house.I'm just not sure where you come up with the SO theory when there is nothing the family or KC has said that would even vaguely lead to that conclusion.
I agree. I thought the purpose of this thread was to see if we could come up with a viable SOD, not to put each other down.

Please understand, I am not putting anyone down. You are entitled to your opinion.

However, posts that contain lengthy alleged discrepancies of LE reports/statements and FBI forensic reports or that accuse LE of falsifying reports that don't have any SODDI theories attached, don't follow the theme of this thread, SODDI.
I have to laugh at this. I had an odor in my kitchen one summer. I thought something was rotten in the frig. Nope. Smell got worse and worse and after a week I found a raw chicken breast that had fallen out of the freezer and into a magnet paper holder on the frig. However, even a raw uncooked meat product with produce the two chemicals that are produced in the decomposition of HUMAN flesh. That is why cadaver dogs don't usually hit on animal remains.

Yep - my point is that even though the body may have been removed from the trunk at some point, the smell WOULD continue to become stronger if there are liquids left behind - not dissipate as some have suggested.

So, for GA and TL to NOT smell the decomp, then the tow yard to NOT smell the decomp, but then later on the smell was VERY strong - left in a hot, tight, airless place, this is exactly what I would expect to have happen.
There is nothing to make anyone think a SO was involved in Caylee's murder. There is overwhelming evidence that points to Casey Anthony, no one else is being looked at or looked for.

The purpose of this thread is to figure out what the Defense's SODDI strategy might be, so I'm not sure how your comments fit in here?

I've read every single document, seen every interview, and I personally think Casey is probably guilty. But, at the same time, we have the Defense building their own case and I'm trying to predict what that may be based on the evidence we have so far. Since we have only seen the prosecution's evidence that leaves us in a bit of a vacuum where we have to look to things like the police interviews to determine what the Defense may say.
Reallly? Would you please PM me the name of the pizza company you worked for? I don't want to eat pizza from there EVER! I'm not joking. That is disgusting and obviously they are using a huge amount of preservatives in their product.

With pizza made from fresh ingredients, tomato products and vegetables decompose first which creates a decomposing vegetal odor. The bread will mold - just like any loaf of bread get's moldy - after about 2 weeks. The cheese will go green and moldy, the oil will become rancid. The meats would probably act like jerky or a similar product, decrease in moisture and darken up, become very tough. If in damp conditions, the meat would rot instead and become moldy with a green mold.

I'm willing to bet enough of us here have had those giant pizza boxes with leftover pizza in them sitting around until trash day.It gets hard.
With the evidence we have so far (that which have been available with the SSL) the only sodd could be CA/GA/LA--maybe Mallory.
Not being smart, but how can you give such precise measurements without having been at the site and taken these measurements while Caylee was there? If you have been to the site, I apologize.

If you will reread my post you quoted you will see I cited the document I used. It is the same documents everyone here has access too. The scene is described in detail and included an elevation map with the areas drawn in where the items were found. I could upload everything from my document folder but it would be much easier for you to get your own copies. Of course I don't have inside information not released in discovery. I live in Michigan for goodness sake. I've never even been to Florida, although I do have a client down there.

As for Ms. Enwere's credentials and expertise, she wrote this thesis as part of her masters program in the department of Anthropology at Texas U. Is there anyone here that would disagree with her with at least the same credentials? Does she have to be a professor to know what she is talking about? I've observed vultures myself, and hawks, coyotes, just not on a clothed person, which is why I wrote to her. I knew the cadavers were wrapped in blankets. With my own acquired knowledge and reading her work and email, I don't have any doubt she was placed there without clothing. I'm 99% sure something happened to loosen her teeth. I don't for a minute believe she was already getting loose teeth from adult teeth erupting.

I have not read one post here that has accused LE of falsifying reports.
Again, I am repeating myself. The timeline, pings and texts just don't support this. Unless ............ you are saying that a SO cruised down Hopespring Dr, saw Caylee, distracted which ever adult was in the A home, took off with Caylee, taking her blanket, removing trashbags and laundry bags from the garage AND NO ONE IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OR HOME NOTICED??????

Sorry to shout but if this happened shouting is important.

Did I miss anything? Oops, I did miss the duct tape and heart stickers the SO also removed from the A house when he/she also was taking Caylee.

Why do you think this is so impossible? Are you not aware of the Polly Klaas, Adam Walsh or Etan Patz? Seriously, have you never heard of a kidnapper taking a child and molesting and killing them? Have you never heard of a killer taking trophies from the victims' house? Or a kidnapper duct taping their victim?

The Defense is going to have a case of some kind and they have indicated it's a SODDI case, so I think, instead of us trying to tear down any possibility of a SOD, we should spend our time trying to figure out what the Defense case is going to be.

Let me remind you, I personally believe Casey is probably guilty. I won't say only Guilty until she has been tried and convicted. BUT I'm willing to consider lots of different ideas as to what the Defense case may be.
I seriously doubt that Caylee was allowed out front. The back yard seems like it was designed just for Caylee. A SO is a far-fetched SODDI imo.

The Anthony's had 3 cars and a 2 car garage. Someone had to park out front. To take Caylee anywhere, sometimes, someone would have to take her out the front door. And it's not unusual to think that Caylee may have been carried or walked outside to the mailbox from time to time or had been in the front yard while someone did a little gardening or watering. I'm sure she was mainly in the backyard with her playhouse and toys, but most little kids do come out in front of their houses from time to time.
The purpose of this thread is to figure out what the Defense's SODDI strategy might be, so I'm not sure how your comments fit in here?

I've read every single document, seen every interview, and I personally think Casey is probably guilty. But, at the same time, we have the Defense building their own case and I'm trying to predict what that may be based on the evidence we have so far. Since we have only seen the prosecution's evidence that leaves us in a bit of a vacuum where we have to look to things like the police interviews to determine what the Defense may say.
To me,the point is KC has put herself knee deep in the murder of her daughter so if SODDI it's not likely to be a stranger abduction by an SO in the area that the police haven't thought to investigate.It's more likely to be someone associated to KC .Whether SODDI or not ,it all leads back to KC.
Molds, vegetal odors and racid oils DO NOT smell like decomp. And yes, I know from personal experience, both.

FYI I was agreeing with the poster and pointing out that even with FRESH ingredients, the odor is different than human or even animal decomp. That's why I described it at a vegetal decomp odor.
The Anthony's had 3 cars and a 2 car garage. Someone had to park out front. To take Caylee anywhere, sometimes, someone would have to take her out the front door. And it's not unusual to think that Caylee may have been carried or walked outside to the mailbox from time to time or had been in the front yard while someone did a little gardening or watering. I'm sure she was mainly in the backyard with her playhouse and toys, but most little kids do come out in front of their houses from time to time.

So are you saying Caylee could have been abducted from her front yard or her house? Why the heck would KC and her family being pushing a Nanny took her if she was taken by a SO ? That just doesn't make sense?Even hypothetically.
Why do you think this is so impossible? Are you not aware of the Polly Klaas, Adam Walsh or Etan Patz? Seriously, have you never heard of a kidnapper taking a child and molesting and killing them? Have you never heard of a killer taking trophies from the victims' house? Or a kidnapper duct taping their victim?

The Defense is going to have a case of some kind and they have indicated it's a SODDI case, so I think, instead of us trying to tear down any possibility of a SOD, we should spend our time trying to figure out what the Defense case is going to be.

Let me remind you, I personally believe Casey is probably guilty. I won't say only Guilty until she has been tried and convicted. BUT I'm willing to consider lots of different ideas as to what the Defense case may be.

They were all reported missing! I'm just not understanding how you think the defense can use this when KC and her family have such a different story.
I was very curious about this, because of the pizza theories out there - I did try with several pizza pieces from different pizza shops - one was plain cheese, one had green peppers and pepperoni and one was a deluxe.


The green peppers wilted, eventually turned a dark grayish green color, all the crusts hardened, the pepperoni turned gray and hard, and THERE WAS NO SMELL, MOLD OR MAGGOTS.

I had them directly in the car - no bags, just one on the dash, one in the trunk and one on the backseat (an old car that was sitting outside.)

NOW - do you mean to TELL ME that KC used and made a pizza with fresh ingredients FROM SCRATCH, and did not order a pizza that came in the EMPTY box that was found?

If you don't believe us, try it yourself and you will see the light - there is NO DECOMP SMELL - not even a bad smell at ALL.

What the heck are you talking about?

I said even a fresh made pizza with fresh ingredients such as arugula and tomato salad on top will only result in a vegetal decomp odor. I did the same experiment myself with a gourmet pizza.
I have NEVER seen the cheese turn green or molding. That only occurs with cheese in your frig. Try leaving a piece of pizza in your trunk in the summer. It will not mold.

Mine did, but the pizza had unpasturized cheese on it made with a white mold - could make a huge difference. I don't think Casey had a pizza anything like mine, but even so, the only odor I got was vegetal decay.
Why do you think this is so impossible? Are you not aware of the Polly Klaas, Adam Walsh or Etan Patz? Seriously, have you never heard of a kidnapper taking a child and molesting and killing them? Have you never heard of a killer taking trophies from the victims' house? Or a kidnapper duct taping their victim?

The Defense is going to have a case of some kind and they have indicated it's a SODDI case, so I think, instead of us trying to tear down any possibility of a SOD, we should spend our time trying to figure out what the Defense case is going to be.

Let me remind you, I personally believe Casey is probably guilty. I won't say only Guilty until she has been tried and convicted. BUT I'm willing to consider lots of different ideas as to what the Defense case may be.

BBM: Maybe 31 days of silence from the A clan.
I concue. I live in a house of single people who order all kinds of pizza and they constantly leave it sitting out. I am not sure that cooked cheese can even mold. Even the "fresh" ingredients are COOKED in the oven.

Cheese is MADE with mold. Yes, they CAN turn moldy. They can also be contaminated with dangerous types of molds. Generally, after the cooking process, any mold on cheese is the contamination type and the food should be discarded.
Why do you think this is so impossible? Are you not aware of the Polly Klaas, Adam Walsh or Etan Patz? Seriously, have you never heard of a kidnapper taking a child and molesting and killing them? Have you never heard of a killer taking trophies from the victims' house? Or a kidnapper duct taping their victim?

The Defense is going to have a case of some kind and they have indicated it's a SODDI case, so I think, instead of us trying to tear down any possibility of a SOD, we should spend our time trying to figure out what the Defense case is going to be.

Let me remind you, I personally believe Casey is probably guilty. I won't say only Guilty until she has been tried and convicted. BUT I'm willing to consider lots of different ideas as to what the Defense case may be.

Didn't them peeps call 911 when they lost their kids? No way to get round that 31 days.
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