THE SPOTA TRIAL...assuming he goes to trial.

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DNA Solves
Whatever you want to call her she did an excellent job.
Hawk, what's your thoughts on the opening statements?
I wasn't there for them. But from what I heard and read I thought the prosecutor won.

The defense is going to try and demolish their main witness: James Hickey. I love it. The idea way back when is to get Hickey and The Burke group, which includes Spota and McPartland stabbing Meach other in the back.

We know Hickey had a lot of problems with the booze and South Oaks Hospital. Can't say there were any surprises there. The PROBLEM is his problems began when he started lying for Spota/Burke. That goes back to at least 2004 when he lied against my son in law in a Spota and Burke frame job. NOBODY did nothing when I complained to the FEDS, NYS AG Cuomo, IAB, NOBODY!!!

Now the defense is going to beat up on Hickey when HIckey became what he is because of the Spota and Burke. If I have my timelines right Hickey got his cushy job in Criminal Intel right about the time he testified in the son in law's case.
How well known was the Viagra? Lines up with the female who said she was with Burke on Oak Beach, and that he had ED issues. I just can't recall if that was a somewhat-known factoid at that time.
It seems as though the trial is more about Burke than it is for Spota. Today the paper posted a photo of the gun belt entered into evidence. It was supposed to be the gun belt Loeb stole from Burke's car. Never could get my head around Burke leaving an empty belt in his car. It made no sense for a cop that really doesn't need to wear his battle equipment to work and does so.

What I did notice was it was a belt and holster for a left handed person. Burke happens to be right handed ! Question: Is that really his official belt or is it a prop he left in his fun bag to arouse his love partner .
You notice that the ONLY update to the court case is Hawk telling you a picture from the paper.

Hawk has arrived late, he is constantly talking out loud while the prosecutors and defense lawyers are presenting their case - Hawk has been shushed repeatedly because he is not mindful of the court procedures and he keeps talking while the prosecutors are trying to capture the attention of the jury.

Hawk arrives late to court - very late

so henceforth - you will not be getting the entire detailed court proceedings from Hawk anytime soon.
I didn't know I had a schedule to appear. BTW, I don't talk out loud, but i might whisper to a friend sitting next to me. I also don't try to eavesdrop on the conversations the prosecutors have among themselves or with the defense attorneys during breaks in the testimony.
I came on this Board after the owners found me on 631 Politics. The owner contacted me and invited me to join. I posted on 631 until a certain person made it difficult to do so. I found a way around it. She blocked it again. Never knew why she did it. Denied it up and down.

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If you are having a problem hearing maybe you should put up a Go Fund Me page to collect money for a hearing aid.
The lead prosecutor is The United States of America.......and that's all you need to know.
You folks read the latest about the RATMAN fearing for his life meeting Burke. Hickey had to pick the spot. Hey, Ratman, Jimmy didn't want to meet you on Gilgo?
The parking lot of the Oheka Castle would have been a great place to meet. You know that place very well, don't you, Ratman? You actually worked on the shooting case of Melius when Spota brought your unit: Criminal Intelligence in to 'assist' the other detective squads.
Hickey was afraid Burke wanted to kill him. Reminds me of an old Amos N Andy episode. Andy Brown walks into their clubhouse while Kingfish is counting out his IRS Tax refund. Andy asks KF how do you get a refund. Kingfish says, “ Son, first you go to do some funding before you get a refund”. I kind of think Hickey must have known something of Burke ‘funding’, i.e. murders he believes Burke has done.

Burke and Hickey framed my former son in law and attempted to put him away for 30+ years. Everything fell off the table and he got 3 for nothing. Burke and Hickey were as snug as a bug because Tom Spota ordered it. John Scott Prudenti put the frame together when he wasn’t renting out his boat to the lawyers with cases in the office.
Tommy Boy those priests you have in the gallery are not going to help you. Remember what you got Braslow to say in the Tankleff 440? He called a priest and two nuns nefarious scoundrels.
What you may have read in the papers is the wiretap on Det Oliva's phone was not because he was putting fellow cops in jeopardy by leaking to Newsday, it was because Spota and Burke wanted to monitor what Oliva was saying about Burke.

Those tapes were *advertiser censored* rated because what was on those tapes would have made all of them blush - especially Burke and Spota. Taking Oliva to trial would have produced those tapes and that is where to fun would begin. No way that was going to happen and so he got a misdemeanor to cop out to and not go through the agony of keeping his pension.

One of those little nuggets of information was a certain former high ranking chief took his girlfriend to Pickle Park and had her srrvice men. The deal was the chief would come in to finish her customer off with oral sex.
What you may have read in the papers is the wiretap on Det Oliva's phone was not because he was putting fellow cops in jeopardy by leaking to Newsday, it was because Spota and Burke wanted to monitor what Oliva was saying about Burke.

Those tapes were *advertiser censored* rated because what was on those tapes would have made all of them blush - especially Burke and Spota. Taking Oliva to trial would have produced those tapes and that is where to fun would begin. No way that was going to happen and so he got a misdemeanor to cop out to and not go through the agony of keeping his pension.

One of those little nuggets of information was a certain former high ranking chief took his girlfriend to Pickle Park and had her srrvice men. The deal was the chief would come in to finish her customer off with oral sex.
James was close enough with his Pickle Park partner that they could share their 'lovers' for a few minutes but they would have a child together living in another part of the country.
VERY funny article in Newsday tonight.


Spota and McPartland's lawyers insisting that the lead

Meester James Hickey (affectionately called RATMAN) by Hawk

lied on the witness stand.

I laughed right out loud. The prosecutors said all along that Hickey was
SPOTA, BURKE and McPARLANDS BFF for 10 years in the "inner circle"

and Hickey was the 2nd phone call that Burke made when he realized
his party bag was missing.

WANNA talk about liars Spota? It' wasn't a "pervert" Chris Loeb called
burke - it was PEDOPHILE.

Wanna talk about liars Spota? IT wasn't the beat down that you ,Tommie Spota,
Emily Constant, James Hickey, Chris McPartland, Madigan and the
ENTIRE Suffolk county police department and the ENTIRE Suffolk County
district attorney's office, and the Brooklyn District Attorney's office, as well as
the police unions were covering up...… was the CHILD *advertiser censored*
and the snuff films that Loeb found in your bag Jimmy boy.
Had Homeland Security gotten their hands on your DVD's

There would have been NO TRIAL babe - you would have been
THROWN head first into a prison cell for ten years without ANY
chance of freedom.

Papers: Spota, McPartland want convictions thrown out; seek new trial
MAGE, Who are you that can see so clearly through all the bullmanure? The minute I read the Criminal Intel people were involved in catching Loeb I said Uh Oh Hickey is not far behind.

What I hoped for is these criminals would be caught with liars. They LIED big time in my former SILs case that even I had a tough time believing anyone would have the gall to lie as they did.

The article: I wonder what they are talking about when the defense mentioned things may have been left out by the FEDS. I have to believe that when Hickey signed up with the FEDS and gave his proffer he told them EVERYTHING!! Everything including the lies he told about the SIL The record is very clear Hickey LIED. We even have one report where Hickey was interviewed 5months before the SIL trial by Det."Lying Lewis" and Lewis wrote in this notebook: "Interviewed Lt.Hickey and he has NO RECOLLECTION of the incident" ( meaning the burglary of King kullen)

Don't count on anything getting better in Suffolk because the new DA is the cleaned up version of the old DA.

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