The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #5

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Am I correct in that the waitress said that Suzie appeared to be very drunk and Sherill was trying to keep her calm? Could LE have discounted this encounter because it didn't fit with the timeline that they thought was the correct timeline? How many times during that week would all three of them have the opportunity to walk into George's Restaurant?

The George's sighting has always interested me, though certainly eyewitness testimony is not reliable, although missing on three people is a lot more than just mistaking one. And your last question (were they ever in there before, together?) is a good one. When the forensic astrology forum looked at this case, the astrologer said they had gone to George's. But that, of course, is an interpretation of something (astrological event charts) that many on this thread may dismiss outright.

What the George's sighting does for me is provide a possible answer to the question of how the three women might have become the random targets of a predator or predators. Since I don't think the abductions/murders began as a routine burglary or robbery, and I don't think the families were involved, that leaves 1) the women were random victims of a predator or predators or 2) the women were acquainted with the abductor/murders (e.g., the grave robbers). If the victims knew their killer(s), then the answer is in their daily lives, their routines, their history. If not, then the question is how the women became targets--was it the house that was the target--and perhaps Sherrill as the original target? were the girls followed from a party? stalked? or were they seen somewhere that night at a convenience store or a place like George's? That's why I am still interested in George's.
Read all my posts then you'll know who I am talking about. He is RED's son. RED stabbed him late this summer and during a run with the cops he claimed to know where some bodies were and claims they were these women. I have "proof" that this happened.

I'm tired of "making the shoe fit" so I want the pieces to fall as they lay. .

While it is true that RED allegedly (no conviction yet) stabbed TG last summer and he[TG] told cops he allegedly knew where the bodies were buried, the timeline provided by TG to investigators is off.....and not just by a few weeks or months, but SEVERAL years.

What you need to realize is that the evidence we need can not be made to HAS to be the corner piece of the puzzle that is the perfect fit.

I have the utmost respect for Can't Say, but have you run all of his information down and talked with those he claims are involved or have ties to the above mentioned?
Kathee, I just said the point about making the shoe fit.

I was asking for a link between TG and the women. If what you told me is correct then I guess it's off the books. You're acting as if I talk to Neal on a daily basis. I'm just trying to have an open mind. But if you say the time line is off then I'm ready to move on. Kathee can you state for the record that RED is pretty much off the books? And if TG said there are some bodies, whose are he talking about? I'm speculating that TG even taking police on a wild goose chase, being the same age as the girls, and being linked to RED and potentially Garrison, my ears went up. I just want it eliminated and Kathee, if you honestly think it's a dead end, boy I'm ready to move on.
I still don't see that working because they were suppose to of stayed at a friends house and going to her house was a last min change of plans. Also even if they knew they were going back to her house would you really invite a bunch of guys back to your house when your mom is home. Just does not fit for me.

Oh NO, I wouldn't have invited a bunch of guys over because my mom was super strict about things like that. It may have only been one guy that was invited over, but maybe that guy picked up a friend on the way over to the house.

Has anyone figured out who slept where? Did one of the girls sleep on the couch that night? Is that why the TV was on? Or was one of the girls watching TV while waiting for someone who was invited over to arrive?
Oh NO, I wouldn't have invited a bunch of guys over because my mom was super strict about things like that. It may have only been one guy that was invited over, but maybe that guy picked up a friend on the way over to the house.

Has anyone figured out who slept where? Did one of the girls sleep on the couch that night? Is that why the TV was on? Or was one of the girls watching TV while waiting for someone who was invited over to arrive?
Nobody knows for sure if they ever slept.

Please read every thread here because a lot of this and more are covered for you. :)
I just want it eliminated and Kathee, if you honestly think it's a dead end, boy I'm ready to move on.

At this point I just don't see it going anywhere. Chatted with Neal earlier this week and both our timelines regarding RED and TG pretty much align.

I feel the same way about the PG....either eliminate it or confirm it. It's not the only spot I'm interested in!
At this point I just don't see it going anywhere. Chatted with Neal earlier this week and both our timelines pretty much are the same.

Okay, Kathee, could you maybe tell us something about Garrison? Do you know which grave robber he was linked to? Do you know if he was just speculating about the bodies out in Webster county? Or if there was something to it?

What is his KNOWN LINK to the women?

Thanks in advance.
Okay, Kathee, could you maybe tell us something about Garrison? Do you know which grave robber he was linked to? Do you know if he was just speculating about the bodies out in Webster county? Or if there was something to it?

What is his KNOWN LINK to the women?

Thanks in advance.

I will try. I think Garrison knew enough details to get him out of jail for, IMO, his preplanned escape. Some people I have talked with say Garrison knew both DR and MC...others say he didn't. Unless something new comes to light, I believe DR and MC were just immature wannabe hoodlums. It appears that one of them may have grown up to be a responsible adult.

No one ever talks about the third person, JR, who I would love to talk to.

But in all honesty, Troogrit and Hurricane are the Garrison experts.
Can anyone give me a link to the original police report? I can not find it anywhere online now.
Badbob I sent you a private link to the original incident report. Check your inbox here.
Nobody knows for sure if they ever slept.

Please read every thread here because a lot of this and more are covered for you. :)

Well, I have started with thread #1 and am still trying to get through Ken's visions. It would be nice to have separate threads dedicated to specific things like what has been done with the "shorts" and "obscene phone calls".

I did discover that Suzi was an insomniac and often slept with the TV on through one of the articles posted in the sticky, so that answers my question, I guess.
Well, I have started with thread #1 and am still trying to get through Ken's visions. It would be nice to have separate threads dedicated to specific things like what has been done with the "shorts" and "obscene phone calls".

I did discover that Suzi was an insomniac and often slept with the TV on through one of the articles posted in the sticky, so that answers my question, I guess.

Calimama, That's a good idea. That's why we have a sub-forum; to get things organized into readable shape, both for newcomers and for going back and re-thinking. My suggestion is to start with the media links; go to the end of the thread because a lot of stuff isn't working. You will find at the end a link to a lot of the News-Leader stories. Read them while you can. The internet is ever-changing, as you can see from the fact that the incident report is no longer available online--or at least we can't find it. But on the media thread I did a little "index" of stuff in past threads that will help and may answer some questions without taking you through stuff that isn't helpful.

Another thing to do is use the "search" tool for keywords (George's, Janelle, Garrison, etc.)

If there is something special you are interested in, start a thread, ask a question and people will chime in.
There are suspect threads for other people. Where is the one for this Garrison person? I read in an article in one of the sticky threads that the grave robbers were cleared by LE, but then there was a mention of one in Illinois that seemed a little ambiguous.

I guess this forum is only for people who already know things.

There has been a lot written about Garrison. I can give you a thumbnail sketch. He was a top suspect early on with the police. He was "sprung" from the jailhouse on a very small bond and taken to a motel in town where he was to "confess" what he knew. Instead this is where he escaped. He went on to rape a college coed and sentenced to life imprisonment where he is today. During the trial a "motorcycle" type person came to his lawyer's office and made threats on him in an apparent attempt to disrupt the trial. It didn't work. When he was convicted, he meekly replied "I don't know what to think."

I would recommend you look at Thread #1 and post #20 which obviously references him although not by name. It appears highly probable that he has never produced anything of value to the investigation and this makes me inclined to believe he probably doesn't know anything of value. This is an excerpt: ....(snip) "As for the gentleman in jail - he is looking for a way out and volunteered much information to local authorities (some of whom I know personally), none of which panned out. He is destined to serve his jail time as he has told nothing that has been of use or verifiable. Dead ends are the only thing he has ever provided."....(snip)
There are suspect threads for other people. Where is the one for this Garrison person? I read in an article in one of the sticky threads that the grave robbers were cleared by LE, but then there was a mention of one in Illinois that seemed a little ambiguous.

I guess this forum is only for people who already know things.

Det. Allen Neal specificallys stated in the "Disappeared Video" that two of the grave robbers had similar alibis, that they had been to a local bands concert and after party that night.
Det. Neal specifically stated that their stories could NEVER be completely confirmed or denied, and they had not been "RULED OUT" as suspects.

I realize that there was a story out there that Chief Knowles had "Cleared" the Grave Robbers....supposidly over lunch. But apparently OTHER PEOPLE IN LAW ENFORCEMENT THAT WERE INVOLVED IN THE INVESTIGATION....... DIDN'T AGREE WITH HIM......or that original story was incorrect, or, Chief Knowles was just playing investigative games with the Grave Robbers.
There's a way to talk about things without saying anything. I don't get why talking in that way is a big deal.

If people "behind the scenes" are going to run down leads and be the liaisons to cop, why not shut Websleuths down and other sites?

We get to all play "Sherlock Holmes" with the popular TV star suspects and do literally ZERO to help. And last I checked, TG is in jail. You can read his DOC profile right now, what have we done mentioning his name here? He's a repeated felon. He is fair game.
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Of more recent information is the "Vanished" trailer which I believe pointed straight at Robert Cox. And Stacy's mother wanted to talk to one person inside prison and one not in prison. The documentary was never finished but filmed in 2009. See what you think.

Vanished- A Documentary Film on Vimeo

MM, Calimama posted a question about this video in the Questions thread. Do you know anything more about it? Will it ever be more than a trailer?
I am closing this thread until mods. can review it.
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