The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #6

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I want to see anywhere.....anywhere at all where it was publically stated that Garrison, his "Supposed Brother Mike", Glen Sweet, and finally, Ricky Dykes were GGMC members. I just want to see one place that that information was publically stated in publically printed and distributed media.
Especially Mr. Dykes. Yea, based on his casenet files he may not be an angel, but I've never seen his name mentioned in the media at all.....speculative or otherwise.
So after reading he prologue of the book offed on Amazon, and seeing that he has overtly named several people, including Dykes, and made an effort to implicate them in the 3MW crime, and by way of being supposed GGMC members......I find that extremely reckless in the sense that, he's implied that Ricky Dykes had some involvement in the 3MW case, but there is no solid evidence that he was even a GGMC member. Garrison didn't even own a motorcycle, nor did he have a motorcycle endorsement.
I'll be surprised if Ricky Dykes doesn't find out that he's been named in a published book, as being a GGMC member, as well as having some connection to the 3WC.....without any one having any "Legally Solid Evidence" to refute any legal issue he may have with being accused, directly or indirectly.
Seems like an exceptionally slippery slope. Has no one else seen, realized, or cared for that matter about this obvious issue?

Not Bickering Jennibee......Just asking a very valid question.

Ah yes......It's interesting how unimportant the "Hard Questions" seem to be for some people to discuss.

Some will totally slam "Some People" who offer valid theories, or offer valid questions, but strangely enough, they then "Support Others" and don't throw them under a bus when they publish a book with unfounded theories and unfounded suspects.

I understand "Why" this is happening now. Took a while to figure it all out, the who, and the why, but it's really crystal clear what's been going on for all these years now.

Just wish some people would just come clean and be honest with everyone else, the game that has been being played all these years. But I know that will never happen.....will it (Those that will remain nameless)!

Again, not bickering at all......Just posting the truth! And the truth is important, otherwise this is all just a giant waste of time......"Right"!! ??
Jese Monkey you sound angry. What is it you are trying to find out that hasnet been posted? I have no idea about Dykes, but I do know that Garrison was affiliated with Galloping goose members. This is not in print, sorry just solid research from years ago verified that. I have no idea who wrote the recent book, but it does not sound like it sourced very well. Dykes was just another rumor, and I could go back and give other names of people rumored. Seems like the same old stuff though. If I get time I will catch up again
Troo.....I'm not angry at all....and I'm certainly not angry with you. But what I don't understand though is why, when people ask certain people on here questions, or question things certain people post, they are accused of "Bickering", or, "Being Angry" no matter how their post is presented. But "Others" have Carte Blanc privileges to berate others at will. Anyway, I can't change that dynamic. Some people just don't give quarter to anyone, and end up getting lost their egos I guess. All I can do is keep on keeping on. I just want to talk about the 3MW case. Did Garrison even own a motorcycle? He didn't have a motorcycle endorsement on his license....did he? Do you think the "Book" that was recently published and the story/theory it conveys have any merit? Just wondering what your opinion of it was?
He would have been on the young side back then, but I guess you have to start somewhere.

I wish she had just severely injured him so they could have gotten some answers. Unless they find their bodies I don't think this case will ever be solved. Sadly, if they were buried deep enough or disposed of in other ways besides a shallow grave or just dumped, they may not ever be found.

I don't know that they would be able to trace him back that far anyway without credit card or cell phone activity back then. :(
He would have been on the young side back then, but I guess you have to start somewhere.

I wish she had just severely injured him so they could have gotten some answers. Unless they find their bodies I don't think this case will ever be solved. Sadly, if they were buried deep enough or disposed of in other ways besides a shallow grave or just dumped, they may not ever be found.

I don't know that they would be able to trace him back that far anyway without credit card or cell phone activity back then. :(
Around 22 , but I don't know what his history was . Did he recently start traveling the country from Springfield ( Oregon ) but they think his criminal history is at least 20 years . What year was he contacted in Missouri?
Goes to show that someone like him could have been in town that week for graduations, and never returned . Why there is no evidence or no one local talking .
Edit : appears his dad was born in Oklahoma and died in Kansas in 1995 .

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Around 22 , but I don't know what his history was . Did he recently start traveling the country from Springfield ( Oregon ) but they think his criminal history is at least 20 years . What year was he contacted in Missouri?
Goes to show that someone like him could have been in town that week for graduations, and never returned . Why there is no evidence or no one local talking .
Edit : appears his dad was born in Oklahoma and died in Kansas in 1995 .

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Oklahoma/Kansas are riiiiight there, he could have family in the Springfield area. Also Branson isn't far from Springfield, it is a tourist town big in the Missouri/Oklahoma/Kansas/Arkansas/Tennessee area. Right on the OK/AR line and if I remember correctly about 30 minutes from Springfield.

It is true that he could have been in town for graduation. That makes it slightly more likely he could be caught if it is him. All we would need is someone to realize he was in town for that (now that it is public he was a serial killer) to come forward. Although some families are strange and wouldn't ever tell.
Troo.....I'm not angry at all....and I'm certainly not angry with you. But what I don't understand though is why, when people ask certain people on here questions, or question things certain people post, they are accused of "Bickering", or, "Being Angry" no matter how their post is presented. But "Others" have Carte Blanc privileges to berate others at will. Anyway, I can't change that dynamic. Some people just don't give quarter to anyone, and end up getting lost their egos I guess. All I can do is keep on keeping on. I just want to talk about the 3MW case. Did Garrison even own a motorcycle? He didn't have a motorcycle endorsement on his license....did he? Do you think the "Book" that was recently published and the story/theory it conveys have any merit? Just wondering what your opinion of it was?
I have not read the book. I understand it has a lot of conjecture in it from the message boards. I will have to read it and find out what is on it. I will try to catch up going into the fall. I have pulled out some of my articles again to review.
I heard it was rumored I left the boards because of a suspect living in my area. Nothing could be further from the truth. This case will eat up a lot of time if you let it. I spent a good deal of time for 5 years working on this and frankly I got burnt out. As far as Garrison being a biker I found an article that mentions this. If he was not a biker he believed he was one.

"Steven E Garrison is a self proclaimed "outlaw biker". He's also a convicted sodomite and robber. Police wonder whether he knows more than he's saying about the three missing women." Newsleader Jun 7, 1997
Hi , I watched the vanished episode yesterday on uk tv and decided to look into the case . It is mind boggling that 3 people can simply vanish without putting up a fight . I have been reading some of this thread and I clearly have no new ideas but just wanted to put some thoughts out there as it's such a strange case.

Janelle said she tried to call them before 8am but that seems way to early and if they had plans to be up that early why would the girls not of just stayed at her house . it would of made way more sense if they was planning to be up after 7 to just stay put ?!

I am from the UK London and it's baffling that people was just walking in and out of the house and didn't think anything of it . It's called trespassing and as nobody seemed to think anything was out of the ordinary at that stage why was a bigger deal not made out of the fact that people was just letting themselves in and out all day ?

Why was there no sign of a struggle in the house or outside apart from the glass , if somebody has the balls to try and kidnap 3 people from your home common sense dictates you fight back as it's not going to end well , no?!

LE should let the search be done of the parking garage as people have said they would pay , and as they won't do it then explain why they are so reluctant to do so . I think it is clear that they know more here than they are letting on or they would follow this lead .

Earlier in the tread people mentioned Stacey may of tried to make a run for it and went out the back . I saw a photo of the fencing and I am confused by the fact she would not of simply climbed over it , if you are fleeing for your life you would not attempt to go back inside .

Is it possible that mum was already dead when the girls got home and they was oblivious to the fact and so the intruder waited for them to fall asleep and blindsided them which is how come they did not get a chance to fight back ?

Is this case still a active investigation ?
They claim it is still an active investigation. One wonders sometimes.

It would have made sense to have stayed at Jannelle's house since they didn't leave until 2:20 AM and Jannelle started calling at about 8:30 AM or so. Since Branson is only about 40 miles or so away, there was no rush to muster up to go to Branson. At that time of the year, the sun wouldn't have gone down until about 9 PM. Long before then they would have tired of the water slides. One would think the police would have gone over this to try to make sense of it, but we have not been told how that went.

The fact that the visitors let themselves into the house has long been discussed and although some believe it is "normal" most would not; especially since Jannelle had never been to the home prior to that night.

What is truly unknown is what the true motive was. All kinds of ideas have been tossed out there but again we are not privy to the investigation itself.

You might want to read post #432 which has always intrigued me. That was the last time that poster said anything about this case and hasn't been heard from since. I think that is pretty close to the truth although there is no way to prove it one way or another. Others think differently.

Thank you for the reply as i can see you have been a active poster for years so you have been over all this ground before.

I did read that post but i am just not convinced one of them was into anything dodgy and it has to reference either Sherrill Levitt or Suzie Streeter as the abduction happened at there home .

I know Janelle Kirby was "cleared" but it seems seems strange , why was so over at the home so early when the girls would of not got to bed until 3ish , why walk into the house when nothing at that point seemed suspicious and with her being one of the last to see the girls alive it does seem fishy imo

Did any of the people who went though the house say if they searched any of the 3 purses and then laid them out like they was found by LE later as the placement of Sherrill purse with the other 2 seems strange ?!

2) One of the women was the desired target. The other two would still be alive if a "wrong place, wrong time" scenario hadn't played out. The target was wanted badly enough that those responsible simply didn't care if they had to take other people to get to her and get to her quickly.

This seems strange as well , why that night , why could they not wait until that person was alone . This points to something due to happen which meant the people involved was on a time line imo
Thank you for the reply as i can see you have been a active poster for years so you have been over all this ground before.

I did read that post but i am just not convinced one of them was into anything dodgy and it has to reference either Sherrill Levitt or Suzie Streeter as the abduction happened at there home .

I know Janelle Kirby was "cleared" but it seems seems strange , why was so over at the home so early when the girls would of not got to bed until 3ish , why walk into the house when nothing at that point seemed suspicious and with her being one of the last to see the girls alive it does seem fishy imo

Did any of the people who went though the house say if they searched any of the 3 purses and then laid them out like they was found by LE later as the placement of Sherrill purse with the other 2 seems strange ?!

This seems strange as well , why that night , why could they not wait until that person was alone . This points to something due to happen which meant the people involved was on a time line imo

With regard to Janelle starting to call so early. It seems strange to me too, but when I was that age I was able to bounce back much more quickly after a night out. So given their age I don't find it that strange. I think Janelle is completely innocent in all of this but I can see why people have had suspicions. moo

I often ask myself if this crime could be solved if it happened today?

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I think if this case had happened today I think it would of been solved as people are a lot more aware than they was in 1992 and technology is so much more advanced .

I have been reading thread 1 and it's been mentioned that Sherrill was security conscious and Suzie did not even have a key to the side door . Has it ever been mentioned why she was so overly concerned about safety at the house ?

Considering what happened to her it makes me wonder if she was worried about something leading up to the event .

I am not sure I buy into the theory that somebody knocked that early morning that they knew as at 4am( there abouts) I don't care who it is I would not answer the door as it's strange to be knocking at that time of the morning and would make me suspicious.

I think somebody was already in the house when the girls got home and they was asleep or nearly asleep when they got blindsided .

To me it makes sense that Sherrill was the intended victim as whoever did it knew that it was graduation night and thought she would be home alone as her daughter would be out celebrating all night . And when the girls turned up expectedly the plan quickly went south . IMO
Hypothetically; if the same amount of people had stepped into the crime scene (unknown to them) I'm not sure it could be solved today actually. A lot of posters seem to think SPD know what happened but don't have enough evidence to convict. If that's the case it's very sad. It seems that with the more time passing the least likely it is we will see this resolved.

Also it could very well be that the person home that night (Sherrill) WAS the intended target and Susie and Stacy may never have been involved if they hadn't returned home unexpectedly. Perhaps points to someone who knew Sherrill was supposed to be alone? In days before cell phones it's entirely plausible the perp(s) would have not known about Susie and Stacy's change of plans. To me this seems the most plausible theory but jmo. They were surprised with two extra people there but it did not put them off dealing with all three. It really is the perfect crime if they are never caught.

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Was it ever confirmed if Janelle's boyfriend did throw the glass over next doors fence as its pretty redundant to try and be helpful but in the next breath do something dickish like throw in next door for them to deal with the mess?

Was this a seedy area to live in as it seems on that night there was 3 known killers in town , seems like quite a lot for a small town ?
Was this a seedy area to live in as it seems on that night there was 3 known killers in town , seems like quite a lot for a small town ?
Welcome to the discussion .
It's in a semi commercial area and right off a busy street , plenty of vagrants ect afoot in the area . Somewhere single women would want to be cautious . Even though SpD is in the middle of the " Bible Belt "
Very transient town with lots of truckers ect passing through . Especially during graduations plenty of " out of towners " visiting .

While majority of these cases known offenders it would explain why no one ( public knows ) has " spilled the beans " in 23 years .

I'm curious about the route or any possible stops ( convenience store ?) the girls may have made on the way back to Delmar .

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Was it ever confirmed if Janelle's boyfriend did throw the glass over next doors fence as its pretty redundant to try and be helpful but in the next breath do something dickish like throw in next door for them to deal with the mess?

Was this a seedy area to live in as it seems on that night there was 3 known killers in town , seems like quite a lot for a small town ?

I believe he put in a trash can of the business next door. I think some if not all shards were recovered. Also I doubt he knew the serious nature of the situation at that moment.

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They claim to have cleaned the glass up to "Do a nice thing", because "Sherrill would have cleaned it up the second it hit the ground".....according to JK.
Question is, if they found the broom under the carport as they have claimed, (some have said it was normally located in the kitchen closet and wouldn't have been under the carport), but where was Sherrill's outside garbage can that she took to the street every week for the trash company to empty?
Why would the shards have been cleaned up "To do a nice thing" and then not have been discarded into Sherrill's outside garbage can??????

I believe he put in a trash can of the business next door. I think some if not all shards were recovered. Also I doubt he knew the serious nature of the situation at that moment.

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There were reports that someone saw the girls cars parked in a different direction at 3:45am. They claim that Susie always parked behind her mothers car, or in the circle drive facing west......not east.
It has been stated in the papers of the day that the cars were found in different positions than they were supposedly seen parked at around 3:45am

Also......JK supposedly called her friend......expressing "Alarm" that they couldn't reach them. This was supposedly early in the morning......but as "Alarmed" as they were.....they didn't make it to Sherrill's house until around 12:30pm?

Also.....Why did LE state that one of the people who went over to the house looking for the girls early that day (A male) have "Various Stories" about his whereabouts between 8am-9:30pm..... but that they think that they had cleared the issue up....and that the young man just got his times wrong. "Various Stories" don't equate to a couple of mixed up times. And Mind You.....this was reported the first week of Aug. 1992. So.....Point we are two solid months into the investigation, and they still haven't apparently cleared at least "One" of the "First Responders/Arrivers" to the Delmar know, the one's who had "Never Been to the house before". You'd think that they would have been the first one's to have been cleared.
Also.....the person who "Supposedly" saw the green van turn around in her neighbors driveway, didn't report the incident for 17-days. And, in her first report she stated that she way someone who looked like Suzie, and a man wearing a yellow shirt in the van.
In her subsequent story, she stated that she just saw someone who she thought looked like Susie......but says that's the only person she saw in the van. Also said she was embarrassed to call the police because she thought they wouldn't believe her.
So.....what are we to believe? Personally.....I don't buy the van account.
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