The State Rests in the State v Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #10

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memorial video posted by member britskate on the last thread:

Discuss what has happened in the trial so far here:

28 January 2013 court resumes with an evidentiary hearing. Regular trial with jury resumes on 29 January 2013.

Keep it clean in here: that means no name calling. Also: all opinions are welcome. Attack the post and not the postER

Now, the jurors are roaming around until Jan. 29th and I'm sure they are just plain confused.

"Roaming around".... on the internet. I will never believe that all 12 jurors did not read/see/hear anything about this case during the next twelve days. Many of them will get educated about points they missed (during their one-time exposure to testimony whereas we all have all the time we want to review, discuss and ask questions).
I was trying to reply to a post in the other thread when my new computer decided to update/restart itself (grrr) but someone replied exactly as I was intending that the REBUTTAL case might be the most interesting part of these entire legal proceedings. I just wish the State could put on their own expert explaining to the jury the difference between an abuse victim and SOCIOPATHY.
I just wanted to comment on the topic of RO's that was in the last thread. R/O's are EXTREMELY easy to get in AZ. At least temporarily. After a hearing it might be lifted, but you can get a temporary order pending that hearing just by walking in and filling out a form stating allegations of some type of abuse, and get an ex parte hearing the same day -- sometimes within an hour or less. They are routinely granted on a temporary basis. There's a whole area of the court set up specifically for this process. The form can be filled out at a bank of computers. There are even toys for the children accompanying their parents to play with.
"Roaming around".... on the internet. I will never believe that all 12 jurors did not read/see/hear anything about this case during the next twelve days. Many of them will get educated about points they missed (during their one-time exposure to testimony whereas we all have all the time we want to review, discuss and ask questions).

Exactly. This break may actually be a good thing. They will have time to hear from family members and friends their opinions. As I mentioned before, I think this happens all the time with jurors, and they just "fib" that they did not hear anything about the trial.

Its human nature and almost impossible not to hear news about a major case while on such a long break. Even if they try, almost impossible.

We have all expereienced this when taping a huge football game like super bowl or important sports event and try to watch it later. It is impossible to not hear the score of the game before you get to watch tape.
I'm replying to Hatfield from the post on the previous thread.

If the defense lets say only calls 0, 1 or 2 people, isnt the PA limited to only rebutting just those people?
I just have a bad feeling that the defense is not going to call hardly anyone. They seem to think that not much was proved based on their acquittal attempts.

I am afraid the state isnt going to get a chance to do much rebuttal if the defense doesnt call hardly anyone.

The defense has to do a credible job of saying Jodi was the victim of abuse. The defense could just put up ONE expert witness to testify in general about how victims of abuse behave IF they believed that's all they needed. Martinez would then do one of his infamous cross examinations and Nurmi could re-direct.

Martinez could call one or more experts of his own to rebut that information. Nurmi would then attempt to discredit this witness and Martinez could come back on re-direct.
I don't think the defense legitimately hopes to get her off on self defense. I think they are using this defense only as an avenue to get in some negative evidence about Travis in the hopes that it might persuade the jury not to give Jodi the death penalty.
Has the "thanks" button become the new "Like" button? It seems a lot of users are thanking someone for "this useful post" when the post isn't all that "useful".
It seems to me she had been planning the two assailant story a little bit.
I think that is why she shot him with the gun, to show their were two weapons for two people. There is no way he was going to live even for a few minutes with his throat cut and those deep chest/back wounds.
I was trying to reply to a post in the other thread when my new computer decided to update/restart itself (grrr) but someone replied exactly as I was intending that the REBUTTAL case might be the most interesting part of these entire legal proceedings. I just wish the State could put on their own expert explaining to the jury the difference between an abuse victim and SOCIOPATHY.

I do believe they have one or two ready.
"Roaming around".... on the internet. I will never believe that all 12 jurors did not read/see/hear anything about this case during the next twelve days. Many of them will get educated about points they missed (during their one-time exposure to testimony whereas we all have all the time we want to review, discuss and ask questions).

Thank you. I wish there was some way to motivate the jurors NOT to roam around the internet. IMO, despite the obvious privacy issues, internet roaming during this break period should be tracked somehow. There needs to be a deterrence of some kind beyond remember the admonition.
So the State rested today and the trial starts up again on January 29, 2013 and the defense will present Jodi Arias as a battered woman who killed for her own survival. How many witnesses can that take? Four or five, ten maybe. So what is up with the time frame showing this trial will probably conclude in April? Is there another three week hiatus in there? :(
I think that JA will be tempted beyond belief to testify, but there might be some small protective instinct in her brain that won't let her. IMO, she still thinks the jury will find her sympathetic & credible (why, I don't know) & that her defense team will obfuscate long enough, to create some doubt in the minds of the jury. It will certainly be an interesting 10 days for her, but she's had 3.5 years to contemplate her crime, & her defense, so she's probably resting conscience...
Regarding having her family testify. They can indeed still testify about what they saw in terms of Jodi and the "alleged" abuse by Travis. That would not be at all considered hearsay.
Exactly. This break may actually be a good thing. They will have time to hear from family members and friends their opinions. As I mentioned before, I think this happens all the time with jurors, and they just "fib" that they did not hear anything about the trial.

Amen! I couldn't agree more! And then it takes only one or two to bring that additional knowledge into the jury deliberation room. My gut is that they will educate the rest - not by admitting their "research" - but by asking continued, probing questions and/or pointing out missed/overlooked details.
Has the "thanks" button become the new "Like" button? It seems a lot of users are thanking someone for "this useful post" when the post isn't all that "useful".

What's useful to one person may not be useful to another. I think it's an entirely subjective thing.
"Roaming around".... on the internet. I will never believe that all 12 jurors did not read/see/hear anything about this case during the next twelve days. Many of them will get educated about points they missed (during their one-time exposure to testimony whereas we all have all the time we want to review, discuss and ask questions).

Jurors have to roam around in their own minds trying to figure this out, trying not to form an opinion yet, until further's just a long time to have jurors out there resisting not being exposed to the case. I think it is still confusing for them and that they want more by their questions.

I was trying to reply to a post in the other thread when my new computer decided to update/restart itself (grrr) but someone replied exactly as I was intending that the REBUTTAL case might be the most interesting part of these entire legal proceedings. I just wish the State could put on their own expert explaining to the jury the difference between an abuse victim and SOCIOPATHY.

That's where the stalking of the victim info would help. I think there's much more proof of her stalking Travis and torturing him because she would not respect his privacy nor his property, his words and statements. She would not stop even when he told her to stop. (politely because he was that kind of nice guy, and didn't believe he needed to get legal with her) I call that abuse of Travis by Jodi.
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