The State Rests in the State v Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #10

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Kinda like a dream team, I know not Geragos or Fieger but someone

Sorry Manzana I had to do household chores and am late in replying.

The Judge is never going to allow other attorneys to enter the case at this late date.

Are any of the jury member Mormons? How many? Or, has that info not yet been released? TIA

She's holding the camera in her left hand... it looks as if this camera (I assume is hers) is for a lefty? Anyone else notice that in this pic?

It looks as if it was set on a timer. Her fingers are no where near the button. jmo
Sorry Manzana I had to do household chores and am late in replying.

The Judge is never going to allow other attorneys to enter the case at this late date.


Yeah but what if she fires them, and she would have good reasons.
I'm just not understanding this. She has confessed about killing Travis, this is a given. The defense has to try to prove self defense, I don't think the prosecution has disproven this, unless we have juror transplants from Florida.

ETA: even if the defense rested, closing arguments will open the big can of worms and it will be the last things the jury will hear. I think that is what they will remember. The prosecution will pull out the big big guns in closing.

It really gets confusing. The defense has to put on evidence that supports self defense before the Judge will even rule on it whether it will come in or not as an option for the jury to consider.

If the Judge does allow it thinking sufficient evidence has established self defense possible then it will be up to the Prosecutor to prove it was not self defense. He will do that by the overwhelming evidence he has that supports nothing but premeditation murder one.

Martinez will do the closing for the state.

Yeah but what if she fires them, and she would have good reasons.

The Judge will not let her fire them this late in the game. If that were the case every defendant would pull this same trick to delay receiving a verdict.

Like i hate when theres a trial like this one...and the jurors are not in a hotel with no visitations and etc....Because hey i am in canada..i watch FRENCH news and its on every so i dont believe that none of them saw, heard, talked about it or even read about it.

I'm in Texas and I'm totally baffled at how few people know about this case/trial. They only place on tv that shows anything on this case is HLN and of course IS. There's no local coverage on it... nothing in the local papers. Im sure it's quite different there in AZ.
None of my friends know anything about it... I'm addicted!! lol My family has started avoiding me. lol I'm so thankful for this site!!
A lefty could use a right handed camera upside down and use left thumb to operate camera

My daughter is a lefty. She has no problem talking pictures with her right hand. It would be the same for those of us who are right-handed. I could push a button with my left hand without a problem. jmo
I'm in agreement with you for a couple of reasons. I posted a couple of days ago that I think the shot came first and heard from some who agree and some who disagree, all making valid points.

While I would LIKE to agree with the ME, I have seen many animals shot and the entrance wound does not bleed much. Yes, close range with a large caliber maybe, but a small caliber, less likely.

What many people are not realizing is just how ineffective a .25 automatic pistol is for what she was using it for. I didn't know earlier that he might have been shot while sitting down. This gives even more weight to the theory that this small caliber--and very lightweight--bullet went in through (maybe) his skull in or near his right eye but lacked the force to exit, thus lodging in his lower left cheek, visible in the x-ray. It never hit anything vital and caused very little damage, mostly to his sinus cavity/palate.

An automatic pistol is usually jammed by what is called "limp wristing". An auto weapon works by using the "kick" of the fired cartridge to force the slide at the top to slam back, opening the chamber and ejecting the spent shell casing and allowing the spring-fed next round to enter the chamber. If the shooter does not keep a firm wrist (common beginner technique), the force is absorbed in the wrist and not passed on to the slide, leaving too small a gap for the spent cartridge to fully eject. The wrist has acted like a shock absorber. Now the spent cartridge is stuck between the slide and the frame, keeping the next round from entering the chamber. Nothing happens until the slide is manually pulled back and the force of the spring pushes the next round up and the spent shell falls out.

She might have realized this after she had mortally wounded Travis with the knife. If she had dropped the gun and used her backup plan, the knife, and later came back to get the gun, then she might have "cleared" the spent casing from the jammed pistol. That would have caused the cartridge to fall onto the floor, and possibly into some pooled blood. In this scenario, you have the shot coming first, but the cartridge coming out AFTER she has already stabbed/slashed him.

Just another theory. I welcome any comments. Enjoying reading all of your posts.

Some very good points!
I can NOT stand to read the comments on HLN or facebook. It's obvious the people here have kept up with the trial and details of the case. Those people on HLN and facebook don't have a clue what has taken place or who or what! Drives me crazy so I try very hard not to even look at the comments there.

Some of those people posting are clueless. Did you notice that they reference other cases, but have the facts wrong? Like the guy talking about Debra LaFave. He said they convicted the hell out of her and I'm thinking, no, Marion County state's attorney dropped the charges and she was released from probation four years early
The bullet wound is on the right side. You can't see it in the crime scene photo. His right side is facing the shower door in his last alive photo. One of the reasons why I think he was shot first.

He was shot in the close proximity of where the bullet casing ejected. It landed on top of a small pooling of blood. So he was already bleeding when shot.

I had a .25 at one time. When it is fired the bullet will eject about 3-5 feet away from the ejection chamber on the handgun.

I dont think he was in the shower when shot. I think the shot came last and then she drug him and placed him in the shower. There was very little blood underneath his body in the shower. All of it happened outside of the shower imo where all the blood is. He may have seeped a small amount of blood once he was placed in the shower from the throat slashing.

I am not too worried about this motion for mistrial (the argument was crazy... they have the texts that they were arguing about.. and the state did not even introduce them)

I don't think that is why the court schedule is messed up.. it has been messed up from the start.

I think the state presented solid evidence.. and enough too. All of it? no. But they don't need to.

If the defense tries to open cans of worms (I am sure they will) during their CIC I am sure they will regret it.


I agree and anybody that thinks that there is no premeditation needs to have their head examined.

You can't stab somebody 29 times and shoot them and try and say that between each stab wound there wasn't premeditation.
It looks as if it was set on a timer. Her fingers are no where near the button. jmo

I'm gonna politely disagree with you, LC.

That is a Canon EOS camera. The logo is reversed. Her left hand is cupped around the pop-up flash. The command dial at the top is near the shutter release, which her right index finger is pushing. This is in a mirror.

Look at the logo again. If that says Canon, the C is nearest her right hand.

The EOS model identification is on the left front side of the body from the photographer's perspective, as seen here.

This does not appear to be on a timer, but released with her right index finger.
I'm in Texas and I'm totally baffled at how few people know about this case/trial. They only place on tv that shows anything on this case is HLN and of course IS. There's no local coverage on it... nothing in the local papers. Im sure it's quite different there in AZ.
None of my friends know anything about it... I'm addicted!! lol My family has started avoiding me. lol I'm so thankful for this site!!

We're your new family now Laceybug. You have been assimilated.
looks more like a dark colored sock than a shoe. It seems that it would be down the hall because of the light in the background coming from the bedroom windows. That pic is much better than what I have seen. foot looks small, too.

I can even see the sole of the shoe.
Someone noticed that yesterday and it was discussed. I don't know if its this thread or the one before. Anyway, there was a crime scene photo of a small piece of duct tape in the laundry room (IIRC).

ETA: It was on this thread. Just search this thread for "duct tape" and you'll find the discussion of the tape being used by body builders and sexual sadists.

A poster on another JA trial forum found this site about Duct Tape Analogy for Chastity.

That site is for Catholics. I wouldn't think TA would look to Catholics for advice but the Mormon church has a site, Sons of Helaman

Sons of Helaman exist to combat unwanted masterbation and *advertiser censored* addiction and chastity related problems. I have no idea if they use the duct tape method or if TA even knew or would attend Sons of Helaman.

I never noticed the duct tape around TA's arm before an observant poster pointed it out and it has been bugging me ever since.
This was posted somewhere else, I hadn't seen this one yet. Kind of eerie to me.

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