The state Rests in The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #11

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I found this post on the poll thread and found it very interesting. Thanks to TaRazza for a very informative post. Shows xray of TA's skull and a proposed trajectory for the bullet.

Here's his/her photo and comment:

"Here's an estimation of the bullet's path and what part(s) of the brain may have been affected and what those parts do. We are all shaped a little differently, so this is by no means accurate. It is possible that the bullet tumbled/wobbled a bit after striking/piercing bones, but in my opinion, this was probably its basic path."
I personally have no doubt he was shot first, and in my mind it doesn't even matter. It was a cold-blooded jealousy murder deserving the DP or at least life no parole. If the jurors come up with something other than this after the Tot Mom case, we have an American Zombie Apocalyspe on our hands.
In the 48 hours segment tonight, did Jodi say Travis called her to come to Mesa? Or, was it she called him when she got lost? Just wondering if her claim of a call from him was proven or not with phone records. If he didn't call or invite her, then she showed up there for a reason.
Well she had to protect herself from a wet, naked man who was apparently enraged that she dropped his camera and her "response" was shooting him in the head and stabbing him 29 times in the back, chest and slicing his throat.
Both weapons were within her reach readily available to her.

LOL....I would love to send a memo to the Prosecutor and ask him to quote you on line ever. He could just say what you typed and sit down and leave them with egg on their face,lol. It is just so simple to me when I read it like that.....'course she is guilty as sin.:what:
He didn't really say absolutely the gun came last. It was a whole lot more ambiguous than that.

I do not think it matters either way for purposes of premeditation or self defense. I'm a little puzzled why the prosecution or defense is making such an issue of it.

martinez argued that because the gun came last - after he was dead - that constitutes extreme cruelty, so she can get the death penalty
In the 48 hours segment tonight, did Jodi say Travis called her to come to Mesa? Or, was it she called him when she got lost? Just wondering if her claim of a call from him was proven or not with phone records. If he didn't call or invite her, then she showed up there for a reason.

She said she called him and he said she could always come over and visit him.
In the 48 hours segment tonight, did Jodi say Travis called her to come to Mesa? Or, was it she called him when she got lost? Just wondering if her claim of a call from him was proven or not with phone records. If he didn't call or invite her, then she showed up there for a reason.

Well either way looks like to me....she went and sh** went down.IMO
IMO if you plan to kill someone and set out to do it with ...lets say, a crappy old gun that jams....during the commission of felony murder the weapon jams you pick up a brick to finish the job's still premeditated murder. You intended and premeditated murder...the weapon or means of murder is irrelevant.

Thank you! Now let's hope this jury understands this!
martinez argued that because the gun came last - after he was dead - that constitutes extreme cruelty, so she can get the death penalty

What about a throat cut after you were almost dead wouldn't be extreme cruely too... just asking? Just the overkill would show extreme cruelty IMO.
No to beat a dead horse, but is there a photo that clearly shows entry point of the bullet. Maybe the autopsy illustration. I'll have to look at that.
Where have we seen evidence that he sat under the shower for 5-10 minutes? And, the bleed was within the skull, not outside the skull. Flores said it came first because he was speaking from what SHE had told him and thinking it was a partly a true story. Flores now thinks the gunshot came last. He said that he had originally thought it and that is why he said it.

There was no evidence of blood coming from any of TA's wounds. Per the prosecution. It has been assumed that his body was washed off in the shower stall after all wounds were inflicted.

And of course, that may be 100% wrong!

I don't "think" there is any evidence to substantiate. :)
What about a throat cut after you were almost dead wouldn't be extreme cruely too... just asking? Just the overkill would show extreme cruelty IMO.

And, an earlier judge ruled that it didn't matter what was first that it did show extreme cruelty. Judge Stevens (unsure of spelling) agreed with this ruling and said it would stand.
He didn't really say absolutely the gun came last. It was a whole lot more ambiguous than that.

I do not think it matters either way for purposes of premeditation or self defense. I'm a little puzzled why the prosecution or defense is making such an issue of it.

It's the defense trying to be distracting and hoping the jury will disregard both the ME and Flores' testimonies because they are inconsistent. You are right, it's just distracting and does not matter either way. No one can get past the throat cutting. That was an inhuman act right there.

Plus the closet was right there and she could have run through the closet to escape. If the hallway that he crawled down blocked her, the closet was wide open for her to escape.

I don't believe the prosecution would address these things because defense has not given any proof it was self defense. jmo
The reason it doesn't matter which came first (the gun shot or the first stab) is because Jodi intended to attack and then she continued her attack, switching weapons to do so. That is total premeditation! She had the advantage. She was dressed, she could run out of the house, she had at least one weapon (we know she had 2 because TA was killed with 2 different weapons). Either scenario is a mortal injury at a minimum.

Contrast that with the victim and the circumstance - he's in the shower, naked, with no weapon, there is photographic evidence of all of that, and in 45 seconds he goes from wet/naked/shower to mortally wounded and then within another 30 to 40 seconds he is dead.

In a self-defense situation, she could have rendered him incapacitated with either a stab or a gun shot AND have enough time to get away without having to stab him 27+ times, slice his throat open and (here's the kicker) drag his body down the hall and back to the shower.
I'm very sensitive to domestic violence and I'm bothered by blaming the victim. However I also take false allegations of DV seriously too, and IMO there is nothing to suggest that JA was a victim of Travis' AT ALL.

She is a grown woman, albeit a very derranged one. She made her own decisions, she chooses to blame others, she takes no accountability for her own actions, and it was HER choices alone that led to this brutal slaying.

SHE premeditated this killing, SHE continued the 'relationship' with Travis when she could've stopped, SHE behaved like an obsessed stalker, SHE had weapons and used them, SHE has told lie after lie after lie, SHE talked to the media and LE endlessly without lawyers, SHE went out to dinner in a "kool-aid" stained rented car with her friends hours after killing Travis like nothing happened, SHE went and grinded on another Mormon man after she killed Travis, SHE sent flowers to his grandmother after she killed him, SHE mutilated this man.

But she somehow has the nerve to claim self-defense after driving thousands of miles to her abusers house, sleeping with him in his home in his bed for hours, taking dirty pictures of them with his camera, photographing him at his most vulnerable cornered naked in his shower and then she DARES to allege self-defense as she butchers him with a knife and a gun. REALLY??

She was nowhere near a battered, abused woman. She wasn't stuck in a cyclical relationship where she kept coming back to what was comfortable but abusive. She made her own decisions and she chose to kill Travis. Anything short of the jury realizing that and convicting of first degree murder is a complete miscarriage of justice, plain and simple.
martinez argued that because the gun came last - after he was dead - that constitutes extreme cruelty, so she can get the death penalty

And the judge ruled that there's sufficient evidence of extreme cruelty whether he was shot first or stabbed first.
Agree, every time she changed the method she used shows premeditation. Sort of, Oh, you're not dead yet, let's try this. Oh, that didn't work, let's try this. See, now you're dead!

Sounds just like the way she tried to win him over.... Not interested... I'll adopt your faith... still not interested... ok... I'll move to Mesa... STILL not interested... I'll kill you and date your friend Ryan.... now that your dead!
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