The state Rests in The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #11

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Experiment request: Who has a similar type shower stall and a husband of similar height? Please test to see if a seated man, similarly oriented as TA in photo #160, could easily reach the shower controls to turn it off. Thanks!

my husband is 6', and we have a shower that is only a stand up, but is a little wider than TA's

as I said in my previous post, my husband sits in the shower every day.... and yes, he can reach the knobs when he is sitting.
Experiment request: Who has a similar type shower stall and a husband of similar height? Please test to see if a seated man, similarly oriented as TA in photo #160, could easily reach the shower controls to turn it off. Thanks!

I have one and I doubt it could be reached....I know I could not if sitting down and why on earth would anyone sit down,lol.
This was really interesting (although that expert's voice makes me feel uneasy and kind of scared! lol). I don't get what Jean was saying about how her descriptions of personality disordered behavior (Borderline, Narcissism, etc) were good for the defense? This isn't an insanity case. Prisons are FILLED with personality disordered criminals. It doesn't make her look any better. She didn't get a personality disorder from Travis' "abuse". Jean kind of missed the mark on that one. But I'd love for those opinions to come in to the trial. I mean an abuse expert can't explain ALL her lying on "self defense". oh how I'm gonna despise these experts....:furious:

I do not see how the defense could possibly use the fact(!) that JA is personality disordered.
I do not get the impression that Jean implied that JA got a personality disorder from Travis' "abuse".
Anyway, that is not possible - personality disorders are life-long patterns of dysfunction.
I have one and I doubt it could be reached....I know I could not if sitting down and why on earth would anyone sit down,lol.

I dont understand the BIG DEAL of sitting in the shower????? :waitasec:
Only in a very extreme situation (eg sudden/overwhelming grief; faced with a threatening person with knife/gun, etc) am I able to understand or imagine anyone sitting on the floor of a small shower stall. JMVHO
I have seen so many posts of people saying "no way would he SIT in the SHOWER"

And why not?

My hubby has been doing that since I met him (13 years). He does it EVERY DAY without fail. He does it for different reasons; not feeling well, tired, enjoying the hot water, just a few examples.

But for everyone here to think that its just so crazy for him to sit on the shower floor - that to me is crazy thinking.

Why wouldnt he?? Especially if we are all thinking that at that time he was probably feeling shame in what he had just done with Jodi.... then him sitting in the shower makes perfect sense to me.

again, jmo

Well then call me "crazy". Your husband is the first person I've ever encountered who chooses to sit in a shower stall while taking a shower. It's not easy to get up and down in a wet stall and if I'm gonna sit in the shower,I'm gonna call that "taking a bath".

I don't find this behavior usual at all. Plus Travis was sitting facing the shower spray. Does your husband sit in the bottom of the shower stall with the water spraying him in the face?

The one and only time I sat while taking a shower, I did so because I was so sick I couldn't stand so got myself to Urgent Care over that alone and was diagnosed with pneumonia.

It may be usual for your husband but I stand by my assessment that this behavior is not usual for most people.
Only in a very extreme situation (eg sudden/overwhelming grief; faced with a threatening person with knife/gun, etc) am I able to understand or imagine anyone sitting on the floor of a small shower stall. JMVHO

really????? intersting.
Even though I just went on and on about how that Veronica was full of it, she did make a point that really rang a bell with me.

I think it is true that JA was not comfortable with her Mexican heritage. I think that is why she said worked at Margaritaville - because it sounds less 'ethnic' than Casa Ramos where she actually worked.
Only in a very extreme situation (eg sudden/overwhelming grief; faced with a threatening person with knife/gun, etc) am I able to understand or imagine anyone sitting on the floor of a small shower stall. JMVHO

Or I guess Jodi would say "posing" for a photo. But with all of the other evidence, I don't see Travis readily posing for nude photos taken by Jodi Arias either. I don't think either of the other 2 nude photos taken of him appear like he's posing consensually either.
Well then call me "crazy". Your husband is the first person I've ever encountered who chooses to sit in a shower stall while taking a shower. It's not easy to get up and down in a wet stall and if I'm gonna sit in the shower,I'm gonna call that "taking a bath". Men dont usually take baths.....

I don't find this behavior usual at all. Plus Travis was sitting facing the shower spray. Does your husband sit in the bottom of the shower stall with the water spraying him in the face? yes, he does
The one and only time I sat while taking a shower, I did so because I was so sick I couldn't stand so got myself to Urgent Care over that alone and was diagnosed with pneumonia.

It may be usual for your husband but I stand by my assessment that this behavior is not usual for most people.

But how do you know that this bahavior was not normal for TRAVIS??????? No one does. Its obvious he was sitting in the shower - why are we debating it? He very well could be that "type" of person, you dont know him. None of us do. But for everyone here to think its SO OBSERD that TA would sit in the shower, is nuts.
He obviously did - its in a pic. What was going through his mind at that time, NONE OF US KNOW.
Well then call me "crazy". Your husband is the first person I've ever encountered who chooses to sit in a shower stall while taking a shower. It's not easy to get up and down in a wet stall and if I'm gonna sit in the shower,I'm gonna call that "taking a bath".

I don't find this behavior usual at all. Plus Travis was sitting facing the shower spray. Does your husband sit in the bottom of the shower stall with the water spraying him in the face?

The one and only time I sat while taking a shower, I did so because I was so sick I couldn't stand so got myself to Urgent Care over that alone and was diagnosed with pneumonia.

It may be usual for your husband but I stand by my assessment that this behavior is not usual for most people.

I've sat in the shower stall before, especially when I am feeling tired and worn out. So has my partner. He loves to sit there and let the water fall over him.

There's nothing weird about it. And I can easily get up from sitting in the shower. You make it sound as if it's an impossible feat.

It's sitting, in a shower. Not standing on your hands.
Well then call me "crazy". Your husband is the first person I've ever encountered who chooses to sit in a shower stall while taking a shower. It's not easy to get up and down in a wet stall and if I'm gonna sit in the shower,I'm gonna call that "taking a bath".

I don't find this behavior usual at all. Plus Travis was sitting facing the shower spray. Does your husband sit in the bottom of the shower stall with the water spraying him in the face?

The one and only time I sat while taking a shower, I did so because I was so sick I couldn't stand so got myself to Urgent Care over that alone and was diagnosed with pneumonia.

It may be usual for your husband but I stand by my assessment that this behavior is not usual for most people.
IMO, well should not share this lol but my mom hates taking showers to the point where she would ask me to wash her hair in the sink. Since i moved out she does take her shower sitting down . Her shower is like TA shower. (Since shes a kid shes been like that)

I took a shower once there (in her bathroom) and well i could kinda reach the stuff if i got up a lil(but i was coming back from the hospital and had my fibula removed so i had to sit down)
re. Veronica from Dr. Drew

Here are my reasons for thinking Veronica is full of it:
1) Contradiction: On the one hand she says JA is flat and unemotional and on the other hand is madly in love/obsessed with TA.

2) Doesn't make sense:
"And she -- and owners of the restaurant would say, I never want her at my table again. "
I think she is trying to say patrons told Veronica they never want to be at JA's table again. Have you ever told a waitress in a rest. that you don't like one of the other waitresses? Maybe I could see it happening in some small town diner but Bing Crosby's was upscale and catered to tourists.

3) This wacko statement:
"Oh, yes. I had co-workers at the restaurant who said, Veronica, stay away from her. What are you talking about? She`s a pretty little girl -- oh no, Veronica, stay away from her. There`s nothing wrong with her. She doesn`t show emotion. She doesn`t get upset. She doesn`t cry. We are wait staff. We are emotional, we are passionate, and she had nothing."

4) If JA is watching the cat for a friend, why would she be taking it to the humane society? Can't seem to make up her mind if JA is babysitting the cat or adopting the cat.
The words "retrieve the cat" seem odd - not normal speech.
Where the heck was the cat? In a room where?

1st interview:
"OK. We had an employee there. He was getting there. His wife was allergic to the cat. He asked her to take the cat. But two weeks while they went on honeymoon, she told me where it`s at. She said, Veronica, I`m going to do it. So, she took the cat in.

After two weeks when the guy got back from his honeymoon, she came up to me and said, Veronica, when I went back to get the cat after two weeks - - I said, two weeks, what do you mean? She said, I left it in a dark room with enough food and water. A lot at her and I was about to strangle her right there."

2nd interview:
"Yes, doctor. So anyway, she was taking care of this cat supposedly for two weeks. And after the two weeks she had told me, she said, "Veronica, boy, when I went to retrieve the cat after two weeks" -- I said, what do you mean after two weeks retrieved the cat? She said, "Well, I left it in a room with enough food and water." I said, for two weeks? What are you talking about, Jodi? She said -- and she kind of got a little startled at my response.

And she said, "Well, when I went to get the cat to take it to the Humane Society, it was shaking, veronica. The cat was shaking. I guess I kind of feel bad."

5) Veronica makes herself out to be a wonderful, helpful person compared to ALL the other employees - hallmark of a pathological liar:
"She was horrible at her job so, I was always helping her, picking up her slack.
Everyone else wouldn't touch -- wouldn't help her at all at work, because every time she got a bad tip from a table it was oh, there was a woman at the table, Veronica, she was jealous of me. That was the reason she got a bad tip. Not horrible service. "

6) The way Dr.D keeps cutting off Veronica mid-sentence and saying that her claims can be neither confirmed nor denied suggests he thinks she is full of crap.

I hope your (and Dr. Drew's) intuition about this person is right, if only for the sake of the cat. Cases like this do draw the attention seekers out of the woodwork!
I've sat in the shower stall before, especially when I am feeling tired and worn out. So has my partner. He loves to sit there and let the water fall over him.

There's nothing weird about it. And I can easily get up from sitting in the shower. You make it sound as if it's an impossible feat.

It's sitting, in a shower. Not standing on your hands.

Hey it's not always easy for me pulling myself to standing in my bathtub but that's a whole other deal. They have bars and friction producing strips at the bottom of tubs for a reason. It's a very easy place for people to get injured, slipping, sliding, trying to get to standing. Even semi agile people like myself.

I stand by, it's not a usual behavior for people to sit down in a shower stall with water spraying them in the face. Apparently some people enjoy this behavior. But I don't find it usual.
This was really interesting (although that expert's voice makes me feel uneasy and kind of scared! lol). I don't get what Jean was saying about how her descriptions of personality disordered behavior (Borderline, Narcissism, etc) were good for the defense? This isn't an insanity case. Prisons are FILLED with personality disordered criminals. It doesn't make her look any better. She didn't get a personality disorder from Travis' "abuse". Jean kind of missed the mark on that one. But I'd love for those opinions to come in to the trial. I mean an abuse expert can't explain ALL her lying on "self defense". oh how I'm gonna despise these experts....:furious:

Yep, and I didn't get it either when the forensic psychologist said she didn't believe Arias was a pathological liar. Hasn't her long trail of lie after lie proven that she is?
But how do you know that this bahavior was not normal for TRAVIS??????? No one does. Its obvious he was sitting in the shower - why are we debating it? He very well could be that "type" of person, you dont know him. None of us do. But for everyone here to think its SO OBSERD that TA would sit in the shower, is nuts.
He obviously did - its in a pic. What was going through his mind at that time, NONE OF US KNOW.

Guess I'm nuts then. I find it odd he was voluntarily sitting in that shower stall, nude, letting his stalker take photos of him. Obviously that's just my opinion and makes no difference whatsoever in the outcome of this trial.
I hope your (and Dr. Drew's) intuition about this person is right, if only for the sake of the cat. Cases like this do draw the attention seekers out of the woodwork!

Yeah it sucks that I can't really take this woman seriously 'cause I am DYING for more JA background info.

She set off my BS detector big time, though, so I can't ignore that.
Yep, and I didn't get it either when the forensic psychologist said she didn't believe Arias was a pathological liar. Hasn't her long trail of lie after lie proven that she is?

I also found that completely odd. Like she's only lying because she's under some kind of duress? Seeming completely at ease? That was off. Bring on Candace De Long or Gavin De Becker. (wow both have "de").
Hey it's not always easy for me pulling myself to standing in my bathtub but that's a whole other deal. They have bars and friction producing strips at the bottom of tubs for a reason. It's a very easy place for people to get injured, slipping, sliding, trying to get to standing. Even semi agile people like myself.

I stand by, it's not a usual behavior for people to sit down in a shower stall with water spraying them in the face. Apparently some people enjoy this behavior. But I don't find it usual.

BBM - I agree!

Sit on a small stool in a small shower stall - easy to imagine.

Sit on the floor of a small shower stall = unusual to me too.
I find sitting down and washing my hair sooo relaxing. When i have panic attacks i usually sit down in the shower for five minutes while my mind settled.

Theres no studies or stuff that i can find saying that sitting down in a shower is not usual
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