The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #16 *ADULT CONTENT*

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I noticed that the defense withdrew their objection to the motion to preclude also after defense and state experts examined the letters and testified about them. This was also when Jodi asked to represent herself -- my guess is that the defense learned they were fakes and refused to try to get them admitted, and Jodi was insisting. The defense probably advised her that they would either have to withdraw as counsel or report to the judge that Jodi was attempting to admit false evidence.
I agree it was tactical. FWIW there were only ever copies of the letters available too though the prosecution requested the originals - Jodi was never able to produce them.
RBBM, My apologies, I havent really been following here during this trial. I was just curious, sorry if I offended. Peace.

No problem. :)

Just gets old having to repeat my position over and over because I try to remain impartial and challenge some assertions here. I apologize if I came off as brash or abrupt.
I don't know that the truth is easily discernible. I was surprised when Nurmi claimed one was ruled as 'probable' in connection to Travis writing it....snipped.....

Hello Britskate,
I've been meaning to ask you something since you had the unfortunate experience of being associated with a past abuser.

First, I am very sorry you had to deal with that and so glad that part of your life is over and you survived it.

My question is related to verbal abuse only. Since the defense is going to claim some form of abuse by Travis and let us assume that they somehow are able to claim that verbal abuse occurred but not physical, I just dont see how this could help the defense in any way because of Jodi's murdering of him?

I had always assumed that if someone is going to claim some sort of self defense and taking a life, they would have to prove that their life was in danger and I just dont see how a claim of verbal abuse can help their case.

You may or may not know the answer to this, but thought I would ask. You dont have to answer if you dont want to as I realize this is a complicated question. I doubt the defense will be able to prove much of anything anyway at the rate they are going.
that could be. But he was only asked to read his email to Travis. I don't think he was asked to read anything that Travis emailed to him.

You are correct CH wanted to read the email TA sent him that made CH reply the way he did. DA said it wasn't important just read.
I just listened to this part of Chris' testimony. He was not at all belligerent, nor did he refuse to read the email IMO

Why would he refuse to read it to himself? I bet if he had to read it outloud he would not want to. Clearly there are things that CH does not want out like him saying to Flores tha he could see Travis throwing Jodi into a wall....also Sky,s emails alluding to her believing the pedo stuff

BBM Good thought, but his testicles were also red.

I responded to this as being a professional photographer currently. In low light situations, as was the lighting in the house that day, some things appear red, or orange. This is what I am pretty sure is happening in these photos.
Sharing from the State page.... good analysis!

Jodi thought she had all of the bases covered. She clearly has watched shows like CSI and 48 Hours and she knew about the kind of evidence that leads to a conviction, so she thought those things through and thought that she took precautions to avoid those traps. Here is a list of just some those precautions which show premeditation on Jodi's part:

Hair evidence: Jodi dyed her hair and wore her hair in tight braids. The tight braids would have limited hair loss at the crime scene. In fact, during interrogation, Jodi told the detective that if she had been to Travis' house during the murder, her hair would have been "everywhere" -- she was obviously confident that she had done a good job of keeping her hair in place.

Phone pings: Jodi turned her phone off while in the Arizona area and during the entire time she was with Travis.

DNA: Jodi washed the bedding, tried to kill Travis during the tail end of a long shower during which he presumably had washed off all physical evidence of Jodi. Then, she washed Travis's body after she was forced to have contact with him in order to kill him.

Receipts: Jodi did not use her credit card in the Arizona area and even bought/borrowed gas cans which she filled while in California so there would be no record of her stopping for gas in Arizona.

Cameras/Stoplight cameras: Jodi drove a rental car which she rented from store that was NOT in her town. In so doing, she asked for a car that was a dull color (rejected a red car) and then she proceeded to flip the back license plate upside down and to remove the front license plate. During interrogation, she revealed her thinking when she commented that perhaps stoplight cameras would prove she was not in Mesa during the time Travis was murdered (she knew her plate was upside down).

Physical recognition by eyewitnesses: Jodi dyed her hair platinum blonde to dark brown herself while on the road to Travis' house and she drove a rental car with front plates removed and back plates upside down. Proof this was her thinking came during the police interrogation when Jodi said the neighbors would not have recognized her because they knew her as having "platinum blonde" hair.
Contemporaneous records: Jodi falsified her diary to feign surprise and grief over Travis' death.

Voicemails/Texts/Phone Records: Jodi left Travis a long voicemail after killing him wherein she acted as if she thought he was alive and that they were planning to see a Othello when he supposedly was going to visit her in California in July.

Cleanup -- Jodi spent 1-2 hours cleaning the crime scene before she left Travis' house.

Camera in washing machine/deleted photos
nor should have he.

He was reviewing the email before he wanted his response on the record.. most likely the man thought it was being taken out of context.

There was also a good reason why this was not televised.

Gus was an entirely different situation.

At one point in front of the jury he told the PA to "continue"


I agree with the PA: he is the one asking the questions: so answer them.

I was watching the same trial as you.... Not sure what others may have been watching??

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I agree it was tactical. FWIW there were only ever copies of the letters available too though the prosecution requested the originals - Jodi was never able to produce them.

I just wish we had all the information about these mysterious letters. Apparently they were supposedly handwritten by Travis but they were somehow sent to Jodi electronically, and the defense had to disclose how and from where Jodi received them.
Is the defendant still LDS? If so, how does the Mormon faith view same sex couples?
I agree it was tactical. FWIW there were only ever copies of the letters available too though the prosecution requested the originals - Jodi was never able to produce them.

IMO ... probably because the originals would have shown a lack of TA's fingerprints.
Sharing from the State page.... good analysis!

Jodi thought she had all of the bases covered. She clearly has watched shows like CSI and 48 Hours and she knew about the kind of evidence that leads to a conviction, so she thought those things through and thought that she took precautions to avoid those traps. Here is a list of just some those precautions which show premeditation on Jodi's part:

Hair evidence: Jodi dyed her hair and wore her hair in tight braids. The tight braids would have limited hair loss at the crime scene. In fact, during interrogation, Jodi told the detective that if she had been to Travis' house during the murder, her hair would have been "everywhere" -- she was obviously confident that she had done a good job of keeping her hair in place.

Phone pings: Jodi turned her phone off while in the Arizona area and during the entire time she was with Travis.

DNA: Jodi washed the bedding, tried to kill Travis during the tail end of a long shower during which he presumably had washed off all physical evidence of Jodi. Then, she washed Travis's body after she was forced to have contact with him in order to kill him.

Receipts: Jodi did not use her credit card in the Arizona area and even bought/borrowed gas cans which she filled while in California so there would be no record of her stopping for gas in Arizona.

Cameras/Stoplight cameras: Jodi drove a rental car which she rented from store that was NOT in her town. In so doing, she asked for a car that was a dull color (rejected a red car) and then she proceeded to flip the back license plate upside down and to remove the front license plate. During interrogation, she revealed her thinking when she commented that perhaps stoplight cameras would prove she was not in Mesa during the time Travis was murdered (she knew her plate was upside down).

Physical recognition by eyewitnesses: Jodi dyed her hair platinum blonde to dark brown herself while on the road to Travis' house and she drove a rental car with front plates removed and back plates upside down. Proof this was her thinking came during the police interrogation when Jodi said the neighbors would not have recognized her because they knew her as having "platinum blonde" hair.
Contemporaneous records: Jodi falsified her diary to feign surprise and grief over Travis' death.

Voicemails/Texts/Phone Records: Jodi left Travis a long voicemail after killing him wherein she acted as if she thought he was alive and that they were planning to see a Othello when he supposedly was going to visit her in California in July.

Cleanup -- Jodi spent 1-2 hours cleaning the crime scene before she left Travis' house.

Camera in washing machine/deleted photos

What State page?
Well I'm still behind.

While reading the trial thread I noticed a few pics of Jodi. To Jodi's defense attorneys, if you are reading here, please tell Jodi that the glasses make her nose look really weird and big. Kind of like the weird, big nose on a Mr Potato Head.

Just trying to help. :seeya:
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