The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #16 *ADULT CONTENT*

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I'm just now watching the beginning trial today. Why was did the court and the prosecution allow the morning to be wasted with a PPL infomercial?

Oops. I think that was yesterday morning, not today. I didn't see trial yesterday either. I hope someone can PM me if and when jodi arias testifies.
But why when they will never be presented to the jury? Esp when it wasn't just that they argued and were ruled against. They dropped the whole thing themselves. Nurmi...when he was with Victoria Washington before she bailed. It's my understanding she walked off the case because of these forged letters.

I believe that's correct, although the court proceedings around it are sealed. I think Nurmi was out of line suggesting that an expert had concluded that one of the letters had been determined to have a high probability of being authored by Travis. Juan promptly objected and there was no more discussion about it.
Originally Posted by Ada
Well I'm still behind.

While reading the trial thread I noticed a few pics of Jodi. To Jodi's defense attorneys, if you are reading here, please tell Jodi that the glasses make her nose look really weird and big. Kind of like the weird, big nose on a Mr Potato Head.

Just trying to help.

Her nose has always reminded me of the nose of a Proboscis monkey.
It's not long and hangy but for some reason, that is what I see.:crazy:

:floorlaugh: A few nights ago, when some of us here were critiquing JA's lady bits (as seen in those full-on shots accidently shown on the court live streaming), a poster said a part looked like Snufalufagus!! :floorlaugh:
1) depo and testimony from that person

2) cell records

3) eye witness accounts
GS claims he was contacted by CH.

GS claims that CH was off-putting, trying to shake the credibility of the DA.

GS claims that someone else was in the car who heard this.

I find it hard to believe that the PA would "factually" know no one was in the car with GS at the time. Didn't this all take place just a few days ago?
Oops. I think that was yesterday morning, not today. I didn't see trial yesterday either. I hope someone can PM me if and when jodi arias testifies.

No, it was today, and we were all wondering why we were listening to a PPL infomercial. Juan brought some relevance to it during cross, but it was all kind of pointless IMO ...although the jury asked a couple of questions about it, so maybe they thought it meant something
he wanted the context of the snipped piece.

Nothing wrong with that at all.

This was YEARS AGO. He wanted to review the entire conversation.

If TA's original e-mail is something the PA doesn't want in though, maybe his witness should have just left it at what the DT wanted? JM was pretty silent throughout that exchange, so I'm thinking there are statements made by TA in that original e-mail that he would prefer not come out. So as not to give the DT any leeway in questioning TA's character. MOO

ETA: I understand it was only to be read silently, but there's nothing to say that it wouldn't be admitted into evidence and heard by the jury somewhere down the road.
I've already explained this multiple times. I think Arias went to Mesa prepared to kill Alexander depending on what happened that night. I've been wavering on whether she actually intended to the entire time, but the gas cans are pushing me towards the premeditated side. I think she got jealous about something or something did not go how she wanted, and she flipped out and killed him. My sequence of events differs from the common belief, though. I think she shot him first and retrieved a knife from elsewhere.

This post of yours from 9:43 today #67 on this thread....see that you now today are seeing what many of us have been stating. Appreciate you being here representing perhaps what a defense person would do, taking each item as a solo event, but now pwehaps it is more clear to all what a circumstantial case is. Yes, we all can totally rip apart and give scenarios differing from others as you have done, thank you, but glad that you can now agree that it is intuitively obvious to the most casual observer, including the jury, that this was premeditated.

So sad that this manoday has given his livelyhood and reputation for nis 14 year old friends to discuss, which is just what Jodi siad would happen when she proposed her plea which was denied.

I believe that not only is his and his family destroyed with this association, but others are forthcoming in her attempt.

THIS MAKES ME ILL that all these familes, as she sais in 2010, are going to be collateral just to have folks be convinced.
No worries, Hatfield. I'll try but there are lots of posters here much more eloquent.

In recent years, fortunately, verbal and psychological/emotional abuse are becoming much more understood as being detrimental. Years ago this just wasn't the case. (I had to fight tooth and nail for a restraining order because my abuse, while having physical overtones like threatening me with a gun, wasn't actually physically abusive in terms of battery.)

Calling someone a name is verbal abuse. Emotional abuse is a lengthy process of eroding someone's self worth using verbal abuse (among many other tactics) and this I believe is what they will claim - if they don't try for physical as well.

There are many abuse survivors and DV experts who have stated emotional abuse is at least as detrimental and destructive as physical abuse. Jodi's defense could make the claim that emotional abuse very often escalates to physical violence (it does) and having a history of abuse Jodi did fear Travis. (I feared my ex greatly but he never hit me. I just always believed he would as it was a constant threat.)

The Jennifer Young case is a very classic example of how quickly an emotionally abusive relationship can become lethal. Having never hit her before Jason Young beat his pregnant wife to death. She'd only recently had her first appointment with a counselor who had to tell her that her marriage was verbally abusive. As is very common with victims of EA Michelle was seeking therapy to work on herself and what she perceived were her issues/problems. :(


Thanks a bunch for your perspective.
What I saw was cut off so I never saw what he ended up doing. So he did in fact follow the Judge's order and write down this name? Wonder if we will see someone new on the witness list now

They didn't show it, but I'm assuming that is what happened.
I believe that's correct, although the court proceedings around it are sealed. I think Nurmi was out of line suggesting that an expert had concluded that one of the letters had been determined to have a high probability of being authored by Travis. Juan promptly objected and there was no more discussion about it.

I suspect she wanted off the case with this lunatic just as Nurmi did and used this as her ethical reason to ditch.
I just love, love, love when Juan Martinez asked Gus the name of the person in his car, did you see the look on Gus' face, seems the courtroom went completely silent and everyone froze, haha. I am still crackin' up over here.:floorlaugh:

JM called him out and put it on record, the person will be subpoena and/or if he is lying, he has perjured himself, either way he is effed, serves him well.

If anyone wants to see a repeat of just the Gus Show, here is a link:
1) depo and testimony from that person

2) cell records

3) eye witness accounts

Because a good lawyer never asks a question he doesn't know the answer to, I think you're exactly right. He's not just fishing.
I'm catching up while still watching, and sorry for carrying over last thread, but:

minor4th said:
Is that really what Juan said? LOL
Yes! I played it multiple was classic.

Madeleine74 said:
I bet I'm not the only one who loves Juan Martinez now! I sense an increased appreciation for him after he ripped Mr. Gus a new one.
I was just thinking to ask you if I could join his fan club! :takeabow:

IMO I can't think of 2 sharper, more capable people to be sitting at that desk than Juan Martinez and Detective Flores. They are phenomenal at what they do. I think Mr. Martinez's courtroom style is superb; he makes me pay attention and listen closely to every word he says because of his presence, manner, and questions. Whereas during the defense I realize I just stopped listening completely and have to rewind...except the jurors aren't sitting there with remotes to rewind whenever their interest is lost.

And obviously, Det. Flores' interrogation style was very, very good, whether he believes it "worked" or not he did get a lot out of her that came back to bite her and may have helped put some pieces together in the jury's minds.

I can't help but feel that they are the "good guys" and doing a great job of it...they just need capes now.:hero:
I'm just now watching the beginning trial today. Why was did the court and the prosecution allow the morning to be wasted with a PPL infomercial?

They were waiting for GS to tell "The Secret" I guess. Seems to be mystery about what he had to tell the prosecution or defense, whoever bit first and it appears he is now going with defense. If it's about the phone he gave Jodi he now claims he does not know when that was. I get the impression had the State called him back his memory would have been crystal. lol
16:11 here:
I'm starting a Multi-Level-Marketing scheme called "Pre-Paid Boob Job". It's shaped like a pyramid, not a circle. For $1.19 a day you get insurance in case you ever need a "lift" or implants.

Since I'm at the top of the pyramid, I get the first boob-job. But since you all will be in on the ground floor---you can expext to be Executive Directors soon!

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Oh Lady Edith! Let you out of a corset and look what springs out! lol
Man, watching Gus's testimony, what was the point? So she didn't try to seduce him? So what? He's some gross man. And married I suppose?
So Judy had a relationship with her? I get it.... the crime :Marissa DeVault Charged in 2009 AZ Slaying Death of Husband Dale Harrell, Faces Death Penalty

She also has a long case history (actually two case numbers) and many upcoming trial dates:
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