1. What do you miss most about Kyron?
We miss his toothless smile, the belly laugh, the pouty lips, but most of all the hugs that he gives us each day. We also miss the everyday noise that emanates the house when he is playing.
2. Does Kyron have any defining marks (i.e. birthmarks) that people looking for him should be aware of?
He has a V shaped strawberry birthmark on his forehead that has faded over the years but you can still see it when he cries or is upset.
3. Is there a favorite food that Kyron has?
Sushi and macaroni & cheese.
4. Is Kyron allergic to anything?
He is allergic to bees
5. What plans do you have for Kyron when he comes home?
Aside from the fact that he is never leaving the house again, vacation, camping, fishing and all of the things that he loves to do. We are going to focus on spending everyday making sure that he is happy, just as we have done before this happened.
6. Your story has touched people across the world, please tell us how?
I am very curious as to why everyone thinks the bee allergy thing is so important? I realize that bee stings can be deadly, but like someone else posted a bee allergy can be as simple as the sting sight swelling and itching.
I agree that it wouldn't have hurt to alert the public to this from the start, but I don't think it is a detail that makes a difference in the investigation of finding Kyron.
I, personally, am allergic to bee stings. And mine is nothing more than swelling and itching. The sting site will swell up to a half dollar size and become itchy. Not everyone who is allergic needs to carry an epi-pen.
Also how do we know that LE wasn't told about the bee sting allergy? Just because the public wasn't made aware of it doesn't mean they family did not tell LE. And the same goes for the birthmark, how do we know LE hasn't known about it all along? They said it was faint, so you would really have to be looking at Kyron pretty closely to know that it was there. JMO
I am mildly allergic. I have not been stung in at least 10 years, but the last time I was it stung it swelled about the the size of a half dollar in width and a lump formed. I got red bumpy rash not only in the sting site but pretty much my entire forearm. I took benadryl and all was fine.
When I was 10, I got stung by like 15 bees on my the top of my foot. My foot swelled tremendously almost immediately and the rash broke out within 15 minutes and spread all the up past my knee. My mom immediatley took me to the ER. By the time we got there by leg too had begun to swell and was warm to the touch. They gave me some sort of anti-histamine shot and kept me overnight for observation.
Sorry if this has already been posted, but reviving this thread because I stumbled across a quote that gave me pause and may explain why the family mentioned the bee allergy several weeks into the search. I think it was a dig at Terri based on this quote:
She cant even tell the truth about her divorce or, you know, how she met Kaine, any of that, Young says. Silly little things. Stories about Kyron getting stung by a bee she cant even tell the truth about.
Sounds like maybe at one time TH lied about a bee sting (either lied about how he got stung, or invented a bee sting that never happened) and after all of the info about TH began to come to light and they began to suspect her, they released the info about his bee allergy as a pointed message to TH?
Sorry if this has already been posted, but reviving this thread because I stumbled across a quote that gave me pause and may explain why the family mentioned the bee allergy several weeks into the search. I think it was a dig at Terri based on this quote:
She cant even tell the truth about her divorce or, you know, how she met Kaine, any of that, Young says. Silly little things. Stories about Kyron getting stung by a bee she cant even tell the truth about.
Sounds like maybe at one time TH lied about a bee sting (either lied about how he got stung, or invented a bee sting that never happened) and after all of the info about TH began to come to light and they began to suspect her, they released the info about his bee allergy as a pointed message to TH?
Sorry if this has already been posted, but reviving this thread because I stumbled across a quote that gave me pause and may explain why the family mentioned the bee allergy several weeks into the search. I think it was a dig at Terri based on this quote:
She cant even tell the truth about her divorce or, you know, how she met Kaine, any of that, Young says. Silly little things. Stories about Kyron getting stung by a bee she cant even tell the truth about.
Sounds like maybe at one time TH lied about a bee sting (either lied about how he got stung, or invented a bee sting that never happened) and after all of the info about TH began to come to light and they began to suspect her, they released the info about his bee allergy as a pointed message to TH?
If my eyes aren't playing tricks, it appears Desiree indeed COULD get up and do her hair, makeup and nails. That's a lovely manicure.
Also, what woman doesn't go to her friends and want their sympathy and for their friends to see things the way they do? OF COURSE THEY DO!! It's what women do!!!
She cant even tell the truth about her divorce or, you know, how she met Kaine, any of that, Young says. Silly little things. Stories about Kyron getting stung by a bee she cant even tell the truth about.
Lemme tie it in then. If Desiree can conflict herself by stating she cannot do her makeup, hair, or nails (all the while sporting evidence of such care and concern for her appearance) and in the same breath be tearing down Terri for having expressed an issue with her hair or makeup or whatever, then in light of that, I take that what she's saying about the bee sting has two sides, as well, and again we're not hearing Terri's side, so leaping to conclusions on what Desiree might mean by the comment should stop at this article was all about making certain to get her digs in about Terri, even down to lying about a bee sting.
From where I sit, it comes off as petty and not serving the purpose of finding Kyron, but tearing apart Terri.
ETA: That was a heck of a run-on sentence. My apologies.