Exactly that way- a mean mommy hurt her little girl and she died, and this is the spot where her body was. Doesn't need any more detail than that for a 5-year-old. They know bad people exist in the world.I just picture some 5 year old saying Mommy is this the park they found that little girl's body in? How do you explain the memorial to a child?
I sure wish that some of the money being poured into casey's defense would be used to purchase this land and set up a park with playground.
There are a number of people from other states looking at it, so it is not about "the people of Orlando", but anyone who comes up with the cash. If it bothers them, then let them put up the money and buy it.
Why should anyone have a say if they don't put their money where their "mouth" might be.
----------------------------My bold
The only A who has hindered justice for Caylee is her mother, Casey Anthony.:liar::behindbar And that is precisely what she is charged with, along with murder one. I find it funny that people keep insisting the A's obstructed justice... yet within all these months, and all the evidence the SA, OCSO and the FBI has acquired, not one of them has been charged. (and they never will be, imho.)
The pursuit of justice for Caylee is and always has been well under way...and it will come to pass. MOO
If LP has real intentions on buying the land and turning it into a memorial for Caylee (or for all missing children, as he told one other news outlet) then why didn't he make a compatible offer for it? If my calculations are right, his offer undercuts the asking price by just under 44%. That's a big cut in price... and from my understanding, the price has already been compromised by this case, as it is. To take LP's offer would be a big loss for the owner... which I don't see happening, unless the owner is extremely desperate to get the land off of his hands. This whole issues leads me to believe that LP had no intentions of purchasing the land in the first place... that it is just a PR move.
I agree with Marc Klass' statement on it... and looking at the area: it's near a school... the land is swampy... and it is in a residential neighborhood where people will be affected by outside traffic and lookey loos. Plus, if you are going to do a public memorial that is open to the public, then why would you put it in such of an obscure place. Besides, where Caylee was found is not where she should be memorialized... not where she was treated like trash and literally left there in trashbags. That child's memory deserves so much better...