The Theater and the Shooting

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February, don't bail; it's clear that there are some rather interesting questions that hopefully will be answered at trial but should be noted now by us here if for no other reason than to put these things out there to make sure they're fully answered at trial so this guy doesn't walk or a jury doesn't hang because jurors had the same unanswered questions that we do.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S 2

not really bailing ;) seriously , am here for good conversations on this case and i know there are lots of them here...

Plus I got a good pool on my backyard and the weather is just amazing :)
Smooth....where did you find that information? The only reason i am asking...that parking lot is HUGE. If he parked in front and took off out the exit.....he really would have had to run, change into all his gear, and move his car. That would take quite a bit of time.

Now, if he parked where his car was the exit....why would anybody notice it? Especially if it had been there for hours. There are parking slots all over on that people must park their cars their on busy nights. In those pictures I can see the yellow outlines of the parking slots.

He could have had all his equipment in the trunk. Parked by the exit. Walk around to the front entrance. Took his seat. Then took his call out the exit. Then he would have to put on all that equipment he was wearing.walked back in. Easy access to walk out.

Not saying you are wrong

you think somebody could have drove that hyundai from the front going to the back?
Prosecution appear to laugh about the idea that he gave up the package to the psychiatrist. There is so much inaccurate information printed in the press about this case.

where is your link that the prosecution is laughing? aren't they supposed to be in gag order or this is prior to the gag order?
where is your link that the prosecution is laughing? aren't they supposed to be in gag order or this is prior to the gag order?

Gag order doesn't apply to court documents.
Which is how defense was able to release that JH was being treated by a psychiatrist.
I've split up the full 2hr 32m scanner audio (R = Police, L = Fire). If you listen to the police channel, they talk about not only a possible 2nd shooter but finding possible secondary devices in the front parking lot (beginning @ approx 1h 42m). You can find both scanner mp3 audios in the repository of my Forensic Psych Portal ( link )
Gag order doesn't apply to court documents.
Which is how defense was able to release that JH was being treated by a psychiatrist.

does it say on the court documents that prosecution was laughing?
Link Please
I've split up the full 2hr 32m scanner audio (R = Police, L = Fire). If you listen to the police channel, they talk about not only a possible 2nd shooter but finding possible secondary devices in the front parking lot (beginning @ approx 1h 42m). You can find both scanner mp3 audios in the repository of my Forensic Psych Portal ( link )

did you hear about the mention of "SUV" in there too?
I don't see the knife in either of the images.

I personally do not see a knife either.. But after nearly a 4 minute video just repeatedly showing you what's labeled to be a knife I suppose some come away believing they see a knife.. The author of the article admits underneath in the comment section that he isn't at all sure that it is a knife and says it could be a clip for the glock handgun..

I took several screen grabs and enhanced them and still cannot come away saying there's a knife there.. Where the hell are they getting their info that the shooter was sitting in his car with a knife when arrested??

Is this one of those conspiracy sites??
Map of Century 16 theatre showing rear parking (from Google Maps). Does anyone know what the building is right behind the theater? It's very close. I'm thinking could be a staging area/getaway spot/or other vantage point for cameras which could have caught something.
Ok, a seriously old review and my comment probably belongs more in the currently closed :-( thread, but if this theater was known to be one with large police presense, why would JH choose it? (Maybe this was why that diversion at the apt. was really important?)
theater review

"January 20, 2007

Bad theater experiences. Saw a 9:50 showing of Dreamgirls at this theater and when asking someone to stop talking because he seemed to comment often on a funny and interesting scene, I was called outside to fight. At 43 i thought that this was really funny, but since I was on a first date I decided not to make waves and get the idiot thrown out. You wonder why they have such a high police presence there."
I don't know thats why i was asking.. It very well could be. Idk??

Ok :)

i think they got the picture with that silver item from the picture of a man inspecting the gas mask and enlarge it themselves and then they match it to the other picture of the gas mask which was used by many news site. I dont know too if that is a knife or what but it looks like a silver thing.
I don't know thats why i was asking.. It very well could be. Idk??

I wondered too--the report seemed very professional, but I didn't see an knife either. Even if there was a knife, wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility that a movie goer had one and dropped it all the chaos.
Just listened to the 16 minute dispatch and it's so disturbing and anguishing to listen to what was happening as it was happening.. Especially hearing the moaning and crying in the background. Especially chilling was the officer inside the theater begging for immediate medical rescue due to having an individual immobile and EVISCERATED(which means disemboweled).. A very horrific scene that those first responders were seeing.. Things of such a horrid nature that they will have nightmares for years to come as well as days where they're unable to get the horrific images from their minds..

I hope to God we take better care of our officers than we do our military in ensuring they receive the imperative long term counseling that is necessary for a human being to be able to cope and live with what they have seen and experienced up close and personal..

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