The "Totally Off Topic" Thread Part 2.

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Okay, what exactly ARE some of the advantages to touring around on a motorcycle? I'm not so sure I've discovered any quite yet.... for my years in LE, it just seems MC riders come out on the losing end of a whole lotta accidents, ya know?! In fact, one of our Regional Commanders was recently on a MC ride through Wyoming with his wife on board, crashed (his fault, oh no!) and HE was okay, but his wife broke her arm in 4 places! When my boss heard what I've recently been doing, yep, this was his face >>> :eek:

Off road ! Along river banks, down trails through the woods, over hills over dale and all those dusty trails! All those stars at night, winding roads at a good clip, bugs in your teeth...:D

Yes, higher risk - higher reward!
You mean that part about being partial to blondes ? True, but you are aware my horizons are definitely not limited by that :blushing:

Yes - I bet you do have all those boys trained in your office - waving hand and all that chocolate.

Seriously, yes...chocolate abounds in this office when one of the boys' makes ANY type of mistake that impacts me, LOL. Seriously! Check your PM's in a bit - photo of several of my boys when deployed for Hurricane Rita in 2005. I'm a proud "cougar mom" (not to be confused with CM at CTV, LOL). I've been busy...350 boys and another 200 non-commissioned children.
I suspect that might just fit you Jilly. I'm thinking I've been on WS about 4 years now and you have kept me hopping just about that long ! You should know that I am partial to blondes. :) I don't much think about what other posters look like, but I must say I'm a bit awed by the company I'm keeping here. Smart, funny, compassionate, and very pretty and HOT!!

That's it - I'm changing my hat to Cougar!:D ]

Actually, I'm in awe with everyone who has posted on this forum. Exactly as you say (and I'd just add) with everyone having a great sense of humor. I sure hope they arrest this jy dude so that we can carry on together and see justice for Michelle, her baby, Cassidy and the Fishers'.
Okay, fess up...what did you visualize? I may have to change my typing/posting style if you come back and say some ol' biddy with curlers in her hair, typing in her bathrobe and slippers with a ciggie hangin' out of her mouth...

LOL I think you just described me!! (Less the cigarette!:D )

My visual of you?:silenced: :D Don't's all good! Because of your hat, for some reason I just thought you were a man - a retired cop/sheriff....... BUT a smart one!! I've always enjoyed your posts. It wasn't until TCS that I clued in!! A little sloooooow here!
Seriously, yes...chocolate abounds in this office when one of the boys' makes ANY type of mistake that impacts me, LOL. Seriously! Check your PM's in a bit - photo of several of my boys when deployed for Hurricane Rita in 2005. I'm a proud "cougar mom" :laugh: :laugh: (not to be confused with CM at CTV, LOL). I've been busy...350 boys and another 200 non-commissioned children.

Now that made me laugh out loud!! I have her on iggy!
Off road ! Along river banks, down trails through the woods, over hills over dale and all those dusty trails! All those stars at night, winding roads at a good clip, bugs in your teeth...:D

Yes, higher risk - higher reward!

My girlfriend's husband goes on his bike about 3x a yr and I think you might have quoted him!:D Something about gazing at those stars for him too! Never heard about the bugs in the teeth though!:sick:
That's it - I'm changing my hat to Cougar!:D ]

Actually, I'm in awe with everyone who has posted on this forum. Exactly as you say (and I'd just add) with everyone having a great sense of humor. I sure hope they arrest this jy dude so that we can carry on together and see justice for Michelle, her baby, Cassidy and the Fishers'.


That part you put in red, I can't say things like that - DD has information on me to keep me under control. I know if I get a bit out of line she will open a can of whoop on me, so I must sorta behave. Besides, my wife does read here on occasion - the barn is okay as there is a nice lounge built in, but I'd rather not be sleeping out there :D

As to the case at hand, Michelle - I have no doubt that justice will come. I believe LE knows who and sooner or later will provide the DA exactly what they need to begin the wheels of justice turning. It will happen, he is not going to get away with it.

Motorcycles - not my cup of tea either. Don't have one and don't want one, I agree with DD - too dangerous. Open wheel cars on a track - fine, going down an interstate totally exposed to the nuts on the road - no way.

ETA - please check your pms !
LOL I think you just described me!! (Less the cigarette!:D )
My visual of you?:silenced: :D Don't's all good! Because of your hat, for some reason I just thought you were a man - a retired cop/sheriff....... BUT a smart one!! I've always enjoyed your posts. It wasn't until TCS that I clued in!! A little sloooooow here!

Not even, Jilly! We've seen your gorgeous pic! :blowkiss:
Seriously, yes...chocolate abounds in this office when one of the boys' makes ANY type of mistake that impacts me, LOL. Seriously! Check your PM's in a bit - photo of several of my boys when deployed for Hurricane Rita in 2005. I'm a proud "cougar mom" (not to be confused with CM at CTV, LOL). I've been busy...350 boys and another 200 non-commissioned children.

I soooo wish y'all could have been here to witness my 9:15am event - one of the Captains came in with 3 Dove caramel/chocolate pieces for me, like as a peace offering. As he knows he should! :cool: Yep, they're all such good guys...

P.S. Okay, I should let you know there is also the sweet side of D-Dawg, as I am the goddess of the peanut m&m jar in the building. Most of the employees that aren't officially stationed here (but within our Region) are kinda skeeeered to venture up to the front offices of the building...but they do risk it just to come get their peanut m&m fix :p Yep, chocolate works wonders in this office.

That part you put in red, I can't say things like that - DD has information on me to keep me under control. I know if I get a bit out of line she will open a can of whoop on me, so I must sorta behave. Besides, my wife does read here on occasion - the barn is okay as there is a nice lounge built in, but I'd rather not be sleeping out there :D

As to the case at hand, Michelle - I have no doubt that justice will come. I believe LE knows who and sooner or later will provide the DA exactly what they need to begin the wheels of justice turning. It will happen, he is not going to get away with it.

Motorcycles - not my cup of tea either. Don't have one and don't want one, I agree with DD - too dangerous. Open wheel cars on a track - fine, going down an interstate totally exposed to the nuts on the road - no way.

ETA - please check your pms !

Awwww, RC....
feel free to say anything your conscience allows you to... :blowkiss:
I'll just try to ignore it if you get out of line, hehe.

Hey, if you read this before you and Mrs. RC go away for the races, have a wonderful time!

And P.S. "Hi MRS. RC" if you see this. Your hubby is a good sport about all the teasing!
Awwww, RC....
feel free to say anything your conscience allows you to... :blowkiss:
I'll just try to ignore it if you get out of line, hehe.

Hey, if you read this before you and Mrs. RC go away for the races, have a wonderful time!

And P.S. "Hi MRS. RC" if you see this. Your hubby is a good sport about all the teasing!

I'm just aggravating you DD - much as I do Jilly. Puts a grin on my face to be aggravating because you ladies are the best of sports about it all.:) Mrs. RC does indeed know about the teasing - she has it mastered believe me, which is why I am a good sport about it as well - use to it:crazy:

This should be a good exciting race for her DD - Iowa is a new track and it is a short track - only 7/8ths of a mile so the drama and action will be high. Really hoping Danica does very well - this will be the first time for my wife to actually see her in action, she better do well or the teasing will become relentless ! Better start saying my prayers now...

The race is on ESPN 2 I think on Sunday at noon CST
I'm just aggravating you DD - much as I do Jilly. Puts a grin on my face to be aggravating because you ladies are the best of sports about it all.:) Mrs. RC does indeed know about the teasing - she has it mastered believe me, which is why I am a good sport about it as well - use to it:crazy:

This should be a good exciting race for her DD - Iowa is a new track and it is a short track - only 7/8ths of a mile so the drama and action will be high. Really hoping Danica does very well - this will be the first time for my wife to actually see her in action, she better do well or the teasing will become relentless ! Better start saying my prayers now...

The race is on ESPN 2 I think on Sunday at noon CST

(Pssssst, I can't speak for Jilly:silenced: ...but I kinda enjoy being aggravated, hehe) It's all good and keeps me on my toes ;) . And yes! I figure you're so good about the teasing because Mrs. RC has you trained quite well :D

So how many laps in this Iowa race, or are they always the same? See how ignorant I am? But hey, you may get me hooked yet on something that won't cause bugs to fly into my teeth! (There's another MC rider here that does a lot of the long-distance touring - he told me I have to get this spray to spray on my face and neck before going on long rides, as it takes the sting out of the bugs hitting at 60-70mph! Yeppers, this MC riding is just lovely:snooty: )

Okay, if Mr D-Dawg will allow me to watch TV Sunday afternoon, I've gotta see your Danica girl in action....
(Pssssst, I can't speak for Jilly:silenced: ...but I kinda enjoy being aggravated, hehe) It's all good and keeps me on my toes ;) . And yes! I figure you're so good about the teasing because Mrs. RC has you trained quite well :D

So how many laps in this Iowa race, or are they always the same? See how ignorant I am? But hey, you may get me hooked yet on something that won't cause bugs to fly into my teeth! (There's another MC rider here that does a lot of the long-distance touring - he told me I have to get this spray to spray on my face and neck before going on long rides, as it takes the sting out of the bugs hitting at 60-70mph! Yeppers, this MC riding is just lovely:snooty: )

Okay, if Mr D-Dawg will allow me to watch TV Sunday afternoon, I've gotta see your Danica girl in action....

There are 250 laps on this one. Right now you can go to and watch practice live right now (1500). You can also watch the race on Right now Mrs. RC is totally freaked out, "all those girls going so fast they are going to get hurt". By the way, she has now met Danica and seems to think she might be okay after all but she cannot figure why any of these "girls" want to do this. There are three women in this series - she is totaly freaking out on it....:D
There are 250 laps on this one. Right now you can go to and watch practice live right now (1500). You can also watch the race on Right now Mrs. RC is totally freaked out, "all those girls going so fast they are going to get hurt". By the way, she has now met Danica and seems to think she might be okay after all but she cannot figure why any of these "girls" want to do this. There are three women in this series - she is totaly freaking out on it....:D

I became LE after marrying into LE and hearing all the stories, etc, and deciding, "hey, I can do this!"....ahem...get ready >>>>maybe Mrs RC will take up Indy driving once she sees how da girls can do it! :woohoo:
I became LE after marrying into LE and hearing all the stories, etc, and deciding, "hey, I can do this!"....ahem...get ready >>>>maybe Mrs RC will take up Indy driving once she sees how da girls can do it! :woohoo:

She just said - "NO WAY" a certain place shall freeze over first.
She just said - "NO WAY" a certain place shall freeze over first.

Well...a certain place already has:


So go Mrs. RC!
RC, you could buy her a leather jacket or something this'll get her blood goin' and her brain a'thinkin' about it! :clap:
Well...a certain place already has:


So go Mrs. RC!
RC, you could buy her a leather jacket or something this'll get her blood goin' and her brain a'thinkin' about it! :clap:

Might have to - it is now raining. The only problem - this track is 30 miles away from anything - only thing here is corn. I'm thinking I better take her into Des Moines for dinner at least...she likes that shopping stuff, might have to go, yuk.
Might have to - it is now raining. The only problem - this track is 30 miles away from anything - only thing here is corn. I'm thinking I better take her into Des Moines for dinner at least...she likes that shopping stuff, might have to go, yuk.

Ahhhh, I bet you love it all! :angel:
(Pssssst, I can't speak for Jilly:silenced: ...Sure you can!!!!but I kinda enjoy being aggravated, hehe) It's all good and keeps me on my toes ;) . And yes! I figure you're so good about the teasing because Mrs. RC has you trained quite well :D

It is all good.... and fun! We've got our own private Jury Room here!:p
It is all good.... and fun! We've got our own private Jury Room here!:p

Hey! You're on right now...haven't seen you "live" for quite awhile. You're much more of a night owl than I am...heck, I'm calling it a night in just a few (sheesh, a Friday night).
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