The Verdict: Cindy & George's Reaction

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she was smiling. i think she sat where she did to avoid the camera. george did not smile. he knows there is nothing to smile about. jmo
I just have a feeling, that ICA and CA will never have a normal mother/daughter relationship again.

Not the CA wouldn't want it, I think ICA will have enough money to do her own thing. She won't need CA anymore for money, or anything else!

CA wants her daughter back, I just don't think it will ever happen. Caylee will always be between them. Not in a good way. JMHO
Cheny Mason's wife hugged Casey today in court I am sure she will stay with the Mason's or the Baez families until they find her a place of her own she will never go back to hopespring dr until the money runs out and she has no other option but to call her mother and ask to come home ....right now she is a cash cow for the defense team and they will milk her for all she worth..

I hope they keep their checkbooks locked up.

Also, as long as the public doesn't buy whatever casey anthony is selling - books, tv show, etc. - the money won't be rolling in very long.

I got this of her after she smiled. I personally think the A's got what they wanted, they planned this from the start, the fake tears, lies, confusion. All an act.
The smile.. At first as is the usual GA the only one visible by the view of the court cam..(anyone else notice that every single day of court CA managed to maneuver herself hidden by whomever random person it was from day to day..literally this was a daily occurrence).. And today at the verdict was no different.. GA clearly visible in view of the court cam with an expression based on a stoic look that would fade In and out of his brows furrowing in concern or disappointment..

Again at first couldn't get a look at Cindy.. then there was a short frame of clips that showed nothing of Cindy whatsoever from her nose down.. The only part visible the top of her hair and as I said for a very brief moment the visibilites of her eyes.. Then poof!! gone and so were they from the courtroom..

In my mind I kept going over that brief view of nothing but Cindy's eyes and top of hair.. I kept thinking I have got to be wrong in what I felt I had seen.. Umfortunaty I knew.. As bad as I wanted to believe that Cindy was upset for Caylee not receiving justice.. Deep down in my heart I knew what I had briefly seen and had pictured in my mind.. The eyes were without a single doubt dancing with a smile.. It was that apparent by seeing NOTHING but her eyes for the absolute briefest of moments that she was infact experiencing delight at that moment and so much so that not only when later getting to see I was correct that she was smiling.. But Cindy's entire face and eyes were lit up with a smile..

Disturbing and telling IMO. I think obvious why I feel disturbed by this but IMO telling her truest feelings In that moment in time.. And IMO Caylee didnot even so much as enter into Cindy's mind when the rest of us were reeling from the punch In the gut of Caylee receiving no justice whatsoever..

Cindy's eyes lit up in a moment of delight.. Delight that they had "won".. Score points for Team Anthony!! As if to say now Yuri, Ashton, LDB you thought u could bring us down, break us down.. Wrong!!.. The Anthony's WIN and the games
Over(without so much as a millisecond of who and what this all was for and about, little Caylee!!)

That lit up smile that I saw was clearly visible in just getting a tiny glimpse of her eyes.. Lit up, as I also said given what exactly it was that Cindy was lighting her face/eyes up with a smile at that moment was Casey found not guilty on all murder/manslaughter charges.. Extremely disturbing..
I really believe this family has been on a rollercoaster. I'm not at all convinced it was "all an act". But regardless, I do understand Cindy the Mom being happy that her daughter now has another chance at life and growing to be a better person. I don't hold out much hope that will happen, but understand Cindy's relief.

These people must surely have the most painful mix of emotions on the face of the earth. I believe their anger and exasperation toward KC was genuine, as is their grief for Caylee. While they 'might' be glad that KC gets a do-over, it also wouldn't surprise me to see them never speak to her again. I completely understand both of those emotions.
Cindy cleaned the car. Cindy lied in court. Cindy is proud her daughter got away with it. Somebody murdered Caylee and got away with it. What kind of world is this?
I really believe this family has been on a rollercoaster. I'm not at all convinced it was "all an act". But regardless, I do understand Cindy the Mom being happy that her daughter now has another chance at life and growing to be a better person. I don't hold out much hope that will happen, but understand Cindy's relief.

These people must surely have the most painful mix of emotions on the face of the earth. I believe their anger and exasperation toward KC was genuine, as is their grief for Caylee. While they 'might' be glad that KC gets a do-over, it also wouldn't surprise me to see them never speak to her again. I completely understand both of those emotions.

If Cindy is happy that her daughter beat these charges...MURDERING her own daughter than she is SICK. I am a mother and I don't understand that. I had sympathy about her not wanting her daughter dead, but this? NU UH.

I shall refrain from posting on this on the grounds that it may earn me a kick in the butt (and another well earned TO) from BeanE, Kimster, Grandma, Ynotdivein or some other wonderful, poorly lauded mod...:floorlaugh: You guys :rocker: and I am sorely sorry I often let my emotions get the better of me. My bad. You guys can read my mind though...I know Kimster can.
Jose has kids, one elementary age and an infant (or infant on the way???) with a wife.
I would not like to see Casey there as attention demanding as she is. Baez will be taking his kids to the hospital "in distress" unsure what is wrong with them until the moment they die on the table like Cindy's dogs, or ended up surviving with who knows what type of disabilities until Casey was able to finish them.

"The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world."

JB has one grown daughter. Are you thinking of Jose Garcia, the other Jose in the firm (who has since left) when ICA confessed in her letter from jail that she had a major crush on him?
I know you'll all be relieved to know GA/CA have made it home safely- there are 3 police cars stationed outside the house (your tax dollars at work) since they have received death threats. Surprise Surprise..
I got this of her after she smiled. I personally think the A's got what they wanted, they planned this from the start, the fake tears, lies, confusion. All an act.

Does anyone not think Cindy (George too??) was waiting for Casey somewhere in the courthouse (prearranged) after they left the courtroom? I have a feeling the reason they just got home a little while ago is because they were at the courthouse all afternoon "getting reacquainted" with their daughter. Caylee will probably not even be mentioned in that family anymore after this week. :sick:

One way or another, in this world or the next, someday she/they will have to face justice. We need to take comfort in that for now.
JB has one grown daughter. Are you thinking of Jose Garcia, the other Jose in the firm (who has since left) when ICA confessed in her letter from jail that she had a major crush on him?

Yeah, I thought JB's wife left him during the trial. She was some young 20-something....can't find the link to the news article. Do I have it wrong?
hln has shown it several times. Cindy was smirk/smiling like the self-satisfied cat who ate the cream. Made me sick.

George was completely stoic and had no reaction at all.

run george run. Get the heck out of there while you can. Run like the devil is chasing you.

I got this of her after she smiled. I personally think the A's got what they wanted, they planned this from the start, the fake tears, lies, confusion. All an act.

Even the alternate juror brought up questions like "why did George -- being former LE -- not call the police immediately after he smelled the car? They brought the car home and proceeded to clean it." He makes a good point, and it sucks that Caylee didn't have better grandparents to stand up and do the right thing for Caylee even if what could have happened was their worst nightmare. Truly good people don't start covering up immediately after knowing "something's wrong."

I'm sure CA whether she'll admit it or not, now thinks that maybe someone else did do this. She's not in touch with reality IMHO and would make a good juror someday. :innocent:
Because Cindy will never work in health care again. The claims she made about people at Gentiva sharing their passwords and signing in and out on each other's accounts are completely against HIPAA rules for accounts handling patients' files.

That is why Gentiva responded so thoroughly to the prosecution subpoenas - to protect themselves. They had to prove that kind of stuff does not go on at their company or they will never see another insurance or Medicare check again.

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