The Verdict: Cindy & George's Reaction

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To me, she looks to be so proud of Casey. Like when a parent is proud of their child getting a scholarship or an Olympic gold medal.

What a family! Thank God I don't understand them and never will. I'm not in their world, AT ALL.

Omg me too! I posted yesterday on another thread that at first on Tru tv I couldn't see her face but when I rewatched on hln I saw her peek around that guys head with that smile. It eerily reminded me exactly of a proud mom watching her darling in the school play, the way she peered arOund his head as if to get a better view of her angels moment of spotlight and that look was exactly how a proud parent looks at that time. Causes me to shudder and taste bile.
God help me for saying this but ... yes I saw her satisfied, tight lipped smile of satisfaction & triumph so I have NO good wishes for her to ever have a future day with peace of mind.

Her house hounded by protesters when the police leave ? Fine with me.
Refused service at her local stores ? Good says me.
Hissed & booed in resturants ? That's how it should be.
Haunted by living in a house that feels empty & quiet ? Be haunted & tortured Cindy.

Too harsh ? No. The cover up was it's own crime.
No Justice for Caylee should mean no peace, ever, for Cindy Anthony.

Post of the Day.

:goldcrown: :applause: :star1: :star: :jumping: :bow: :Crown:
Last night on NG, Jessie Grund's father was very interesting and credible. While he did not excuse ICA's behavior he painted CA as an emotional and verbal abuser. NG, defending CA and GA as parents, said well Lee turned out fine. Grund raised his eyebrows in such a way you knew he was saying Lee is not ok, without saying it.
This whole family is so tied to each other in lies and "putting one over on people."
Cindy's smile and her eyes are the most telling about what she thought. Disgusting and true to life.

Yeah, there has always been something "off" with Lee, and I can't put my finger on it but others have said it as well.

I've always felt the family dynamic was that Cindy ruled the roost, everything went thru her. George was just "there" and berated by Cindy for pretty much anything he tried to do, wasn't allowed to discipline or scrutinize Casey in any way. Leave her alone, I'll handle her. I think Lee was just pushed aside when Princess Casey came along. I've seen mothers do this when they get their "little girl" finally. Casey was her entire world and she let her get away with murder, literally. FGS Cindy set up a bank account for Casey and put money in it to support her, probably without George knowing about it. Casey never had money of her own, Cindy deposited into her account, when she wasn't stealing.

Casey learned to lie from Cindy. A parent can tell their kids "don't lie" but kids learn by observing and Cindy would protect Casey if anyone questioned her or tried to call her out on her lies. I agree, their entire family was embroiled in lies.
Of course she's smiling.....don't you remember way back in the beginning when the neighbors were bugging them constantly and Cindy yelled, "You don't mess the the Anthony's cause we ALWAYS win!"

That's what I saw too. She was thinking to herself, "I told you I was right... I told you she was innocent... I told you we'd win." All this when her life is destroyed and her grandbaby is dead.
I hope the Anthony's are proud of themselves. I hope Convicted Felon Casey does go back home to them. I hope their lives are everything they never wanted.
I hate all of the Anthony's.
Liars all of them.
I wish them nothing but hell for the rest of their lives.
The smile.. At first as is the usual GA the only one visible by the view of the court cam..(anyone else notice that every single day of court CA managed to maneuver herself hidden by whomever random person it was from day to day..literally this was a daily occurrence).. And today at the verdict was no different.. GA clearly visible in view of the court cam with an expression based on a stoic look that would fade In and out of his brows furrowing in concern or disappointment..

Again at first couldn't get a look at Cindy.. then there was a short frame of clips that showed nothing of Cindy whatsoever from her nose down.. The only part visible the top of her hair and as I said for a very brief moment the visibilites of her eyes.. Then poof!! gone and so were they from the courtroom..

In my mind I kept going over that brief view of nothing but Cindy's eyes and top of hair.. I kept thinking I have got to be wrong in what I felt I had seen.. Umfortunaty I knew.. As bad as I wanted to believe that Cindy was upset for Caylee not receiving justice.. Deep down in my heart I knew what I had briefly seen and had pictured in my mind.. The eyes were without a single doubt dancing with a smile.. It was that apparent by seeing NOTHING but her eyes for the absolute briefest of moments that she was infact experiencing delight at that moment and so much so that not only when later getting to see I was correct that she was smiling.. But Cindy's entire face and eyes were lit up with a smile..

Disturbing and telling IMO. I think obvious why I feel disturbed by this but IMO telling her truest feelings In that moment in time.. And IMO Caylee didnot even so much as enter into Cindy's mind when the rest of us were reeling from the punch In the gut of Caylee receiving no justice whatsoever..

Cindy's eyes lit up in a moment of delight.. Delight that they had "won".. Score points for Team Anthony!! As if to say now Yuri, Ashton, LDB you thought u could bring us down, break us down.. Wrong!!.. The Anthony's WIN and the games
Over(without so much as a millisecond of who and what this all was for and about, little Caylee!!)

That lit up smile that I saw was clearly visible in just getting a tiny glimpse of her eyes.. Lit up, as I also said given what exactly it was that Cindy was lighting her face/eyes up with a smile at that moment was Casey found not guilty on all murder/manslaughter charges.. Extremely disturbing..

I understand, I feel like Cindy disrespected Caylee on that stand with her lying. "I will lie or do whatever I need to do..." was that her way to make Cindy lie for her? She sure put on a good show... I guess the apple doesn't fall far. Please, understand I am just rambling... MOO MOO MOO
I think he was terrified of Cindy and worn down from years of trying to be a real parent to Casey only to be shot down by Cindy who constantly stayed in "protect and cover-up mode".

Not that I believe there was any accident! But he knew that was human decomp in the trunk and he knew if HE was the one to call 911, he'd be in BIG trouble. Between Cindy and the law, he was more afraid of Cindy because he had to sleep sometime....

But the jury didn't have all the background to see how henpecked he was. I have been going over and over what I saw presented in front of the jurors and what I saw while they were out of the courtroom trying to figure out what they didn't see. It all gets very blurry and I think that I thought they were seeing a lot more than they actually saw.

Really I didn't realize how bad GA was henpecked until during the trial and it's actually a big deal because it explains a lot about why he acts like he does and is turn is perceived as he is. He isn't truthful to himself so he will always come off like he's hiding something.
I hope the Anthony's are proud of themselves. I hope Convicted Felon Casey does go back home to them. I hope their lives are everything they never wanted.
I hate all of the Anthony's.
Liars all of them.
I wish them nothing but hell for the rest of their lives.

ITA!!! I say they should all get in the white pontiac, Casey in the trunk with duct tape over her face and DRIVE off a cliff some place. I am so S I C K of hearing how not guilty she is when we all know she killed Caylee and she is getting away with murder. If she has another child she will dispose of that baby too, just watch and see. Then the juror's who set her free can all have that child's blood on their hands! Totally unbelievable she could go free... I bet CA and GA better sleep with one eye open if they bring their precious KC home! Oh and hide the checkbook....and one more thing, I HOPE EVERYTIME GA OR CA LOOKS AT KC THEY SEE CAYLEE'S remains and are reminded KC KILLED CAYLEE!!
Cindy does Damien at the end of "The Omen"
She smiled at her lawyer when they went to the lying to LE charges. So she was happy with the verdict even though they released a statement that the defense that Casey Anthony claimed was baseless... Where does KC go now? Home? To live with George? This will be interesting.

I noticed Cindy was smiling as well.
I agree with what others are saying that look means, and you know what? Let her think they won. As far as I'm concerned they lost the best gift they have ever been given.

Shame on them.
IMO, This is not a 'happy' day for CA or any of the A's. This is going to further scr*w with their minds.

It seemed as though they were reaching an acceptance phase that Casey was guilty.

Now they have a NG verdict, they have some reinforcement for their original belief that Casey was not guilty.

I hope they are getting therapy and stay far, far away before they get sucked right back in to her web.

Thus, the reason they left quickly......before they burst open with joy. I also noticed Cindy used the person who sits in front of her every single day of the trial to her benefit. She purposely hid behind them, moving her head with theirs so the public couldn't see her.
HLN has shown it several times. Cindy was smirk/smiling like the self-satisfied cat who ate the cream. Made me sick.

George was completely stoic and had no reaction at all.

The same smirk Casey had when she was arrested. Is this really all a game to these people?
gloat (gl
t)intr.v. gloat·ed, gloat·ing, gloats To feel or express great, often malicious, pleasure or self-satisfaction: Don't gloat over your rival's misfortune.

n.1. The act of gloating.
2. A feeling of great, often malicious, pleasure or self-satisfaction.
She couldn't stay out of the media. Lost their attorneys because she wouldn't listen to them about keeping her mouth shut and stay out of the media.
Something tells me we will soon (when the price is right) be hearing
" I told YOU she wouldn't hurt OUR Caylee!!! "
Thank you, butwhatif! Maybe I missed something or maybe I'm too softhearted or maybe I'm just extremely naive. But I don't see joy in CA's expression, I'm not sure I really see a smile. Yes, some relief that her daughter is not going to die, but not joy that she was acquitted of all major charges. I believe she hoped for a non-DP verdict, but not for an acquittal.

I believe GA accepted that ICA killed Caylee before CA did, but I also believe that by now, they both have reluctantly accepted it. That does not translate to wanting your child to die, no matter what that child may have done. If ICA was my daughter, I could never forgive her but I also would not want to see her die.

From all media statements I've seen, GA and CA have neither seen nor spoken with ICA since the verdict. They are at home, trying to find some peace and learn how to live this new "life" they see before them.

One more thing I want to mention about CA. From some of the things GA said in his suicide note made me wonder if he relinquished his position in the marriage a long time ago...because that's the kind of guy he is. Maybe Cindy always had to be the strong one because George was not??? IMO, he said as much in his note. This is not to say that GA is a bad man, I believe he loves his wife dearly, that he once loved ICA, and he adored Caylee. Some people are just not suited for the role of head of the household. I will give him credit where it is due...he did try to get to the bottom of ICA's behavior long before Caylee's death.

I have no bad wishes for George and Cindy Anthony...I just hope they get the help they need. I don't think Casey can be helped - she is a sociopath. My opinion only.
I honestly think CA was taking notes the whole trial for her book. I wonder if CA or ICA's book hits the shelf first. CA better watch out.

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