The word "hurt" in media reports

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LTUlegal said:
Now if we could get one of those close friends to post here.
Yes, we talk about raven's family and friends not claiming his innocent but we haven't heard from Janet's family or much from janet's friends either. My hope is that if Janet's friends know something, they are talking to LE.
ewwwinteresting said:
Yes, we talk about raven's family and friends not claiming his innocent but we haven't heard from Janet's family or much from janet's friends either. My hope is that if Janet's friends know something, they are talking to LE.
You're's the "fly on the wall" in me...I want all the details myself! :blushing:
Okay, here we go again. I'm sorry about my memory but ...

I thought Raven hired an attorney to have on hand regarding Janet's murder within days of the murder. And then someone said that the same attorney that was representing him on the embezzlement was the one telling him how to handle the murder issues. The embezzlement lawyer really did look quite concerned about Raven answering questions about Janet. And he did say something like "we are anxious for an arrest" or something along those lines. If he wasn't also representing Raven regarding the murder, would he even care what Raven said in response to those questions? It wouldn't be his problem, would it? All he'd have to do is get through Raven's embezzlement trial and then Raven would be on his own to handle the second situation with the other attorney, right?
JerseyGirl said:
Okay, here we go again. I'm sorry about my memory but ...

I thought Raven hired an attorney to have on hand regarding Janet's murder within days of the murder. And then someone said that the same attorney that was representing him on the embezzlement was the one telling him how to handle the murder issues. The embezzlement lawyer really did look quite concerned about Raven answering questions about Janet. And he did say something like "we are anxious for an arrest" or something along those lines. If he wasn't also representing Raven regarding the murder, would he even care what Raven said in response to those questions? It wouldn't be his problem, would it? All he'd have to do is get through Raven's embezzlement trial and then Raven would be on his own to handle the second situation with the other attorney, right?
I think my memory is the same on that, JG...unfortunately, that's saying a lot for me because I tend to forget a lot, admitedly...but did he officially HIRE an attorney to represent him for the murder, if he hasn't been arrested, YET? Did he retain one "just in case"? Or is that just a matter of semantics? Gosh, I don't know. I thought we'd looked into his embezzlement attorney to find out what types of cases he handles but now my lack of memory is showing.
JerseyGirl said:
Okay, here we go again. I'm sorry about my memory but ...

I thought Raven hired an attorney to have on hand regarding Janet's murder within days of the murder. And then someone said that the same attorney that was representing him on the embezzlement was the one telling him how to handle the murder issues. The embezzlement lawyer really did look quite concerned about Raven answering questions about Janet. And he did say something like "we are anxious for an arrest" or something along those lines. If he wasn't also representing Raven regarding the murder, would he even care what Raven said in response to those questions? It wouldn't be his problem, would it? All he'd have to do is get through Raven's embezzlement trial and then Raven would be on his own to handle the second situation with the other attorney, right?
Oh JG, you are so right. The embezzlement hearing was over. If Mack (wasn't that his name) wasn't representing him regarding the murder, he wouldn't have cared what raven said. He must be the one that told raven not to take a lie detector move when your client is probably guilty.
IMO, hoppyfrog landed on a very damning piece of evidence when s/he pointed out the word hurt attributed to Raven. Reporters often do get details incorrect, but LE would want to make damn sure everything in there is 100% accurate or risk losing the evidence collected on a technicality. I believe if LE said he used the word hurt, then Raven did use the word hurt.

So why do I think hurt poses such a problem for Raven? He's been running his mouth and telling a number of different stories. Now that the TOD has been established while he was in the home, the only way Janet could have been hurt was by him.

He's gotta distance himself from that statement fast.
ewwwinteresting said:
Yes, we talk about raven's family and friends not claiming his innocent but we haven't heard from Janet's family or much from janet's friends either. My hope is that if Janet's friends know something, they are talking to LE.
I SPEAK ONLY FOR MYSELF. Not on behalf of "the family" or any of Janet and Ravens friends. Unlike so many of you....I do know Janet, Raven and Kaiden.
You all keep asking "Were is Ravens support?", "Why isn't his family trying to defend him?","Why aren't we active on this sight?" Well like I said, I only speak for myself. I know Raven, I KNOW RAVEN IS INNOCENT!!!! I have been following your discussion on this sight. If I had to defend Raven to every one of you, I would be on this site 24 hours a day. I choose to support Raven and Kaiden in private. I choose to mourn the loss of Janet and her baby in private. For you to judge the number of people, family and friends (who actually know Raven and Janet) by your polls and postings is just not fair. You know, it is hard to even read some of the things you have posted on this sight. Do you guys seriously think that your accusations make anyone who knows the Abaroa, Bolton or Christensen family, want to join your site???
I think about Janet every day. I miss her too. I hope this sight can help bring justice for Janet.
P.S. I am the one who set up the Janet Abaroa Christensen Fund in Utah. I opened the account the morning after she died. Oh, and I know who Rooster is!
let it snow said:
I SPEAK ONLY FOR MYSELF. Not on behalf of "the family" or any of Janet and Ravens friends. Unlike so many of you....I do know Janet, Raven and Kaiden.
You all keep asking "Were is Ravens support?", "Why isn't his family trying to defend him?","Why aren't we active on this sight?" Well like I said, I only speak for myself. I know Raven, I KNOW RAVEN IS INNOCENT!!!! I have been following your discussion on this sight. If I had to defend Raven to every one of you, I would be on this site 24 hours a day. I choose to support Raven and Kaiden in private. I choose to mourn the loss of Janet and her baby in private. For you to judge the number of people, family and friends (who actually know Raven and Janet) by your polls and postings is just not fair. You know, it is hard to even read some of the things you have posted on this sight. Do you guys seriously think that your accusations make anyone who knows the Abaroa, Bolton or Christensen family, want to join your site???
I think about Janet every day. I miss her too. I hope this sight can help bring justice for Janet.
P.S. I am the one who set up the Janet Abaroa Christensen Fund in Utah. I opened the account the morning after she died. Oh, and I know who Rooster is!

Welcome to the board, Let it Snow. We are glad to hear from you. The silence from Raven's supporters has been deafening. We are open to hearing from you why you know Raven is innocent. Because if he is innocent, we need to direct our efforts elsewhere. Can you provide us with specific facts as to why Raven is innocent and should not be viewed as the murderer? That would be a huge help, as that way we can use that information to go after the awful person who murdered sweet Janet. Thank you.
let it snow said:
I SPEAK ONLY FOR MYSELF. Not on behalf of "the family" or any of Janet and Ravens friends. Unlike so many of you....I do know Janet, Raven and Kaiden.
You all keep asking "Were is Ravens support?", "Why isn't his family trying to defend him?","Why aren't we active on this sight?" Well like I said, I only speak for myself. I know Raven, I KNOW RAVEN IS INNOCENT!!!! I have been following your discussion on this sight. If I had to defend Raven to every one of you, I would be on this site 24 hours a day. I choose to support Raven and Kaiden in private. I choose to mourn the loss of Janet and her baby in private. For you to judge the number of people, family and friends (who actually know Raven and Janet) by your polls and postings is just not fair. You know, it is hard to even read some of the things you have posted on this sight. Do you guys seriously think that your accusations make anyone who knows the Abaroa, Bolton or Christensen family, want to join your site???
I think about Janet every day. I miss her too. I hope this sight can help bring justice for Janet.
P.S. I am the one who set up the Janet Abaroa Christensen Fund in Utah. I opened the account the morning after she died. Oh, and I know who Rooster is!
Welcome to the site. I'm sure Raven appreciates your support. I certainly wouldn't want to ignore the terms of service of this site and ask who Rooster is....I already have a very good idea of who I think it is.

I have a question about the the money going into a trust fund for Kaiden to have access at an older age, or does Raven have access to any and all monies? In other words, who distributes the funds and where do they go? Thank you in advance.
Welcome to WS LIT, I hope you stick around. Regardless if Raven is vindicated or arrested for this crime, I'm here for the long-haul and certainly appreciate opposing views.

I personally think things look very bad for Raven right now. Clearly Raven had the means, motive and opportunity to murder his wife and unborn baby. All that's missing is evidence of premeditation. I shook my magic 8 ball this morning and asked if we were close to an arrest and it appears that one is imminent.
let it snow said:
I SPEAK ONLY FOR MYSELF. Not on behalf of "the family" or any of Janet and Ravens friends. Unlike so many of you....I do know Janet, Raven and Kaiden.
You all keep asking "Were is Ravens support?", "Why isn't his family trying to defend him?","Why aren't we active on this sight?" Well like I said, I only speak for myself. I know Raven, I KNOW RAVEN IS INNOCENT!!!! I have been following your discussion on this sight. If I had to defend Raven to every one of you, I would be on this site 24 hours a day. I choose to support Raven and Kaiden in private. I choose to mourn the loss of Janet and her baby in private. For you to judge the number of people, family and friends (who actually know Raven and Janet) by your polls and postings is just not fair. You know, it is hard to even read some of the things you have posted on this sight. Do you guys seriously think that your accusations make anyone who knows the Abaroa, Bolton or Christensen family, want to join your site???
I think about Janet every day. I miss her too. I hope this sight can help bring justice for Janet.
P.S. I am the one who set up the Janet Abaroa Christensen Fund in Utah. I opened the account the morning after she died. Oh, and I know who Rooster is!
This site is trying to help bring justice for Janet, but I do seriously believe the friends and family of Janet need to open their eyes, and look at the facts on hand. Raven has lied to his family, he cheated, he continues to lie to his friends and family, and is playing the bereaved husband, but the fact remains, he was there when she was murdered.

Janet did not DIE, that is the main thing you and the family of Raven need to realize, Janet WAS Murdered. Huge difference, she did not commit suicide, she was not robbed, she did not have a lover, a boyfriend, she was pregnant, Janet knew she was pregnant, Raven knew she was pregnant, nobody was out for revenge, she was not hurt, she was dead, Raven knew this too.

I am sorry for the loss you feel, but I will not apologize for anything I have said on here, regarding Raven Abaroa. He is a liar, he is a convicted felon and he is a Murderer, and Justice for Janet, her unborn child, Kaiden, the Christiansens, the family and friends of Janet will Prevail!
terminatrixator said:
This site is trying to help bring justice for Janet, but I do seriously believe the friends and family of Janet need to open their eyes, and look at the facts on hand. Raven has lied to his family, he cheated, he continues to lie to his friends and family, and is playing the bereaved husband, but the fact remains, he was there when she was murdered.

Janet did not DIE, that is the main thing you and the family of Raven need to realize, Janet WAS Murdered. Huge difference, she did not commit suicide, she was not robbed, she did not have a lover, a boyfriend, she was pregnant, Janet knew she was pregnant, Raven knew she was pregnant, nobody was out for revenge, she was not hurt, she was dead, Raven knew this too.

I am sorry for the loss you feel, but I will not apologize for anything I have said on here, regarding Raven Abaroa. He is a liar, he is a convicted felon and he is a Murderer, and Justice for Janet, her unborn child, Kaiden, the Christiansens, the family and friends of Janet will Prevail!

You make excellent points in your statement. I was hoping LetItSnow would be able to provide specific reasons as to why Raven is innocent, but so far they have not.

I hope Raven is not playing them for a fool.

Moxie said:

You make excellent points in your statement. I was hoping LetItSnow would be able to provide specific reasons as to why Raven is innocent, but so far they have not.

I hope Raven is not playing them for a fool.


Heck if Raven had his way, everyone would still believe she commited suicide.
golfmom said:
Heck if Raven had his way, everyone would still believe she commited suicide.
Yes, you are right. I believe that was his original story. I can't even comprehend how horrible that must have been for Janet's parents.
Moxie said:
Yes, you are right. I believe that was his original story. I can't even comprehend how horrible that must have been for Janet's parents.
I still find exception with the idea of an innocent person making up so many stories, not doing anything to sustain the memory of his wife, nor claim his own innocence. I don't know of many innocent people behaving the way Raven has.
If LIS IS a friend or relative of Raven, I believe they're looking at things with rose colored glasses or a big fog in front of their eyes. I suppose it's a nice thing that Raven has support, everyone needs that...but I believe they will be sadly disappointed, soon. And if LIS in fact KNOWS Raven is innocent, please show us examples of the innocence because it sure doesn't look like he is to sooo many here. I go back to the statement I made last night. The bird looks like a duck, walks like a duck & talks like a duck...a GUILTY duck. Guilty of Janet's murder. Guilty of her unborn child's murder. Guilty of taking Kaiden's mother away from him.
Innocent people don't behave the way Raven is.
I think you guys have scared Let It Snow away. And that's too bad because I would like to hear something from someone who actually knows Raven's family. It would be nice to have a different view posted here, don't you think??
let it snow said:
I SPEAK ONLY FOR MYSELF. Not on behalf of "the family" or any of Janet and Ravens friends. Unlike so many of you....I do know Janet, Raven and Kaiden.
You all keep asking "Were is Ravens support?", "Why isn't his family trying to defend him?","Why aren't we active on this sight?" Well like I said, I only speak for myself. I know Raven, I KNOW RAVEN IS INNOCENT!!!! I have been following your discussion on this sight. If I had to defend Raven to every one of you, I would be on this site 24 hours a day. I choose to support Raven and Kaiden in private. I choose to mourn the loss of Janet and her baby in private. For you to judge the number of people, family and friends (who actually know Raven and Janet) by your polls and postings is just not fair. You know, it is hard to even read some of the things you have posted on this sight. Do you guys seriously think that your accusations make anyone who knows the Abaroa, Bolton or Christensen family, want to join your site???
I think about Janet every day. I miss her too. I hope this sight can help bring justice for Janet.
P.S. I am the one who set up the Janet Abaroa Christensen Fund in Utah. I opened the account the morning after she died. Oh, and I know who Rooster is!
Welcome to the board let it snow. Glad you've spoken up. I commend you for that and I respect your opinion. In your eyes Raven is innocent. That's wonderful, but have you really investigated this crime to the fullest? Have you given credence to anything other than Raven's word?

Do you see the number different variations that Raven has given of that night? Don't you think that it's a little odd that his story keeps changing? There is not one version of the story that has all the different components of his many attempts to tell the truth--I would think that an innocent man could at least get his story straight. And the differenc accounts even contradict themselves at different points.

Don't you think that it's odd to think that after LE interviewed Raven they wanted to go back and re-search his Durango to see how it tied into the crime? Or to see that knives from the house were taken? Or to see that LE hasn't come out and said Raven isn't a suspect?

I also think that it's very interesting to see how many friends of Janet's have come here and posted or pm'ed people helping to get the truth posted, but you see only one (two, including you) claiming to be Raven's friend or helping us with Raven's side of the events. There's no one that said they played soccer with him that evening, no one that has come out and said they worked with him, or really that has had that kind of relationship with Raven. I'm sorry, but I fear that no one speaking out for Raven speaks louder than words can.

I'm sorry for what has transpired with your friends. But you've got it better than most of the people on this board, you can set the record straight. I know that I'm not the only one on here that would like to know what are half-truths and non-truths posted here on this board are. I want to hear why you are so adamant about Raven's innocence when all evidence found says differently.
Justgimmethetruth said:
I think you guys have scared Let It Snow away. And that's too bad because I would like to hear something from someone who actually knows Raven's family. It would be nice to have a different view posted here, don't you think??
If you want a different view JGMTT, then post one! No one scared LIS. It's the same thing that happened with rooster. They have nothing to offer except stating I know raven's innocent. No information, no facts, no evidence, no circumstancial evidence, no argument with what's been found out so far...nothing.

Good luck waiting for someone that actually knows raven or his family to actually investigate the truth here.
let it snow said:
I SPEAK ONLY FOR MYSELF. Not on behalf of "the family" or any of Janet and Ravens friends. Unlike so many of you....I do know Janet, Raven and Kaiden.
You all keep asking "Were is Ravens support?", "Why isn't his family trying to defend him?","Why aren't we active on this sight?" Well like I said, I only speak for myself. I know Raven, I KNOW RAVEN IS INNOCENT!!!! I have been following your discussion on this sight. If I had to defend Raven to every one of you, I would be on this site 24 hours a day. I choose to support Raven and Kaiden in private. I choose to mourn the loss of Janet and her baby in private. For you to judge the number of people, family and friends (who actually know Raven and Janet) by your polls and postings is just not fair. You know, it is hard to even read some of the things you have posted on this sight. Do you guys seriously think that your accusations make anyone who knows the Abaroa, Bolton or Christensen family, want to join your site???
I think about Janet every day. I miss her too. I hope this sight can help bring justice for Janet.
P.S. I am the one who set up the Janet Abaroa Christensen Fund in Utah. I opened the account the morning after she died. Oh, and I know who Rooster is!
What person in their right mind would be thinking about money the MORNING after Janet and her unborn baby was MURDERED??????????
ewwwinteresting said:
What person in their right mind would be thinking about money the MORNING after Janet and her unborn baby was MURDERED??????????
UUUUMMMM..maybe somebody that needs lots and lots of $$$ for a defense. I hear it can be quite expensive defending someone who is quilty.

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