Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh? #3

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Not open for further replies. have hit on one thing that I have suspected from the first...that O. may have been involved in this as the person that RC called to help Misty while he (RC) went to work to set up his own alibi. The disagreement and quick exit from the scene of this one person known to be a good friend to RC is a key to the truth here in some significant way.

yes, I know what you mean he is really flying under the rader, if such good friends why breakup a friendship in middle of your BF when his daughter is missing, there would be no kind of disagreement that would stop me from be there for my friend. But that just me:rolleyes:
Love to know more about him, have hit on one thing that I have suspected from the first...that O. may have been involved in this as the person that RC called to help Misty while he (RC) went to work to set up his own alibi. The disagreement and quick exit from the scene of this one person known to be a good friend to RC is a key to the truth here in some significant way.
I'm glad to see that O can be mentioned in posts. I was unsure about that since he was discussed on the RT. I have always felt that this good friend of Rons could have helped with the removal of Haleigh, IMO of course. I had read that there was a disagreement between them I figured that something must have happened to their friendship since O did not attend his friend's wedding. I have always wondered about that. I hope that a LDT will be taken by O if not done already. I have a feeling that he hasn't consented to take one. JMO.
Would a boat on the water say between 12:30-2:00 am seem odd for the area, are there boats out on the water normally fishing at night?
Busylady, I remember that this question was asked a few times to the locals but I do not remember an answer. Would be good to know though since the dogs tracked to the dock.
It was said that Misty use the van, the neighbor that seem Misty pickup Haleigh at bus stop in the van, (if we are to believe the negibors) that put Misty in the van that day. and was going the opposite direction of the MH,
maybe to meet Ron or to take the van back to cresant city or to see her dad in hospital, her statement to Firstcoast news was she never left the house
that day, and there also the statement that the blanket was left in the van.
I not sure how the van comes in to play, I just feel it does. I am guessing that the keys must be left in van at all time, for someone to drive the van without the SIL and Brother not to know that the van was moved. plus there the damage to the van. I wish we know what the blanket look like, was it a full, twin size?? also another thought was that cousin Joe drove the van over to Ron, I not really see that, just a thought.
Has the information been stated on what Misty's brother was driving when he came over with the kids around 5:30?
Mr. O may have some suspicions of his own and distanced himself from the situation. Best friend or not, if you think your BF is involved in any way with the disappearance of their child, you may not want to hang out together anymore.
Mr. O may have some suspicions of his own and distanced himself from the situation. Best friend or not, if you think your BF is involved in any way with the disappearance of their child, you may not want to hang out together anymore.

Or perhaps he just wanted to get out of the spotlight?

Once that "black man in black" story came out -- I might just get the heck away from them too and offer my support from afar. That is one bus I would not want to get thrown under.

We really don't know much about "O" other than rumors, so it's hard to say.
Or perhaps he just wanted to get out of the spotlight?

Once that "black man in black" story came out -- I might just get the heck away from them too and offer my support from afar. That is one bus I would not want to get thrown under.

We really don't know much about "O" other than rumors, so it's hard to say.

Very good points, he did disappear long before the story of what JR. said, though.

It just seems that RC had just that one close friend that anyone even mentioned, then poof----he was out of there. One thing for sure is that there was a reason of some kind for their disagreement. Like everything else, we just don't know what it was about, hopefully LE does know.
Very good points, he did disappear long before the story of what JR. said, though.

It just seems that RC had just that one close friend that anyone even mentioned, then poof----he was out of there. One thing for sure is that there was a reason of some kind for their disagreement. Like everything else, we just don't know what it was about, hopefully LE does know.

Actually - Junior spoke to LE first thing the morning of the 10th. GGMS brought him in where he was interviewed by 2-3 specialists. (There are a few articles online that state this). We have no idea what Junior actually told these child psychologists (or therapists - I do not know what qualifications they hold).

What we do know is it was a little bit of time before we heard the story. And if I were "O", once I heard that, I'd excuse myself from that situation. If you look around the videos, you'll notice there are not a lot of "black" men. It's possible that "O" just left "tent city", returned to his home and spoke to Ron and offered his support in other ways.

I'm not denying it's possible that they had some disagreement. I'm just saying we don't know. There have been more rumors in this case than I care to count. Many of them have proved to be untrue. When they are left to fester, they grow legs and take off, if you know what I mean.
May I please ask if any one has heard any more on this or have a map of the area?It has been bothering me.I am very interested in this Abanoned house in fruitland they brought crystal to.
Mr. O may have some suspicions of his own and distanced himself from the situation. Best friend or not, if you think your BF is involved in any way with the disappearance of their child, you may not want to hang out together anymore.
I have to agree with you on that. I can't help but wonder what the disagreement was about. I can't repeat what I heard the reason was because it was on the RT site from a local.
Actually - Junior spoke to LE first thing the morning of the 10th. GGMS brought him in where he was interviewed by 2-3 specialists. (There are a few articles online that state this). We have no idea what Junior actually told these child psychologists (or therapists - I do not know what qualifications they hold).

What we do know is it was a little bit of time before we heard the story. And if I were "O", once I heard that, I'd excuse myself from that situation. If you look around the videos, you'll notice there are not a lot of "black" men. It's possible that "O" just left "tent city", returned to his home and spoke to Ron and offered his support in other ways.

I'm not denying it's possible that they had some disagreement. I'm just saying we don't know. There have been more rumors in this case than I care to count. Many of them have proved to be untrue. When they are left to fester, they grow legs and take off, if you know what I mean.
In this case they done grew legs and ran off :blowkiss: For all we know they still could be best friends and still see each other quite often. Seems like the only things that are reported is the ones they think are juicey ones for say. We can speculate but we will truely never know.
After going over the tapes and posts, I came up with this.
Ron and Misty fighting Haleigh caught in the middle trying to protect Misty(that baby love me like her mother statement)
GMS is alibi (that misty was home that night)If I not wrong it took her week to come out and said she was by house that night.
Tn was told later what happen, and where Haleigh was placed,
That why she keep taking anybody that would go to the hog pen guy place.(also that they may try to pin it on this guy or cousin Joe) I believe she wants Haleigh put to rest.
During the chaos , I can see Caylee story all over the tv with the memorial the next day. this how the cover up came about. (otherwise Caylee's story was Ron and Misty format)Misty is the cover up that why the wedding, tattoos, mud bogging. I also think that Haleigh was moved by the Van in the blanket.
The family know if this was call into LE that Ron was going to jail.
and they could not have that. I also think that O. might guess the truth, that why he got out of the picture fast, maybe Ron offer him money to keep quiet. Sorry so long but been working on this for a couple days. ..... Just my thoughts.
This is where my theory is going also, unfortunately for Haleigh. I do believe that this will NOT BE SOLVED until Haleigh is found (one way or the other, and believe me I pray that I am wrong about which way). Like the GM said after the search in Baker Co., I am also one who feels like LE doesn't have a clue. I feel they don't because they have not looked objectively at POI's in this case, for some reason. Of course, IMHO.
This is where my theory is going also, unfortunately for Haleigh. I do believe that this will NOT BE SOLVED until Haleigh is found (one way or the other, and believe me I pray that I am wrong about which way). Like the GM said after the search in Baker Co., I am also one who feels like LE doesn't have a clue. I feel they don't because they have not looked objectively at POI's in this case, for some reason. Of course, IMHO.

I know everyone wants someone to be charged and arrested but what are you going to charge anyone with? They have no evidence that a crime such as an accident happened and it is being covered up. There is no evidence Haleigh was hurt or injured in the MH. You can't charge someone for sleeping through a kidnapping, or being confused about where they were sleeping. Ron was at work. Crystal was at home. RSO have been checked out. What do you do, if you don't know what crime has been committed? It looks like an abduction, so that is what they are investigating. The SA I spoke with about arrests said, "even if a person confesses to a crime, you can't arrest them, unless you have evidence to connect them to the crime." He said, lots of people confess to crimes they didn't commit, so you have to have evidence connecting the person to the crime.
well for me its hard to get past the 2 people with the most opportunity, and capability based on their past records of indiscretions, lies, poor decision making, Ron and Misty.
A person with a known temper could just go off and cause harm or worse, yo see it everyday in the news......and a person under the influence of drugs or alcohol will do things they normally won't....IMO
I know everyone wants someone to be charged and arrested but what are you going to charge anyone with? They have no evidence that a crime such as an accident happened and it is being covered up. There is no evidence Haleigh was hurt or injured in the MH. You can't charge someone for sleeping through a kidnapping, or being confused about where they were sleeping. Ron was at work. Crystal was at home. RSO have been checked out. What do you do, if you don't know what crime has been committed? It looks like an abduction, so that is what they are investigating. The SA I spoke with about arrests said, "even if a person confesses to a crime, you can't arrest them, unless you have evidence to connect them to the crime." He said, lots of people confess to crimes they didn't commit, so you have to have evidence connecting the person to the crime.
maybe lying to FBI , with all the inconsistencies with Misty, I can't see how she was not caught in a lie. if she spent a couple days in jail, she might be able to get just one story right. JMO
Lying to the FBI law: Title 18 USC, Part I, Chapter 47, Section 1001
Mr. O may have some suspicions of his own and distanced himself from the situation. Best friend or not, if you think your BF is involved in any way with the disappearance of their child, you may not want to hang out together anymore.

I would be saying adios amigo too..
This crime was most likely very simple. It's the characters in this play that muddy up the waters and deflect resources.

Words that make you go "HUH, did he say that?"

1.."I will always believe my daughter's alive, till she is found."
2.."I would give my life to have my daughter's life back"
3.."She was the most well-mannered child I ever had"

The last one grabs me....I have never heard a grieving parent discuss their child manners. It must be a very big part of his child raising....odd and something he insists on.

Considering he has no manners and is uncouth with his choice of words, it strikes me as unusual that he treasures manners in his child......frankly it worries me.
maybe lying to FBI , with all the inconsistencies with Misty, I can't see how she was not caught in a lie. if she spent a couple days in jail, she might be able to get just one story right. JMO
Lying to the FBI law: Title 18 USC, Part I, Chapter 47, Section 1001

From what I read from TJ Hart, LE wants to concentrate on finding Haleigh before they arrest or charge anyone. These lesser charges might not help their case at all. It's best that they continue with the investigation, find Haleigh, and then worry about who is guilty.
IMO, there could be more than one or two people who are involved in this. all of them won't be guilty of the actual disappearance, but some might be involved in a coverup or aiding and abetting in some way, but their main goal is to figure out WHAT crime was committed before they decide who did it.
It doesn't take brains to hide a body. Often times, it is dumb luck when people find one though.

I have given up on this LE. They did not press Misty hard. They did not press Ron hard either. You are left to figure out the reason. There lips are sealed too, for reasons they won't give. If LE would talk, maybe the crime could be solved. They are using the excuse they have 5,000 leads....almost 100% are phony.

In looking at the demographics of the area, murder isn't common there. The LE are not experienced. The fact that the Cummings family is very pleased with all the work of LE sends the wrong message. I would not be pleased at all, yet they praise them.....gotta make you wonder, doesn't it?

Some of the family are on first name basis with LE....well, they should be...but I guess I shouldn't go there. It doesn't take a mental giant to commit a murder or hide a body, but do you notice the less intellligent they are, the harder it is to convict them?
When I said not experience LE..I was referring to their work with murder and I was going by the demographics where murder and missing children is not a common occurence in that local.
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