Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh ? #5

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Finally found it.. Part five...Sierra posted it on youtube in eight parts....

As I understand it they are talking about cousin Jo.. TN claims he was there Ron C states he wasn't there that night..JMO

When Teresa is talking about her mother being there--Ron butts in the background and says cousin was there too---this is after they had talked about cousin Joe. I think he is talking about HIS cousin--like the transcript print out. RC always maintained that cousin Joe WASN'T there. Crank up the volume and listen to see what you think.

BTW--this is from the CNN transcript itself:
When did the guy who did the Haleigh tattoo release the tapes from the tattoo parlor? IIRC he had that tattoo on those tapes and was saying to the tattoo artist "can you do anything with this" (paraphrased, later the tattoo guy edited this video to leave out the sound). I remember getting the impression that he had had the tattoo for a while and was regretting it and hoping the tattoo guy could change it but I might have misinterpreted, I don't recall what the tattoo guy said, or if he said anything.

To my knowledge only edited part of the video were released, and your right no sound. The tattoo guy made it sound as though Ron was in there and bragging about all the money HaLeigh's disappearence has brought in. But those tapes were not released in full... I was dying to hear those tapes and after about 2 months of nothing, i moved on, but would still love to hear them.
BBM...I highly suspect the visit to the MH if indeed she did go there that night was because she had already been told something had happened to Haleigh..And I also highly doubt she saw Haleigh alive and well eating dinner on the front screened in porch that night like she claims she did..Right now I suspect her biggest regret other than Haleigh being gone is agreeing to help coverup for her grandsonson...But thats just my opinion.

I am on the fence as to whether Ron harmed Haliegh or is implicated in some way, though I doubt it, but I do not believe that Teresa or GGM had anything to do with a coverup.
Hi all...jumping in here.

I was thinking that maybe Ron calls her Teresa since he allegedly lived with GGMS while growing up. I still think the tatoo is weird tho. JMO.

The reason I have asked the questions about Haleigh’s approximate age in the picture is because RC is in the picture as well, but minus this:


When and why did he get such a tattoo?

IMO, this tattoo is not the result of the whim of a drunken sailor in Singapore, but rather a purposeful, deliberate memorial. Oftentimes tattoos signify a specific event or time to a person who may feel indebted and the need to memorialize the circumstance.

There are several pictures of a bare chested RC out there. I can find zero taken before February 10, 2009 with this tattoo. Is it possible that this bizarre tattoo was placed after that date as a memorial of gratitude?

This tat was being discussed the other day on one of the other threads. IIRC, it was stated that RC got the tat after TN had her bad car wreck, maybe in 2008? I'll see if I can find the thread.


Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Tatoos and other possible "messages"

J Santos said he gave Ron a tattoo years ago and prior to HaLeigh's disappearance, Ronald had his mother's name engraved across his heart and another one placed on his forearm.
After HaLeigh disappeared, Ronald had 3 more tattoos placed on his body which were paid for by someone else to the tune of $400. HaLeigh's name was written across his back and HaLeigh and Junior's faces were placed on each lower leg.

And from BusyLady....

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Tatoos and other possible "messages"

My understanding is that RC got the Haleigh tat on his back in 07 (also backed up by various pics that have been released) and the TN tat over his heart after her serious automobile accident.
In the first drug transaction, Misty and Hank Croslin met with an undercover officer at railroad tracks off Buffalo Bluff Road in Satsuma, and made their way to the Oasis Bar, a St. Johns Avenue pool hall and a McDonald's restaurant before completing the exchange of 45 pills.

Railroad tracks off Buffalo Bluff Road in Satsuma...Where the scent dogs eventually lost Haleigh's scent.
In the beginning my theory was that something happened to Haleigh at the house and that Misty held sole responsibility for whatever it was but there were things that bothered me about that scenario. Now after the release of the undercover officer’s report in the drug bust the picture is a little clearer or me.

This is my new theory –

What Misty was doing:
I think that the fight between RC and MC was over their drug business. I think RC wanted MC to meet their contact (either to buy or sell) and MC didn’t want to for whatever reason (mostly likely because she didn’t want to go alone). – This is one of the areas that bothered me about the story - if RC was calling MC 20 times and her phone was off - then why the overtime and why the stop at the store – why not get straight home and kick her a$$. The reason that he didn’t need to talk to MC anymore was because he called HC to make sure that the deal got done. When HC went to the house and didn’t find MC, he assumed that she had gone to do the deal. But wait how could she leave, she had no car (per the UC police report – in December '09 the UC picked up and dropped off MC & HC at the railroad tracks located at Buffalo Bluff Road - the same spot the dogs tracked Haleigh to in Feb '09) MC went to meet buy/seller at the rr tracks, did the deal and was back at the mobile home in a few hours. She settles in on the couch next to JR, flips on the TV, and waits to fall asleep. At some point JR wakes up on the couch next to MC, he crawls over her, and goes into the bedroom. A groggy MC follows him to bed. She sits down on the edge of the bed (maybe to take off her shoes/pants) and realizes that Haleigh is not in her bed on the floor.

What Haleigh and JR were doing:
MC gives Haleigh & JR something to put them in a sound sleep – most likely benadryl. She puts them to bed after dinner and by 8pm Haleigh & JR are knocked out. Haleigh is in the bedroom, JR on the living room couch. MC leaves when she is sure they are asleep to do the drug deal. The benadryl has caused Haleigh to sleep so deeply that she wets the bed. At 10pm HC comes knocking on the door. This wakes Haleigh but because of the benadryl she is too fuzzy to get to the door in time. But now that she is awake, she realizes that her clothes and her bedding are wet. She starts looking for MC to help her change clothes/sheets but can’t find her. She sees the kitchen light on and backdoor open. Haleigh then goes and gets clean clothes, she stands in the laundry room to change (leaving her dirty/wet shirt and undies there), and then heads out the backdoor to find MC. She walks down to the water and then to the railroad tracks (why the tracks – because this is a place that she has gone with MC to several times before to meet people). She doesn’t find MC but someone sees her and takes her.

I think the 2am scream heard by a neighbor was MC finding Haleigh gone. She is now in a panic to get the house drug free and starts her “bleach” cleaning. She can’t call the cops because what would she say – “I left to do a drug deal and when I got back she was gone.” Instead she waits for RC to get home and together they come up with the “I was sleeping” story.

The only issue is if the above scenario is correct – it only shows why MC was lying and not what happened to Haleigh.
Except that if the undercover agent (I assume that's who you meant by UC) was involved at that time, that would come out in the investigation THEN, because in the case of a missing child, no undercover narc would have kept their silence about being in contact with a suspect on the night of the disappearance of a child. So that would have been proof that Misty left the house and she would have been charged long ago. And despite not being named as a suspect officially... Misty is and always has been their main POI. JMO. Undercover persons are LE. They do not withhold information like that.
Since almost the beginning, I thought Misty was covering for Ron. The marraige just cemented that theory. Can you say 'gratitude & keep your mouth shut'? The only other theory that holds any water in my opinion, is Ron is covering for Misty. But that theory, although possible, takes a big leap in credibility. Ron is obviously VERY immature, & the only girlfriends he feels comfortble with, are teenagers. He can intimidate them, control them, but also communicate on their maturity level. Had Ron, before Misty, ever demonstrated any characteristics of a grown man? Did he have a real job, pay child support, marry his children's mothers, have his own place, set up house with girlfriends? I don't think so. Here's a man in his mid-20s, living like a teenaged . But for whatever reason, things had changed. He had custody, had a job, had a house, & had a live in girlfriend. Personally, I think Teresa was trying to force Ron to grow up & it backfired, but let's just say for argument's sake, that Ron fell hard for Misty & was determined to keep her. Yeah, he was mean & controlling to her, (that's the only way he knew), but he DID ask her to come back home after her wild weekend. She didn't beg him. HE made that move. & you can bet your butt, he wasn't happy, but he still wanted her back. Teresa said they spent the whole night 'talking'. Was he trying to work out their problems? Say, he did go to work, she had another wild party, & something happened to Haleigh. Instead of reporting her, he decided what's done is done & to once again forgive & forget-because he wanted to keep this girl. Say, his anger towards her & ambivalence towards their marraige, was nothing more than a public save of face to be seen as The Man. But he did marry her, kept her in his family, ran with her, partied with her, sold dope with her, slept with her, paid to have HIS name tattooed on buy into this theory, you'd have to accept that Ron helped Misty cover up the death of HIS DAUGHTER. & with Teresa's seal of approval. Although this is possible, it's hard to believe. So, the question is:How far would Ron go, to keep the girl he wanted? But even if this theory was true, Ron would still be culpable-in a big way.
Except that if the undercover agent (I assume that's who you meant by UC) was involved at that time, that would come out in the investigation THEN, because in the case of a missing child, no undercover narc would have kept their silence about being in contact with a suspect on the night of the disappearance of a child. So that would have been proof that Misty left the house and she would have been charged long ago. And despite not being named as a suspect officially... Misty is and always has been their main POI. JMO. Undercover persons are LE. They do not withhold information like that.

NO - I don't think the UC was involved at all. I was more interested in the area that he picked up MC & HC from and if MC had used the same area before to do a drug exchange. I had a hard time putting MC out of the house until I saw the UC report.
AZwriter - I'm feeling somewhat discouraged at this point about finding out what happened to beautiful little Haleigh. Seems as if it may be entirely possible that everyone involved could have been completely wasted the night she disappeared and really don't know/remember what happened. I hope and pray that isn't the case.

AZwriter - I'm feeling somewhat discouraged at this point about finding out what happened to beautiful little Haleigh. Seems as if it may be entirely possible that everyone involved could have been completely wasted the night she disappeared and really don't know/remember what happened. I hope and pray that isn't the case.


Boots don't feel discouraged, we will eventually find out what happened to Haleigh. Just be patient, my friend.

It may be true that whoever involved with Haleigh's death or disappearance may have been high on something...which I do believe. BUT if you have ever gotten high before, some things that may happen while high may be so devastating (like someone dying in your presence) that it will "blow your high". They know what happened to Haleigh, high or not.
And I assume this was the case because the people involved went into "cover your azz" mode rather quickly. They know....
AZwriter - I'm feeling somewhat discouraged at this point about finding out what happened to beautiful little Haleigh. Seems as if it may be entirely possible that everyone involved could have been completely wasted the night she disappeared and really don't know/remember what happened. I hope and pray that isn't the case.


First off Boots will it help to tell you I love the red boots? I collect cowboy boots and I'd love to have those.
Now to get to the serious stuff.
Don't let down. This will be solved and the guilty parties will pay. Justice. It's a word we should all be thinking. Say it over and over. Justice, Justice, Justice.
Haleigh has a right to justice. Let's not forget that. With all that is good and decent in this world, justice will prevail for this litttle girl who never had a chance with this family.
As for them being too messed up to know what did happen that night, I doubt it. Regardless of whether there was drugs taken that fateful night, I believe they not only remember, but will never forget what did take place that night. If Haliegh was involved in an accident, whatever happened, was part of something illegal or why would they go to the measures to have a cover-up.
It might help your moral if you listen to the original 911 call again. Can anyone believe Ron and Misty were not faking it? It's the strangest call for help that you will ever hear.
Hang in there Boots. We need you and your insight.
I remember the first time I listened to the call-all I could think was WTH???
That call was strange. Misty had no clue what Haleigh was wearing and heard nothing. ron demanding help be there yesterday and then unable to help when they arrive. Afterwards both insisting the door was locked and LE telling them no one broke in that door. ron does not know her birthdate, had no idea what she was wearing, has better people to talk with and hangs up on them in anger.....weirdest d#$#m call for help I ever heard.
I was told per Kimster to put this info here. I don't know how many of you know this already but way back at the beginning of this case there was a pickup that said Gravedigger on the back window. I believe they said it belonged to a friend of Ron's. That friend is named A.L. and is brother in law of J Watts. He works at the funeral home.
He is on the roster of employees at the funeral home site along with his picture. He is the groundskeeper, gravedigger, etc. I can't give myspace link, but gravedigger is his aka. Lots of mudbogging pictures and he's near RC's age. It is definitely the same guy because he has pix of his niece with an unusual first name--that is also the same name of J Watt's daughter. If any of you have been reading this theory thread re the Hwy 17 funeral home location, you may find this interesting!
I was told per Kimster to put this info here. I don't know how many of you know this already but way back at the beginning of this case there was a pickup that said Gravedigger on the back window. I believe they said it belonged to a friend of Ron's. That friend is named A.L. and is brother in law of J Watts. He works at the funeral home.
He is on the roster of employees at the funeral home site along with his picture. He is the groundskeeper, gravedigger, etc. I can't give myspace link, but gravedigger is his aka. Lots of mudbogging pictures and he's near RC's age. It is definitely the same guy because he has pix of his niece with an unusual first name--that is also the same name of J Watt's daughter. If any of you have been reading this theory thread re the Hwy 17 funeral home location, you may find this interesting!

ITA, the funeral director friend was ALWAYS helping RC. IIRC, he gave the funeral tent to sleep in we never hear from that guy!
Ok, then in the "DONNA" tapes per some Jackie girl on the radio, she talks of
Haleigh being in ashes..........dah............funeral home again comes to mind.
Bring in the 'simple' stuff under our noses that first couple days.........JMOO
If you go to search and just put in "gravedigger" you will see all the posts where this truck was already appears that it belonged to a local EMT in the area who was friends with RC I believe.
If you go to search and just put in "gravedigger" you will see all the posts where this truck was already appears that it belonged to a local EMT in the area who was friends with RC I believe.

but there is/was a funeral director friend also, IIRC you are right about the truck.........
we need to find out more about the worker at the funeral home because I think it ties in somehow. I really do, we need to go back to tent city days......
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