Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh ? #5

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If you go to search and just put in "gravedigger" you will see all the posts where this truck was already appears that it belonged to a local EMT in the area who was friends with RC I believe.

I will not disagree. Maybe he was once an emt also. But these are on his profile:grave1.jpg

Oh I'm not saying it doesn't tie in - I'm just saying that a place to start might be with the old posts on this and I believe there are pics of him and RC and of the truck too. Might be a good jumping off point.
At one point and time, didn't the funeral director also set up the bank account for donations for the Cumming's family?
Don't know how relevant this is but at one point and time the funeral director also dabbled in screen printing for Tshirts...maybe he also helped out in the making of the HaLeigh shirts we've seen people wearing?
Also, it's NOT all that uncommon for people who actually work for a living in this area, to hold down two jobs just to make ends meet...just sayin'...
Hi All! As with many others here, I"m a long time lurker but just now posting. Have been reading daily starting with Caylee Anthony and now am following more cases on here than I care to admit. Very sad and heartbreaking. But you guys are awesome. You constantly amaze me with your ability to dig and find information before the news media even gets it. A lot of times I will call my daughter with what I've read on here and she'll say "OMG, I have to watch Nancy Grace tonight" and Nancy will be repeating what you guys knew yesterday. Way to Go Sleuthers!

Sadly, I have to say that I have come to the opinion that we will never know what happened to poor little Haleigh unless there is someone else involved that spills the beans. I just dont' think Misty is capable of telling what happened. After reading information about the drugs she has been involved with and the effects they have, i.e. loss of memory, I just dont' think she remembers what happened. How else could somebody her age, that is not a criminal mastermind, bluff the police for this long? How could she live with Ron and family day in and day out and not slip up? In my opinion, unless Haleigh is found, this case will just never be resolved. Even if she is found, unless she is found alive, I have serious doubts that they will be able to put together exactly what happened. I've never seen a case with so much nothing to go on. And if Misty started talking today, unless she could provide hard, solid, undisputable proof, I'm not sure I'd believe what she had to say. I'd probably think she was making stuff up to save her butt from her current predicament. JMHO.
Welcome Shufly!!!! You are needed here!
Did we ever sleuth who was legally buried the day everyone started looking for Haleigh?
This is hard to write but could she of been put in a dug grave covered up and then a
vault/casket on top of her in someone's grave? or put on top of the casket by the
grave digger? as a favor to a friend that gave him a cover or drugs as payment???
Just thinking out loud..............this funeral director and Orlando was there during the first month and then never heard of again.........why??? Didn't RC ask the funeral director/preacher to marry him and the guy turned him down?
I'm back to reading the first pages of Haleigh..........we may get the answer and over looked it.........
When Teresa is talking about her mother being there--Ron butts in the background and says cousin was there too---this is after they had talked about cousin Joe. I think he is talking about HIS cousin--like the transcript print out. RC always maintained that cousin Joe WASN'T there. Crank up the volume and listen to see what you think.

BTW--this is from the CNN transcript itself:

Sounded to me like he said cousin wasen't there .
Thanks for the encouragement. Not to worry...I'm not at the point of giving up and walking away. Not this tenacious old bull dog!

I came to WS in August 08 with an overwhelming desire to learn more about how two innocent little girls from Weleetka, Oklahoma - Taylor Paschal-Placker and Skyla Whitaker - could be gunned down in cold blood while walking on a dirt road (about 60 miles from me) in broad daylight.

A Walk in Weleetka - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Here we are going on 2 years and justice for these precious girls and their families remains elusive. No - giving up is not an option. If we, and people like us, don't continue to search and research - who will?

(Glad you like the boots, az.)
How sensitive of a funeral home employee or emt to put "Grave Digger" on their back windshield. My. Oh. My.
Did we ever sleuth who was legally buried the day everyone started looking for Haleigh?
This is hard to write but could she of been put in a dug grave covered up and then a
vault/casket on top of her in someone's grave? or put on top of the casket by the
grave digger? as a favor to a friend that gave him a cover or drugs as payment???
Just thinking out loud..............this funeral director and Orlando was there during the first month and then never heard of again.........why??? Didn't RC ask the funeral director/preacher to marry him and the guy turned him down?
I'm back to reading the first pages of Haleigh..........we may get the answer and over looked it.........

Supposing Haleigh was dead, it would have been gravely appropriate in a macabre sort of way for them to be married by a funeral director, but he said he couldn't because his licence had expired.

Funeral director Jamie Watts of Watts Funeral Home stated the couple had asked him to perform the service, but he declined because his notary status has expired.
I don't know why, but I was under the impression that they'd asked the Rev. Terry Wright of Dunns Creek Baptist Church to also marry them. ...he supposedly refused.
Don't think that J. Watts was or is a minister...just was a notary, like his mother who also helps/owns the funeral parlor.
I don't know why, but I was under the impression that they'd asked the Rev. Terry Wright of Dunns Creek Baptist Church to also marry them. ...he supposedly refused.
Don't think that J. Watts was or is a minister...just was a notary, like his mother who also helps/owns the funeral parlor.

Ger a notary can marry people in Florida. I stood up for someone once that was married by one.
I am on the fence as to whether Ron harmed Haliegh or is implicated in some way, though I doubt it, but I do not believe that Teresa or GGM had anything to do with a coverup.

If we can agree to disagree- two things are Very hinky about TN and AS activities on that fateful day(s) in February:

1-TN showing up so quickly after the 911 call, WITH an 8X10 photo of HaLeigh (and her infamous LE sweater/jacket).

and 2-AS not saying until 10 DAYS after that she had been over to the home earlier in the evening (her "that's a crock story" was in my opinion-just that -a crock).
These two things alone (and there are sooo many others) lead me to no other conclusion than that they were indeed involved in a coverup....JMHO
Am I understanding this right.. There is a relative/ employee of Watts Funeral Home who just happens to be a good friend of Ronald Cummings... And the guy is the grounds keeper /grave digger for the funeral home?
Don't know about anyone else but I'm afraid my hinky meter has been not only tripped but fully blown..JMO
I don't know what happened to Haleigh.....

But, I do know it has something to do with drug usage/sales.
Am I understanding this right.. There is a relative/ employee of Watts Funeral Home who just happens to be a good friend of Ronald Cummings... And the guy is the grounds keeper /grave digger for the funeral home?
Don't know about anyone else but I'm afraid my hinky meter has been not only tripped but fully blown..JMO

Mine too, EM! This is crazy!:banghead:
Supposing Haleigh was dead, it would have been gravely appropriate in a macabre sort of way for them to be married by a funeral director, but he said he couldn't because his licence had expired.

Very strange, donjeta. I swear I read (somewhere) that Watts declined due to a scheduling conflict and that the 3rd person they asked, just a plain ol' notary, "suddenly realized" her notary had expired. Then they scrambled to find someone else, since timing was of the essence, apparently.

jmo - I think that was God (or LE) trying to give Ron & Misty a big fat clue - Don't do it.
Another little tidbit to add to the gravedigger info: What are the chances he lives on the Tropic Ave in San Mateo? Bingo!
Another little tidbit to add to the gravedigger info: What are the chances he lives on the Tropic Ave in San Mateo? Bingo!

I believe someone on another thread pointed out the funeral home is located on Hwy 17 and Tropic Ave. ( Tropic Ave being the side street).. Wondering if he lives in a residence owned by the funeral home.. Perhaps located on the premises, or near the funeral home?
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