Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh ? #5

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If ron's alibi proves to be accurate, then misty harmed her with ron's approval of his method of discipline or drugs. He has to cover to save himself. After is all about ron.

Misty could have harmed Haleigh all by herself but regardless, she would say it was rc's fault and it was with his drugs and it was an accident (even if it wasn't)

This is why I think he knows what happened. Misty could have given Haleigh drugs without Ron's permission, or she could have drowned her, but it doesn't explain why Ron would cover for her all these months. I just feel like he has to be culpable in some way, shape or form.

If you believe the scenario of drugs being ingested, I really think they had to be Ron's drugs and/or given upon his direction. Afterall, didn't he overdose Hank Croslin, Sr., just prior to all this?
kiki, I can not for the life of me believe in any way that Ronald is blameless, rather IMO it's exactly the opposite. There is NO WAY in my mind that he believes Misty's BS for one second (nor do I believe even if that were the truth, that she would not have gotten a serious beat-down or worse, knowing what we know of Ron's temper). And IMHO there is not a chance on this earth that he would ever cover for her...under any circumstances to be honest. I even believe (moo) that if Misty had given her too much medicine and accidentally od'd her even @ Ron's suggestion, he would have denied that he did and point the finger straight at her. Nah, in my mind, Misty is covering for Ronald, the only questions I have are:

(1) what exactly happened?
(2) where did they put HaLeigh?

ALL JMHO of course...:furious:
The statement about Ron having the money for a down payment for a home was first reported 3/5/09 at . You have to have a subscription to the site to read the article, I guess since it's so old and has been archived.

It was first talked about here post # 173.

Wow, went back and read the link you posted and got a real eyefull. Ron and his alledged or not alledged drug use is the rampant conversation going on. I is interesting sometimes to go back at the beginning when the locals were posting. Some of the things locals were discussing then have evolved into some of the only facts we have on this case.
Misty must have stood directly in front of HaLeigh’s mattress when she stood up from her bed on the floor yet she failed to notice HaLeigh was not in her bed and she swears she never heard a thing. Ron said he expected M & the children to be sound asleep when he returned home so one would logically assume Ron was the person who discovered HaLeigh gone when he came in from work but no, Misty was already one step ahead of him. Any ideas why Misty didn’t stay in bed and pretend to be asleep to force the task of discovery onto Ron?

RC is the one for whom MC is covering IMO so RC had to be "long gone" (witness the ever gloating, defiant, triumphant "I wuz at werk" Smirk) both while Haleigh is still presumed alive and well--and beyond the time which PI (Phantom Intruder) could have struck and MC will claim to discover his daughter missing. I think it's highly likely that RC dictated to MC when to place 911 call--he could have even instructed and expected her to handle this task on her own but she grew reluctant or afraid to do so--until he returned to pressure her further. JMO

Pondering Mind, I would not be surprised at any scenario in this case. Well, I would be surprised if Haleigh were still alive. It would be very difficult to hide a child with this much notoriety and for this long.
Through an employee at PDM, ron did give instruction for misty to "WHIP" haleigh. ron stated she needs to know when to go to bed.

Harsh discipline may have been routine in this house. It may have gone overboard. OR misty may have lost it and drowned her or gave her meds to got to sleep. I doubt the second scenario because that would indicate haleigh may have been in the house....if so, there would be evidence if Haleigh was deceased longer than a few minutes. So far the only explanation I can come up with (if she indeed died in the house) would be drowning or drugs but she was taken elsewhere when given them. She could have been beat but there is no blood in the house. I would think a neighbor would have heard a scuffle if r * m got loud. Did something occur before 7:00pm? At some point Haleigh either walked or was carried out that back door...according to the tracking dogs.
IMO no way in #ell RC was gonna marry and, waxing longsuffering, patiently "double-cross" MC for the duration of an entire year and beyond if he bore no direct responsibility and had believed for one minute that his gf of 4 months did deliberately and w malice murder his "heart."

The only water which comes into play IMO involves a disposal--which RC would only have been involved in had he no person other than himself to blame.

However if my memory serves me they were trailing and not cadaver dogs at the docks. (Cadaver dogs only hit on dumpster, correct?)

That is my understanding as well, kiki. I also do not see Ron not being responsible. This is the absolutely only reason I can explain to myself why he supported Misty and married her. To keep her mouth shut. This also tells me that TN and GGMS also knew from the start that Misty needed to be protected in order to protect Ron.
Wow, went back and read the link you posted and got a real eyefull. Ron and his alledged or not alledged drug use is the rampant conversation going on. I is interesting sometimes to go back at the beginning when the locals were posting. Some of the things locals were discussing then have evolved into some of the only facts we have on this case.

lone, it was absolutely undeniable to many of us. Yes, often drawing on what we have seen in our lifetimes. (better known as experience ;)) For myself, (and others, though I speak only for myself) it was blatantly obvious unfortunately.
Misty must have stood directly in front of HaLeigh’s mattress when she stood up from her bed on the floor yet she failed to notice HaLeigh was not in her bed and she swears she never heard a thing. Ron said he expected M & the children to be sound asleep when he returned home so one would logically assume Ron was the person who discovered HaLeigh gone when he came in from work but no, Misty was already one step ahead of him. Any ideas why Misty didn’t stay in bed and pretend to be asleep to force the task of discovery onto Ron?

that's a good question Blue. IMO, Misty was never sleep in bed and Ron knew what was going on with Haleigh before he got home from work. Notice Ron couldn't have been the one to find her missing-he had to keep away from the situation, claiming he was at work and that's it. Misty had to be the one to find her missing and she had to be the one to make the 911 call. The fact that the father of a missing girl didn't even want to make the call himself.......tells me a lot. He wanted no part of it. Ron was trying to distance himself from whatever happened to Haleigh and IMO, it's because he's the one responsible.

Why would Ron be so adamant about Misty telling the truth, when even LE knew she was lying? That just doesn't sound right to me.
I guess I am one of the very few that don't believe that HaLeigh ingested any drugs or was OD'd by accident. Sadly, my theory has not changed much from almost a year ago, :( quite the opposite actually.
Tensions were obviously high (IMHO) in the Cummings/Croslin house that afternoon. Although it is unconfirmed I don't believe that Ronald was at work until later in the evening and possibly drunk when he did arrive. <<<not confirmed, but moo..I have no clue as to what transpired during those fateful ours, but I believe that HaLeigh got mixed up in the middle of it somehow. We know she has Turners Syndrome and was at times a handful ...from what I have read re TS some girls have a hard time reading facial cues from others. Something just really tells me that the battle between R & M got really nasty and HaLeigh, bless her little heart, somehow got caught in the middle. Nothing more than my theory and opinion.

Here is a link re Turners Syndrome for anyone interested..

snipped from this link~ (bottom of page)

However, researchers have
learned that girls with TS are more likely than other
children to have specific learning disabilities,
especially in nonverbal areas (sometimes called nonverbal
learning disabilities or NLD). Commonly observed weaknesses

* difficulty imagining objects in relation to each other
(visual-spatial processing; difficulty driving and poor
sense of direction)

* trouble appreciating subtle social cues such as facial
expressions (social cognition)

* problems with nonverbal problem-solving (math)

* clumsiness (psychomotor problems and poor manual

Count me in the few who believe as you do...JMO
Through an employee at PDM, ron did give instruction for misty to "WHIP" haleigh. ron stated she needs to know when to go to bed.

Harsh discipline may have been routine in this house. It may have gone overboard. OR misty may have lost it and drowned her or gave her meds to got to sleep. I doubt the second scenario because that would indicate haleigh may have been in the house....if so, there would be evidence if Haleigh was deceased longer than a few minutes. So far the only explanation I can come up with (if she indeed died in the house) would be drowning or drugs but she was taken elsewhere when given them. She could have been beat but there is no blood in the house. I would think a neighbor would have heard a scuffle if r * m got loud. Did something occur before 7:00pm? At some point Haleigh either walked or was carried out that back door...according to the tracking dogs.

Whisperer, it's so hard to type this..but in the midst of an argument between R & good smack across the room from a grown out of control man to a small defenseless child would be all it would take, without an ounce of blood being spilled. I've known of it happening countless times, I'm sad to say. Makes me want to cry putting that into words though..:(
Ron put on a big show for all of us in the beginning. We know he was faking the whole thing to start the cover-up. He was protecting his own behind. I think Ron is directly responsible for Haleigh's death somehow. He's been hiding behind Misty, like he expects all women in his life to make Ron happy.
Yes but the various routes which trailing dogs tracked--following live scent--could have been from anytime that day, ie right after school... so we really don't know whether she may have played for even an hour afterwards while RC was still at the mh. Heck we don't even know where everyone went immediately after the busstop, which is what's so frustrating.

I've always suspected it was not only possible but probable (given lack of evidence in house) that w/e took place occurred behind the mh back on the property where Haleigh expired either due to extreme rage attack--due eg to RC's out of control "discipline" :rolleyes: or "accident" :rolleyes: due to negligence.

From there it seems equally plausible that RC might have attempted to have Haleigh's remains removed by cutting thru woods and to the water eg, vs far more visible and therefore risky route via Green La. JMO

Referencing Blue Sky post #38

One news report said that is exactly what happened That was the first report out of the gate.

snipped from link:

A missing and endangered child alert has been issued for Haleigh Cummings, last seen in the Hermit's Cove area of Satsuma when she was in bed. About 3 a.m. the girl's father came home and saw her missing, said Lt. Johnny Greenwood of the Putnam County Sheriff's Office. A woman believed to be the father's wife or girlfriend was also asleep in the residence.

Greenwood said the father noticed Haleigh missing and woke the woman.[/]

Thank you for bringing this report forward; I didn't know it existed.

I couldn't find the report in the link you provided so thank you for including Greenwood's statement.
I know this is the wrong thread...but why is Ronald's real work hours such a secret?! Even if they couldn't be 100% sure because of some time clock malfunction, I want to know what the earliest confirmed time of arrival was and it bugs the he!! out of me that we can't find out for sure! WHY?
ETA The one exception to this IMO would be the Accidental Pond Drowning Scenario, explored very early on based upon dog's tracking back to pond and outbuilding--and which conceivably could have explained MC's culpability, but not RC's.

Unless, of course, we believe RC totally blameless and completely bamboozled by MC who orchestrated the cover-up. :waitasec: And I don't know about anybody else but that is just such a giant stretch for me...

(bump, bbm) Sorry on further thought just want to add that it also remains a distinct possibility in my mind that w/e rage, accident or negligence scenario might have occurred could've also easily transpired outdoors after RC and MC were both there inside of the mh "getting busy" (fighting or otherwise preoccupied). IOW had it been discovered that Haleigh was getting into something while they were both there being mutually negligent, it would be a true case of shared culpability or at least RC would have been quick to shift much of the blame onto MC IMO.

Pondering...I cannot get any confirmation on ron's exact hours. It is d#$m frustrating too.

Between his work hours and Tn's address...not one person cares to comment about these two "red flags" blowing in the wind.
I could even see that kiki. My biggest question though, if something like that happened is...Why didn't someone call EMS? That tells me that whatever happened they must have known for sure that HaLeigh was already deceased. What was going on that they didn't call for help, as the natural reaction of almost any parent would be. I just haven't been able to get around the fact that they didn't call for help....not from the authorities anyway..Still so many questions...<sigh>
Pondering...I cannot get any confirmation on ron's exact hours. It is d#$m frustrating too.

I am beginning to wonder if LE even knows what time he got there. I also want to know what kind of condition he was in when he got there and what condition he was in early afternoon. Very 'frushtrating' Whisp..
Whether resulting from rage (ie child abuse) or od (child endangerment), w/e it was obviously was something which was gonna implicate RC. JMO

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