Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh ? #5

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cluciano63, maybe it's just a hunch, but I'm with you. Something is going to fall into place soon. Maybe within the next month.
We are not hearing the entire tapes from the jailhouse visits or the phone calls. A lot is being kept back. I figure that anything that is redacted, would go toward the missing child case.
I think with the recent drug arrests developments, the cover-up plan this group (Ron, Misty, TN and GGM Sykes) have been living is falling apart. And, I still have my money on Hank, Jr. spilling some more information. He knows something. JMO

I agree that if Jr was with Haleigh when whatever happened happened, then he knew what happened. However, I'm also sure he has had his memory tampered with.

One clue is that RC had to be taken to court in order to force him to have Jr see a therapist, so RC didn't want Jr. remembering, or saying anything.

Misty is no longer scared, delusional, yes, defiant, yep, but scared, nope, not anymore. The time has come and gone for her to spill her guts.

RC is never going to tell. Neither will TN.

It is possible that GGM will come to terms with what her son/grandson has become, and will speak to LE, if RC is sent away for a good long while.

Imo, in the Cummings Clan, she is the weakest link. Crystal, RC's sis, knows nothing, imo. She couldn't be trusted with the info.

Tommy would sell just about anyone down the river, so imo, he doesn't know much, he doesn't know enough to find Haleigh. He might know Misty borrowed the van, and Lindsey watched Jr while Misty and Haleigh went somewhere, but he might not even know that.

Lindsey, imo, is the weakest link in the Croslin family, but she is also gullible, and she doesn't trust LE, so her conscience will have to bubble to the surface.

If lindsey, ggm, and Haleigh's spirit were in the same room at the same time, then LE would get the answers they need to find Haleigh.

Imo, Misty isn't the only key, she is a key, but imo, she isn't the only key.

I do enjoy watching the family dynamics of the case, and getting to know who these people really are, not their media faces.

I would have hope if the child *advertiser censored* case last year had found some info on Haleigh, but nothing has come from that. No sightings really.
I fear she was decesased before any of us ever heard her name.
That makes me very sad. She deserved so much more.
I hope so much that something good comes from this. Even one heart coming from cold, heartlessness, to goodness, in her name, let it happen, that she did not die in vain.

You got that right, cyber. That whole thing was staged and I hope LE will be making more arrests in the near (very near) future. You cannot tell me that TN was not at that mh that night. IIRC wasnt there a red truck spotted sitting by the railroad tracks that night? Maybe that was TN waiting for the call saying they (Ron/Misty) had called 911 and the police were on their way. She said she got there in about 5 mins? Maybe she didn't lie....She must've been about 5 mins away then ( I say 2 or 3 mins- we know how she like to exaggerate) kwim? That would explain how she got there so fast and don't forget she showed up with a picture (not a wallet size but a 8x10!). IMO she had been to that mh once before she got that 911 call from Ron and had enough time to go get an 8x10 and make it back before the police. Who carries around an 8x10 photo of their grandchild. My mother loves my kids to death but she does not carry around an 8x10 (wallet sizes-yes, 8x10-no).

I'm with you and thought TN too...we have three people that had red trucks. TN, AS (who let rc drive it) and TC. Since TN arrived so soon, it is easy to assume her. Who told us about the truck and rr tracks?
I can believe this, but I have to ask, in order to make the theory fit, where does the AC repairman visit fit into this? If he was really there. But, LE would know that.

If there was an a/c guy, which I question, I doubt he saw Haleigh, but if he was there to be a witness, unbeknownst, (is that a word?) to him, he may have heard her name several times, yelled out, "Don't do that Haleigh." etc, so he would say I didn't see her but I heard her being corrected, etc.

I don't know, it's possible.
fwiw, moo, and subject to change theory at any point......:)
One Big thing IMO that everyone seems to be over looking is Ron's statement early on that if he had some amount of money that he could get Haleigh back. I can't remember how much it was it seems like it was somewhere around $30,000.....

I do not see why this was over looked. To me this is a big clue, it first tells me that if Someone did take Haliegh than Ron knows who, if he didn't know who than how would he know that this money would get Haleigh back. Or it could show that Ron owed someone money and that could be a motive for someone taking her... Or it could mean that he disposed of drugs before LE arrived and he had to pay the drugs off..Or he could have been hoping someone would donate the money so that he could pay someone off to for thier role in this, possable diposing of her.
Anyways my point is I believe his statement about this money was a huge clue and it seems as though it was over looked. I wish I was a better sleuther so I could find where he states this because I would like to review this statement agian myself.

I have the link but don't think I am allowed to post it. If you google Hank Cummings Sr talks Tim Miller, you may find it on the first link.
& I think that's a real possibility. People go to big extremes to cover their tracks. Drug users, especially, will sit there & watch a friend seizure out & die of an overdose-then get up & leave the body. No 911 for these people. Now, if Haleigh were beaten, instead of an OD, I can see them all justifying a cover-up, but an OD is also a possibility-just depends how far these people would go to protect Ron's reputation.

The gun being brought up at the beginning makes me think she died from a gunshot wound. jmo

It could have been put out there to be a distraction though, from all the drugging and trafficing going on though.

I don't know
I tend to believe Haleigh was at school that day as well. She may have been late by a bit though. Too many have reported seeing her get off the bus - no one reported Ron as being the one who picked her up though, except for family, who were no where near the bus stop.

I tend to think she was as the reason the pink shirt was found was because LE took Misty back into the house to find the clothes that Haleigh wore to school that day. I might add I always found this interesting in and of itself. Why would her school clothes matter ? LE was up to something right then and they found it.

Agreed. Le knows what she wore to school that day, and they knew when they found it, that Misty either didn't know that Haleigh changed her clothes, or she lied on purpose. I wonder what they decided.....
I am going back to simple. Misty may have killed her in the bathtub or by smothering. Haleigh also may have died another way (drugs) by misty. She may have told rc she drowned or od'd by accident. He may have helped hide Haleigh to protect himself from being held responsible for her death due to negligence.

I don't know. If Haleigh's demise could be directly attributed to Misty, I believe Ron would turn her in and then play the victim and the martyr and do the whole "I never should have truster her with my kids. I never should have been hanging out with her" thing. Kinda like he's tried to blame her for the drug bust.
RC is so immature and so volatile, it is hard to determine what happened. My synopsis is base on him being at work the entire time, never left and worked overtime (which I don't beleive) and Haleigh was seen at 3:45. Otherwise, I will put him at the top of the list of two.
The way I see it gibby, if anyone, including myself, finds a link between him and the area where HaLeigh lived - it has to be looked at. No link - no stink. JMO ~

I read on the web that Clay County AND Putnam County are looking into parallels... just too coincidental for a 24YO a county away who likes 5-year-olds IMO. Ain't gonna be no link... And hear me I've always thought Misty went "elsewhere" with the children that night, and maybe that "elsewhere" was south. I've been sleuthing and trying to connect, and maybe I can't, but I'm just trying to find HaLeigh. Bad thing is, based on his MO, HaLeigh could have been dumped in the trash LONG ago :(
I don't know. If Haleigh's demise could be directly attributed to Misty, I believe Ron would turn her in and then play the victim and the martyr and do the whole "I never should have truster her with my kids. I never should have been hanging out with her" thing. Kinda like he's tried to blame her for the drug bust.

Don't we know it.

I don't know. If Haleigh's demise could be directly attributed to Misty, I believe Ron would turn her in and then play the victim and the martyr and do the whole "I never should have truster her with my kids. I never should have been hanging out with her" thing. Kinda like he's tried to blame her for the drug bust.
Well, it depends on how much Ron wanted Misty-& I think he wanted her a lot. Just My opinion.
Can anyone tell me who reports Haleigh riding on RC's lap--not in seatbelt--that day in version where she leaves bus stop in RC's car--not MC's? I've been relying upon other version in which it's Misty w whom Haleigh leaves there but gotta admit it's hard to ignore the recklessness of this. From where did this come?

I don't remember where or when-coulda been a rumor-but I remember reading that the AC man was a relative of Ron's. That made sense to me, because he seems like the kind of person who would use family to get a discount. But if true, it does add another family member to the mix. Also, I was wondering...why in the world were they getting the AC worked on in February? If it was a combination unit, don't you think they would've referred to it as the heater? Also, they were renting-could Ron just hire anybody he wanted to fix things? Wouldn't that be the owner's obligation? An AC unit is a pretty big deal compared to say, a mowed yard or clogged drain. Also, if Ron was behind on rent, as reported, (rumor?), would he really go to that trouble? Why not just go ahead & move? Do you think some relative, who happened to be an AC repairman, was there visiting, & they later made this point to make him seem more credible?
I read on the web that Clay County AND Putnam County are looking into parallels... just too coincidental for a 24YO a county away who likes 5-year-olds IMO. Ain't gonna be no link... And hear me I've always thought Misty went "elsewhere" with the children that night, and maybe that "elsewhere" was south. I've been sleuthing and trying to connect, and maybe I can't, but I'm just trying to find HaLeigh. Bad thing is, based on his MO, HaLeigh could have been dumped in the trash LONG ago :(

I was just looking at the same thing..... Clay County is directly above Putnum County. I wonder if there is any link between this 24 year old JH and the Cummings/Croslin clan He is close to the same age as Ron, OMG, the early reports that Haleigh was sold and even Cobra had said that it was possable... I wonder if this guy was involved in Drugs or is known to those in Putnum County... Oh my mind is going crazy.:(
If there was an a/c guy, which I question, I doubt he saw Haleigh, but if he was there to be a witness, unbeknownst, (is that a word?) to him, he may have heard her name several times, yelled out, "Don't do that Haleigh." etc, so he would say I didn't see her but I heard her being corrected, etc.

I don't know, it's possible.
fwiw, moo, and subject to change theory at any point......:)

IIRC, early on, there was a comment (in a newspaper article I think), by the landlord Bard who said that the A/C guy was doing scheduled maintenance in all their rentals. It doesn't mean he was really there or saw Haleigh but at least it's not only Misty saying it, there was supposed to be an A/C guy.
Oh this is really bothering me, Somer Thompson was kidnapped and killed 7 months after Haleigh went missing, this guy is one county above where Haleigh went missing and he has been charged with twenty something counts of Child *advertiser censored*. I pray they are looking into if there is a connection with Haleigh. I got a bad feeling about this.
IIRC, early on, there was a comment (in a newspaper article I think), by the landlord Bard who said that the A/C guy was doing scheduled maintenance in all their rentals. It doesn't mean he was really there or saw Haleigh but at least it's not only Misty saying it, there was supposed to be an A/C guy.
Thanks for your post. It answers my earlier questions-maybe. I have no doubt that you read that, just as I have no doubt that I read what I did. That's one of the problems with this case-just too much contradictory information. I do remember reading that the AC man had been cleared, but some time later, read that NO one had been cleared. My 1st thought was, 'But what about the AC guy'?
What if.........

We know Teresa takes/took oxy because she told us how bitter it is. What if she gave Ron her oxy to sell, and maybe somehow right after school she got into it. They might have thought she spit out enough or whatever that she would be ok. This would explain Misty's remark of "she was fine then", when she was talking about Haleigh riding her bike. And then of course, later she wasn't. The phone calls start, the blame starts flying comes ggms and the "nurse", etc. etc. Everyone knew they would be in trouble, so the cover up began. Or sounded good when I was tossing and turning, trying to fall
Can anyone tell me who reports Haleigh riding on RC's lap--not in seatbelt--that day in version where she leaves bus stop in RC's car--not MC's? I've been relying upon other version in which it's Misty w whom Haleigh leaves there but gotta admit it's hard to ignore the recklessness of this. From where did this come?


It is my recollection that it was RC himself.

I found an old post of mine with a quote:
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Ron Jr.'s Fate
There's more discussion about it in the same thread if you want.

OK, so this is not the one he talks about the turn signals but here he says Haleigh drove the car home:

I got her off the school bus, she ran to me and jumped into my arms, drove the car home, got out gave me hug and kiss, loved on me, told me she loved me & she would see me when I got home.

I guess you could say that he omitted pronouns and meant (she) jumped into my arms, (I) drove the car home, (she) got out, (she) gave me a hug and kiss, (she) loved on me... but IMO he means the same thing as in the turn signals video where he was more explicit. I'm pretty sure he used the same wording "loved on me" in that one. I'm still looking for that one.

it's at 3:53
What if.........

We know Teresa takes/took oxy because she told us how bitter it is. What if she gave Ron her oxy to sell, and maybe somehow right after school she got into it. They might have thought she spit out enough or whatever that she would be ok. This would explain Misty's remark of "she was fine then", when she was talking about Haleigh riding her bike. And then of course, later she wasn't. The phone calls start, the blame starts flying comes ggms and the "nurse", etc. etc. Everyone knew they would be in trouble, so the cover up began. Or sounded good when I was tossing and turning, trying to fall

How fast do oxys work? How long would it take for them to knock out a child Haleigh's size?
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