Theories discussion: What could have happened to Haleigh ? #6

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"Front door. I went out the front door. I never went out the back door," Croslin says.

Misty Croslin now tells us she did go out on the front porch to smoke a cigarette the night 5-year old Haleigh disappeared.

“The information I am referring to is a tip that investigators received from a local resident who came forward and told them that Misty Croslin, the 17-year-old girlfriend of Haleigh's father, 24-year-old Ronald Cummings, was not at home the night Haleigh disappeared. It has further been alleged that the night Haleigh was abducted was not the first time Croslin had sneaked out while Cummings was at work and his kids were sleeping. There are further allegations regarding her activities at that time; however that information has not officially been released.”

Detectives believe that one tip may come from the Misty, who was then Ronald's girlfriend. Misty was watching the girl that day. She told detectives she left Haleigh alone for just a few minutes inside the home. Haleigh then simply vanished.


And that is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STORY than waking up and she is gone. So that is telling me, Misty knows exactly what happened to Haleigh. The Misty we see on tapes is not the Misty we see on drugs or coming off of them after 3 days. I am putting more and more blame on Misty these days. I don't think anyone came in and took her, never have.
I would like to know how ron behaves when he is drunk and when he is high. Crystal and Amber could be a big help with that. He likes the white stuff also, correct?

Knowing the personalities of the suspects would help alot on getting an idea of what happened to Haleigh.

According to Crystal, Ron was doing coke once and she walked in on him. She'd quit taking drugs, and she was mad that he wouldn't quit with her. When she said something about it to him, he shoved her off the bed and kicked her in the head. While she was pregnant with Jr. Of course, people dismissed her statements as a vicious tongue from a bitter woman (and bad mother).

I always believed her in this regard.
I think Ron is a bad dude, but I still firmly believe that whatever happened to that little girl happened on Misty's watch. Either she snuck out and left the kids alone and someone came and harmed/removed HaLeigh as speculated here or Misty was there at the MH but up to no good and something happened to HaLeigh so she covered it up and made her disappear.

What I cannot figure out in all this theorizing is - If Misty was present in the MH when whatever happened happened, why did something happen to HaLeigh and not to Jr.? That makes me lean towards Misty not being at the MH and having snuck out to go party.

I am giving myself headaches trying to figure out the whys and hows.

"Front door. I went out the front door. I never went out the back door," Croslin says.

Misty Croslin now tells us she did go out on the front porch to smoke a cigarette the night 5-year old Haleigh disappeared.

“The information I am referring to is a tip that investigators received from a local resident who came forward and told them that Misty Croslin, the 17-year-old girlfriend of Haleigh's father, 24-year-old Ronald Cummings, was not at home the night Haleigh disappeared. It has further been alleged that the night Haleigh was abducted was not the first time Croslin had sneaked out while Cummings was at work and his kids were sleeping. There are further allegations regarding her activities at that time; however that information has not officially been released.”

Detectives believe that one tip may come from the Misty, who was then Ronald's girlfriend. Misty was watching the girl that day. She told detectives she left Haleigh alone for just a few minutes inside the home. Haleigh then simply vanished.

I take the above #3 statement above to mean that Misty left Haleigh alone in the bedroom for a few minutes while she went to the bathroom and came back to the bedroom and she was gone. Not that Misty physcially left the home leaving Haleigh alone which she has always denied doing.

ETA-the first link you posted does not take me to the article you quoted from
I take the above #3 statement above to mean that Misty left Haleigh alone in the bedroom for a few minutes while she went to the bathroom and came back to the bedroom and she was gone. Not that Misty physcially left the home leaving Haleigh alone which she has always denied doing.

ETA-the first link you posted does not take me to the article you quoted from

Except that isn't how that statement reads to me.

She told detectives she left Haleigh alone for just a few minutes inside the home. Haleigh then simply vanished.

The wording suggests that she left Haleigh alone for just a few minutes INSIDE the home. This implies that in at least one statement she says she was OUTSIDE the home not the bathroom.
Except that isn't how that statement reads to me.

She told detectives she left Haleigh alone for just a few minutes inside the home. Haleigh then simply vanished.

The wording suggests that she left Haleigh alone for just a few minutes INSIDE the home. This implies that in at least one statement she says she was OUTSIDE the home not the bathroom.

I see, I have read and re-read this snippet and felt for certain it was implying Misty left Haleigh and Junior in the home alone. Power of suggestion and perception. Thank you. : )
I see, I have read and re-read this snippet and felt for certain it was implying Misty left Haleigh and Junior in the home alone. Power of suggestion and perception. Thank you. : )

Not at all. I think we are in agreement. I feel that statement/snippet also implies that Misty left Haleigh and Jr. alone in the house. Whether she simply stepped out into the yard for a minute (which is what I think that she was trying to convey in that statement) or left them alone in the MH for several hours is yet to be seen.

I was responding to the poster who suggested that that particular statement could be construed as Misty conveying that she was still inside the trailer but just in the bathroom. But unless they have an outhouse I cannot see how that could be the case. :banghead: too too many statements (lies) and not enough (any) truth in this case.
Misty must have left the kids alone or had an arrangement with someone to stop by and check in on the kids. There's only one who that could be, and wouldn't show up on her cell phone calls either. LE says that she was not doing what she says she was that evening. Ron says the bed wasn't slept in, unless maybe she lay down on the top of the covers and didn't mess the covers up. LE says that they believe someone well known to the family did something to Haleigh and Misty is the key. Jr. says a man in all black took Haleigh. There's only a couple of men that knew the family and trailer layout well enough to be able to have unlocked that back door after Ron went to work. And probably only one that Misty might not want to implicate if she's not sure.

And that is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STORY than waking up and she is gone. So that is telling me, Misty knows exactly what happened to Haleigh. The Misty we see on tapes is not the Misty we see on drugs or coming off of them after 3 days. I am putting more and more blame on Misty these days. I don't think anyone came in and took her, never have.

In this video NG reveals Hank Sr also said he has reason to believe Misty wasn't at the trailer Monday evening and in a media report I read today, Lindsy too said she believes Misty wasn't at the trailer. I am convinced Misty's family knows where she was yet Misty has the nerve to whine to her mother during a jailhouse conversation that their family has been treated unfairly over the past year and deserve an apology for all the carp they have had to take. I'm hunting for the videos where Misty states "I was home " so we can see her face when she is lying. On the Joy Behar Show last night, the deadly effects of oxycontin were discussed.
In this video NG reveals Hank Sr also said he has reason to believe Misty wasn't at the trailer Monday evening and in a media report I read today, Lindsy too said she believes Misty wasn't at the trailer. I am convinced Misty's family knows where she was yet Misty has the nerve to whine to her mother during a jailhouse conversation that their family has been treated unfairly over the past year and deserve an apology for all the carp they have had to take. I'm hunting for the videos where Misty states "I was home " so we can see her face when she is lying. On the Joy Behar Show last night, the deadly effects of oxycontin were discussed.

I remember hearing her say I was home a million times. "I w-as home." Sort of reminded me of the tone my 11 year old daughter might try using with me. Here is one vid though:
I remember hearing her say I was home a million times. "I w-as home." Sort of reminded me of the tone my 11 year old daughter might try using with me. Here is one vid though:

thank you elle, this is the one I wanted. In other videos where Misty is asked what happened that night, the reporter is likely assuming she was home the entire evening, so Misty replies by recounting the activities that occurred over the course of the evening.

In this particular video I suspect word was getting around that Misty may not have been home the entire evening and she is responding directly to that allegation with "I was home".
When misty is lying she *advertiser censored* her head to the side and has a defiant tone. An example was when she was talking about NG and what NG could do.

She had this same arrogance about "Being home" and the poly proved she was truthful.

She lies often. She cries when she wants sympathy and it is not real. She is an actor.

...I am still concerned about that boy in prison..
In this video NG reveals Hank Sr also said he has reason to believe Misty wasn't at the trailer Monday evening and in a media report I read today, Lindsy too said she believes Misty wasn't at the trailer. I am convinced Misty's family knows where she was yet Misty has the nerve to whine to her mother during a jailhouse conversation that their family has been treated unfairly over the past year and deserve an apology for all the carp they have had to take. I'm hunting for the videos where Misty states "I was home " so we can see her face when she is lying. On the Joy Behar Show last night, the deadly effects of oxycontin were discussed.

I wonder if their only reason to believe that is because Tommy says no one was home at the trailer with no lights on the night he went by there. The family never seems to believe Misty, but the mom got into a theft with Tommy.
The blanket thing annoys the heck out of me. To expand on my theory: What if Misty had someone well known to her at the trailer while she left to get drugs, or arranged for this person to just stop in while she was gone. Jr. could have been asleep and woke up seeing a man in black take Haleigh. The person who was at the trailer or agree to stop by could have claimed that Haleigh was gone when he got there or he could have had contact with the blanket. This person could have convinced Misty that his hair might be on the blanket and threw it in the dryer to tumble or taken it home to wash it and brought it back. Misty may not be sure who took Haleigh and doesn't want to admit it because this person she "cares" about will be a suspect. Misty could have even left the two people there at the trailer and drove alone in the van to get drugs.
My theory revolves around Ronald and Misty's obsession to pin this on Tommy. I think when he called Tommy to ask him to check on Misty, it was to place him at the MH. But, even bigger than that, it screws up Tommy's air-tight alibi that he was at home. At that time, Ronald didn't realize it would backfire and implicate Misty. I wouldn't be surprised if Haleigh's body is eventually found on, or near Tommy's property. Ronald and Misty have done everything but draw LE a map to find her. The phone call from Ronald on the 9th got LE out to Tommy's house. The headless rat got LE out to Tommy's house. The stolen merchandise got LE out to Tommy's house. While Misty was taking the VST, she mentioned she found Ronald's gun in the culvert in Tommy's driveway. Misty calls Tommy to come get her from Ronald's GM's house, and a fight ensues. Another instance of drawing attention to Tommy. If the property on or around Tommy's house hasn't been searched, it should be. Actually, even if it has been searched, they should do it again. C A's body was found in a spot that had been searched several times.
Misty must have left the kids alone or had an arrangement with someone to stop by and check in on the kids. There's only one who that could be, and wouldn't show up on her cell phone calls either. LE says that she was not doing what she says she was that evening. Ron says the bed wasn't slept in, unless maybe she lay down on the top of the covers and didn't mess the covers up. LE says that they believe someone well known to the family did something to Haleigh and Misty is the key. Jr. says a man in all black took Haleigh. There's only a couple of men that knew the family and trailer layout well enough to be able to have unlocked that back door after Ron went to work. And probably only one that Misty might not want to implicate if she's not sure.

BBM --

Except that MC stated RC was incorrect and the bed was not made. Of course, like everything else in this case, it was never questioned further.

Maryann123 - Your theory is pretty good. I never thought about that before. He was also involved in the drug ring, too. I'm not sure if it's coincidence, close family, a framing in the works, or what, but you are right, they have seemed to insert TC whenever possible. Can't forget MC told CC that the person involved is "someone they both care for".
BBM --

Except that MC stated RC was incorrect and the bed was not made. Of course, like everything else in this case, it was never questioned further.

Maryann123 - Your theory is pretty good. I never thought about that before. He was also involved in the drug ring, too. I'm not sure if it's coincidence, close family, a framing in the works, or what, but you are right, they have seemed to insert TC whenever possible. Can't forget MC told CC that the person involved is "someone they both care for".

Put that stuff together with Elle's new info (at least new to me) about the barking dog citation that was issued to Tommy that night, and it all adds up (to me.) Somebody or something was causing the dog to bark. It could have been a stray cat, or a rabbit, or two people hiding a body.
Put that stuff together with Elle's new info (at least new to me) about the barking dog citation that was issued to Tommy that night, and it all adds up (to me.) Somebody or something was causing the dog to bark. It could have been a stray cat, or a rabbit, or two people hiding a body.

Maryann I was thinking the same thing!
Put that stuff together with Elle's new info (at least new to me) about the barking dog citation that was issued to Tommy that night, and it all adds up (to me.) Somebody or something was causing the dog to bark. It could have been a stray cat, or a rabbit, or two people hiding a body.

Or someone moving a body from the dumpster and taking it to another location between 1:30am and 2:00am..JMO
My theory revolves around Ronald and Misty's obsession to pin this on Tommy. I think when he called Tommy to ask him to check on Misty, it was to place him at the MH. But, even bigger than that, it screws up Tommy's air-tight alibi that he was at home. At that time, Ronald didn't realize it would backfire and implicate Misty. I wouldn't be surprised if Haleigh's body is eventually found on, or near Tommy's property. Ronald and Misty have done everything but draw LE a map to find her. The phone call from Ronald on the 9th got LE out to Tommy's house. The headless rat got LE out to Tommy's house. The stolen merchandise got LE out to Tommy's house. While Misty was taking the VST, she mentioned she found Ronald's gun in the culvert in Tommy's driveway. Misty calls Tommy to come get her from Ronald's GM's house, and a fight ensues. Another instance of drawing attention to Tommy. If the property on or around Tommy's house hasn't been searched, it should be. Actually, even if it has been searched, they should do it again. C A's body was found in a spot that had been searched several times.

2nd BBM: Many many people (including myself) have wanted 116 Tyler St. to be looked at more closely since the beginning. I really hope LE has a general idea of what happened and where and that they are not searching and focusing more on 116 for a reason.
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