Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #3

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There is nothing above that indicates any form of planning took place with regards to disposing of the body. How should that be reconciled with three months of premeditation?
People who plan premeditated murder plan the murder there not thinking about what to do with the body afterwards.Sure there might be a few that do but in most cases all there thinking about is killing the person and after its carried out then it kicks in what to do with the body. Just because she didnt plan where to put the body after she carried it out doesnt mean it was a accident.JMO:)
I dont have a good theory on the dates and times but Ithink that she chloroformed or xanaxed Caylee... put her in the truck and she died from the heat. It takes less than a hour for a car in the florida heat to get to deadly temps.
<<Rick's letter to CA he mentions the neighbors hearing someone in the pool on the 16th.>>

He also mentions Casey's "flurry" of calls to GA and CA that went unanswered. I'm beginning to think that maybe Caylee did drown, Casey freaked at first and tried to call her parents but couldn't get a response. Then she just decides to hide the fact that Caylee is dead and go on with her little life until she could figure out how to explain Caylee's "disappearance". That way, it wouldn't seem so much her fault. Just my opinion, but Casey seems like the type of person who wouldn't want to have to take the blame for letting Caylee drown. So after awhile, the best story she could come up with is "the babysitter held me down and took her from me". That story makes her seem less responsible.
Since she was renting videos with TL by 8:00pm that evening I don't think her intention was to really tell her parents Caylee had drowned. She wanted to be with her b/f and that wouldn't have been possible if the death had been reported. I think those phone calls could've been to make it look like she was trying to reach them after the "nanny" had taken Caylee or to check to make sure nobody was home so she could return there to kill Caylee. MOO
People who plan premeditated murder plan the murder there not thinking about what to do with the body afterwards.Sure there might be a few that do but in most cases all there thinking about is killing the person and after its carried out then it kicks in what to do with the body. Just because she didnt plan where to put the body after she carried it out doesnt mean it was a accident.JMO:)
I so agree and I still believe she could've planned to put Caylee in the backyard and leave her there, but digging became too difficult or she feared her parents would find her, so she put her in the trunk until she could think of someplace else to put her, then the stench became too great, and probably almost got caught by dad on the 24th so she dumped her at the first place she could think of where she thought Caylee's remains wouldn't be found. I still believe the death was planned, she just thought it might be easier to dispose of the body than it was. MOO
This may be an 'off-the-wall' thought, but I've wondered about the possibility that Casey's google searches could be for information verification...

--TV programs, such as CSI, Myth Busters, First 48, etc delve into details of death previously unknown to anyone outside the 'real' career field. I've often questioned the wisdom of educating the public by presenting a "How-To" manual for murder, and/or getting away with murder.

--perhaps these google searches were sparked from something she saw on one these types of shows; an effort to verify the possible means of committing a murder, or to garner more information (such as where to hit some one's head via a shovel in order to kill them/cause paralysis/ OR how to break one's neck using said shovel...

Just a thought...:waitasec:
After reading Grandma Shirley's interview with LE, and even SHE originally thought the visit to see Papa was on the 8th, I'd like to know what Casey was doing in that week. I'd love to see videos of her somewhere. A sign that she had Caylee. I am beginning to think that we're being thrown off for that week deliberately. And I am also thinking that the "I already gave you a month" comment from Cindy, as well as "You don't know what my involvement is, Mom?" comment from Casey means a LOT more than we first speculated.
June 15th confirmed last day to see Caylee
June 16th GA says is the last day to see Caylee
( I dont think so, I think KC went to LA house, after fight on the 15th)

June 17 KC backs car into garage

June 18, 19 KC backs car into garage and gets a shovel on one of these days

June 20 third and final time KC backs car into garage 1:44-2:18 pm

But....there seems to be 4 days she backed her car in???

June 21,22 KC pings at Tony's all day

2.6 days of decomp

June 24 GA gets gas cans back from KC
There could not have been decomp in the car or GA would have smelled it???

June 25 tx Amy about the smell
Body or decomp had to have been in the car
KC pings all day at Tony's

June 26 KC pings at Tony's all day

June 27th leaves the car at amscot, tells Amy she got rid of the smell
10:35 pings near Chickasaw Trail until-I think this is when KC dumps the body
11:09 pings near the Anthonys home

For GA story about seeing KC on the 24, Caylee would have had to die that day, for there to be 2.6 days of the trunk.....and then put in the woods on the 27th

With the facts and statements that we have so far....I just can not make out the time line.....

There has to be *mis truths* and or poor memory going on here.....

I thought maybe If LA was out of town during this time....KC kept Caylee at his place...alive from the 15th-24th.....but she was at Tony's the 21, 22( pings)......there was no way she could have taken care of Caylee at all during those times....

Then theres the whole backing the car into the garage on the 17, 18, 19, 20....why?

all I get from all of Caylee died between June 15-25......

any thoughts???
After reading Grandma Shirley's interview with LE, and even SHE originally thought the visit to see Papa was on the 8th, I'd like to know what Casey was doing in that week. I'd love to see videos of her somewhere. A sign that she had Caylee. I am beginning to think that we're being thrown off for that week deliberately. And I am also thinking that the "I already gave you a month" comment from Cindy, as well as "You don't know what my involvement is, Mom?" comment from Casey means a LOT more than we first speculated.

I have pondered on the same thing....but there is a sign in sheet from papas? for the 15 with CA and Caylee on it....and I believe also emails from Grandma about the visit with them too.....other wise I would say its the 8th or 9th as well.....
i would agree, but...there's the fact that george said he was "positive" it was the 16th, just before 1pm when he saw caylee leave with casey because his cooking show was on (either starting or ending, can't recall now...)

I have never believed him. I believe that was a "script" him and CA made up to cover up for the big fight the night before.
After reading Grandma Shirley's interview with LE, and even SHE originally thought the visit to see Papa was on the 8th, I'd like to know what Casey was doing in that week. I'd love to see videos of her somewhere. A sign that she had Caylee. I am beginning to think that we're being thrown off for that week deliberately. And I am also thinking that the "I already gave you a month" comment from Cindy, as well as "You don't know what my involvement is, Mom?" comment from Casey means a LOT more than we first speculated.

There is something very strange about those dates. I have assumed the great grandmother was "coached" by CA as to the date and being older she took CA at her word about the 8/9th, but for all of them to use the same date tells me something is not right here.
This may be an 'off-the-wall' thought, but I've wondered about the possibility that Casey's google searches could be for information verification...

--TV programs, such as CSI, Myth Busters, First 48, etc delve into details of death previously unknown to anyone outside the 'real' career field. I've often questioned the wisdom of educating the public by presenting a "How-To" manual for murder, and/or getting away with murder.

--perhaps these google searches were sparked from something she saw on one these types of shows; an effort to verify the possible means of committing a murder, or to garner more information (such as where to hit some one's head via a shovel in order to kill them/cause paralysis/ OR how to break one's neck using said shovel...

Just a thought...:waitasec:

I am beginning to think that the google searches aren't anything other than an indication of Casey's state of mind. The really detailed posts that someone did (sorry can't remember who) that show how much time she spent on each of these items, and that they were all in the top five returned search results, she wasn't doing any serious planning. She was thinking her life sure would be easier.

And I think once you start to think like that, then it is only a matter of time before you are mad enough and the opportunity presents itself. Still premeditated and intentional to me, I 100% believe she meant to harm Caylee and Cindy when she reached for her daughter that day, but I don't think she is some criminal mastermind with a well thought out plan.

Someone said that chloroform is present in pesticides and that perhaps she sprayed her trunk. This idea makes a lot of sense to me but upon research it doesn't not seem like choloroform is in household pesticides, there is a pesticide that contains it but it is industrial and used for specific purposes in farms, so that theory seems to be on shaky ground?
I also am having a hard time believing the statement GA made to police that he saw them both leave on the 16th while watching his cooking show. The whole part that neither of came out of the room until the time they left is impossible to me. GA stated that Casey was dressed for work, if thats the case Casey would have to had come out of the room to shower etc, and while she was doing that where would Caylee have been??? GA also stated he was the one who "always gave the little girl her breakfast", so my question would be "why this day would have been so different?" I have to little girls almost the same age as Caylee, and there is no way I would ever be able to keep them locked up in a room for longer than 2 minutes. I just dont get it. I know a lot people feel GA would have no reason to lie, but unfortunately we have learned otherwise when it comes to this family. CA has proven herself a force to be reckoned (sp) with.
What child 2 years old stays in their room while grandpa is in the living room? I think George was thinking of another day. Maybe the 9th. He doesn't say, yes I sat with her, we had breakfast together, we watched a tv show together. or anything that makes me believe he actually saw her that day. He just say's he see's them leave. That is weird that she would have stayed in her room till time to leave. I think he said that to help ease Cindy's mind that the fight had not upset Casey enough for her to harm Caylee.
Cindy said she tucked them in after the fight...that doesn't make sense does it??
According to George's Sunpass records he was out of the house close to the time of their departure (IIRC).
There is something very strange about those dates. I have assumed the great grandmother was "coached" by CA as to the date and being older she took CA at her word about the 8/9th, but for all of them to use the same date tells me something is not right here.
But GA knew exactly what Casey and Caylee were wearing a month later...go figure!
After reading Grandma Shirley's interview with LE, and even SHE originally thought the visit to see Papa was on the 8th, I'd like to know what Casey was doing in that week. I'd love to see videos of her somewhere. A sign that she had Caylee. I am beginning to think that we're being thrown off for that week deliberately. And I am also thinking that the "I already gave you a month" comment from Cindy, as well as "You don't know what my involvement is, Mom?" comment from Casey means a LOT more than we first speculated.
I think what Casey was doing PRIOR to the 15th is crucial as well. Goes to state of mind if you ask me.
so then if george is lying about seeing her on the 16th, then that means she died on the night of the 15th or early morning on the 16th
why cover up the fight? i mean, everyone fights at one point or another...
does anyone know where KC went to after the fight?
was she so angry and she just lost it and killed caylee? then that would rule out pre-meditation...
just a coincidence, i guess...she was planning it all along, just that night with the fight was the deciding factor to go ahead and do what she was planning all along....
Have cadaver dogs ever been inside the house? Based on her phone records it does not appear that she left the house the night of the 15th. If she had I personally believe she would have gone straight to Tony's. She easily could have turned up child in tow, tears flowing after the fight at home. If the swimsuit and duct tape turn out to be true I have this horrifying thought of Casey sitting in that room texting away with her man while Caylee suffocates under the duct tape. That would explain Casey and Caylee never coming out of the room that morning. Her and Cindy were fighting she probably had the door blocked (and therefore Cindy says she tucked them and could hear them breathing. She wouldn't want to say last I saw my granddaughter she was just out of the pool and Casey baracaded herself in their bedroom).
But GA knew exactly what Casey and Caylee were wearing a month later...go figure!
Yes, go figure ~ nobody seemed to remember the exact date they last saw Caylee without the video from Fathers' Day as a reminder but he distinctly remembers everything both Casey & Caylee were wearing when they left the house the afternoon of the 16th while he was watching his cooking show. I remember when I lived at home and if my dad had been watching his favorite show he wouldn't have noticed I was even leaving! MOO
I personally think that GA was telling the truth (I know.I know) about seeing them on the 16th. At first I had my doubts but I think at the time of that interview GA was trying to help LE not mislead them, he just wanted his granddaughter back. And I then found out that the neighbors heard someone in their pool on the 16th of June. If they left the night of the 15th, who was in the pool on the 16th?
I still think it could have been premeditated despite her poor job at covering up. Maybe the murder itself was premeditated but not the aftermath. Casey may be so used to her lies being believed that she really thought LE wouldn't investigate her story. She may not have realized that disposing of the body would be difficult - I get the feeling she's not the sharpest tack in the box even though she may think she is.

IMO whatever happened in the argument with Cindy prompted Casey to go ahead with what she'd been considering without thinking about disposal and cover story.

I've posted this before. It is a known fact that with the majority of premeditated murders--the body disposal is often not part of the plan and overlooked by the murderer. They plan everything but that.
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