Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #3

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It may be something that they found that proves she was still alive after the 15th of June. :confused:

It was probably a couple of limes she bought at the grocery store. :rolleyes:

I think KC never got a lot of attention as a child and when she saw the way her parents fawned over Caylee it may have brought up a lot of anger.

I think that's why she tried to keep Caylee away from her mother. Rather than have her mother babysit her she'd rather have a fictitious nanny watch her.

Yes. Surely a battle of will and roles in the family.
You use the word usurp and I used displace, similar ideas really. I agree, the psychological makeup as to motive is composed of multiple factors. I can't wait to hear what is said in court pertaining to this.

LOL, I wasn't arguing with you, I was agreeing, I just like to ramble.
My bet is that the body was wrapped in the comforter from Caylee's bed set. I would also be willing to bet that is the location in the house where KC killed Caylee, probably when she woke up from her nap at 3:00 pm. MOO

Awoke... wearing her swimsuit? Because that, reportedly, was the clothing found with Caylee's remains. JMO

Oh, I just had another thought. What if LE found something at the location of the remains they remembered seeing in the house when they did the first search? Say a toy, for example. So they go back to the house, and the toy they saw at the house is gone.
I'm going to make myself crazy!!!

Something like... a swimsuit? Looking for an identical one at the house possibly, or doing inventory of Caylee's? JMO

Apparently, Cindy being the first to hold Caylee after she was born was a thorn in Casey's side. JG said somewhere Casey broke it off with him because she thought he liked Caylee better than her. George also commented, I think to FBI, that while he wasn't 'there' so much for his children, he had really been there in the raising of Caylee. I think Casey had some really strong feelings about being usurped by Caylee in the family hierarchy.
This kind of stuff is why I am not 100% convinced about the sociopath angle. Maybe I don't have the full understanding of what a sociopath is, but to me, I don't see this kind of thing having an impact the way I feel it has impacted Casey. She exhibits emotions, IMO. Maybe not appropriate to the situation, but still....
Anyway, I still think there is some bizarre love/hate thing going on with Casey towards Cindy. I think Casey really needs Cindy's approval on one hand, but resents the hell out of it on the other hand. I also really think Casey's number 1 reason for killing Caylee was to stick it to Cindy hard.

(bold mine) Agree w bolded. And after being "the baby" for 20 years, KC should've just gotten "over it," geeesh. JMO
Awoke... wearing her swimsuit? Because that, reportedly, was the clothing found with Caylee's remains. JMO

*Snip, Snip*

Not yet confiemed, but how about, hypothetically, after Caylee dead by whatever means, KC's first thought was to fake an accident? Dressed a recently dead Caylee in swimsuit? Decided aginst that for whatever reason? Could have been done straight away, or any of the next few days when KC returned?
How we will stand on our heads to find the most complicated, sinister explanations when the truth is infinitely simpler. Never ceases to amaze me to what lengths we will go to believe Caylee was thrice chloroformed, drowned, poisoned, strangled, suffocated, put back in the pool, fished out, dried off, re-dressed all before being finally dismembered. JMO
How we will stand on our heads to find the most complicated, sinister explanations when the truth is infinitely simpler. Never ceases to amaze me to what lengths we will go to believe Caylee was thrice chloroformed, drowned, poisoned, strangled, suffocated, put back in the pool, fished out, dried off, re-dressed all before being finally dismembered. JMO

i made a post about a week ago. it was titled 'why can't it just be simple'. not one person replied.
nuff said.
Oh, I just had another thought. What if LE found something at the location of the remains they remembered seeing in the house when they did the first search? Say a toy, for example. So they go back to the house, and the toy they saw at the house is gone.
I'm going to make myself crazy!!! :crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy:

Good thought! Hmmmm. What if? Very good thought.
How we will stand on our heads to find the most complicated, sinister explanations when the truth is infinitely simpler. Never ceases to amaze me to what lengths we will go to believe Caylee was thrice chloroformed, drowned, poisoned, strangled, suffocated, put back in the pool, fished out, dried off, re-dressed all before being finally dismembered. JMO

You've forgotten the broken neck, done with the shovel, and the encasement in duct tape! :rolleyes::confused:
i made a post about a week ago. it was titled 'why can't it just be simple'. not one person replied.
nuff said.

Nothing simply about a childs death no matter how it happens.
How we will stand on our heads to find the most complicated, sinister explanations when the truth is infinitely simpler. Never ceases to amaze me to what lengths we will go to believe Caylee was thrice chloroformed, drowned, poisoned, strangled, suffocated, put back in the pool, fished out, dried off, re-dressed all before being finally dismembered. JMO
The point is we are discussing possibilities. There are several, we don't know which one is true yet.
Nobody is suggesting that they all happened.
The point is we are discussing possibilities. There are several, we don't know which one is true yet.
Nobody is suggesting that they all happened.

Exactly. We're here to speculate on what happened and since there are so many different people involved and such a screwed up trail of evidence there are no simple answers.
You've forgotten the broken neck, done with the shovel, and the encasement in duct tape! :rolleyes::confused:

Yes, of course, how remiss. I'm sorry, she killed her in so many heinous, tortuous, diabolical, sadistic and violent ways now I've rather lost track.

Nothing simply about a childs death no matter how it happens.

Sometimes it is. Simple negligence, w a really simpleminded cover-up.

The point is we are discussing possibilities. There are several, we don't know which one is true yet.
Nobody is suggesting that they all happened.

Actually some have come pretty close, and many others would be only too elated to convict her of all of the above, if their seemingly unquenchable thirst to villify or demonize could ever be quenched. By far the simplest explanation for the swimsuit found w Caylee's skeleton is that she was wearing it to go swimming in the pool when she drowned. JMO
Yes, of course, how remiss. I'm sorry, she killed her in so many heinous, tortuous, diabolical, sadistic and violent ways now I've rather lost track.

Sometimes it is. Simple negligence, w a really simpleminded cover-up.

Actually some have come pretty close, and many others would be only too elated to convict her of all of the above, if their seemingly unquenchable thirst to villify or demonize could ever be quenched. By far the simplest explanation for the swimsuit found w Caylee's skeleton is that she was wearing it to go swimming in the pool when she drowned. JMO

if it was that simple why go to such lengths to cover it up and risk life in jail or the death penalty? i'm not buying it

By far the simplest explanation for the swimsuit found w Caylee's skeleton is that she was wearing it to go swimming in the pool when she drowned. JMO

i tend to agree with that, however imo casey was holding her under at the time...
...By far the simplest explanation for the swimsuit found w Caylee's skeleton is that she was wearing it to go swimming in the pool when she drowned. JMO

I haven't read anything that says for sure she was found with her swimsuit. If so, then I'd say that she had probably been swimming that day right around the time of her death, for sure.
Yes, of course, how remiss. I'm sorry, she killed her in so many heinous, tortuous, diabolical, sadistic and violent ways now I've rather lost track.

Sometimes it is. Simple negligence, w a really simpleminded cover-up.

Actually some have come pretty close, and many others would be only too elated to convict her of all of the above, if their seemingly unquenchable thirst to villify or demonize could ever be quenched. By far the simplest explanation for the swimsuit found w Caylee's skeleton is that she was wearing it to go swimming in the pool when she drowned. JMO

Sorry Kiki, but I tried the "simple" thing in the beginning - benefit of the doubt but that disappeared with the 2.6 days decomp in the trunk! That tells me she either just didn't give a crap about Caylee or she was plotting and trying to figure out what to do w/ the body.

Either way she hung on to that body for almost 3 days before it "leaked" (UGH) in the trunk! Not really an "oops I made a simple mistake" moment for me...

Oh, and don't forget the duct tape - have you ever used duct tape? It's really not that simple. In fact, it is quite difficult to 1) get off the roll 2) keep from sticking it together 3) to tear.

Even if the death was accidental, by duct taping, bagging and putting in trunk for days (or elsewhere) shows to me "demonic" thinking.
The only way someone could dump their child's body in a culvert, then run off to play house with their newest boy toy, is to have no feeling of loss, no sense of the tragedy that the rest of us would feel in the event of such loss.

i'm brand new so go easy on me :eek:

i've been following the case and struggling so much with whether i think it was an accident or out and out murder. i tend to agree casey wasn't feeling THAT much remorse; however, that doesn't prove she murdered caylee. it seems like she's a sociopath, but that doesn't rule out that caylee's death was an accident. that is, maybe she WOULD HAVE murdered caylee, but that doesn't mean she DID.

the other possibility--besides that it was a basically "fortunate" accident from KC's perspective--is that she somehow basically suppressed the death of caylee, so while she knew on some level, it wasn't like if you or i knew. she made up a different story in her head and was able to largely convince herself of it.

other random thoughts i've been having:

if she'd been drugging caylee to go out as some of you claim, where was she leaving her? it seems obvious she couldn't have been leaving her in the trunk because the child would have died from overheating, right? also, the thing i don't much like about the theory she was regularly drugging her...was there ever any indication from caylee's appearance or behavior that she was being abused in any way? i mean, i'd think if she were being xanaxed or chloformed, she'd be looking sedated, having physical/health or even cognitive problems.

and you'd think obviously if KC or anyone was drugging her, they were probably also doing other terrible things, and caylee would have just seemed to be more....neglected. in all the pics of her and videos, even until the last, she never looks like a child who is being abused to me. she is always well-groomed, often has a snack or cup with her. she's being fed and cared for.

something else that occurred to me--is it possible that KC intentionally killed her with chloroform hoping that she could claim it was some kind of accidental drugging? i'm guessing not because KC is not the type to want to admit she drugged her child at all...

the more i think about it, the pool drowning thing is looking more and more feasible, assuming that could account for the level of chloroform found in the trunk. i'd need to see more analysis of the chloroform levels and different ways that could happen.

and about the internet searches: i've thought from the beginning that some of them, or all of them, are red herrings. we just don't know which ones. the chloroform thing could be a coincidence. or it could not be, and the neck breaking one could be, or the one tree hill one could be. any of these could be relevant to caylee's death, or none of them could be. but just probabilistically, not ALL of them are relevant to it.

personally i never thought a search for "one tree hill 100th episode" seemed very ominous. if you're looking for it for the content of the nanny snatching, how would you know it was the 100th episode? aren't some of these searches merely weird coincidences. and i agree your internet search history isn't a very good indication of anything; i search for bizarre things all the time!!!!
How we will stand on our heads to find the most complicated, sinister explanations when the truth is infinitely simpler. Never ceases to amaze me to what lengths we will go to believe Caylee was thrice chloroformed, drowned, poisoned, strangled, suffocated, put back in the pool, fished out, dried off, re-dressed all before being finally dismembered. JMO

i made a post about a week ago. it was titled 'why can't it just be simple'. not one person replied.
nuff said.

I personally think it was pretty cut and dried, but I don't know how it happened. The problem for us is we only have some of the info, we have some info being misrepresented as fact, we have some info some people want to take as fact when it isn't, and then we have pure rumor.
My first basic theory was Caylee was indeed dead. I reached this opinion by looking at all the evidence being released.
My basic "what happened" theory is Casey killed Caylee on purpose, and she acted alone. I reached my OPINION based on all the evidence I could find about what happened leading up to June 16th, and a little bit afterwards.
The thing is, I doubt we have all the evidence by a long shot. Determining how Caylee was killed is guesswork with what we have, and since we are all different people with different backgrounds, we are all going to come to different conclusions. When this goes to trial, I won't be very surprised if even the state can't conclusively say exactly how Casey killed Caylee.
i'm brand new so go easy on me :eek:

i've been following the case and struggling so much with whether i think it was an accident or out and out murder. i tend to agree casey wasn't feeling THAT much remorse; however, that doesn't prove she murdered caylee. it seems like she's a sociopath, but that doesn't rule out that caylee's death was an accident. that is, maybe she WOULD HAVE murdered caylee, but that doesn't mean she DID.

the other possibility--besides that it was a basically "fortunate" accident from KC's perspective--is that she somehow basically suppressed the death of caylee, so while she knew on some level, it wasn't like if you or i knew. she made up a different story in her head and was able to largely convince herself of it.

other random thoughts i've been having:

if she'd been drugging caylee to go out as some of you claim, where was she leaving her? it seems obvious she couldn't have been leaving her in the trunk because the child would have died from overheating, right? also, the thing i don't much like about the theory she was regularly drugging her...was there ever any indication from caylee's appearance or behavior that she was being abused in any way? i mean, i'd think if she were being xanaxed or chloformed, she'd be looking sedated, having physical/health or even cognitive problems.

and you'd think obviously if KC or anyone was drugging her, they were probably also doing other terrible things, and caylee would have just seemed to be more....neglected. in all the pics of her and videos, even until the last, she never looks like a child who is being abused to me. she is always well-groomed, often has a snack or cup with her. she's being fed and cared for.

something else that occurred to me--is it possible that KC intentionally killed her with chloroform hoping that she could claim it was some kind of accidental drugging? i'm guessing not because KC is not the type to want to admit she drugged her child at all...

the more i think about it, the pool drowning thing is looking more and more feasible, assuming that could account for the level of chloroform found in the trunk. i'd need to see more analysis of the chloroform levels and different ways that could happen.

and about the internet searches: i've thought from the beginning that some of them, or all of them, are red herrings. we just don't know which ones. the chloroform thing could be a coincidence. or it could not be, and the neck breaking one could be, or the one tree hill one could be. any of these could be relevant to caylee's death, or none of them could be. but just probabilistically, not ALL of them are relevant to it.

personally i never thought a search for "one tree hill 100th episode" seemed very ominous. if you're looking for it for the content of the nanny snatching, how would you know it was the 100th episode? aren't some of these searches merely weird coincidences. and i agree your internet search history isn't a very good indication of anything; i search for bizarre things all the time!!!!

Pleeeaaaaazzzzz! about 31 days elapsed since you've seen your child and told no one. How about duct tape wrapped around the skull? How about 2.6 days in the trunk of the car? Etc., etc., etc.
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