Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #4

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Which Listed Below Did Caylee Die From?

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Yes, Who What When, It was the perfect poster for someone wrestling with the deed they'd done! I think she gave that quote alot of thought, as to its hypocrisy. What's interesting, is when she created it, & then the Tupac quote "You can spend minutes & hours, weeks or months over-analyzing a situation, justifying what Could've, Would've happened.......OR, you can just leave the pieces on the floor & move the f##k on! It's Casey being her own analyst, finding comforting words, for when reality seeps in!? :eek: JMO

Yep! And (in my opinion) Casey left Caylee on the ground and moved the "f" on.
This may have already been asked...sorry if it has, I haven't read the entire tread. I'm just wondering if Caylee did drown in the pool how can the prosecution prove she did not? And wouldn't that explain JB's comments that KC did not kill Caylee. If this is the case then exactly what can KC be convicted of? The burden of proof is on the State and if KC says she drowned then how can the State prove otherwise? Just asking. TIA
This may have already been asked...sorry if it has, I haven't read the entire tread. I'm just wondering if Caylee did drown in the pool how can the prosecution prove she did not? And wouldn't that explain JB's comments that KC did not kill Caylee. If this is the case then exactly what can KC be convicted of? The burden of proof is on the State and if KC says she drowned then how can the State prove otherwise? Just asking. TIA

IMO, FWIW, even though I don't think the State can prove that Caylee did NOT drown, I feel like if casey changes her story to "accidential drowning", people on the jury would have a hard time believing, given her inability to tell the truth. Like I said, just my opinion!
This may have already been asked...sorry if it has, I haven't read the entire tread. I'm just wondering if Caylee did drown in the pool how can the prosecution prove she did not? And wouldn't that explain JB's comments that KC did not kill Caylee. If this is the case then exactly what can KC be convicted of? The burden of proof is on the State and if KC says she drowned then how can the State prove otherwise? Just asking. TIA
There is a lot of circumstantial evidence that KC did not behave as anyone would following an accidental drowning. In my view KC specifically did NOT behave how KC would behave after an accident. She seems to have wanted to be free of Caylee, and an accident would have been just what she wanted. She would have embaced that. Spun a story about everyone else being at fault -GA, CA and even Caylee herself. She could have played the greiving Mum for all it was worth.
Also we do not know what evidence was found with the remains. The duct tape if true, does not support an accidental drowning. There may well be other evidence we have not thought of.
There is a lot of circumstantial evidence that KC did not behave as anyone would following an accidental drowning. In my view KC specifically did NOT behave how KC would behave after an accident. She seems to have wanted to be free of Caylee, and an accident would have been just what she wanted. She would have embaced that. Spun a story about everyone else being at fault -GA, CA and even Caylee herself. She could have played the greiving Mum for all it was worth.
Also we do not know what evidence was found with the remains. The duct tape if true, does not support an accidental drowning. There may well be other evidence we have not thought of.

I couldn't agree more and I do not think Caylee drown. I was just throwing the question out there because JB is going to come up with some reason this all happened and he's going to try to spoon feed it to the jury. In my gut I have a feeling this is the direction he will go. While I agree that nothing short of cold blooded murder explains the duct tape and absolutely nothing explains KC's bizarre behavior and all of her lies. JB still has to come up with something to defend her. I wonder what it's going to be.
I couldn't agree more and I do not think Caylee drown. I was just throwing the question out there because JB is going to come up with some reason this all happened and he's going to try to spoon feed it to the jury. In my gut I have a feeling this is the direction he will go. While I agree that nothing short of cold blooded murder explains the duct tape and absolutely nothing explains KC's bizarre behavior and all of her lies. JB still has to come up with something to defend her. I wonder what it's going to be.
The prosecution obviously thought they had a good case even without the body and attached evidence. Largely circumstantial, but in my view overwhelming when you add it all up. Now they have the remains etc on top of that.
I couldn't agree more and I do not think Caylee drown. I was just throwing the question out there because JB is going to come up with some reason this all happened and he's going to try to spoon feed it to the jury. In my gut I have a feeling this is the direction he will go. While I agree that nothing short of cold blooded murder explains the duct tape and absolutely nothing explains KC's bizarre behavior and all of her lies. JB still has to come up with something to defend her. I wonder what it's going to be.

Probably something extremely funny or pathetic or both. :rolleyes:
She's had so many chances and so much time to recant her fairytale about the "nanny" and admit to an "accident"...If she hasn't done so by now, not only does it confirm the impossibility that it was, but it also (thankfully) pretty much discounts any realistic opportunity she may have had to plead "not guilty".

I remember a few months back how we were all assuming that she was crafty and possibly intelligent. I'm relieved to see at this point, that she is not. Hahaha. And to think that the FBI was likely called in initially at her (and her family's) insistance!

She's had so many chances and so much time to recant her fairytale about the "nanny" and admit to an "accident"...If she hasn't done so by now, not only does it confirm the impossibility that it was, but it also (thankfully) pretty much discounts any realistic opportunity she may have had to plead "not guilty".

(respectfully snipped) The only thing it confirms for me is that when KC tells a lie, she sticks to it--ie takes it around the block to Sawgrass, down the halls of Universal, into the interrogation room, thru her sworn statements, into the holding cell, down into the courthouse, out on bond, thru jailhouse family visits, and back again :rolleyes: Re NG plea, the ridiculous thing (that I've always said defies reason) is so long as she and JB stick w "ZG fairytale," refusing to admit any culpability and maintaining total innocence, this will preclude them from any possible negligence defense or plea to lesser charge--leaving jurors to convict on the worst. Obviously that's why State included lesser (aggravated child abuse, manslaughter) in anticipation of this, but it still looks like such a foolish gamble from a defense standpoint! If that's what KC is still telling JB to do tho, I guess his representation can't be found incompetent--so no mistrial. JMO!
She's had so many chances and so much time to recant her fairytale about the "nanny" and admit to an "accident"...If she hasn't done so by now, not only does it confirm the impossibility that it was, but it also (thankfully) pretty much discounts any realistic opportunity she may have had to plead "not guilty".

I remember a few months back how we were all assuming that she was crafty and possibly intelligent. I'm relieved to see at this point, that she is not. Hahaha. And to think that the FBI was likely called in initially at her (and her family's) insistance!


I do wonder what the defenses plan is. We haven't seen anything from them except for a few interviews and have only seen what the state has allowed us to see. It will be interesting to hear both sides.
I can't vote. I'm torn. I do think she drugged her with something and then I think she suffocated her. I think it could have been a combination of the two but there is no option for this in the voting. Poor little Caylee with duct tape around her head. What a horrible undeserved death for a little person who has nothing to offer but trust and love.

Someone posted a picture of Caylee here tonight that really broke my heart. It's possible that it was simply of a pic of a toddler throwing a temper tantrum but given everything that we know now, it's also possible that it was fear and terror and other such horrible things!

This case and the "people" involved is really starting to wear on me. I want Caylee to be heard. She deserves to have a voice and since no one seems to be standing for her, I hope that she finds the strength to stand for herself...Sooner, rather than later.

I do wonder what the defenses plan is. We haven't seen anything from them except for a few interviews and have only seen what the state has allowed us to see. It will be interesting to hear both sides.
What possible plan could they have??? They can stick to the bullcarp nanny story, change it up to an "accident", pull out all stops and try to accuse family members of abuse/murder, or go after all possible errors in the justice system to try for an acquittal. 4 options, I think. Oh wait, I forgot, legal incompetence. 5. 5 lame-azzed options. Anyone have any to add?

I know PP that picture bothered me too and I realized I don't have a single picture of my four children or a grandchild crying and screaming for help because I would have had to put the camera down in order to respond. It is hard to understand the detachment there, tho admittedly not every mom gets as stressed out as me by hearing children cry. This does not persuade me however that a self-involved, preoccupied, inattentive mother can not easily be guilty of genuine neglect. Happens everyday. JMO
I know PP that picture bothered me too and I realized I don't have a single picture of my four children or a grandchild crying and screaming for help because I would have had to put the camera down and been responding. It is hard to understand the detachment. This does not persuade me however that a self-involved, preoccupied, inattentive mother can not easily be guilty of genuine neglect. Happens everyday. JMO

Oh I have no doubt that Caylee was neglected and abused by her mother...Contrary to your opinion however, I believe that she was also neglected and abused by her Grandparents who failed to face reality and failed to ensure that she was in safe hands day in and day out for the 2 1/2 short years of her life!
This may have already been asked...sorry if it has, I haven't read the entire tread. I'm just wondering if Caylee did drown in the pool how can the prosecution prove she did not? And wouldn't that explain JB's comments that KC did not kill Caylee. If this is the case then exactly what can KC be convicted of? The burden of proof is on the State and if KC says she drowned then how can the State prove otherwise? Just asking. TIA

I don't know for sure, but I think if they suddenly wanted to go the "accident" route they would have to put KC on the stand to tell her story, and I think both sides know what a disaster that would be for the defense. Just something to keep in mind. :silenced:
What possible plan could they have??? They can stick to the bullcarp nanny story, change it up to an "accident", pull out all stops and try to accuse family members of abuse/murder, or go after all possible errors in the justice system to try for an acquittal. 4 options, I think. Oh wait, I forgot, legal incompetence. 5. 5 lame-azzed options. Anyone have any to add?


Well they obviously have some type of defense. We haven't seen any of it and to be fair, whether we think it's bull or not, its the law of our court. People have already convicted her (which from what I've seen she should be), but I'm willing to hear both sides and see our justice system at work. Innocent until proven guilty.
Oh I have no doubt that Caylee was neglected and abused by her mother...Contrary to your opinion however, I believe that she was also neglected and abused by her Grandparents who failed to face reality and failed to ensure that she was in safe hands day in and day out for the 2 1/2 short years of her life!

I'm not sure you have taken time to really understand my beliefs PP, but as far as abuse by grandparents (or KC for that matter), I've simply not seen enuf evidence or any reports or accounts by others to warrant leveling those kind of allegations, certainly not against CA. Perhaps you knew them better than I. FYI all I've said is that the possible scenarios (from premeditated murder, all the way to negligence w cover-up which to date I'm personally unable to exclude) are so totally disparate, w such vastly differing implications that it's impossible for me to make these sorts of allegations, or decide guilt. The case wears on me too when we have no new info, and when I know after COV it may be this time next year (groan) before they proceed w trial... (sigh...) JMO
Nah, KC never thought this disappearance/murder would be pinned on her.
Oh I agree , she NEVER thought anyone would look at her. She thought once she told the Zanny kidnap story she would be looked at as a victim.that is why even in jail she is whining to CA I am a victim!!
She is so much like Scott Peterson that way, They were both used to lying their way thru life and having the parents back them up.And they both never thought the publicity that would surround the cases.
Oh I agree , she NEVER thought anyone would look at her. She thought once she told the Zanny kidnap story she would be looked at as a victim.that is why even in jail she is whining to CA I am a victim!!
She is so much like Scott Peterson that way, They were both used to lying their way thru life and having the parents back them up.And they both never thought the publicity that would surround the cases.
Oh, I totally agree with this! And both families act in similar ways IMO.
I wonder if George was even home late morning, early afternoon on June 16th.
The timeline evidence would fit Casey leaving at 12:50pm, however, the cell pings never leave the area of the house, and it looks like she was back by 2pm, if she ever left at all. If George had to be at work at 3, and it only took him 20 minutes to get there, how did she know it was safe to be back at 2?
I've never felt George was telling the truth about June 16th, and it has also never felt right Casey would go to all the trouble to leave so she could hide out for an hour until George left the house, just to go right back.
I believe, backed by the evidence, Casey killed Caylee, deliberately, and Caylee was dead and in the trunk of the car by the time she left after 4pm.
I have looked all over for George's cell pings, but can't find them. I also remember someone saying George wasn't home June 16th, but have no verification on this.
Does anyone know anything about this? If his story is inaccurate, it really changes the timeline.
BTW, my theory of deliberate, planned killing does not depend on George being there or not at 12:50.
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