Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #5

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Great stuff, songline, this is fascinating. I'll get back to you after I go over it carefully. Thanx for all your time & effort.
Respectfully snipped to my point.
Statement to LE(Cindy Anthony)
August 1st 2008

LE: On this week, on this conference week, do you ever get on the phone, do you remember...
CA: I talk to her everyday
LE: Every day you talk to the baby?
CA: No, I stopped talking to Caylee, the last time I talked to Caylee was the 15th when we put her to bed. Now, George had a conversation with her in the morning, she was there in the morning, had breakfast and the normal stuff.
Thank you, Chiquita. I've been wondering where it was said that George had breakfast with Caylee that morning. He never mentioned it himself.

CA made this statement to LE but when asked this question during her deposition she stated that she didn't know who fed Caylee breakfast because she was at work. I don't know why she changed her story. Surely, by the time she had that interview with LE, CA would have discussed this with GA. If she mistakenly thought GA had breakfast with Caylee on the 16th, he would have made this clear to her prior to this August LE interview. Sometime between the LE interview and the deposition, it became important for CA to change the story.

There are so many contradictions and questions surrounding that morning. That's one reason I believe something happened to Caylee the night before or early am on the 16th. I think CA and GA realized this in hindsight and the fabrications began with that morning.
I think that KC stomped out with Caylee and took her to the bonding vacation. There was a fight, maybe the 9th, maybe the 15th. And I think that one thing that CA said to KC was something like "I will never forgive you if something happens to that baby."

This is why, the very first time that KC appeared in court, CA hollered to her, "I forgive you!"

This is the first I've heard of this.
Respectfully snipped to my point.

Thank you, Chiquita. I've been wondering where it was said that George had breakfast with Caylee that morning. He never mentioned it himself.

CA made this statement to LE but when asked this question during her deposition she stated that she didn't know who fed Caylee breakfast because she was at work. I don't know why she changed her story. Surely, by the time she had that interview with LE, CA would have discussed this with GA. If she mistakenly thought GA had breakfast with Caylee on the 16th, he would have made this clear to her prior to this August LE interview. Sometime between the LE interview and the deposition, it became important for CA to change the story.

There are so many contradictions and questions surrounding that morning. That's one reason I believe something happened to Caylee the night before or early am on the 16th. I think CA and GA realized this in hindsight and the fabrications began with that morning.

(Snip Respect Marina2) :D

Well, I didn't know that she changed her story in the depo...more than interesting and not really unexpected from this family. Thank You!:)

Yes, it either became important...which I would like to know/figure out why or it's just because they have lied so much and they are so on the defensive now they just won't admit to anything...even giving Caylee breakfast!:doh:

We have all heard "Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive." This family is so steeped in these lies...I doubt they can keep them straight and it seems their attitude of "I don't have to answer to you" is what has also caused this: they don't really answer LE, talk show hosts, lawyers in depos...but they will have to answer a judge.

Won't they? I have never watched any court case or seen if people have to answer things. I am assuming this is the case but I have been wrong about the ways of the world before.

What you said about George putting it together later about the 16th. Yeah. I agree. By George's many statements to LE he has more than established that he knew Casey did not have a job for the last two I guess they had to accept her lies because I think she was "good"...good enough for two people who pay lip service to real caring but are really concerned about their own selves.(George not having's he going to make a big deal about Casey when he is doing the same thing? SP says about Casey stealing money from her and Cindy: George was doing the same thing. Sp says she was telling Cindy to not let George's name on her accounts...etc.)

She would sent fake emails to herself. She would circle the calandar for vacations or events. George knew all of this, Cindy started knowing this as SP told her of the money stolen and Cindy's money...they knew she had stolen 4,000 dollars and then made up a story that she was held at gunpoint.
This family proves denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

And, many WSers have said this too: But things were adding up...and before, even when Casey was lying, Caylee was around...but Caylee really was starting to seem like she was missing. (Cindy's myspace message: my Caylee is missing) This fact starting breaking through all their "busyness" (whatever they were busy doing all the time they were not seeing Caylee like "normal") and didn't freak out the first day they wondered where Caylee was?

"Where's Caylee?" How many times would I have to ask that of anyone I knew who had a child that I used to see on any kind of regular basis. I wrote a post about AL roommate and he was the only one who really pressed Casey about where Caylee was, he went so far as to say to her: "it's like you don't even have a kid." Right!

You're right on target with GA. Amazing, this selective memory he has. He can specifically state the clothes and bags BUT can't remember who fed Caylee or what she ate June 16, 08. So typical of all of them.
Hello WS :D

Statement to LE(Cindy Anthony)
July 15th 2008

CA: 3 wks ago asked my daughter to bring my car home along with my Granddaughter Caylee.

So. On June 24th(going back 3 wks from July15th)Cindy asked her daughter to "bring my car home along with my Granddaughter Caylee." In that order.

On the 24th of June all three: car, Casey and Caylee had to have been "gone" (long enough for Cindy have to ask her daughter to come home with her Granddaughter)from Cindy and George's because the statement on July 15th is: "3 wks ago asked..."

Cindy was fed up enough on July15th because it had been another three weeks since June24th and now the car had come home and it smelled like death and they wanted Caylee home. Cindy finds Amy's phone number, finds Casey at AL apartment, drives over there and that is why we have her calling 911 and then has to make a...

statement to LE: ..."3 wks ago..."

So, I think this is the story of June24th. Cindy was in some type of contact with Casey enough to ask her to bring the car and Caylee home. How long had it been before the 24th that they had seen Caylee?

August 1st 2008

LE: Every day you talk to the baby?
Ca: No, I stopped talking to Caylee, the last time I talked to Caylee was the 15th. I did not have a conversation with Caylee after that. And...
LE: What time was your last conversation, do you remember?
CA: With Casey?
LE: Uh, no Caylee
CA: Sometime on the 15th when we put her to bed. Now George had conversation with her in the morning, she was there in the morning, had breakfast and the normal stuff.

And, we do have George's statement that he saw Caylee on June16th and that was his last time to see or speak with Caylee.

So, to give ole' George and Cindy some credit when I never thought I was really only eight days that Caylee was missing from their life enough that Cindy told her to bring Caylee home and we have June24th confrontation where she shows up with car but obviously no Caylee and maybe George even chases her this day...but to no avail...he loses her. take that credit away...they then wait three weeks between June24th and July15th. Why they now waited three weeks I think is Casey's "2 1/2 weeks in Jacksonville story" I have that in my notes as what Casey told Cindy as Cindy is stating it but changing the dates depending on which version she is giving(imagine that.) If that is not so then we do have to wonder why they did think it was okay that Caylee was not home for three weeks when they had gotten upset about eight days between June15/16th June24th?

So, I think George and Cindy needed a way to flush Casey out on the 24th. They know she takes the gas cans(her car's gas gauge is broke) so they lock them up and she breaks in...they know it is her and decide to make a report so Cindy can call Casey to tell her what happened with the shed and that they reported the gas cans missing.

GVS: Alright. So as best you can tell it happened(Cindy has just explained why Casey borrowed a neighbor's shovel: to dig up bamboo) between the 22nd and the 24th. Someone broke in there.
GA: Uh huh, that's when I saw my daughter. I was getting ready to go to work, and the garage door goes open and my daughter comes in. This is about 2:25, 2:30 in the afternoon on the 24th. as she comes in the house, and I said, hey how're you doing? And she says, "fine, dad." I says well what's going on? And she says, "oh, I'm just stopping by home for about ten minutes to get some clothes. I got to go back to work." Where's Caylee? She's with Zanny. And I said, okay, when are you guys coming home? She says, "oh, we'll be back home maybe later tonight or the next day." I said, okay, have you been talking to mom? "Oh, yes, I talk to mom everyday." I said, I know, but did you talk to mom today? She sort of hesitated for a moment and she says, "Yes" and she says "oh, by the way its a shame what happened in the shed" and I said...
CA: Yes, because(inaudible)
GA: And I said, really? She says, "yes" and I said, interesting. And I just said, hey by the way, I said, I'm getting ready to rotate your mom's tires on her car. There's a little metal wedge that fits underneath your tires so the car does not rock back and forth.

George goes on here about how he wanted to get into the trunk but Casey kept on saying "I'll go get it..." Till George says he has keys and he will just go and get it and Casey runs past him, opens the trunk and gives him the gas cans.

I think that whole day was to get Casey at the house to ask about Caylee and see the car. They didn't know Caylee had been in the trunk(or was)on this day June24th but when she still did not come up with Caylee by July15th and George brings the car home that day...and it smells like rotten pizza.:liar:

Hi sweet Verte: :blowkiss:
This is the entire discussion maybe that will help, if not please ask away - be my pleasure to post with you always:

Originally Posted by Becky319
Casey got her babysitter out..Xanax or Caylee to sleep, put her in the trunk with her Winnie the Poo Blankie, went to Blockbuster and stayed the night with TonE.

Originally Posted by songline
Those were my first thoughts early on, that the baby sitter was the Trunk of her car, and the baby got a xanax to go to sleep: I posted this early on too:
I woke up one night from a night mare hearing Caylee screaming "NO MOMMY NO" I think she hated the trunk and maybe one of those times poor CAYLEE just did not wake up. I still think that way.
I never thought that Casey planed a murder. But I do think that ex LE daddy helped to clean up her mess. (no body yet has convinced me other wise) MY eyes are on GA; and as for CA she is just obnoxious to the marrow. But she is not the planner.

Then I got side tracked by "Follow the Money" and SODDI and my mind is still there too.

Originally Posted by whiteangora
I can follow along with the Caylee left in a trunk theory, possibly medicated but, she would have had to die in her sleep because why wouldn't she cry or scream? Apartment parking lots are busy places. People work, go to school at different shifts, surely someone would hear a child crying in a trunk?

Originaly Posted Songline
You are correct 100% whiteangora; asleep on a drug.
If you are referring to me waking in the night and hearing CAYLEE screaming "NO Mommy NO" That would have happened when she was supposed to go in the trunk...(I did not see anything when I jumped out of bed just heard the scream vividly) this happened very very early on. Almost as if she was sending me a message. It is posted somewhere.
Verite&#769; I hope this clarifies what you are asking; if not ask me a direct question and I will reply :)
In My head I see a selfish Casey going to party and leaving the baby in a trunk drudged, I am slightly clairvoyant, (I was as a child and I had suppressed that - so I am not really).
I do not know why I jumped out of the bed hearing the baby scream "NO Mommy No".

But I have had dreams every so often (not often) then they were verified as factual.
However this will never be verified, so It was just one of those night mares.
For example: I told some friends about a dream I had - "Princess Dianna is going to be dead" - one month prior to her accident. (so we all dismissed that dream) A month later I was in Sag Harbor - A beach by the Hampton's in NY. As I came down the steps one morning my girlfriend said OH my God Guess What?
No it does not happen often, but it occasionally happens, and some dreams have no base in reality.
I never know when I am on to something or not.
I suppressed all that 6th sense when I was a child because I never liked what I saw and I feared it.

Hi songline :confused:
Here's how I feel about 'what dya think happened to Caylee :treadmill: like being on a treadmill, doncha know? I just keep trackin' with nothing much to show for it.
Or, like that Greek guy Sisyphus, I think it was, who had to push a large boulder up a hill, and then it would roll back down, and he'd have to start
over again 'til he got to the top & it rolled back down, & so on for the rest of his lifetime (as punishment for some misdeed or sin, I'm sure, like greed or arrogance
or s.t. along those lines, though I can't remember just what).

Well, after reviewing your great post above, I realized that the more I've tried to use logic and the accumulation of so-called "science," the more
befuddled I am about this case.

Early on I held a theory that perhaps there had been a reenactment of the CA>>KC choking incident that precipitated the death of KC, but now I just don't know.
When we were writing up our pet theories for Mark Klass, I submitted mine only to read that of One Lost Girl which said that she had "no idea" what
had happened, and a lightbulb went off over my head that hers seemed the most honest of all our so-called theories. So, while I still keep in mind the
likelihood of an overdose of some medication (especially with the California atty TM on the case), I'm gonna remain empty-headed 'til trial and listen to
both sides weave their respective theories.

I do definitely believe in sixth or seventh or eighth sense type ways of receiving/perceiving info, and I've had some of those in my life which follow no rules of
formal logic or science, so I know what your're talking about with your dream.

Before the days of cell phones, a loved one was killed in a plane crash & the phone would ring one short, shrill ring about every 30 minutes throughout that night,
but no one spoke when I'd answer--and no one called to notify of the tragedy until early morning. Who can explain??
Hi Chiquita71,
I've never believed CA would sit back quietly and let KC keep Caylee away from home for a month. I've always believed there was ,at the very least,an argument between the two before KC left .I wonder if CA threatened to get custody of Caylee. The Jacksonville story may have served two purposes.It explained why they weren't home,but also introduced a relationship for KC that would include a husband and potential new dad for Caylee.Maybe this pacified CA enough ,believing it would create a stable family for Caylee and calm KC down. It does appear they were onto KC about a lot of things and disapproved of her actions. Too bad they aren't holding her feet to fire now.
Thanks for bringing it up.
Verite&#769;;3843956 said:
Hi songline :confused:
Here's how I feel about 'what dya think happened to Caylee :treadmill: like being on a treadmill, doncha know? I just keep trackin' with nothing much to show for it.
Or, like that Greek guy Sisyphus, I think it was, who had to push a large boulder up a hill, and then it would roll back down, and he'd have to start
over again 'til he got to the top & it rolled back down, & so on for the rest of his lifetime (as punishment for some misdeed or sin, I'm sure, like greed or arrogance
or s.t. along those lines, though I can't remember just what).

Well, after reviewing your great post above, I realized that the more I've tried to use logic and the accumulation of so-called "science," the more
befuddled I am about this case.

Early on I held a theory that perhaps there had been a reenactment of the CA>>KC choking incident that precipitated the death of KC, but now I just don't know.
When we were writing up our pet theories for Mark Klass, I submitted mine only to read that of One Lost Girl which said that she had "no idea" what
had happened, and a lightbulb went off over my head that hers seemed the most honest of all our so-called theories. So, while I still keep in mind the
likelihood of an overdose of some medication (especially with the California atty TM on the case), I'm gonna remain empty-headed 'til trial and listen to
both sides weave their respective theories.

I do definitely believe in sixth or seventh or eighth sense type ways of receiving/perceiving info, and I've had some of those in my life which follow no rules of
formal logic or science, so I know what your're talking about with your dream.

Before the days of cell phones, a loved one was killed in a plane crash & the phone would ring one short, shrill ring about every 30 minutes throughout that night,
but no one spoke when I'd answer--and no one called to notify of the tragedy until early morning. Who can explain??
Thank you fro sharing that plane accident with me, I have heard of such things before; There we go = you do understand what I meant.
I too will stay open for the trail to revel more, because thank GOD Le must hold some things close to the vest and I do hope there is something there that can unravel some of this.
Unfortunately the level of decite, and derailment, and lies, and interference with an investigation on behalf of the "A"s IMO make this entire case a sham.

the level of whatever you want to call KC's team - IMO I trust nothing from their mouth either.
The state has one tough job. I can only pray that something will scare KC and she may say one thing that may really help.
Other wise LWOP is what she needs, her parents need about 5+ years and I wish I was on they Heighley Cummings case instead of these ugly people and for me one dead baby is enough of a heartache at one time.

that foundation will con a few people but not many and that will fold too.

You are right whenever you think you know something else happens and you shake your head again :doh:
I am getting board with it. Let them all suffer the consequences. Who the hell do they think they are?
transparent ugly people....
I met KCs boyfriend from HS what a sweet young man, he is about 23 - He too is mesmerized with this case.
She was his first sweetheart. :( He works with one of my relatives.
I had lunch with my family and they told me you know her first boyfriend, I said I do not, when they told me who he is a almost fell on the floor.
What?!!! Songline, you're not gonna leave us hanging like this. . . . How will I sleep? Tell us more, puhleez!
You're right on target with GA. Amazing, this selective memory he has. He can specifically state the clothes and bags BUT can't remember who fed Caylee or what she ate June 16, 08. So typical of all of them.

And they both used the word "normal" to describe the 16th. Just another normal it was not
Verite&#769;;3844267 said:
What?!!! Songline, you're not gonna leave us hanging like this. . . . How will I sleep? Tell us more, puhleez!

I did not even know that I know him, it was told to me over lunch.
so I have not talked to the kid about this at all. but I sure will I go into that office every couple of weeks, and last Wednesday I was there. But I was told at lunch so I did not talk to the kid about anything, he was not at lunch with my family.
But I am sure he does not know anything because he has been here in NY for at least 1-2 years. I know him one year.
And they both used the word "normal" to describe the 16th. Just another normal it was not
Sweet Miss James - :blowkiss:
would they know normal if they saw it? :liar: :loser:
I would think not. :snooty:
but what is normal in their house :liar: is obviously NOT.
Hi Chiquita71,
I've never believed CA would sit back quietly and let KC keep Caylee away from home for a month. I've always believed there was ,at the very least,an argument between the two before KC left .I wonder if CA threatened to get custody of Caylee. The Jacksonville story may have served two purposes.It explained why they weren't home,but also introduced a relationship for KC that would include a husband and potential new dad for Caylee.Maybe this pacified CA enough ,believing it would create a stable family for Caylee and calm KC down. It does appear they were onto KC about a lot of things and disapproved of her actions. Too bad they aren't holding her feet to fire now.
Thanks for bringing it up.

Good for you for not believing that, neither do is said there was an argument, the neighbors heard KC screaming;
But regardless to the argument, CA would have gone after KC within 3 days of keeping CAYLEE away, she called her an unfit mother, she worried about the baby when she was away.
YOU ARE RIGHT CA could not have hung out a month till the 31st day to suddenly find out the baby is missing.
There is something wrong with that story. IMO
Last night I was thinking about the 9-1 timeframe KC gave as to when she dropped Caylee off at Sawgrass. I've always been curious about this and wonder why she allowed a 4-hour margin of error for herself.

The only possibility I've come up with is that she may have been afraid to give a specific time because someone may come forward later and state that KC was seen earlier than the time she gave without Caylee. So that if she said she dropped Caylee off at 11am or 12pm someone would later say that she didn't have Caylee at 9 or 10 am.

Am I making sense? I feel that KC thought that there was the possibility that someone could testify that she wasn't seen with Caylee at all between 9-1 on the 16th. In case this happened, she included the entire timeframe to allow for that.

If this is why she said "between 9am-1pm" then where was she that someone may have seen her without Caylee? Was it GA that she was afraid would contradict her story or someone else? If she was at home all morning then GA is the only one she would be worried about. Or, did she go somewhere else during these hours where someone may have seen her without Caylee?

Obviously, this only applies if one thinks that Caylee died prior to 9am on the 16th. It's just more of the same stuff that is questionable about that morning that leads me to think Caylee died prior to the afternoon of the 16th. If Caylee was still alive when KC returned home after GA left for work wouldn't she be afraid someone (neighbor, passerby) would later say that Caylee was with KC (not the nanny) after 1pm that afternoon? Stating that she dropped her off by 1pm and then showing up later at the house with Caylee would be a huge red flag to LE. Apparently, KC wasn't concerned about this. Did she know that no one could have possibly seen Caylee after 1pm? Is this because she pulled into the garage when she came back or because Caylee really wasn't with her?

Maybe I'm making too much of this statement. LE didn't seem concerned about pinning her down to a more specific time. I can't help but wonder about it. Most people would know when they dropped their child off and never saw her again. To me, this statement by KC was very self serving and I'll always wonder what purpose it served.
Last night I was thinking about the 9-1 timeframe KC gave as to when she dropped Caylee off at Sawgrass. I've always been curious about this and wonder why she allowed a 4-hour margin of error for herself.

The only possibility I've come up with is that she may have been afraid to give a specific time because someone may come forward later and state that KC was seen earlier than the time she gave without Caylee. So that if she said she dropped Caylee off at 11am or 12pm someone would later say that she didn't have Caylee at 9 or 10 am.

Am I making sense? I feel that KC thought that there was the possibility that someone could testify that she wasn't seen with Caylee at all between 9-1 on the 16th. In case this happened, she included the entire timeframe to allow for that.

If this is why she said "between 9am-1pm" then where was she that someone may have seen her without Caylee? Was it GA that she was afraid would contradict her story or someone else? If she was at home all morning then GA is the only one she would be worried about. Or, did she go somewhere else during these hours where someone may have seen her without Caylee?

Obviously, this only applies if one thinks that Caylee died prior to 9am on the 16th. It's just more of the same stuff that is questionable about that morning that leads me to think Caylee died prior to the afternoon of the 16th. If Caylee was still alive when KC returned home after GA left for work wouldn't she be afraid someone (neighbor, passerby) would later say that Caylee was with KC (not the nanny) after 1pm that afternoon? Stating that she dropped her off by 1pm and then showing up later at the house with Caylee would be a huge red flag to LE. Apparently, KC wasn't concerned about this. Did she know that no one could have possibly seen Caylee after 1pm? Is this because she pulled into the garage when she came back or because Caylee really wasn't with her?

Maybe I'm making too much of this statement. LE didn't seem concerned about pinning her down to a more specific time. I can't help but wonder about it. Most people would know when they dropped their child off and never saw her again. To me, this statement by KC was very self serving and I'll always wonder what purpose it served.
KC's lies are very detailed.She had no problem saying she left Caylee with ZFG at Sawgrass , a lie easily debunked.She actually walked into Universal ,all the while giving a detailed account of having put her phone on the corner of her desk in her office.
It is very curious that she was not more definite about when she left the house,given the amount of little details she puts into her stories.Perhaps she was unsure of the time GA would give as last seeing her,thus leaving a wide opening. It's another piece of the puzzle.I hope LE has all the answers.
MissJames---this case is like puttin on knee boots and wading in a cesspool---hip deep with poop. Almost e-thang all the A's have said is a lie.
The "9 -1" timeframe by KC defies logic and has always been an indicator that it is just another one of her many fabrications. I've tried, since last year, to figure out why she
acts the way she does, says the things she says, and I keep coming back to the same conclusion: this whole thing was orchestrated.

Marina, you are definately on to something wondering why she gave such a wide time range. It could indicate more than just someone debunking her lie.

I don't know about everyone else, but I know exactly how long it takes me to get to work, and I know what time I have to be there (even though my schedule fluctuates).

Ugh, she just frustrates the snot out of me....
My only question on the LE searches for Zenaida that produced only this one person, why didn't the ZFG that received a ticket in like April or May of the same year pop up on their computer? That ticket shows up in online searches of police files and yet they never mention that person? Supposedly she was the right age etc--and it may very well be a Casey alter ego, but why isn't it mentioned?
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