Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #7

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Interesting scenario. I've considered a similar hypothesis myself. Yet, why the three years in jail?

Because what was she gonna say to stay out of jail? Sorry officers, I admit, I accidentally killed my child with the chloroform I intended to use in my future maybe plan to off my parents. Sorry bout that, can I go home now?
Have you seen her att'y?:floorlaugh:

ty I needed that chuckle after the starling idea of tape over little Caylee's entire face.

I need to reacquaint myself with the duct tape threads, despite how hard that stuff is for my non scientific brain to digest. ynot's linked post seems to suggest tape over eyes, mouth and nose? Has this been divulged by the ME or is this just us postulating where the duct tape was?

Argg, I hate science, so much easier to pick apart people and their motivations than actual evidence. I can already tell, I am gonna be lost come forensics time. :(

TL, you'll be fine. :hug: The link I posted above indicates three layers of duct tape over baby Caylee's mouth and nose. Nothing to indicate it was over her eyes. There is also another strand of Henkel tape that was found away from Caylee's remains but we haven't yet sleuthed out exactly how that one ties in.
ty I needed that chuckle after the starling idea of tape over little Caylee's entire face.

Your welcome, now figure out something good to tell me about how a bunch of people rode in that little car with the car seat.:banghead:
Think I better get outta here now, good night.
Best I can figure the body had been removed from the trunk and secreted somewhere else (freezer is a good option as suggested upthread) and carseat tossed in trunk while playing taxi cab? Lets face it, there was no way that body was in that car for an entire month and I have always felt Caylee was not dumped where she was eventually found too much before she was reported "missing" I do not know if the ME could tell from skeletal remains and hair if her body had been frozen at some point or not. I know they could tell from the flesh if any remained. The tissue would shows signs of being frozen and then thawed. (thank you CSI and Bones tv shows for that knowledge at least) Again with the science. Sigh - looks like my 3 day weekend will be spent doing my homework. Serves me right for not refreshing my memory on the forensics back several weeks ago when I said I would.

That makes me wonder though. Was the invisinanny supposedly equipped with her own carseat dedicated for Caylee's use when she was with her? When Zanny "had" Caylee all those times, didn't anybody wonder why the carseat was still with Casey?

small and inconsequential question in the scheme of things but just renews my disbelief at how long Casey was allowed to get away with her lying to all uncontested.
Your welcome, now figure out something good to tell me about how a bunch of people rode in that little car with the car seat.:banghead:

Trust me. It's possible. And I can tell you from experience that the smallest person gets stuck squeezed up against the car seat. Not comfortable but bearable for short distances.

Does anyone know if the witnesses have been asked if the car seat was in there when they were a passenger in the car? I don't recall the car seat being brought into question. Does anyone else?
I have a question for all of you.

If you had a granddaughter and your daughter took off with her for weeks at a time wouldnt you all be concerned?

(respectfully snipped)

Unfortunately, my grandson's mother is an unemployed, manipulative party girl (so similar to ICA that it horrifies me). It is absolutely my worst fear that she will one day "take off" with our grandchild. And you have no idea of the complete agony of knowing we have no say in the matter. We don't have custody. We are "just the grandparents." Luckily, my son plans to fight for custody. At least we have that. The Anthony's had nothing. Loving their grandchild came with the price of tolerating her mother. I, too, humor her lies because I am afraid she'll take my grandson away from the little stability he has. Until you have been in the position of dealing with a sociopath and narcissist, you can't fully understand the sheer helplessness because sane, reasoned approaches do not work with them. They will discard anyone who gets in the way of their "beautiful li(f)e."

I apologize if I have provided too much personal information. I am just trying to express why I find GA and CA more sympathetic than others might.
I believe it happened on June 16th. GA was the last person except KC to see Caylee on that date.

12.50 GA Saw them leaving the house.
------------------------------------------------- Ping: KC is around her home
13:00-13:13 TL calls KC
13:13-13:44 ???????????????
13:44-14:20 KC calls AH
14:20-14:52 ??????????????? GA leaves for work.
14:52-15:03 JG calls KC. JG may have heard Caylee in background.
15:35 KC attempts to call TL.
15:35-16:10 ???????????????
16:10 KC attempts to call CA's work phone (Here on looks like desperate attempt to reach CA. Panic? Caylee is probably dead.)
16:11 KC attempts to call CA’s cell.
16:11 KC attempts to call CA’s cell. (24 seconds after last call)
16:13 KC attempts to call CA’s cell.
16:13 KC attempts to call CA’s cell. (25 seconds after last call)
16:14-16:16 KC calls CA's work phone. Did she reach CA? No, because she calls her cell at 16.25 again.
------------------------------------------------- Ping: KC moving towards TL's home
16:19-16:20 KC calls TL.
16:21 KC attempts to call JG.
16:21-16:22:25 KC calls JG. (24 seconds after last call)
------------------------------------------------- Ping: KC getting closer to TL's home
16:25 KC attempts to call CA’s cell.
------------------------------------------------- Ping: KC at or about TL's home
18:31 KC attempts to call CA’s cell.
18:32 KC attempts to call CA’s cell.
18:32 KC attempts to call Anthony home. (44 seconds after last call)
18:33 KC checks voicemail.
18:53 KC checks voicemail.
19:06:19:07:38 KC calls Anthony home.
19:20 KC attempts to call AH
19:21 KC attempts to call AH.
19:58 TL and KC go to Blockbuster and rent a movie. TL states they stayed up late watching the movie. (KC calms down and moves on.)

Whatever happened was between 15:03 and 16:10. She was around the crime scene and her parents were away.
Now please try to find the holes in this theory.
I believe it happened on June 16th. GA was the last person except KC to see Caylee on that date.

12.50 GA Saw them leaving the house.
------------------------------------------------- Ping: KC is around her home
13:00-13:13 TL calls KC
13:13-13:44 ???????????????
13:44-14:20 KC calls AH
14:20-14:52 ??????????????? GA leaves for work.
14:52-15:03 JG calls KC. JG may have heard Caylee in background.
15:35 KC attempts to call TL.
15:35-16:10 ???????????????
16:10 KC attempts to call CA's work phone (Here on looks like desperate attempt to reach CA. Panic? Caylee is probably dead.)
16:11 KC attempts to call CA’s cell.
16:11 KC attempts to call CA’s cell. (24 seconds after last call)
16:13 KC attempts to call CA’s cell.
16:13 KC attempts to call CA’s cell. (25 seconds after last call)
16:14-16:16 KC calls CA's work phone. Did she reach CA? No, because she calls her cell at 16.25 again.
------------------------------------------------- Ping: KC moving towards TL's home
16:19-16:20 KC calls TL.
16:21 KC attempts to call JG.
16:21-16:22:25 KC calls JG. (24 seconds after last call)
------------------------------------------------- Ping: KC getting closer to TL's home
16:25 KC attempts to call CA’s cell.
------------------------------------------------- Ping: KC at or about TL's home
18:31 KC attempts to call CA’s cell.
18:32 KC attempts to call CA’s cell.
18:32 KC attempts to call Anthony home. (44 seconds after last call)
18:33 KC checks voicemail.
18:53 KC checks voicemail.
19:06:19:07:38 KC calls Anthony home.
19:20 KC attempts to call AH
19:21 KC attempts to call AH.
19:58 TL and KC go to Blockbuster and rent a movie. TL states they stayed up late watching the movie. (KC calms down and moves on.)

Whatever happened was between 15:03 and 16:10. She was around the crime scene and her parents were away.
Now please try to find the holes in this theory.

Wow ita.
Best I can figure the body had been removed from the trunk and secreted somewhere else (freezer is a good option as suggested upthread) and carseat tossed in trunk while playing taxi cab? Lets face it, there was no way that body was in that car for an entire month and I have always felt Caylee was not dumped where she was eventually found too much before she was reported "missing" I do not know if the ME could tell from skeletal remains and hair if her body had been frozen at some point or not. I know they could tell from the flesh if any remained. The tissue would shows signs of being frozen and then thawed. (thank you CSI and Bones tv shows for that knowledge at least) Again with the science. Sigh - looks like my 3 day weekend will be spent doing my homework. Serves me right for not refreshing my memory on the forensics back several weeks ago when I said I would.

That makes me wonder though. Was the invisinanny supposedly equipped with her own carseat dedicated for Caylee's use when she was with her? When Zanny "had" Caylee all those times, didn't anybody wonder why the carseat was still with Casey?

small and inconsequential question in the scheme of things but just renews my disbelief at how long Casey was allowed to get away with her lying to all uncontested.

BBM :twocents: Glad those fictionalized "but tiny tidbits of truth" forensic science shows helped your science acumen! :woohoo: Now just as the soft tissue demonstrates noticeable changes from excessive temperature changes so also does the skeleton via the bone marrow and SOMETIMES, even the bones themselves! When drastic temperature changes occur, the cells "react" since they have a fluid the extreme cold, crystallize and the extreme heat, "dry out" or "explode". The body DOES NOT have to TOTALLY freeze to the core for the change to occur (think of your freezer as chicken thighs freeze and gradually get solid as the internal tissue fluid crystallizes) and for the heat effect, just remember what happens to the "au jus" consistency & volume as your steak becomes progressively well done! Yeah, that change in "au jus" is rather similar to the effects on human erythrocytes & plasma (aka some of the components of blood).

:seeya: Now regarding the forensic pathologist's :innocent: evaluation of the remains, IMHO histological sections were cut and examined as an effort to reach a COD and oh yeah, also provide information to LE to "catch the bad guy/girl"~:rocker:

:truce: PS: most of those forensic science shows.....well, :waitasec: THANKFULLY they leave out some very very important details:waitasec: ~:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Best I can figure the body had been removed from the trunk and secreted somewhere else (freezer is a good option as suggested upthread) and carseat tossed in trunk while playing taxi cab? Lets face it, there was no way that body was in that car for an entire month and I have always felt Caylee was not dumped where she was eventually found too much before she was reported "missing" I do not know if the ME could tell from skeletal remains and hair if her body had been frozen at some point or not. I know they could tell from the flesh if any remained. The tissue would shows signs of being frozen and then thawed. (thank you CSI and Bones tv shows for that knowledge at least) Again with the science. Sigh - looks like my 3 day weekend will be spent doing my homework. Serves me right for not refreshing my memory on the forensics back several weeks ago when I said I would.

That makes me wonder though. Was the invisinanny supposedly equipped with her own carseat dedicated for Caylee's use when she was with her? When Zanny "had" Caylee all those times, didn't anybody wonder why the carseat was still with Casey?

small and inconsequential question in the scheme of things but just renews my disbelief at how long Casey was allowed to get away with her lying to all uncontested.

Not sure about any of the science, but as far as the car-seat still being with KC , she could have just told people that the nanny had her own car-seat. ( of course we all know there was no nanny) ,but that could have been an excuse Kc used. Some daycares and caregivers provide their own car-seats. My daughter's daycare had quite a few extras so parents wouldn't have to take the car-seats in and out of the car.
BBM :twocents: Glad those fictionalized "but tiny tidbits of truth" forensic science shows helped your science acumen! :woohoo: Now just as the soft tissue demonstrates noticeable changes from excessive temperature changes so also does the skeleton via the bone marrow and SOMETIMES, even the bones themselves! When drastic temperature changes occur, the cells "react" since they have a fluid the extreme cold, crystallize and the extreme heat, "dry out" or "explode". The body DOES NOT have to TOTALLY freeze to the core for the change to occur (think of your freezer as chicken thighs freeze and gradually get solid as the internal tissue fluid crystallizes) and for the heat effect, just remember what happens to the "au jus" consistency & volume as your steak becomes progressively well done! Yeah, that change in "au jus" is rather similar to the effects on human erythrocytes & plasma (aka some of the components of blood).

:seeya: Now regarding the forensic pathologist's :innocent: evaluation of the remains, IMHO histological sections were cut and examined as an effort to reach a COD and oh yeah, also provide information to LE to "catch the bad guy/girl"~:rocker:

:truce: PS: most of those forensic science shows.....well, :waitasec: THANKFULLY they leave out some very very important details:waitasec: ~:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

So what you are saying is that I am correct in that science stuff is so not my forte, in fact it makes me :crazy:

Thank you for the fact and just the facts. And I don't mind a little ribbing along with it :)
So what you are saying is that I am correct in that science stuff is so not my forte, in fact it makes me :crazy:

Thank you for the fact and just the facts. And I don't mind a little ribbing along with it :)

That would make 2 of us. I was hoping someone would give the science, many thanks.
Unfortunately, my grandson's mother is an unemployed, manipulative party girl (so similar to ICA that it horrifies me). It is absolutely my worst fear that she will one day "take off" with our grandchild. And you have no idea of the complete agony of knowing we have no say in the matter. We don't have custody. We are "just the grandparents." Luckily, my son plans to fight for custody. At least we have that. The Anthony's had nothing. Loving their grandchild came with the price of tolerating her mother. I, too, humor her lies because I am afraid she'll take my grandson away from the little stability he has. Until you have been in the position of dealing with a sociopath and narcissist, you can't fully understand the sheer helplessness because sane, reasoned approaches do not work with them. They will discard anyone who gets in the way of their "beautiful li(f)e."

I apologize if I have provided too much personal information. I am just trying to express why I find GA and CA more sympathetic than others might.

ITA! My daughter's father is a sociopath and I do whatever in the world he asks, even though I know that it is hurting my daughter because I am afraid that if he were to take me to court and get visitation, if he thought he could get away with it he would off her to stop paying child support. I have been terrified of this for almost 3 years. And I believe that he thinks he could get away with it because my daughter has health problems that can easily be life threatening. He doesn't spend time with her but twice a year, (which I can see has a negative effect on her), tops and for no more than a total of 4 hours each year, but when he says he wants a visit, all plans are dropped to make it happen. Whatever it takes, I have moved the Earth to make whatever he wants possible. In Virginia, even pedophiles have visitation rights. Whatever lies he tells I will promise to believe as long as he doesn't try to take my baby out of my sight. As much as I know this will hurt my daughter in the end, I would rather deal with emotional problems that come than lose her all together.
ITA! My daughter's father is a sociopath and I do whatever in the world he asks, even though I know that it is hurting my daughter because I am afraid that if he were to take me to court and get visitation, if he thought he could get away with it he would off her to stop paying child support. I have been terrified of this for almost 3 years. And I believe that he thinks he could get away with it because my daughter has health problems that can easily be life threatening. He doesn't spend time with her but twice a year, (which I can see has a negative effect on her), tops and for no more than a total of 4 hours each year, but when he says he wants a visit, all plans are dropped to make it happen. Whatever it takes, I have moved the Earth to make whatever he wants possible. In Virginia, even pedophiles have visitation rights. Whatever lies he tells I will promise to believe as long as he doesn't try to take my baby out of my sight. As much as I know this will hurt my daughter in the end, I would rather deal with emotional problems that come than lose her all together.

OT but I have to say, I have a young daughter myself and I cannot imagine the fear in your heart. I, like you, would do absolutely everything in my power to keep him happy, at all costs. I will pray for you and your daughter. Big hugs from Texas. :)
Unfortunately, my grandson's mother is an unemployed, manipulative party girl (so similar to ICA that it horrifies me). It is absolutely my worst fear that she will one day "take off" with our grandchild. And you have no idea of the complete agony of knowing we have no say in the matter. We don't have custody. We are "just the grandparents." Luckily, my son plans to fight for custody. At least we have that. The Anthony's had nothing. Loving their grandchild came with the price of tolerating her mother. I, too, humor her lies because I am afraid she'll take my grandson away from the little stability he has. Until you have been in the position of dealing with a sociopath and narcissist, you can't fully understand the sheer helplessness because sane, reasoned approaches do not work with them. They will discard anyone who gets in the way of their "beautiful li(f)e."

I apologize if I have provided too much personal information. I am just trying to express why I find GA and CA more sympathetic than others might.
gxm, my heart goes out to you. You are so right, living with an individual such as Casey is beyond understanding. They are not "normal." You cannot interact with them as you would most people. Fearing for your little grandson's well being is a horrific burden to carry. CA & GA have made some very foolish decisions and/or mistakes since they have been in the public eye. Who wants to believe their child would hurt much less kill their own child. My prayers have begun for you and your family, safety for your grandson and lucidity for your daughter to recognize her need mental health needs. Sadly your are correct, they will make anyone who gets in the way of their beautiful li(f)e disappear. God bless.
ITA! My daughter's father is a sociopath and I do whatever in the world he asks, even though I know that it is hurting my daughter because I am afraid that if he were to take me to court and get visitation, if he thought he could get away with it he would off her to stop paying child support. I have been terrified of this for almost 3 years. And I believe that he thinks he could get away with it because my daughter has health problems that can easily be life threatening. He doesn't spend time with her but twice a year, (which I can see has a negative effect on her), tops and for no more than a total of 4 hours each year, but when he says he wants a visit, all plans are dropped to make it happen. Whatever it takes, I have moved the Earth to make whatever he wants possible. In Virginia, even pedophiles have visitation rights. Whatever lies he tells I will promise to believe as long as he doesn't try to take my baby out of my sight. As much as I know this will hurt my daughter in the end, I would rather deal with emotional problems that come than lose her all together.
HRCODEPINK, I am so sorry, how awful, my heart goes out to you. I hope you are not walking through this nightmare alone. Is this court ordered visitation? Is there a mental health professional involved? May God protect you and your daughter.
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