Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #7

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Lots of confusing things trying to put together when Casey decided to use a kidnap excuse. Its ridiculous to think she had been using the name Zanny and then came up with a Zenaida to fit that role. I am leaning toward Cayle in her baby talked may had used a word that sounded like Zanny but wasn't that exact word. The duct tape may have just been staged so the kidnapping report would fit her story. At the moment I can't remember the date she managed to move forward with securing the name of the fiticious nanny.
But my question is, wouldn't Caylee when duct tape have had use of her hands to instinctively pull the tape off her nose, face? Is there any evidence of her hands being constrained? I ask that honestly, hope it doesn't sound rude. However if you put duct tape on then put her in the pool, her pulling the tape off while trying to swim, that would have been nearly impossible. Awful thing to think about! This theory is welcome to be picked apart. JMO.

You should hear the state's theory. They pose both scenarios: one with and unconscious Caylee, and one with her incapacitated.

If she is unconscious, no need to worry about the hands. If she is conscious, her hands are restrained. Either way once that tape went on, it wasn't coming off. Even after more than six months exposed to the elements, the ME couldn't simply remove the tape. It had to be cut from the hair. There were three strips of tape wrapped almost completely around her head. :(

If someone has the link to Jeff Ashton arguing for the death penalty, that would be great!
I think Caylee died in the trunk.

I think she was put in the trunk by her mother.

I think she was put to sleep via chloroform.

I think her mouth was taped to keep her from being heard if she woke up before her mother came to get her.

I think her mother was shocked to find her dead.

It makes NO SENSE that Casey would put tape on her daughter's mouth if she had drowned in the pool.

I think the "nanny kidnap" theory was just convenient and not part of an elaborate plan.
I think Caylee died in the trunk.

I think she was put in the trunk by her mother.

I think she was put to sleep via chloroform.

I think her mouth was taped to keep her from being heard if she woke up before her mother came to get her.

I think her mother was shocked to find her dead.

It makes NO SENSE that Casey would put tape on her daughter's mouth if she had drowned in the pool.

I think the "nanny kidnap" theory was just convenient and not part of an elaborate plan.


When does she tape her nose? After she's dead?
I think CA and ICA had a big fight Sunday night over things like others have mentioned; ICA partying, not watching CMA, money, lying, etc... and probably threatened to ICA that she would petition for custody of CMA.

Monday the 16th ICA wants to be with her new boyfriend and CMA is hindering from going out like she wants to. ICA makes repeated attempts to call CA to get her to babysit, CA doesn't answer or return calls and ICA gets frustrated and angry. I think she intentionally killed CMA for various reasons: 1. out of anger to get back at her mother 2. CA threatens to take custody of CMA and ICA doesn't want that to happen 3. CMA is getting in the way of ICA lifestyle 4. CMA is also reaching the age where she's capable of telling CA what ICA is really up to and will eventually out ICA about what she's really up to vs. what she tells her parents.

ICA used CMA to control her parents (get money out of them) and killing CMA was the way to get the final say so-to-speak. I think she killed her between 4:30-6:30. Went to hang out with AL and the next day goes home to try to hide the body in the backyard at a time when she knows her parents won't be home. Doesn't work out so she puts her back in the trunk and drives around for a few days before finally dumping the body in the woods close to the house.

I don't know if anybody else noticed the look on her face when she was watching the jailhouse videos and police interviews played in court. She had an evil, angry look, and was scowling while she watched it.

My theory as well!

1) There was no Zanny, so who was going to babysit? The flurry of calls that day were prob some elaborate lie as to why Zanny couldn't babysit.

2) CA may have had it at that point. Prob confronted her about her lies and stealing and said "no more - you are on your own from now on" and this is why she ignored the calls (GA prob knew about the fight as well)

3) I think it was a rage killing. If this were an accident she should have had some reaction right? But she didn't, she went out and had fun like Caylee never existed.
I've been working on this theory for a while and would like to hear opinions on it. I'm not going to include every detail for the whole day but the ones I think are important.

June 16

8.03am - IM whiteplayboi - Casey states she is moving into her house at the end of the mouth (she already told him 4 days ago the house/apt will at Andover or around her parents place)

So far this is the story as normal, moving out into a place with Amy and Caylee at the end of the mouth.

11.47pm - Tony calls Casey 19mins - Casey's made up her mind that she's staying at Tony's and Caylee will never be coming home again.

12.50pm - Casey and Caylee leave the house
Casey has told her father that they will be staying overnight at Zany's.
Caylee's backpack(once recovered) contains no extra clothes and is found in the trunk.

12.53pm - Casey texts Tony
12.55pm - Tony texts Casey
1.00pm - Tony calls Casey 14mins

1.14pm End of call

1.26pm - Casey texts Jesse - I think Caylee was killed before or after this text.

1.44pm - Casey calls Amy 36mins

2.20pm - End of Call

2.30pm - George is leaving the house

2.52pm - Jesse calls Casey 12mins
This is the first time the story now changes and Casey's mother has changed her mind and it is now Casey that has to move out, tells Jesse she can't stay at home. There would only be one reason that Casey can no longer stay at home because Caylee is no longer alive.

3.04pm - End of call with Jesse

3.04pm - George calls Casey

3.35pm - Casey calls Tony 22sec

4.10pm - Casey calls George 34sec - Casey wants to know where George is and why is he calling.

4.11pm - 4.13pm - Casey calls Cindy 4 times - I suspect to find out where George is and is he on his way home.

4.14pm - Casey calls George 98secs - Casey is still trying to find out where he is.

4.18pm - Casey leaves the house and starts driving towards Tony's place

4.19pm - Casey calls Tony 1min

4.21 pm - Casey calls Jesse 2 times 75secs

4.25pm - Casey calls Cindy

6.31pm - Casey calls Cindy
6.32pm - Casey calls Cindy
6.32pm - Casey calls Home

7.06pm - Casey calls Home 83secs

Crisis averted

7.50pm - Casey and Tony at Blockbuster Video

I suspect it is George's call to Casey that sets off the flurry of calls from 4.10pm. I think she tries to find out from Cindy why he is calling her then says what the hell and leaves the house at 4.18pm.
After she left house I think some panic may have sent and so there are numerous calls to set up alibis/stories and to let Jesse/Tony/Cindy know that all is good in Casey world.
as much as i have always wanted to post on this thread, there is one thing that stops me. all the weirdness between george and cindy about the day of the 16. i can't decide if caylee died on the night of the 15 or sometime on the 16. maybe the logical reason was the flurry of calls on the 16 and they felt scared and ashamed and possibly guilty for that if something did happen then? and i guess they never got that walmart video when casey was supposedly there with caylee on the 16 of june while caylee struggled with the door and to keep up with big meanie? one more thing that i want to know is, was there a freezer involved? they have a small freezer/fridge in the garage. i always believed that that somehow fits in somewhere.
ICA had no one to watch Caylee.
She had been doing research on MISSING CHILDREN on the family computer in MARCH.
This is premeditated and well thought out.
when she kept calling home [ and was supposed to be in TIMBUKTU]

she was checking to see if in fact the house was empty.
It indeed was.The coast was clear.
She wanted to pick some things up to go to that party [ she already swiped the laptop] Cindy did not notice since she rarely used it, and it usually was under clothing on the dresser.
So proof is that ICA did take the laptop[ not hers her mom's]
without her mom even suspecting she was ever home .
Then, in a panic over not having anyone to take CAYLEE, she became very angry, decided today was as good a day as any to murder CAYLEE.
She got duct tape,and while CAYLEE was sleeping she lifted her head and
began placing the tape over her nose and mouth.
I do not know the pattern it was applied, nose first etc.
But then she went around the house doing whatever she needed to do, shower, eat, steal, whatever she needed to do while CAYLEE was
suffocating in her[ CAYLEE'S ] bedroom.
Meanwhile she was gathering all the stuff she wanted from the house.
She goes back into the room where she left CAYLEE,CAYLEE was now dead.
She proceeded to wrap her up in garbage bags, laundry bag...
then took her little body out into the sandbox?
Then came back the next day?
Placed her into the car trunk then the woods?
Then she must have changed her mind about the woods drove around looking for a better hiding place, changed her mind, put her in the woods where she was found ?
Since nobody really knows what really happened...
I've been working on this theory for a while and would like to hear opinions on it. I'm not going to include every detail for the whole day but the ones I think are important.

June 16

8.03am - IM whiteplayboi - Casey states she is moving into her house at the end of the mouth (she already told him 4 days ago the house/apt will at Andover or around her parents place)

So far this is the story as normal, moving out into a place with Amy and Caylee at the end of the mouth.

11.47pm - Tony calls Casey 19mins - Casey's made up her mind that she's staying at Tony's and Caylee will never be coming home again.

12.50pm - Casey and Caylee leave the house
Casey has told her father that they will be staying overnight at Zany's.
Caylee's backpack(once recovered) contains no extra clothes and is found in the trunk.

12.53pm - Casey texts Tony
12.55pm - Tony texts Casey
1.00pm - Tony calls Casey 14mins

1.14pm End of call

1.26pm - Casey texts Jesse - I think Caylee was killed before or after this text.

1.44pm - Casey calls Amy 36mins

2.20pm - End of Call

2.30pm - George is leaving the house

2.52pm - Jesse calls Casey 12mins
This is the first time the story now changes and Casey's mother has changed her mind and it is now Casey that has to move out, tells Jesse she can't stay at home. There would only be one reason that Casey can no longer stay at home because Caylee is no longer alive.

3.04pm - End of call with Jesse

3.04pm - George calls Casey

3.35pm - Casey calls Tony 22sec

4.10pm - Casey calls George 34sec - Casey wants to know where George is and why is he calling.

4.11pm - 4.13pm - Casey calls Cindy 4 times - I suspect to find out where George is and is he on his way home.

4.14pm - Casey calls George 98secs - Casey is still trying to find out where he is.

4.18pm - Casey leaves the house and starts driving towards Tony's place

4.19pm - Casey calls Tony 1min

4.21 pm - Casey calls Jesse 2 times 75secs

4.25pm - Casey calls Cindy

6.31pm - Casey calls Cindy
6.32pm - Casey calls Cindy
6.32pm - Casey calls Home

7.06pm - Casey calls Home 83secs

Crisis averted

7.50pm - Casey and Tony at Blockbuster Video

I suspect it is George's call to Casey that sets off the flurry of calls from 4.10pm. I think she tries to find out from Cindy why he is calling her then says what the hell and leaves the house at 4.18pm.
After she left house I think some panic may have sent and so there are numerous calls to set up alibis/stories and to let Jesse/Tony/Cindy know that all is good in Casey world.

I hope the PROSECUTION has all the family cell pings to compare locations of suspect call and death times.
A nice clear chart with each family member a different colored dot...
locations need to be proven...this way..
This is pretty close to what I feel happened except I think after the argument of the night before,in the morning, George told KC she had to move out and find herself a place to go. I also think that George called the home either to restate his position about her leaving or KC had already threatened retribution of some sort before he left and he was checking on her.
I also think leaving the house per George is a lie made by George to cover for his daughter and the family dynamics of the night before.

EDIT...I just looked at the timing of the texts and lengths of the calls, time she left home etc. from 11.47 until George leaves for work KC is on the phone or texting continuously, across the time frame she is getting Caylee together packing backpacks, going to the car putting Caylee in the seat, strapping her in, getting in her car and driving off, I don't think she could have done all that while occupied. I think Caylee and KC were locked in KC's bedroom until George left.
I wrote my theory almost three years ago and since reading all the doc dumps and the trial started, my theory hasn't changed much.
I tried doing a search for my original but there were pages and pages to go through so I will just shorten it a bit and post it again.

Think of Casey's rage in the jailhouse vids.
Think of anyone you know, or a movie you've see where the rage/anger is so uncontrollable that the person doesn't even realize what they are doing until the damage is done.

Think of Casey.....this rage didn't just start, it's not new.
This is the life of the Anthony's.....walking on eggshells for years so as not to get Casey in her 'rage mode'.

Big fight over the stolen money the night before after Cindy spent time oooh'ing and awe'ing great-gramps and Caylee video.
A person with the type of rage Casey has, does not forget, carries a grudge. How dare her mother be angry for a few bucks missing.
That grudge, that anger at Cindy, at the world for messing up her (Casey's ) life had plenty of time to fester overnight.

Monday, Casey and Caylee leave the house (or don't. depending on if you believe George saw them that morning or not).

Casey still enraged, grudge/anger building.
All she wants to do is get back to the house once she knows George has left for work so she can text/computer/call her 'friends' to vent about her crazy mother.

George leaves. Casey and Caylee return home.
Caylee wants to swim.
Casey wants to ignore the 'snot-nosed brat' and play on her computer and cell phone.
Caylee won't give up and keeps asking and asking.
Casey gets even more irritated.
Casey tells Caylee if she takes a nap they will go swimming when Caylee wakes.

Casey puts Caylee on her little bed for a nap......removing her shoes.
Caylee, as lots of little ones do, gets up repeatedly, doesn't want to nap, bothers her mother who is very engrossed on the computer and cell phone.
After the fourth, maybe fifth time that Caylee gets out of bed and 'bothers' Casey, the rage begins.

Screaming: "I told you to stay in bed!
Maybe yanking Caylee by the arm back to the bed, Casey picks her up and throws her on the bed.
By this time Caylee is crying, screaming, blood curdling screaming.......scared, hurt.
Casey storms to the garage, gets the duct tape.
Shuts up the screaming.
You have to have seen real rage to understand and see in your mind how this can happen and how quickly it can all happen.

Caylee is finally quiet, not screaming. Being perfectly still on the bed where she was taped up.
Casey wipes her brow, probably a little sweat, exhausted from her rage and actions, goes back to her seat at the computer and proceeds to use computer and cell phone like nothing has happened.
Time passes quickly and it's too late by the time she realizes she hasn't heard a peep from Caylee.

What happens next or in any particular order is unclear but this is what I've theoried (? lol) in my mind:

The borrowed shovel: Could have tried using it as a pry bar to lift stone floor tiles from inside the playhouse.
Or, to pry up the sandbox.....using the shovel as a way to 'lift' the sandbox and maybe pivot the sandbox around.

The dogs alerting:
The decomp smell was bad. Maybe Casey thought rinsing off some things would get rid of the smell.
Plastic toys of Caylee's, sippy cup maybe......some things that could be rinsed off with a hose where thrown on the grass in the back yard and sprayed down with water.
This would leave the decomp scent wherever those things were placed while being sprayed down.

Again, Shoes. There were no shoes found with Caylee.
Don't think Casey didn't realizes this AFTER she dumped that baby in the swamp.
Reason? Telling LE that she got a call from Caylee. Caylee said "Hi Mommy!" and then immediately went into telling Casey about her shoes.
Don't think Caylee's shoes weren't on Casey's mind by this time.

OK, that's it and has pretty much stayed the same all this time.

And Yes, I DO feel that Casey's plan was to do in her own parents but the anger from the night before took precedence.
Do in the parents, same with Caylee. Hide Caylee's body and then go into "Help me find my Baby that was taken the night my parents were killed!" mode. Thus, the Missing Children search on the computer.
This is pretty close to what I feel happened except I think after the argument of the night before,in the morning, George told KC she had to move out and find herself a place to go. I also think that George called the home either to restate his position about her leaving or KC had already threatened retribution of some sort before he left and he was checking on her.
I also think leaving the house per George is a lie made by George to cover for his daughter and the family dynamics of the night before.

I wish we had evidence or verification of the fight. I used to believe there was a huge fight and that was the trigger. But I have backed off on that because there does not seem to be any solid evidence there was any fight on the 15th.

If there was then I can see her lashing out at Caylee on the night of the 15th.
I wonder why TL wasn't questioned as to what the conversation was about with her in the wee hours of the 15th to the 16th? I always thought she took Caylee and went to Lee's. I wonder if she took Caylee's shoes off and put her to bed at Lee's with her clothes on and she was crying and wouldn't sleep. I have always believed she left after the fight and went to Lee's and no one was home. The real 'neutral and safe place'..on the 15th, not TL's on the 16th.
I wish we had evidence or verification of the fight. I used to believe there was a huge fight and that was the trigger. But I have backed off on that because there does not seem to be any solid evidence there was any fight on the 15th.

If there was then I can see her lashing out at Caylee on the night of the 15th.

I believe Cindy herself told Mark Furman about the fight, it can be found on the Hinky Meter time line. :seeya:

15/16 – CA and KC have a big argument. [NOTE: CA does not share this information with LE but later tells this to MF.]
I wonder why TL wasn't questioned as to what the conversation was about with her in the wee hours of the 15th to the 16th? I always thought she took Caylee and went to Lee's. I wonder if she took Caylee's shoes off and put her to bed at Lee's with her clothes on and she was crying and wouldn't sleep. I have always believed she left after the fight and went to Lee's and no one was home. The real 'neutral and safe place'..on the 15th, not TL's on the 16th.

I've thought this too, about Lee's house. I think Lee was wise to Casey's ways though. I don't think he would have ever given her a key to his place, as I'm sure he would have believe he would have been robbed blind.

What about breaking in, or knowing a way to get in without the key, though? She's fairly sneaky.
This is pretty close to what I feel happened except I think after the argument of the night before,in the morning, George told KC she had to move out and find herself a place to go. I also think that George called the home either to restate his position about her leaving or KC had already threatened retribution of some sort before he left and he was checking on her.
I also think leaving the house per George is a lie made by George to cover for his daughter and the family dynamics of the night before.

EDIT...I just looked at the timing of the texts and lengths of the calls, time she left home etc. from 11.47 until George leaves for work KC is on the phone or texting continuously, across the time frame she is getting Caylee together packing backpacks, going to the car putting Caylee in the seat, strapping her in, getting in her car and driving off, I don't think she could have done all that while occupied. I think Caylee and KC were locked in KC's bedroom until George left.

This would also explain ICA's comment to her parents that she " didn't tell them anything" in reference to the psychologist or dr.
I've thought this too, about Lee's house. I think Lee was wise to Casey's ways though. I don't think he would have ever given her a key to his place, as I'm sure he would have believe he would have been robbed blind.

What about breaking in, or knowing a way to get in without the key, though? She's fairly sneaky.

The call to Casey's cell from the Anthony home phone @7:45 am on the 16th in which she immediately calls her voicemail seals the deal for me. She was not home...yet she pinged from the same towers as the A's house.. which leaves Lee's...same ping area. Cindy did not call ICA in her bedroom from the home phone. no way.
The call to Casey's cell from the Anthony home phone @7:45 am on the 16th in which she immediately calls her voicemail seals the deal for me. She was not home...yet she pinged from the same towers as the A's house.. which leaves Lee's...same ping area. Cindy did not call ICA in her bedroom from the home phone. no way.

ooooo...good catch.
The call to Casey's cell from the Anthony home phone @7:45 am on the 16th in which she immediately calls her voicemail seals the deal for me. She was not home...yet she pinged from the same towers as the A's house.. which leaves Lee's...same ping area. Cindy did not call ICA in her bedroom from the home phone. no way.

She could have been locating her own phone from the home phone (Cordless phone).
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