Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #7

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You nailed it. I almost forgot about that. Narcissist are tight with their money. They don't mind spending money, however, as long as it isn't theirs.
They will spend their own, occasionally, if they are going to get a big return on it. It is like an investment in their minds.

Yup! they are above reproach. The rules or the laws do not apply to them. And about the dogs... I had a yorkie. Every day when I came home from work he was running loose. Had to give him away to save him. THE ONLY THING THAT'LL STOP THESE FREAKS is locking them up. or sitting back and watching them kill themselves with over indulgence in alcohol and drugs.
sorry to say it but so far that's working for me. And when it's all said and done
.. No One misses them! Not parents, grown children, spouses or pets! !
MOO ~ speaking from experience ...
Another question to those of you that have suggested the duct tape was used after Caylee died as a way of "staging a kidnapping."

Why didn't Casey want Caylee found then? Some have suggested that she did, but I'm not buying it. She could have told any of her family members while she was home (out on bail.) She wouldn't have needed to be cryptic at all then. None of this "she's close to home."

She was not happy when Caylee's body was found. If she had staged the body to fit a kidnapping scenario, she should have been relieved. Finally, evidence to back up what she was saying. Instead she almost hyperventilates, and has to be drugged.

Again too many things fly in the face of the facts to make taping Caylee up after she's dead fit.
I'm always a sucker for the evidence and the prosecution theory. I think that Casey wanted to go on a date with TonE and didn't have a babysitter. I think she thought that maybe she could go to NY with TonE if she didn't have to look after her daughter. Casey put Chloroform on Caylee's face until she was dead, and then put her in the trunk of the car. After a few days, it started to smell in the car, so around the 24th she went home, backed the car into the garage and thought about burying her daughter. She asked the neighbor for a shovel, and then apparently had second thoughts. Instead, she got a couple of garbage bags and bagged her daughter after placing a couple of heart stickers on the duct tape on her mouth. She probably realized that if someone opened the trunk, a body in some garbage bags wouldn't look too good, so she got the Winnie the Pooh laundry bag, and put her daughter inside. She grabbed a blanket, and threw it all into the trunk. A couple of days later (don't have the dates clear in my head) maybe around the 27th, she's out of gas. Somewhere in there, she puts her daughter's body near her house in a place that she and a childhood friend called the "Pet Cemetery". I suppose Casey had her own private funeral for her daughter ... heart stickers, Winnie the Pooh blanket and into the swamp.


Casey did not put Caylee in the place that Kio was talking about. Kio led the police to her so called, "pet cemetary." Caylee was not there.

Caylee was later (in December) found off of Suburban.
Another question to those of you that have suggested the duct tape was used after Caylee died as a way of "staging a kidnapping."

Why didn't Casey want Caylee found then? Some have suggested that she did, but I'm not buying it. She could have told any of her family members while she was home (out on bail.) She wouldn't have needed to be cryptic at all then. None of this "she's close to home."

She was not happy when Caylee's body was found. If she had staged the body to fit a kidnapping scenario, she should have been relieved. Finally, evidence to back up what she was saying. Instead she almost hyperventilates, and has to be drugged.

Again too many things fly in the face of the facts to make taping Caylee up after she's dead fit.
Yes, I see what you are saying. But then why did she not cut the duct tape off before disposing of the body? It would have been easy enough to dispose of it deep in a dumpster somewhere. Had the tape not been found on the body, it would look better for her, no? :waitasec:
If Caylee really drowned in the pool, then why is her favorite doll in the car? According to CA, it was her favorite doll. She would have taken it out of the car the moment she got out.
I'd like to know how ICA felt about those cute Yorkies Cindy had. Dollars to donuts she didn't like them. Of course, she may not have let the family know that. I shudder to think what she did alone with Caylee and the puppies.
Me too.:mad: ALSO- I wishwishwish the jury could see that "Stange Breakfast"
video from YouTube, which shows just how cruel and downright SADISTIC Casey could be toward her BABY GIRL, who still was in a high chair! Cindy obviously was not at home that morning, but Casey did not take this "alone time" with her daughter as a chance to "bond" (HA)! Oh NO, instead she seizes the opportunity to mentally TORTURE poor Caylee by refusing to interact with her, refusing to utter even one little word or response,
even as Caylee becomes increasingly agitated, upset, and clearly distressed.
This video is one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen! And it's not
the only one! There are other Hopespring videos where Casey is again
filming and AGAIN totally ignoring Caylee, who is BEGGING for her mom's
attention; in one, Caylee finally gives up and she literally- deliberately-
turns her back on Casey, all the while letting out these pathetic little sighs;
it is absolutely HEARTBREAKING. Everyone keeps labeling ICA a sociopath
and a narcissist, and I agree that she is indeed both. However, there is one
label that, imo, best describes ICA in relation to her child, and that label
is SADIST. She clearly enjoyed making Caylee miserable when no one else was around, when she didn't have to pretend to be "Mother of the Year" :sick:
in front of an "audience." MONSTER!!
PS- Sorry about weird spacing above; this laptop does NOT like me (nor I it, lol!)
About the videos taken of Caylee with little to no interaction... I feel weird taking pictures of my cat without talking to him and telling him he's a good kitty. I feel like I'm scaring him just sitting there silent with an object as a buffer between us. Same thing with my neices who are currently 7 and 5.

I know Casey took those videos to scare Caylee. To show her (Caylee) that Casey was in control. To me, the home videos are one of the creepiest things in this whole situation.

About the videos taken of Caylee with little to no interaction... I feel weird taking pictures of my cat without talking to him and telling him he's a good kitty. I feel like I'm scaring him just sitting there silent with an object as a buffer between us. Same thing with my neices who are currently 7 and 5.

I know Casey took those videos to scare Caylee. To show her (Caylee) that Casey was in control. To me, the home videos are one of the creepiest things in this whole situation.


Your post is spot on. I feel the same way about that. The family didn't notice? You don't hear a word from the person behind the camera. Why not? Makes you there a problem here?
You think that after Casey searches for recipes for chloroform, and kills Caylee, the chloroform is coincidental? Really? It wasn't just trace amounts. It was the highest amount the guy had seen.

Reference to above comment:,0,2754587,full.story

Thank you for the link to this information. It makes me more suspicious that some fluid containing chloroform was in the trunk, but how this relates to Caylee's death is still a head-scratcher for me.

There are few legitimate uses for chloroform these days (a laboratory reagent is about the only one), and I still believe that LE could trace Casey's connection to any significant source for it. I'm not aware of any common consumer products that have any significant concentration of chloroform. When was the last time anybody has ever encountered it in anything that is normally used in a household? And, I don't think Casey could make any significant volume of it without killing herself, frankly--it's that dangerous. Does anybody think she made it under a hood to keep from inhaling the fumes herself? (Casey didn't finish high school. How would she acquire the skills or the equipment to make volatile solvents safely?)

Does anybody here know anyone that has access to chloroform that could explain how it could be obtained, even surreptitiously, by a lay person?

I wonder if there is anything that better defines "the metal can" in the trunk to identify its' origin or what would normally be within it. Maybe we'll never know.

I'll be very interested in Dr. Vass' testimony.

(Others have inquired about the Gatorade Cool Blue bottle with an unknown liquid and white sediment, and a syringe in a wrapper that was found inside a toilet paper roll that was in the bottle. Those items were in a "World of Disney" bag discovered near Caylee Anthony’s remains. I could be wrong, but if there was a solvent like chloroform in the bottle, given the Sunshine Laws, I'd think we would know this by now.)

As always, jmo.
Reference to above comment:,0,2754587,full.story

Thank you for the link to this information. It makes me more suspicious that some fluid containing chloroform was in the trunk, but how this relates to Caylee's death is still a head-scratcher for me.

There are few legitimate uses for chloroform these days (a laboratory reagent is about the only one), and I still believe that LE could trace Casey's connection to any significant source for it. I'm not aware of any common consumer products that have any significant concentration of chloroform. When was the last time anybody has ever encountered it in anything that is normally used in a household? And, I don't think Casey could make any significant volume of it without killing herself, frankly--it's that dangerous. Does anybody think she made it under a hood to keep from inhaling the fumes herself? (Casey didn't finish high school. How would she acquire the skills or the equipment to make volatile solvents safely?)

Does anybody here know anyone that has access to chloroform that could explain how it could be obtained, even surreptitiously, by a lay person?

I wonder if there is anything that better defines "the metal can" in the trunk to identify its' origin or what would normally be within it. Maybe we'll never know.

I'll be very interested in Dr. Vass' testimony.

(Others have inquired about the Gatorade Cool Blue bottle with an unknown liquid and white sediment, and a syringe in a wrapper that was found inside a toilet paper roll that was in the bottle. Those items were in a "World of Disney" bag discovered near Caylee Anthony’s remains. I could be wrong, but if there was a solvent like chloroform in the bottle, given the Sunshine Laws, I'd think we would know this by now.)

As always, jmo.

Chloroform can be easily made with everyday things. Casey searched for "how to make chloroform" and look at recipes for making it. It's not unreasonable to believe she made and used chloroform.

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Yes, I see what you are saying. But then why did she not cut the duct tape off before disposing of the body? It would have been easy enough to dispose of it deep in a dumpster somewhere. Had the tape not been found on the body, it would look better for her, no? :waitasec:

I don't think she thought that far ahead about getting caught. Just like she kept on lying to the detectives all the way to the hallway at Universal.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Me too.:mad: ALSO- I wishwishwish the jury could see that "Stange Breakfast"
video from YouTube, which shows just how cruel and downright SADISTIC Casey could be toward her BABY GIRL, who still was in a high chair! Cindy obviously was not at home that morning, but Casey did not take this "alone time" with her daughter as a chance to "bond" (HA)! Oh NO, instead she seizes the opportunity to mentally TORTURE poor Caylee by refusing to interact with her, refusing to utter even one little word or response,
even as Caylee becomes increasingly agitated, upset, and clearly distressed.
This video is one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen! And it's not
the only one! There are other Hopespring videos where Casey is again
filming and AGAIN totally ignoring Caylee, who is BEGGING for her mom's
attention; in one, Caylee finally gives up and she literally- deliberately-
turns her back on Casey, all the while letting out these pathetic little sighs;
it is absolutely HEARTBREAKING. Everyone keeps labeling ICA a sociopath
and a narcissist, and I agree that she is indeed both. However, there is one
label that, imo, best describes ICA in relation to her child, and that label
is SADIST. She clearly enjoyed making Caylee miserable when no one else was around, when she didn't have to pretend to be "Mother of the Year" :sick:
in front of an "audience." MONSTER!!
PS- Sorry about weird spacing above; this laptop does NOT like me (nor I it, lol!)

Do you have links to those videos? I have never heard about them before.

Also, the more the deeper we get into the trial, the more I feel it was murder. I don't have much of a theory other than deliberate and premeditated. No way could she go about her life like that after an accident. I lost my 20 yo brother in an accident, and there is no way my parents could have hidden their heartbreak like she did. None of us could have. IMO she didn't feel pain. Like YM described, "cold and callous".
Do you have links to those videos? I have never heard about them before.

Also, the more the deeper we get into the trial, the more I feel it was murder. I don't have much of a theory other than deliberate and premeditated. No way could she go about her life like that after an accident. I lost my 20 yo brother in an accident, and there is no way my parents could have hidden their heartbreak like she did. None of us could have. IMO she didn't feel pain. Like YM described, "cold and callous".
Here is an analysis by a doctor of one of the tapes. I saw the actually tape on YouTube and will try and find that link also:

here it is[ame=""][/ame]
Thanks SMK for posting the Strange Breakfast video. Talk about pulling the heartstrings. Caylee Marie was just an angel. God rest her little soul.
Thanks SMK for posting the Strange Breakfast video. Talk about pulling the heartstrings. Caylee Marie was just an angel. God rest her little soul.
Most welcome. I know, really heartbreaking. Poor baby. :( By the way, I LOVE your Kierkegaard quote and clock picture!!!
If Caylee really drowned in the pool, then why is her favorite doll in the car? According to CA, it was her favorite doll. She would have taken it out of the car the moment she got out.

Wow! this is an awesome point, TexasDoll! Why was the doll still in the car...she must have done it in the car!
I don't find the video that creepy. ICA may not like the way her voice sounds recorded. Or she could have just been trying to take video of Caylee just as she is with out prompting her to do anything in particular.
I just had a sickening thought, after watching JVM tonight with her panel including Jane Weintraub, who is a good friend of the Defense, and also LKB, formerly on the Defense team. Of course, they were discussing George and the sexual abuse. Other people asked the same question as to why a sexual abuse victim would allow her father around the baby. LKB, it was mentioned by someone the other night, was on HLN discussing the case, and said, " When the Defense puts on their case, something will come out that will blow up the whole case"

My first "sickening thought", as I wouldn't put it past KC, is she is going to say she found her father abusing Caylee, and this is why they couldn't call 911 and hid the body.

I hope I'm wrong.....
Yes, I see what you are saying. But then why did she not cut the duct tape off before disposing of the body? It would have been easy enough to dispose of it deep in a dumpster somewhere. Had the tape not been found on the body, it would look better for her, no? :waitasec:

I believe the only time Casey actually handled Caylee's body was immediately after death, if even that; meaning she may not even have been dead when put inside the laundry bag, trash bags. I cannot see Casey handling the decomposing remains even a few hours after death to remove duct tape. It was put there to stay on there, in my opinion.

I just had a sickening thought, after watching JVM tonight with her panel including Jane Weintraub, who is a good friend of the Defense, and also LKB, formerly on the Defense team. Of course, they were discussing George and the sexual abuse. Other people asked the same question as to why a sexual abuse victim would allow her father around the baby. LKB, it was mentioned by someone the other night, was on HLN discussing the case, and said, " When the Defense puts on their case, something will come out that will blow up the whole case"

My first "sickening thought", as I wouldn't put it past KC, is she is going to say she found her father abusing Caylee, and this is why they couldn't call 911 and hid the body.

I hope I'm wrong.....

IF they try and say that they will HAVE TO put Casey on the stand.

She will have to tell her 'story' with all of the specifics, and she will be grilled by the state during cross. Also, the jury will already hate her by then. And they will not tend to believe anything she says. We have just seen her tell George what a wonderful Grandfather he was. And an amazing father. Why would she do that if she is in jail and going up on murder charges? If she was so scared of him why not tell the truth about him once she was in jail?

If they try to add even more bombshells they will need to put her up there on the stand. She will be TOAST.
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