Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #7

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I just had a sickening thought, after watching JVM tonight with her panel including Jane Weintraub, who is a good friend of the Defense, and also LKB, formerly on the Defense team. Of course, they were discussing George and the sexual abuse. Other people asked the same question as to why a sexual abuse victim would allow her father around the baby. LKB, it was mentioned by someone the other night, was on HLN discussing the case, and said, " When the Defense puts on their case, something will come out that will blow up the whole case"

My first "sickening thought", as I wouldn't put it past KC, is she is going to say she found her father abusing Caylee, and this is why they couldn't call 911 and hid the body.

I hope I'm wrong.....
Yes, unfortunately, I can picture them using this. George had been sexually abusing Caylee, just as he had done for years with Casey, and Casey had some kind of Stockholm Syndrome which made her cover up for the abuser, and always protect him. (This will also cover why on the jail tapes she expressed total love and trust of her Dad: Stockholm syndrome). So the body had to be hid by Casey and George, lest an autopsy reveal the sexual abuse. And the story of a nanny kidnapping had to be made and stuck to. Of course no one will believe this.
I don't find the video that creepy. ICA may not like the way her voice sounds recorded. Or she could have just been trying to take video of Caylee just as she is with out prompting her to do anything in particular.

I have to agree. I cringe when I hear my voice on a recording, even though others seem to like it. I like to have my kids be themselves when photographing or filming them. One of my favs is of my boys on the floor, working their way up to crawling and making all those cute baby noises.
so where, when and how?

I do not think the child died in the least I pray to god she didn't...

I think she chloroformed the child and broke her neck for good measure, also may have injected her and for sure taped her mouth shut.

I think the prosecution will argue that she premeditated the murder of her child and that she is a dangerous psycopath who should be put to death as she is a danger to society.

she excecuted overkill on her daughter, which indicates a great deal of rage and hatred.

she would handily have killed her whole family , had she not been arrested... I cannot wait for monday....when she walks into the courtroom smiling and laughing.
I think CA and ICA had a big fight Sunday night over things like others have mentioned; ICA partying, not watching CMA, money, lying, etc... and probably threatened to ICA that she would petition for custody of CMA.

Monday the 16th ICA wants to be with her new boyfriend and CMA is hindering from going out like she wants to. ICA makes repeated attempts to call CA to get her to babysit, CA doesn't answer or return calls and ICA gets frustrated and angry. I think she intentionally killed CMA for various reasons: 1. out of anger to get back at her mother 2. CA threatens to take custody of CMA and ICA doesn't want that to happen 3. CMA is getting in the way of ICA lifestyle 4. CMA is also reaching the age where she's capable of telling CA what ICA is really up to and will eventually out ICA about what she's really up to vs. what she tells her parents.

ICA used CMA to control her parents (get money out of them) and killing CMA was the way to get the final say so-to-speak. I think she killed her between 4:30-6:30. Went to hang out with AL and the next day goes home to try to hide the body in the backyard at a time when she knows her parents won't be home. Doesn't work out so she puts her back in the trunk and drives around for a few days before finally dumping the body in the woods close to the house.

I don't know if anybody else noticed the look on her face when she was watching the jailhouse videos and police interviews played in court. She had an evil, angry look, and was scowling while she watched it.
I have written down what I think may have happened. I don't know the details. My account may seem over-simplified, but that's the only way I can express it without succumbing to "not seeing the forest for the trees." Hopefully I can fill those details in for myself as the case continues to evolve.

Casey is a very sick girl. I'm not qualified to provide a psychological/psychiatric diagnosis. The family dynamics are complex. Casey may or may not have been sexually abused as a child. While living with her parents, Casey was able to maintain a facade of motherhood, but by 2008, things were tense in the Anthony home and Caylee had become a problem for Casey. In June of 2008, Casey wanted the lifestyle of her current circle of "friends" and Caylee was in the way, especially considering that TL did not condone having a small child around.

I believe there was a fight between Cindy and Casey on the night of June 15th, which brought previously Googled ideas into immediate focus. On June 16, 2008 Casey chloroformed Caylee to calm her down so she could apply the duct tape, which she placed on her mouth and nose for the purpose of killing her. Casey placed the dead child in the trunk of her car and went about her business, thinking she could put the body somewhere later, but for now, "first things first" so she went to be with Tony.

On the 18th of June, Casey backed the car into the Anthony garage and placed the baby's body in bags which she put in the back yard, then went next door to borrow the shovel from the neighbor. She was planning to bury Caylee in the back yard behind the pool area (GA said the dirt back there had been messed up). She found grave digging to be too hard so she took the shovel back to the neighbor. The cadaver dogs alerted in the back yard because she had laid the bag down in a couple of places (I think some decomp substances got on the outside of the outer bag during the bagging process.) Casey placed the bag back in the trunk and there it stayed until she dumped it down the road. Then she abandoned the car. She might have thought the smell would go away once the body was out of the car. When given the chance to confess to an accident early on, she couldn't because of the duct tape.

[This is my opinion as of 6/4/2011] :banghead:
GA has his share of issues but I think he loved Caylee more than he loved anyone in the whole family and I just can not imagine GA throwing Caylee away like garbage...( we know who could do it )

I just cant see it... nobody except one person is dumb enough to do that..
and we know who that is..
I wonder if KC was planning to torch the car but never found a convenient time/place. Taking GA's gas cans, then practically throwing them in his face when he asked for them back says she really wanted/needed those gas cans for something. And later, she asked Amy to take her to buy gas cans.

I think KC suffocated Caylee in a fit of rage at CA. I think Caylee began fussing about wanting to go home at about the time CA said she could not babysit on 6/16, and KC couldn't get her to stop. Angry at CA for saying no, and angry at Caylee for wanting to be with CeCe and JoJo, KC duct taped Caylee's mouth. This was done to quiet the crying baby and at the same time rip CA's heart to shreds.

I agree with those who believe Caylee's body was placed on the ground in the Anthony yard because KC planned to bury her. I find it odd that she would bury her there of all places but most things about KC are odd, so I believe that's what she intended. Then she found she was not physically able to dig a grave, so the body went back into the trunk and was at the first opportunity disposed of in the woods.
As a mother; it's difficult for me to think of another mother murdering her own child so in trying to forumulate a theory of my own I gravitate toward it being an accident. I know it happens, I know some mothers can and do murder their children, I know in ICA's case there is evidence pointing to premeditation but my just can't "go there". My own theory is a work in progress, I'm still new to websleuthing and trying to find all the records/reports is daunting.

According to phone records ICA stayed up to the wee hours of the morning (6/16) texting/talking on her phone to TL. She was up again (seemingly) before 8-ish am. On June 16th she left the house the baby in tow like GA said around 12:50pm, drove around town texting and talking to TL and friends. When she thought GA was gone from the house she returned back home. Did they actually reach a destination or did they just drive around? Maybe ICA left CA in the car? ICA was running on 4 hrs of sleep and trying to keep up with all these lies and stories, must be exhausting. Not to mention she was constantly on the phone with someone, maybe when they returned home she was on the phone and preoccupied. On a hot summer day in Florida it would not take long for death to occur. According to reports I've read, the skies turned gray late in the afternoon on June 16th and it down poured, maybe even thunder stormed? Could ICA have run out to her car to make sure the windows/sunroof were closed only to discover she left little CA in the car all this time? I always thought that her doll still being in the car was odd since they said it was her favorite and always had it with her. The wrath of her mother caused the cover up, the duct tape was in line with her setting it up as a kidnapping.

Okay, I'll take my best guess:

ICA can't go to Mt. Dora for Father's Day because she knows SP is still PO'd at her. When she comes home CA and Caylee are in the pool. She wants to join them, Cindy says they're getting out, she takes it as rejection. They go in and watch the Mt. Dora video with lots of "oh, grandpa just loved Caylee," and "isn't she cute" and "she was soo well behaved, etc." ICA sees Caylee as usurping her role of "princess" in the family. I think she's been kicking it around for some time, but this night seals it.

Next day she gets ready to go to "work." Says goodbye to GA. Drives around and Caylee falls asleep in the car for an afternoon nap. Parks her car in her usual "stakeout" spot on suburban (later body site), so she can watch for GA's car leaving house at 2:30. Goes back to house. Gets a call from Jesse before she can carry out her plan. Talks for a few minutes, acts like everything is normal. When George beeps in it's a good excuse to get Jesse off the phone. Don't know if there was chloroform involved but I think Caylee was sedated and then suffocated in the bedroom. The original plan was probably to leave her in Jay Blanchard Park or something and make it look like a kidnapping. But she gets too nervous about that and decides to just bury her in the yard. Brings Caylee out and puts her in the playhouse and starts digging, but then it starts to rain. Now what? Goes inside to think. Calls TonE. The storm is only getting worse, so plan B, leave her in the covered sandbox. Frantically calling CA as she pulls out of the driveway to make sure she really is working late. But coast is clear and fun awaits with TonE.

Next day back to the house to figure this situation out. Ugh! neighbor is outside working in his yard. Figures. Asks him to borrow the shovel so she can give him the bamboo root story just in case. Waits and waits for him to go back in his house. The sandbox is worse than she expected. She realizes she needs a garbage bag. It's not easy but she wraps Caylee up and by the time she's done she is sick. She's running out of time again and leaves her there one more day.

The next day there is no more room to play around. She backs up the car and gets the bag and drags it to the trunk. As she is lifting it into the trunk she realizes the bag is ripped. It spills all over her pants and all in the trunk. She is physically sick. She takes a shower and tosses her smelly pants in the trunk so Cindy won't find them. She also adds more garbage bags and the laundry bag.

I think she puts Caylee on Suburban between this day and the 24th before the gas can incident with George. I think at some point she tries to clean the trunk or spray something in it because it smells. I think this is on the 24th or 25th. Because I think when she goes to clean the trunk she removes her 2 pair of shoes and pants from the trunk and throws them in the backseat. She doesn't realize that these items smell as much as the trunk does. This is when her car starts to smell, and only gets worse over those hot Florida days. She thinks the smell is coming from the trunk and no matter how much she cleans it the smell still comes back. (Lady MacBeth, anyone?) She throws the garbage bags in the trunk to disguise it as trash smell and dumps the car.
We know Casey likes to put a little bit of truth into her I am thinking that it is possible that Caylee drowned. Maybe Casey put duct tape over her mouth and threw her in the pool to drown. Thoughts? I am not even sure that I believe this, I am just trying to think outside the box.
Okay, I'll take my best guess:

ICA can't go to Mt. Dora for Father's Day because she knows SP is still PO'd at her. When she comes home CA and Caylee are in the pool. She wants to join them, Cindy says they're getting out, she takes it as rejection. They go in and watch the Mt. Dora video with lots of "oh, grandpa just loved Caylee," and "isn't she cute" and "she was soo well behaved, etc." ICA sees Caylee as usurping her role of "princess" in the family. I think she's been kicking it around for some time, but this night seals it.

Next day she gets ready to go to "work." Says goodbye to GA. Drives around and Caylee falls asleep in the car for an afternoon nap. Parks her car in her usual "stakeout" spot on suburban (later body site), so she can watch for GA's car leaving house at 2:30. Goes back to house. Gets a call from Jesse before she can carry out her plan. Talks for a few minutes, acts like everything is normal. When George beeps in it's a good excuse to get Jesse off the phone. Don't know if there was chloroform involved but I think Caylee was sedated and then suffocated in the bedroom. The original plan was probably to leave her in Jay Blanchard Park or something and make it look like a kidnapping. But she gets too nervous about that and decides to just bury her in the yard. Brings Caylee out and puts her in the playhouse and starts digging, but then it starts to rain. Now what? Goes inside to think. Calls TonE. The storm is only getting worse, so plan B, leave her in the covered sandbox. Frantically calling CA as she pulls out of the driveway to make sure she really is working late. But coast is clear and fun awaits with TonE.

Next day back to the house to figure this situation out. Ugh! neighbor is outside working in his yard. Figures. Asks him to borrow the shovel so she can give him the bamboo root story just in case. Waits and waits for him to go back in his house. The sandbox is worse than she expected. She realizes she needs a garbage bag. It's not easy but she wraps Caylee up and by the time she's done she is sick. She's running out of time again and leaves her there one more day.

The next day there is no more room to play around. She backs up the car and gets the bag and drags it to the trunk. As she is lifting it into the trunk she realizes the bag is ripped. It spills all over her pants and all in the trunk. She is physically sick. She takes a shower and tosses her smelly pants in the trunk so Cindy won't find them. She also adds more garbage bags and the laundry bag.

I think she puts Caylee on Suburban between this day and the 24th before the gas can incident with George. I think at some point she tries to clean the trunk or spray something in it because it smells. I think this is on the 24th or 25th. Because I think when she goes to clean the trunk she removes her 2 pair of shoes and pants from the trunk and throws them in the backseat. She doesn't realize that these items smell as much as the trunk does. This is when her car starts to smell, and only gets worse over those hot Florida days. She thinks the smell is coming from the trunk and no matter how much she cleans it the smell still comes back. (Lady MacBeth, anyone?) She throws the garbage bags in the trunk to disguise it as trash smell and dumps the car.

Good theory Irish_Eyes! The shovel bothers me. There is no trace evidence on it when the state gets it. The neighbor says Casey didn't keep it long, and hadn't ever asked about borrowing a shovel before. Plus, it really sticks out in his mind that she's backed into the garage. Why the heck did she need, or think she needed the shovel?

I thought maybe she was going to try to bury Caylee, but found it was too hard. I think your theory works though. It does sound like something Casey would think is really clever.
I don't know where to post this but this may be an interesting read for many of you here.....

"Puzzling People: The Labyrinth of the Psychopath"
Thomas Sheridan; Paperback; $15.95
I have always believed that Caylee sedated Caylee, somehow (this when she couldn't find a babysitter for her "date" with Tony). When Caylee was asleep, I believe she duct taped her in the trunk, afterall, Cindy would be coming home soon and she had to get out of there. I believe her phone calls, from her car were an attempt to notify her parents that they wouldn't be coming home that night. George and Cindy said that Casey had already told them that, but I'm not sure I believe that or maybe she wanted to make sure they knew so that they wouldn't be calling with lots of questions. When Casey and Tony went to Blockbuster, on that early evening, Casey was confident that Caylee was in the trunk and no longer able to make noises, because she was dead. All my opinion.

To add, if Casey duct taped Caylee at home (in the car), this would explain how she had the duct tape on her at the time.
Perhaps the shovel was not intended to be used as a digging tool but rather a carrying tool. Painful to think about but maybe she used it to transport poor lil caylee (packaged in bags etc.) from the yard to the trunk so she wouldn't have to touch it. If the shovel was used to carry caylee, and at this time nothing was leaking from the bag, then there would be no evidence on the shovel because it would only have come in contact with a garbage bag. Maybe?
Edit:I intended to quote Irish Eyes and Tuffy...I am new at this....
We know Casey likes to put a little bit of truth into her I am thinking that it is possible that Caylee drowned. Maybe Casey put duct tape over her mouth and threw her in the pool to drown. Thoughts? I am not even sure that I believe this, I am just trying to think outside the box.

But the tape wasn't just on her mouth. It was covering her mouth and nose. Caylee couldn't breathe with the tape on. There is no need to throw her in the pool at that point.
Perhaps the shovel was not intended to be used as a digging tool but rather a carrying tool. Painful to think about but maybe she used it to transport poor lil caylee (packaged in bags etc.) from the yard to the trunk so she wouldn't have to touch it. If the shovel was used to carry caylee, and at this time nothing was leaking from the bag, then there would be no evidence on the shovel because it would only have come in contact with a garbage bag. Maybe?
Edit:I intended to quote Irish Eyes and Tuffy...I am new at this....

and also!

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I've heard others theorize about using the shovel to carry Caylee, and I just think that would be too hard. I have a lot of experience landscaping, and I can say its very hard to use a shovel to carry. I think 40 lbs. would be too difficult to maneuver. Perhaps, she intended to do this, and then was unable to once she had the shovel? That would also explain the lack of evidence on the shovel.
But my question is, wouldn't Caylee when duct tape have had use of her hands to instinctively pull the tape off her nose, face? Is there any evidence of her hands being constrained? I ask that honestly, hope it doesn't sound rude. However if you put duct tape on then put her in the pool, her pulling the tape off while trying to swim, that would have been nearly impossible. Awful thing to think about! This theory is welcome to be picked apart. JMO.
Good theory Irish_Eyes! The shovel bothers me. There is no trace evidence on it when the state gets it. The neighbor says Casey didn't keep it long, and hadn't ever asked about borrowing a shovel before. Plus, it really sticks out in his mind that she's backed into the garage. Why the heck did she need, or think she needed the shovel?

I thought maybe she was going to try to bury Caylee, but found it was too hard. I think your theory works though. It does sound like something Casey would think is really clever.

and also!

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I've heard others theorize about using the shovel to carry Caylee, and I just think that would be too hard. I have a lot of experience landscaping, and I can say its very hard to use a shovel to carry. I think 40 lbs. would be too difficult to maneuver. Perhaps, she intended to do this, and then was unable to once she had the shovel? That would also explain the lack of evidence on the shovel.

Glad to be here with you sleuths! Thanks!
I imagine you are right, that would be very hard to carry and when she realized that, the plan was abandoned. evidence on shovel then.
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