Theories on what happened to Haleigh #2

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the odds are remote....but wouldn't it be great if she was in the remote Everglades or somewhere......just without a care, alive and well

The odds are remote, but miracles do happen. Besides, this is a strange, strange case. Nothing normal at all.

Let's look at a few things that I can think of off the top of my head.

~ Something was allegedly taken out of the home that HaLeigh would "need"

~ Tim Miller was asked to leave (LE denies that - who knows what is true)

~ Tim Miller said "things are not what they seem" & "HaLeigh is not here"

~ In the April 28th article AH wrote, Capt. Dominic Piscatello (Chief of Major Crimes, PCSO) stated that "Based on what we've learned, I'm holding out hope. -snip- Everyone had written her off as dead. We’re not ready to write off Haleigh.”

~Kim Picazio stated something similar about things they have learned leading them to believe HaLeigh is alive on May 8th:

KIM PICAZIO, ATTORNEY FOR CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD (via telephone): I have heard those reports as well which is giving me signs of encouragement. I do know -- I`ve met with the law enforcement. We have heard a few things maybe that would give them some hope that she would be alive.

If you add all those things up, it just paints a hinky picture. Especially when there is no evidence at all (at least none that we know of) that HaLeigh is deceased. I choose to believe that HaLeigh is alive and hidden. I don't want to give up on her. I pray that this case will be turned over to the FDLE or even better, the FBI. IMO, the PCSO is in over their head. I realize that FDLE and the FBI are consulting, but they are not leading the case.
Thanks, TG~ Maybe I was mistaken about the nursing home type place. I guess I could have taken talk of the "retirement" community wrong. They have "shut ins" which could mean people do die of natural causes.

We also saw a lot of household goods (chairs, furniture, etc.) coming out of the dumpster. If it came from a home where there had been a dead body...the dogs could still make a positive hit. Hmmm...
The odds are remote, but miracles do happen. Besides, this is a strange, strange case. Nothing normal at all.

Let's look at a few things that I can think of off the top of my head.

~ Something was allegedly taken out of the home that HaLeigh would "need"

~ Tim Miller was asked to leave (LE denies that - who knows what is true)

~ Tim Miller said "things are not what they seem" & "HaLeigh is not here"

~ In the April 28th article AH wrote, Capt. Dominic Piscatello (Chief of Major Crimes, PCSO) stated that "Based on what we've learned, I'm holding out hope. -snip- Everyone had written her off as dead. We’re not ready to write off Haleigh.”

~Kim Picazio stated something similar about things they have learned leading them to believe HaLeigh is alive on May 8th:

KIM PICAZIO, ATTORNEY FOR CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD (via telephone): I have heard those reports as well which is giving me signs of encouragement. I do know -- I`ve met with the law enforcement. We have heard a few things maybe that would give them some hope that she would be alive.

If you add all those things up, it just paints a hinky picture. Especially when there is no evidence at all (at least none that we know of) that HaLeigh is deceased. I choose to believe that HaLeigh is alive and hidden. I don't want to give up on her. I pray that this case will be turned over to the FDLE or even better, the FBI. IMO, the PCSO is in over their head. I realize that FDLE and the FBI are consulting, but they are not leading the case.
All I know is one minute we hear Haleigh is possibly ok and the last we hear they are using heavy equipment and spending alot of time,money?and energy digging up a dead horse to see if Haleigh is there.I want to know if they thought she was alive why they did this to see if she was dead.:confused:It did lead Haleigh wasn't there.Absolutely nothing.I do hope and pray they are looking both ways for Haleigh and I still pray they are really still looking for this sweet little girl.
JMO I think that was done as they were shamed publically, and to make it look as if they were thorough. Failed miserably imo.
I am very interested in this Abanoned house in fruitland they brought crystal to.The video said it was february 23?Isn't that when the cadaver dogs came.I am very curious of what they found.
I know there was a poster who said WS had already discussed the time frame for a cadaver dog recognizing a "death scent", but I found an interesting study that was done in 1997 using corpses from 70 minutes to 3 days old.
Here is the link:

The results were: The shortest post-mortem interval for which we received a correct response was one hour and 25 minutes. However, the post-mortem interval for which we received a consistently correct response from all dogs involved is 2.5 - 3 hours.

Since I don't personally know, I am going by this as well as the handlers in the Madelaine McCann case that said at least 2 hours before dogs can differentiate life from death scents.

That would give the Cummings clan at LEAST an hour to remove the body from the MH. If someone has a link that states minutes instead of hours before the scent can be detected, I would love to read it.
I dont think Misty remembered what Haleigh had on when she went to bed. I think she was just guessing. There are times when I dress my kids send them off to school and hours later try and remember what they were wearing and cant for the life of
The only way I would know for sure is if I went through their clothes drawers.
So I'm not sure that the shirt is relavent or not. If you take it out of the equation it can change a whole lot of thoughts. :)
Misty also said that she went to bed around 10- 10:30 I wonder if that might be the time she may have left the house thinking the kids where asleep well enough to make a quick run somewhere.
I still get stuck on the woman who heard yelling around 2:10 am in the morning, I still think this is when Misty discovered Haleigh was missing wether she was home or not. I still cant bring myself to see that either Misty or Ron did something to Haleigh, I try but I cant get the pieces to fit just yet. I can't see it in Ron's manner, but look at Drew Peterson he just goes on like its just another day :eek:. That being said I havent ruled them out either just looking at different scenarios. :crazy:
I know there was a poster who said WS had already discussed the time frame for a cadaver dog recognizing a "death scent", but I found an interesting study that was done in 1997 using corpses from 70 minutes to 3 days old.
Here is the link:

The results were: The shortest post-mortem interval for which we received a correct response was one hour and 25 minutes. However, the post-mortem interval for which we received a consistently correct response from all dogs involved is 2.5 - 3 hours.

Since I don't personally know, I am going by this as well as the handlers in the Madelaine McCann case that said at least 2 hours before dogs can differentiate life from death scents.

That would give the Cummings clan at LEAST an hour to remove the body from the MH. If someone has a link that states minutes instead of hours before the scent can be detected, I would love to read it.
Thanks, I will go read up on what you found. I believe the information I mentioned came from the Body Farm, but I will have to track it down. We have this question come up on almost every case. I do know on the Kesse case we found that WS has some dog handlers/trainers here which were very helpful in answering our questions.

I am putting together a thread on the Lindsey Baum case in WA about SAR/Cadaver dogs for future reference. I will include what you found. :)
Here is what always comes back for me:

Fight with cousin Jo , Jo statement " Ronald will get what's coming to him"

Ron denying fight happened
Back door being bricked
Constant talk on how the back door is always locked
No talk of front door
Kitchen light left on
Man in Black, with squeaky shoes
Van being moved with apparent damage same night as Haleigh is missing
Yelling heard at 2:10 am from around MH
LE tip Misty was not home
Three day party binge

There is more just these here that I can think of now.
May I add to your list...

The wedding while they are looking for Haleigh
Not remembering if the kids were in the bed or in different beds
PJ's, short, pink shirt
Radio transmission remark
brick a back door, so it don't slam and wake anyone, but turn on a light
Didn't bring a flash light, but tools to bump a lock
full moon and 2 sky lights, but needed to turn on a light
BYOB kidnapping Bring Your Own Brick
the floors in the MH squeeked
Haleigh did cry out, as she was lifted from the floor mattress, her shirt removed, lights on in kitchen and the door bricked. What was she think about all of this? Oh, they took time to go to her bedroom and take a inhaler or what ever was kept on the night stand for her.
the van was damaged, parked in different spot
Misty's blanket was in the van
Woke up at 3
Waited for RC to come home by 3:25

I guess that's it for me
I've just got one to add:

The Amber Alert was updated 2x. However, an accurate clothing description was not included. Couldn't the family have examined Haleigh's clothing and noted what was missing ?
Marty moving out of State (I would be mad if my dad moved out of State while my child was missing; I would need him for support) but I don't know what kind of relationship the two of them had.... but I still put it on the list:confused:
What if JS was really mad at Ron, thinking he ruined his daughter's life, she was about to go to jail for back support and he didn't trust Ron with Haleigh, For what ever reasons...

I would take some planning, but she could be in another State. I know we can't sleuth the wife's side of the family, but if THEY had any money or means to hide her out, that would be another avenue for LE. That is a whole other circle of people Haleigh came into. Just thinking out loud
Ok.I'm rereading everything again.I watched C's mom speaks interview again.Apparantly there was a movie in the player when MC woke up.Her mm and another girl said on the interview it was snow buddies.MC says herself in another video she put them in different rooms.JR was in the living room watching medagascan and Haleigh was watching Airbud in the bedroom.MC's mom said Haleigh must have changed the movie while misty was sleeping?It's just strange she didn't hear or wake up at all to anything.If that is what happened.
Ok.I'm rereading everything again.I watched C's mom speaks interview again.Apparantly there was a movie in the player when MC woke up.Her mm and another girl said on the interview it was snow buddies.MC says herself in another video she put them in different rooms.JR was in the living room watching medagascan and Haleigh was watching Airbud in the bedroom.MC's mom said MC?said maybe Haleigh changed the movie?I don't know if Haleigh was suppose to wake in the middle of the night to do this?It's just strange she didn't hear or wake up at all to anything.If that is what happened.

Yes this should be on the list too. I remember that LE took a CD that night, I do believe it was the movie.
Yes this should be on the list too. I remember that LE took a CD that night, I do believe it was the movie.
Ok,I reworded that.At first I thought she said no movie.Here it says it is a different movie.

Ok.I'm rereading everything again.I watched C's mom speaks interview again.Apparantly there was a movie in the player when MC woke up.Her mm and another girl said on the interview it was snow buddies.MC says herself in another video she put them in different rooms.JR was in the living room watching medagascan and Haleigh was watching Airbud in the bedroom.MC's mom said Haleigh must have changed the movie while misty was sleeping?It's just strange she didn't hear or wake up at all to anything.If that is what happened.
I've just got one to add:

The Amber Alert was updated 2x. However, an accurate clothing description was not included. Couldn't the family have examined Haleigh's clothing and noted what was missing ?
Didn't MC say Haleigh was in pajamas?Did they find what they looked like or find them?
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