Theories on What Happened to Zahra

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I would like to know where the poster is that knew Adam when he was younger. That person may be able to tell us things about Zahra's life in OZ. I started a thread about her life BEFORE EB but there has been no info added. It would be nice to know more about Zahra and Adam.

No confirmation yet on that poster?
I thought I had it figured out in my mind what had basically happened but after tlooking at that house Im not so sure anymore. Id really like to see pics of AB n EBs bedroom and of course the off limits 3rd bedroom. Im more inclined now to think what ever happened in that 3rd room did have something to do with her death. Im wondering if they didnt have some sort of sex chamber or torture chamber in that room. If so my whole theory went right out the window. Ive always thought AB was innocent in the killing and cover up but guilty of neglect. Now Im not so sure. I want to know more about that other bedroom. JMO
i do not know what happened and all reasons from other members seem just as plausable as the next. I think though that AB was oblivious to anything happening, some men are just that way and he seems to fit that role in my head. I believe he knows what happened but that was after the fact and in a way it ties him into the plot of Zahra's disappearence.

Either way i hope that LE knows what has happened and charges EB and/or AB with any crimes they have committed.

I must very respectfully disagree with the idea that AB was "oblivious" to the abuse of Zahra. A black eye & swollen face is hardly something one could be oblivious to!
Oblivious? Definitely NOT! Negligent? Definitely YES!
AB & EB are equally responsible in the death & disposal of Zahra!
I thought I had it figured out in my mind what had basically happened but after tlooking at that house Im not so sure anymore. Id really like to see pics of AB n EBs bedroom and of course the off limits 3rd bedroom. Im more inclined now to think what ever happened in that 3rd room did have something to do with her death. Im wondering if they didnt have some sort of sex chamber or torture chamber in that room. If so my whole theory went right out the window. Ive always thought AB was innocent in the killing and cover up but guilty of neglect. Now Im not so sure. I want to know more about that other bedroom. JMO

I must have missed the mention of the "3rd bedroom" there a link to that info?
EB wants to be a vampire, I hope she wasn't practicing her "vampire skills" on Zahra.

Zahra was coming into being her own person and EB was simply not willing to let that happen. When Zahra said no to something, EB lost it and threw her leg at her. It caused a gash- a profusely bleeding head wound, that needed stitches. But rather than have the hospital find out what happened, they first tried to stop it in the bathroom. Then when it wouldn't stop they didn't know what to do so they let her bleed to death.

A worse theory I have, also involving profuse unstoppable bleeding, is too unthinkable and yet doesn't leave my mind. I'll leave it at that.
Just thinking: if EB was forcing Zahra to run up and down the hill on a prosthesis that was too small for her leg, is it possible that she acquired lesions that were not treated and then gangrene set in? I know it's far fetched but I'm not going to discount negligence on the part of both parents. I also think they just locked her up in her room and completely neglected her.

Other things I have noticed:

1: In the jailhouse letters, Elise writes that WE didn't really kill her and that she found Zahra dead. This statement tells us that she is implicated directly, otherwise why write "WE"?

2: In the 911 call, AB claims that "THEY" took the leg. It's a set up to go along with the ransom note. He is not considering any other possibility other that some people or person has abducted Zahra. I believe this to be a script/story that he had some time to develop.
I think Z died from neglect. I think she was sick; either from recurrence of cancer or sepsis from an ill-fitting prosthetic.

They left her in her room, sick and dying. They did not seek medical treatment for her because they didn't want anyone nosing around (imo, because AB is here illegally and also both had warrants out). So, they let her be sick. When she died, they couldn't call authorities because they do prosecute parents who do not get medical treatment for their kids in the US. And also the previous problems; illegal, warrants.

So, they disposed of Z and made up this cockamamie story to explain why Z was gone.

All MOO.

I agree with this idea.
Sorry, I posted my thoughts before reading the thread at all and I see that many people think that blood poisoning may have occurred because of her ill-fitting prosthesis. This is my main idea, although I also believe sexual and physical abuse could be factors as well.

This girl was neglected and she was being hidden purposefully for a few reasons IMO. She was pulled from school and "home schooled" (proven as a lie, from what I remember) since it could be easier for her biomom to track her down in a public school system. She had injuries and bruising so keeping her at home would cause less people to notice this and start asking too many questions.

In the 911 call: if AB tells the 911 dispatcher that they took her leg, then I really feel that AB planted that prosthesis where it was found so that he could lead LE investigators in the wrong direction. Because it was found off of a road, I'm suspicious. Why would it be found there? It seems to be too easy to find, IMO, even though LE didn't find it right away. JMO
I must have missed the mention of the "3rd bedroom" there a link to that info?

I am new here and hope this post is done properly. I have read here for a while and decided to post a thought I had. I have read most everything related to Zahra here and hope I didn't miss anything on this, but did some reading on paganism and there were some "coming of age" rituals performed - for girls it is done at first menses. Does anyone think there may have been a ritual performed that went horribly wrong? I remember AB on the 911 call remarking that Zahra was in puberty - a bizarre thing to say on that call unless he knew it had something to do with what happened to her.
Hi folks - ALL reference to IMVU are to remain in the Parking Lot until further notice.

in ref. to the painting in the bathroom....wonder how long that black paint had been up there...peeled away nicely...

I think that was mainly due to the type of paint vs. surface painted on. It didn't work!
This case is beyond my reasoning. I started sleuthing with Trenton,but this one has me beat. I can only hope it was a soft kill, but my heart tells me it was a slow terrible torture.
Bless you sweet darling.
My gut feeling when I see the father is that he was definitely involved in the whole thing. Seeing him makes me want to puke. No sorrow, no remorse. He always slithers away from the camera and reporters. His immediate response of trying to distance himself from his wife is like that of a partner in crime. I loathe this man.
My gut feeling when I see the father is that he was definitely involved in the whole thing. Seeing him makes me want to puke. No sorrow, no remorse. He always slithers away from the camera and reporters. His immediate response of trying to distance himself from his wife is like that of a partner in crime. I loathe this man.


"Slithers" ! That's exactly the word I was grasping for to describe my feelings about 911 call, media interview, etc.. Everything about him just screams "slimey" to me. In short, he makes my skin crawl.

Does anyone know what games EB and AB were so into?
I, too, find it a little too coincidental that bio mum found Z right before she vanished. How sad.
i dunno, i think either the dad let her be sick and she died or the step-mother abused her and she died. either way both are guilty as heck. i think the dad disposed of the body.
Just speculating here

1) EB told her cousin she was "afraid to call 911" because CPS had already been called to the home. This leads me to believe that EB was more afraid of CPS finding out and confirming little Zahra was indeed enduring severe neglect and/or abuse. If EB was more "afraid" of CPS finding out than she was "afraid" of Zahra dying, she would be motivated to continue allowing Zahra to die (as would AB).
2) If AB was working for the past 6 months, I would then believe EB was in care, custody and control of Zahra for most of Zahra's awake hours. I bring this up because I am still startled by how much weight EB appears to have lost since the May 2010 hearing aide video. Therefore, I contend that if EB wasn't eating regularly - I doubt Zahra was eating well regularly (as I am assuming EB would be in total control over what and when Zahra ate during the daytime hours).
3) If previous CPS involvement was in or around May 2010, I would think that the only reason AB and EB took Zahra out of school to "homeschool" her would have something to do with a referral to CPS for medical and/or educational neglect (ie: EB following through with obtaining the free hearing aides) right around the same time period. Often when CPS gets involved with families, they will work with the schools and local community resources to help meet the child's needs. I personally believe the family moved and kept Zahra out of school so that there would be no eyes on this child. They could isolate Zahra from friends, family, and caring 3rd parties who might look out for the best interest of the child.
3) Systemic organ failure can look like someone is suffering from a virus.
4) No medical treatment, no schooling, inappropriate nutrition, punitative parenting (making Zahra run up and down the hill despite the pain, forcing Zahra to learn to run before riding a bicycle), and not to mention AB's statement that Zahra was "brooding" and when she is sick - he just leaves her alone. I am positive that he was not the "nurturing parent" during Zahra's cancer struggles and pain. I believe AB left all of the nurturing and parenting to his Mother and when he married - he left it to the evil Step-Mother (who had no emotional attachment to this disabled child).
4) After allowing Zahra to die, AB & EB went into major coverup mode.
5) Zahra's bio-Mom claims she found Zahra 3 days before she was reported missing. I believe AB found out ED was trying to gain contact with his already (or nearly) deceased daughter - he had to have an excuse for Zahra not being there should someone begin an investigation. Keep in mind, there were no other eyes on Zahra. She had moved from the trailer she had friends on the street and neighbors saw her. She had been taken out of school. We have no mention of Zahra playing with neighbor children @ the 21st street address or even being seen at the property by neighbors (to my knowledge). The only "eyes" looking for Zahra was her bio-Mom, 3 days before she was reported missing. Not even EB's Father, who knew of Zahra existence, was in contact with this family. I think this is the reason they even reported a child missing, otherwise they would have continued on with life, because no one was checking in on Zahra. (Maybe AB's mother might have inquired about her).

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