Theories: Who and Why?

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This case is haunting. I now believe that teens have committed this horrendous crime. My reasoning is simple.

I live in a rural mountain region, population very small. A lot of young males and females shoot weapons. Target practicing is not unusual.

If an adult had committed these murders, they would have shot them both just once. Experienced hunters would know how to kill.

The first time, inexperienced predator would riddle with bullets to ensure his prey is not getting up. This is my theory.

And, shooting these girls many times would have allowed a lot of disturbance among residents in this community. Kids would not consider someone hearing the shots.

Adults would not have shot more than two times! :waitasec:

Well done. I agree. It reeks of teens on a spree. Someone is protecting them, as well.
Okay, great thread and it's going to take me some time to get through it, so if I'm stepping on toes, I apologize in advance.

I just read the first post and now I'm checking out the last page to get a sense of how far I have to go. gulp Long journey.

But I did notice something right off that has me puzzled, and if it's already a done deal, I'll find it here eventually...after cooking, cleaning, and lying in a food-induced coma for a few just ignore me.

I'm not aware of what the "issues" are about the parents of one child being a big mystery, but I'd bet a lot that LE knows all about both, has contacted them or tried or is trying. Of course it's important to know all LE can learn about them, their relationship to the child, their friends and enemies, etc. You have two brutally murdered children and no obvious suspects: you aren't going to close doors to ANYONE in the inner circle until you KNOW they have been eliminated completely. Parents are as INNER CIRCLE as it gets. If these parents are so unstable or questionable they're not even able to be revealed to the public, I'd be all OVER them if I was LE and investigating this case. NO WAY LE hasn't or isn't working them as suspects or the link to the killers, especially if there is some kind of biker or criminal connection. That's a given, IMO.

Well, that's my two cents and worth less on this. I'll keep reading and hopefully I haven't upset anyone.
Okay, great thread and it's going to take me some time to get through it, so if I'm stepping on toes, I apologize in advance.

I just read the first post and now I'm checking out the last page to get a sense of how far I have to go. gulp Long journey.

But I did notice something right off that has me puzzled, and if it's already a done deal, I'll find it here eventually...after cooking, cleaning, and lying in a food-induced coma for a few just ignore me.

I'm not aware of what the "issues" are about the parents of one child being a big mystery, but I'd bet a lot that LE knows all about both, has contacted them or tried or is trying. Of course it's important to know all LE can learn about them, their relationship to the child, their friends and enemies, etc. You have two brutally murdered children and no obvious suspects: you aren't going to close doors to ANYONE in the inner circle until you KNOW they have been eliminated completely. Parents are as INNER CIRCLE as it gets. If these parents are so unstable or questionable they're not even able to be revealed to the public, I'd be all OVER them if I was LE and investigating this case. NO WAY LE hasn't or isn't working them as suspects or the link to the killers, especially if there is some kind of biker or criminal connection. That's a given, IMO.

Well, that's my two cents and worth less on this. I'll keep reading and hopefully I haven't upset anyone.

Hi, KK - first of all - don't worry about upsetting anyone on this thread. We all have very thick skins and welcome all thought, ideas, theories. Thank you for reading about the story of these girls and being concerned enough to ask questions.

I need clarification - I'm sure this is confusing since you haven't followed from the beginning - but, are you referring to the parents of one of the victims?
From what I've read, the stomach empties in even as little as one hour, depending on what was eaten. Fruit, for example, like pineapple on an empty stomach, can digest in one to two hours. A routine meal empties in 3 to four hours average. That's why we get hungry in that amount of time. Breakfast; lunch; dinner; all in twelve hours or less, depending on your lifestyle, with snacks in between.

But one girl was said to be a little undernourished at her autopsy--Skyla? She could have been a finicky eater, maybe had been sick, etc.

One thing, and I'm sure y'all have discussed this so don't worry if you don't want to respond, I'll find it: one of the families had a member convicted of murder before? A brother of one of the girls? That I'd be looking at very carefully if I were LE. Because this shooting seems to be such a deliberate, calculated killing, it actually seems like a hit. But on two unrelated girls? This would be something less "organized" than a criminal organization, in that respect, more like "payback" from someone really ruthless. That person would have a reputation if from a small community, I'd think. People would know right off this person should be front and center in the investigation.

If the local LE is in on the cover up, the chances of this case being solved are slim to none.
Hi, KK - first of all - don't worry about upsetting anyone on this thread. We all have very thick skins and welcome all thought, ideas, theories. Thank you for reading about the story of these girls and being concerned enough to ask questions.

I need clarification - I'm sure this is confusing since you haven't followed from the beginning - but, are you referring to the parents of one of the victims?

Oh good, because I have gotten on a few nerves before.

There are a few posts about the "bio" parents being unknown, in the last page here?

Here is one quoting another:

Registered User Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Nestled Deep in Southern Hospitality
Posts: 3,279

Originally Posted by Letsthink
Why the secret about who's T's bio-parents ?

Could they be in the 'witness protection program' or members of a motorcycle gang or possibly in prison? ? even IF they are, why the secret??

where are both parents? Why are both parents a secret, why not just one?

Were they at T's funeral? IF not, it must be something really 'mind blowing'......jmo

We sure would like to know but I don't think it has anything to do with the murders of the girls.

It really is a private matter and out of respect for Taylor who was always been raised by Vicki and Peter, calling them mother and daddy, I think that is the reason why it has never been released. I would guess one of the parents is a child of Vicki and Peter.

Even Agent Rosser calls Pete Placker Taylor's father.

But IMO OSBI does know who the real parents are and have investigated that and found no link to the crime.

Thanks for your help on this.
KoldKase, I appreciate your input! :)

Oh, I'm always happy to discuss cases to keep them alive, though I can't do much except work the evidence we actually know and brainstorm while we wait for LE to get their game on.

These killers have to be caught. That's all there is to it. HAVE TO.
I have spent a lot of time looking at the JonBenet case also. In that case it appears the DA and phone calls between people who are just so much more important than us shut that case down. I can't figure out what is going on with this case yet but I have reached the conclusion something isn't right.

I guess where I am at right now regarding these murders is that there is more to this story than we have been told. When something happens and everything is clean and straight forward, that is how the incident is reported. This case has never been that way.

I will give an example.

Locally, we had two people killed while hunting. In the one accident some guys were driving in a vehicle, a gun went off, hit one of the guys and he died at the hospital. The accident was straight forward and it was reported that way.

In the other case, we have a very different story. The newspaper first reports a girl was killed in a hunting accident, no name was released. A day goes by and no more information is released. On the third day an obituary appears in the newpaper and it says she died as the result of a hunting accident. On the fourth day a short article in the newpaper says the girl who died while hunting, died as a result of suicide. The newspaper never did print her name.

My point with this is that in this second case, we knew something wasn't right by day two of this story just by seeing how the story was being reported and not reported.

In the case of these murdered girls, it is hard to get a good feel for what is going on since I am hundreds of miles away but too many things don't feel right to me. I don't like the families reaction, I don't like the way the story is being reported, I don't like the reaction of the locals, and I don't like what we hear from law enforcement.

I don't like the fact strangers scattered across the country seem more bothered by this crime then people who live in the area.
Hi Albert! The locals are very concerned, and at this point they are very uneasy and frightened. We know more about this case than many locals, because LE has shared very little with them. I think the true breakdown there is with LE.

My faith has been renewed again.

They finally found the murderer of Brianna Dennison.

So I think OSBI will eventually solve this case one day too.
My faith has been renewed again.

They finally found the murderer of Brianna Dennison.

So I think OSBI will eventually solve this case one day too.

Thank you, ocean, for the news on Bri. In a way, the news is so awesome, but yet, so sad.
Took two years to find the killer of Coralrose Fullwood, too. I just have to keep telling myself to be patient, as hard as that is sometimes... :)
Yes, but in these other cases you have the crime and that is all. In this case you have the crime and then a very odd investigation.
Hi Albert! I have missed you posting on here. Glad to see you. I always value your prospective.
Hi everyone else too!

I think the locals are scared and won't talk. I think they have ideas/knowledge about who did this and are too scared to talk. From what I hear they don't even talk about it amongst themselves.
I guess I don't blame them. It's easy to be brave from 900 miles away.

I am still stuck on the glock. That's what every cop carries. Was a cop involved? I keep coming back to that.
Yes, but in these other cases you have the crime and that is all. In this case you have the crime and then a very odd investigation.

A very odd investigation, indeed, Albert! You said a mouthful!

AZGG, I often wonder about the Glock myself!
Yes, but in these other cases you have the crime and that is all. In this case you have the crime and then a very odd investigation.

Hi, Albert...I couldn't agree more. It has seemed to me that local LE felt certain they knew who did this early on and went so far as to say they had suspects.

Then, all LE became quite evasive, had no suspects and released nothing (except a portion of a 911 call). I have always believed something happened in the first 48 hours that messed everything up. I wonder if they were certain who committed the murders and failed to secure the scene and lost crucial evidence.
Hi, Albert...I couldn't agree more. It has seemed to me that local LE felt certain they knew who did this early on and went so far as to say they had suspects.

Then, all LE became quite evasive, had no suspects and released nothing (except a portion of a 911 call). I have always believed something happened in the first 48 hours that messed everything up. I wonder if they were certain who committed the murders and failed to secure the scene and lost crucial evidence.

Boots I always go back to the an interview with Sheriff Jack Coates, he says they have suspects. The following day, OSBI does a press conference and there are no suspects and the Sheriff is never heard or seen from again. I think OSBI put a stop to that real quick.
Boots I always go back to the an interview with Sheriff Jack Coates, he says they have suspects. The following day, OSBI does a press conference and there are no suspects and the Sheriff is never heard or seen from again. I think OSBI put a stop to that real quick.

Hi, Lauren...hope you're having a wonderful day...

Yep, this is my recollection of the events as well. Just strange is all I have to say!
Hi, Albert...I couldn't agree more. It has seemed to me that local LE felt certain they knew who did this early on and went so far as to say they had suspects.

Then, all LE became quite evasive, had no suspects and released nothing (except a portion of a 911 call). I have always believed something happened in the first 48 hours that messed everything up. I wonder if they were certain who committed the murders and failed to secure the scene and lost crucial evidence.

I'm not sure that was the case but they may have jumped just on suspicion alone without realizing they had to prove it with evidence first. They probably thought that the evidence would be found at the crime scene they needed. This was just a very emotional case right from the start.

But if and when this case is solved, I do think the suspects will be the ones they had in their sights on way back then.

I'm not sure that was the case but they may have jumped just on suspicion alone without realizing they had to prove it with evidence first. They probably thought that the evidence would be found at the crime scene they needed. This was just a very emotional case right from the start.

But if and when this case is solved, I do think the suspects will be the ones they had in their sights on way back then.


My bold...

I think this could certainly be what happened, Ocean!

Second comment: It is my understanding that LE has interviewed some of the locals up to 5 times and continue to watch, what I perceive, to be the same group(s) of individuals. They haven't "cast their nets" very far from "shore" either, have they?

Off topic...hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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