Theories: Who and Why?

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Hi ClayCat. While reviewing cold case files on the NG website, I found an old article that described the bridge as 'a popular gathering place'. I have read this several times. Is there any info on what it was popular for? If it were that popular, do they know who the regulars are that visit this location?
Look at Van der Sloot....even parents who aren't connected like his could stymie an investigation by providing an alibi that is tough to break.
Hi ClayCat. While reviewing cold case files on the NG website, I found an old article that described the bridge as 'a popular gathering place'. I have read this several times. Is there any info on what it was popular for? If it were that popular, do they know who the regulars are that visit this location?

You know, after visiting that bridge, the only way anyone could hang out at the bridge would be to park on it. Getting down to the water beneath would be quite a chore. I guess they could park there to drink beer or ???

I had read that also. They have probably talked to anyone who hung out there, but I don't know that for sure.
Hi Lilacwine! Thanks for posting! I definitely believe they are young, or at least one of them is, so you have a good point! One of the young men who is a possible suspect had a restraining order against him by his parents. I don't think they have enough evidence against him yet. I think they are waiting for someone else to talk. I think several of the young people know more than they are saying, but they are afraid! I could certainly see parents covering for them. Look at the Anthonys!

The more this goes on the more I believe this is a case of a parent covering something up. No parent would turn their child in for a reward, even if it was over $30,000. I just hope they realize that if their child could do this to two innocent children for no apparent reason, then they are capable of doing the same to them.
In this case, I don't think a parent is covering up. I think the young people are covering it up. I think there are several of them who know far more than they have told.

Rumor is, a suspect's mother told the OSBI about the text message that was sent out, the one that said, "It was like shooting dogs."

I believe there is a wall of silence, most likely fear motivated. I believe they are afraid of the POI. I think Weleeka1 said it well when he talked about absolute protection of the source.
Claycat, this feels so on the money to me... "It was like shooting dogs." It just feels like it is what happend. Someone will crack... People love to brag, like the message that was sent out. Someone will talk, if just to show how cool, hip, and in they are. Or, some gf or bf will get mad at their other and talk to get them in trouble...
if i put this in the wrong place just let me know. i've been reading and reading, and i just remembered what i heard that sounded odd to me. a paramedic on the scene said that there was hardly any blood. that seemed odd to me, seems like there would be alot of blood.
if i put this in the wrong place just let me know. i've been reading and reading, and i just remembered what i heard that sounded odd to me. a paramedic on the scene said that there was hardly any blood. that seemed odd to me, seems like there would be alot of blood.

I thought I remembered reading that! That seemed odd to me, too. That spurred a theory that they might have been killed elsewhere and moved, so I think this is a good place to put that.
I thought I remembered reading that! That seemed odd to me, too. That spurred a theory that they might have been killed elsewhere and moved, so I think this is a good place to put that.
I think the girls's bodies may have been dragged (because of abrasions described in autopsy report)Dragged from the back of a truck to the spot they were discovered at maybe?THe lack of blood suggests that the girls's demise was quick.You gotta have a blood pressure/beating heart in order to bleed.The ME would have known if either girl had bleed out/lost alot of blood before dying.Also if enough time had elapsed for livor mortis to set in ,ME would known if the bodies were moved. Maybe this is why OSBI says the girl's were murdered where they were found.Still...the abrasions really make me wonder.
a paramedic on the scene said that there was very little blood you would of thought that there would be alot of blood. this is just a rumor, i don't know if true or not, but this person that i heard from said it was heard from the paramedics friend.
I was reviewing some of the tributes and other media links that were posted. There was a drawing by Bruce?? that was in a Tulsa newspaper. It's a picutre of the two girls walking over the hill into the sunset holding hands. If you click the link to the paper, it shows readers comments that were made online. One comment was made about the 'PERSON who did this' . . with 'person' being in all caps. Another comment was made by a reader that was concerned because the new sketch looked more like a Native American and less like the 'sex offender' that had moved into the neighborhood. It also commented that they 'didn't want the neighbors to scream when they found out that 4 new sex offenders had moved into' their town and they weren't warned. Since I am fairly new to this thread (I have read most of it but may have missed something) has this been discussed before? The 'person' being in all caps caught my attention more than the last comment made about sex offenders, mostly because this crime didn't seem to have a sexual nature.
I was reviewing some of the tributes and other media links that were posted. There was a drawing by Bruce?? that was in a Tulsa newspaper. It's a picutre of the two girls walking over the hill into the sunset holding hands. If you click the link to the paper, it shows readers comments that were made online. One comment was made about the 'PERSON who did this' . . with 'person' being in all caps. Another comment was made by a reader that was concerned because the new sketch looked more like a Native American and less like the 'sex offender' that had moved into the neighborhood. It also commented that they 'didn't want the neighbors to scream when they found out that 4 new sex offenders had moved into' their town and they weren't warned. Since I am fairly new to this thread (I have read most of it but may have missed something) has this been discussed before? The 'person' being in all caps caught my attention more than the last comment made about sex offenders, mostly because this crime didn't seem to have a sexual nature.
Very astute observation, Houndacres!! I had seen that image many times (very, very well done but heartbreaking at the same time), but I hadn't read the comments. Sure does make me wonder!

a paramedic on the scene said that there was very Little Blood you would of thought that there would be alot of blood.

this is just a rumor, i don't know if true or not, but this person that i heard from said it was heard from the paramedics friend......

teachmehow...Interesting rumor...
Being shot with a .40 cal Glock pistol should make anyone bleed a lot unless they are already dead or have very little heart beat, when shot with the .40 cal gun..
I would think there would be enough blood on the cloths that PP would not want to reach in Taylors pocket to retrieve a cell phone or anything..
Mysterylover, I remember reading that post months ago and there never was any follow up on it.
Personally, I do not believe there was anything sexual going on between one of the girls and an older person.

I find Claudia's comment very interesting, but what is more interesting is how she has remained quiet since right after the murders.

First, she was all over the place, now you can't find one quote, interview, nothing. I find that odd. You would think that the family would want to keep this in the forefront......

Lauren....No one wants to believe an innocent child is ever sexually abused, but it's important to remember it happens everyday, by family members or friends somewhere.

What was Claudia uneasy about when Skyla spent the night with Taylor.???..

The only things that come to my mind that would make a mother/grandmother uneasy about a child's visits would be drugs, drinking, criminals, sex or witchcraft...

What's your guess as to why Claudia was uneasy?
teachmehow...Interesting rumor...
Being shot with a .40 cal Glock pistol should make anyone bleed a lot unless they are already dead or have very little heart beat, when shot with the .40 cal gun..
I would think there would be enough blood on the cloths that PP would not want to reach in Taylors pocket to retrieve a cell phone or anything..
I wonder if Taylor's gym shorts she was wearing even had pockets.Gym short usually aren't made with pockets.If my memory serves me,the autopsy report noted Taylor wearing a pair of "No Boundaries" brand shorts,which is a Wal-mart brand.I've wondered about this before.

Lauren....No one wants to believe an innocent child is ever sexually abused, but it's important to remember it happens everyday, by family members or friends somewhere.

What was Claudia uneasy about when Skyla spent the night with Taylor.???..

The only things that come to my mind that would make a mother/grandmother uneasy about a child's visits would be drugs, drinking, criminals, sex or witchcraft...

What's your guess as to why Claudia was uneasy?
Maybe she had heard rumors??? I would think if her concern were related to sex,noway would she have let that little girl spend the night.
Mysterylover, Taylor carried her cell phone in her bag. It wasn't in her clothes.

Lauren....No one wants to believe an innocent child is ever sexually abused, but it's important to remember it happens everyday, by family members or friends somewhere.

What was Claudia uneasy about when Skyla spent the night with Taylor.???..

The only things that come to my mind that would make a mother/grandmother uneasy about a child's visits would be drugs, drinking, criminals, sex or witchcraft...

What's your guess as to why Claudia was uneasy?

Yes, I agree no one wants to believe an adult can be capable of abusing an innocent child and yes I know it does happen. I am not being naiive. I just saw a lot of love for this child. My opinion was based on my observations that weekend.

I think Claudia may have been speaking in hindsight. I think as parents we often do this. We say no to our kids, and then relent and let them go off with a friend. Think of it this way......what if you are that parent and your child doesn't end up coming home? What would you say?
Yes, I agree no one wants to believe an adult can be capable of abusing an innocent child and yes I know it does happen. I am not being naiive. I just saw a lot of love for this child. My opinion was based on my observations that weekend.

I think Claudia may have been speaking in hindsight. I think as parents we often do this. We say no to our kids, and then relent and let them go off with a friend. Think of it this way......what if you are that parent and your child doesn't end up coming home? What would you say?

The Placker home was known to have many family members living together. The house was small (1 bathroom) and it would have been very crowded w/ all the family members and assorted wives, girlfriends, etc....... that may have been living there. I think that Claudia may have had feelings of apprehension because she could not really tell exactly the make up of the family and all the people that were in and out of the home. There were probably people living there that she had never met. This would be my most likely guess.

I agree w/ Lauren, Taylor was loved by her parents and her 2 sisters. She is missed.

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