Theories: Who and Why?

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well, waiting for a mistake from them? as in talk? hope it happens
I was looking at the autopsies again and was pondering the angle of some of the shots. Especially the groin shot that Taylor suffered. My thought is, maybe the girls were hiding up in the tree. I know it sounds strange, but both girls have upward shots.

Albert, I know the groin shot on Taylor has bothered you. Maybe this could explain it.

ArizonaGi....Did you notice the Astrology article says 2 boys and 1 girl is responsible for the murders? Wasn't there 'problems with a girl' at Skyla's camping trip that same summer?
I can only state I hope the following isn't what happened.....too horrible to imagine. Teens on a joy ride with 2 Glock pistols....Hmmmm!
Mars in Leo at the midheaven says a gun was used. We know this already but it's good when the stars echo the facts. Mars is disposed by the Sun in Gemini in the eighth,
so it was the older boy who pulled the trigger, egged on by the younger girl.

It was the young girls' idea, believe it or not, and she got the ball rolling.

It took the moxie of a budding young daredevil to pull it off. Jupiter is in the third house, disposed by Saturn in the tenth, so they did this "for fun".
I know this hard to imagine, to stomach for those of us who give a damn about life and about people, but this was a kick for these kids.
They did this on an afternoon joy ride.
And these girls are now dead.......
AGG and Mystery, this is also an interesting posting. I've heard it said, "The stars don't lie."
Hi Albert! I have missed you posting on here. Glad to see you. I always value your prospective.
Hi everyone else too!

I think the locals are scared and won't talk. I think they have ideas/knowledge about who did this and are too scared to talk. From what I hear they don't even talk about it amongst themselves.
I guess I don't blame them. It's easy to be brave from 900 miles away.

I am still stuck on the glock.
That's what every cop carries. Was a cop involved?

I keep coming back to that......

ArizonaGi...I do too...the Glock is the Smoking Gun and key in this case.

An expensive gun...too expensive for a teenager to own and carry..unless it was borrowed, sneaked out of the house, or stolen...imo

What IF the shooters were KIN to someone in LE?
I came across this theory the other night, but wasn't sure where to post it. It could also be put in the rumor room.

Thanks for posting the link to momlogic. That is an interesting article. Claudia Farrow alludes to the fact that the family did not feel comfortable having Skyla at the Plackers. This continues to be a heart breaking case. So sad for the families.................
I came across this theory the other night, but wasn't sure where to post it. It could also be put in the rumor room.

Little726...good find.....This article states as rumor the same rumor that was mentioned on the Weleetka Topix forum shortly after the brutal murders...
My question is this: Why is a sexual relationship between an Adult and a minor always worded to make it sound so innocent, like a simple romance or love affair???

Momlogic also spoke with Skyla Jade Whitaker's grandmother, 58-year-old Claudia Farrow, who had this message for other moms: "Keep your kids close. Never feel like you can let them out of your sight. And if you do take your child somewhere and leave them and you don't feel right about it, then go back and get them. You never know what can happen."

We've received unconfirmed reports that there might have been a romantic or sexual relationship between one of the victims and an adult, and that this may somehow be related to this crime. We will keep you posted as this story develops.

Moms of teens and tweens: If this happened in your hometown, how would it change the way you monitor your kids?
Little726...good find.....This article states as rumor the same rumor that was mentioned on the Weleetka Topix forum shortly after the brutal murders...
My question is this: Why is a sexual relationship between an Adult and a minor always worded to make it sound so innocent, like a simple romance or love affair???

Momlogic also spoke with Skyla Jade Whitaker's grandmother, 58-year-old Claudia Farrow, who had this message for other moms: "Keep your kids close. Never feel like you can let them out of your sight. And if you do take your child somewhere and leave them and you don't feel right about it, then go back and get them. You never know what can happen."

We've received unconfirmed reports that there might have been a romantic or sexual relationship between one of the victims and an adult, and that this may somehow be related to this crime. We will keep you posted as this story develops.

Moms of teens and tweens: If this happened in your hometown, how would it change the way you monitor your kids?

Mysterylover, I remember reading that post months ago and there never was any follow up on it. Personally, I do not believe there was anything sexual going on between one of the girls and an older person.

I find Claudia's comment very interesting, but what is more interesting is how she has remained quiet since right after the murders. First, she was all over the place, now you can't find one quote, interview, nothing. I find that odd. You would think that the family would want to keep this in the forefront.
ArizonaGi...I do too...the Glock is the Smoking Gun and key in this case.

An expensive gun...too expensive for a teenager to own and carry..unless it was borrowed, sneaked out of the house, or stolen...imo

What IF the shooters were KIN to someone in LE?

Was there 2 Glocks used or was it one Glock and one smaller gun like a .22?
I wonder if the local LE have any teenaged sons..
Was there 2 Glocks used or was it one Glock and one smaller gun like a .22?
I wonder if the local LE have any teenaged sons..

I believe only one Glock was used.
Please excuse my stupidity, or ignorance... But how is it known that a Glock was used? There are many brands of handguns that shoot 40 cal.
The OSBI did release that information. They actually brought in several locals that own Glocks to test fire them. Some people did not show. I will try to find the article for you.
Scroll down that page. Go to Post # 46. It is a scan of the letter mailed out referring to a Glock .40 caliber pistol.
Yes, I see... Wonder how they decided to look for a Glock. It would imply to me that they have shell casings. That is the only way I can think of to determine the brand of gun that fired a shell. The extractors would leave specific marks on the case, but I would think there would be a lot of similarity as there are only so many places to put an extractor in the action of a semi auto.

If they have cases, I would think they also should have finger prints... Loading a mag without leaving finger prints on a case would require using gloves. That opens a whole can of worms, loading a mag with gloves on. Or perhaps they do not have cases?
Could be the original suspects are young... and got some protection from their parents.. and LE had to back off and has to keep trying to find a way to break a fake alibi or some cover up... by parents...
Could be the original suspects are young... and got some protection from their parents.. and LE had to back off and has to keep trying to find a way to break a fake alibi or some cover up... by parents...

Hi Lilacwine! Thanks for posting! I definitely believe they are young, or at least one of them is, so you have a good point! One of the young men who is a possible suspect had a restraining order against him by his parents. I don't think they have enough evidence against him yet. I think they are waiting for someone else to talk. I think several of the young people know more than they are saying, but they are afraid! I could certainly see parents covering for them. Look at the Anthonys!
Hi Lilacwine! Thanks for posting! I definitely believe they are young, or at least one of them is, so you have a good point! One of the young men who is a possible suspect had a restraining order against him by his parents. I don't think they have enough evidence against him yet. I think they are waiting for someone else to talk. I think several of the young people know more than they are saying, but they are afraid! I could certainly see parents covering for them. Look at the Anthonys!
Exellent example of parent's covering up for their kid!!!!

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