
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Didn't WES say his wife told him AJ's jacket was in that house?
Who called WES and told him the debit card pieces were found?
Here you can post explore possibilities other than WH-DID-IT.

Don't post names or make accusations against specific individuals. Post in general terms without getting too far off track. Use the facts as we know them, and see if you can connect the dots in a different way.

We'll give it a try and see how it goes. Tread carefully.
I'm bumping my opening post where I laid out some guidelines. Any "theories" we discuss should be based to some degree on "facts". That's not just true for this thread, but it's the standard everywhere on WS. One shouldn't create a scenario out of thin air and post it as a viable "theory".

I realize that facts are scarce in this case. That's often true in many of the cases we discuss. Nevertheless, some facts have been established from which one can draw various, but logical, possibilities. Luckyseven's post #3 illustrates some very good examples.
I'm bumping my opening post where I laid out some guidelines. Any "theories" we discuss should be based to some degree on "facts". That's not just true for this thread, but it's the standard everywhere on WS. One shouldn't create a scenario out of thin air and post it as a viable "theory".

I realize that facts are scarce in this case. That's often true in many of the cases we discuss. Nevertheless, some facts have been established from which one can draw various, but logical, possibilities. Luckyseven's post #3 illustrates some very good examples.

From the post you referenced #3,

•Two of AJ's friends and the family pastor moved into Jennifer's house in the weeks following AJ's disappearance and continue to live there.
•Jennifer was arrested for buying alcohol for the friends aforementioned.

I was under the impression that JH arrest was totally off limits. I have seen multiple comments, some with media links, but we were told that subject was off limits. Its possible with all the diff threads I missed where its ok now. And second, do we know as a fact that the pastor is living in the house? I read a tweet from a family member stating he wasn't that said he wasn't. So not knowing for a fact if he is or isn't living there with out proof would be considered rumor, correct?

Thank you!
I would think if the COD was obviously Homicide LE would have said so not say they are awaiting toxicology results!
I see no reason to withhold that information?

They do not have to say how she died but they would say she was murdered.
Or no visible sign of foul PLAY.
All they said here is awaiting tox results!

Since every case is different, and every jurisdiction does things a little differently, there could be 101 reasons why that info was not released to the public, IF it were obvious from physical appearance. That being said, LE agencies are under no obligation whatsoever to release any info to the public. Of course most do, simply to assure the public there is no danger lurking the streets (that is, if they already believe they know who committed the crime) but that's merely a courtesy and not an obligation.

The NPD have their reasons for not releasing any info yet, and waiting on tox results and I'm not going to second guess them. Frustrating? Yes, absolutely. But this is their investigation and if it means justice for AJ then I'm ALL IN.
I'm am still considering the spotting of a white car by the 2 different neighbors the day she went missing. LE or anyone else has neither confirmed or denied that statement made by WH. I think he might have been trying to brush it off in the interview he did with the lady we can't mention here that he knows his brother has a white car. I'm still not ready to throw that out at all and also the spotting on the Dodge caravan spotted at night at the house where AJ's body was found.
From the post you referenced #3,

•Two of AJ's friends and the family pastor moved into Jennifer's house in the weeks following AJ's disappearance and continue to live there.
•Jennifer was arrested for buying alcohol for the friends aforementioned.

I was under the impression that JH arrest was totally off limits. I have seen multiple comments, some with media links, but we were told that subject was off limits. Its possible with all the diff threads I missed where its ok now. And second, do we know as a fact that the pastor is living in the house? I read a tweet from a family member stating he wasn't that said he wasn't. So not knowing for a fact if he is or isn't living there with out proof would be considered rumor, correct?

Thank you!

Technically, her buying booze for underage kids and getting arrested for it has nothing to do directly with AJ's case. However, there is a link to the media article about it in the media thread**NO-DISCUSSION**&p=11730070#post11730070 to help establish who was living at the home at that time (when the local media went to her home to discuss the arrest warrant with her, I presume), and at least one of the people (as named in a search warrant) that disclosed to LE that WH broke into a home.
Which "facts" have been established in this case? I may be missing some is why I ask because I can only come up with a few (what I would consider) "facts".

Thanks in advance.
From the post you referenced #3,

•Two of AJ's friends and the family pastor moved into Jennifer's house in the weeks following AJ's disappearance and continue to live there.
•Jennifer was arrested for buying alcohol for the friends aforementioned.

I was under the impression that JH arrest was totally off limits. I have seen multiple comments, some with media links, but we were told that subject was off limits. Its possible with all the diff threads I missed where its ok now. And second, do we know as a fact that the pastor is living in the house? I read a tweet from a family member stating he wasn't that said he wasn't. So not knowing for a fact if he is or isn't living there with out proof would be considered rumor, correct?

Thank you!
No one said we should ignore the arrest as though it didn't occur. That was after AJ's death, however, and therefore is irrelevant to the discussion. Same goes for the pastor's current address.

I believe Luckyseven listed those items simply as part of the big picture.

Bottom line, what is not allowed is a discussion of social media gossip, rumors and drama.
I would think if the COD was obviously Homicide LE would have said so not say they are awaiting toxicology results!
I see no reason to withhold that information?

They do not have to say how she died but they would say she was murdered.
Or no visible sign of foul PLAY.
All they said here is awaiting tox results!

Autopsy reports are not casual or interesting reading material. They are very informative when reviewed with all concurrent investigative reports and evidence. All autopsy reports follow a general format as approved by the National Association of Medical Examiners ( Although they may differ in appearance, the general content format consists of: Diagnoses, Toxicology, Opinion, Circumstances of Death, Identification of the Decedent, General Description of Clothing and Personal Effects, Evidence of Medical Intervention, External Examination, External Evidence of Injury, Internal Examination, Samples Obtained – Evidence, Histology and Toxicology, and Microscopic Examination. When the autopsy report is reviewed by the lay person their focus is on the first four items, as these are the summary of the remaining medical details of the report. It is important to review the report and all of the information contained therein for the complete picture.
Why call Wes at.all why not call her mom?
He was not even living there.
Yes he's a felon. But at this time I do not think he killed her.

If he did they would not have found her body at least not where it was.
There are too many theories that could work. IMHO

Let say AJ was seen by JH and sisters at 7:00. WH saw her at lunch time gave her money. Witness said saw her "driving with purpose". Truck was parked on wrong side of driveway, maybe white car was there and AJ got in white car and went with someone?!?

Besides the 7am sighting by sis. I don't think LE believes any of the above.

I would love for Wavy Kid to come on here and verify his sighting. But until then; Idk
I'm not sure that WH coerced the smoking neighbor or the waving neighbor. I believe WH said that he didn't know that the waving kid had told LE that he saw the white car following until after the kids interview with police. At least that is how I perceive it in WH's explanation. I think that LE got to the waving kid first before WH did. I also think that the smoking neighbor might be a bit older therefor he knows in his mind what he saw. Either of them may be off on the times though. I can see where that would happen.

I know we can't sleuth others but WH did state that his brother has a white car and I believe that he and AJ aren't too far apart in ages (maybe 5 years) and also that he also is married. Could his wife and AJ be friends too? Who else might have had access to the white car? Also I believe in the beginning one of her closest friends did say she was going to blow off steam. I still believe that this might have been the case and that this info was retracted or not pressed upon in the public because of the investigation. She very well could have gone off with someone to blow off steam because she was upset about things that were going on at home.

WH tries to explain away that his neighbor knows what his brother's white car looks like. Now he can try to explain away to the public that he thinks it wasn't his brother's car but that could be a way to try to mislead LE or the public into thinking that it wasn't his car like saying that the girl in the 7-11 video might have looked like AJ but wasn't according to him.

I think we do need to look at other theories involved and even though I do believe that WH is involved it seems to me that there is more of a cover up going on and maybe even some deals could be going down before charges are made. I don't think it's just going to be black and white easy case or there would have been charges made already. Of course this is just an opinion but I just don't see things being as easy as WH did it and he's the only one that knows or was involved.
I'm not sure that WH coerced the smoking neighbor or the waving neighbor. I believe WH said that he didn't know that the waving kid had told LE that he saw the white car following until after the kids interview with police. At least that is how I perceive it in WH's explanation. I think that LE got to the waving kid first before WH did. I also think that the smoking neighbor might be a bit older therefor he knows in his mind what he saw. Either of them may be off on the times though. I can see where that would happen.

I know we can't sleuth others but WH did state that his brother has a white car and I believe that he and AJ aren't too far apart in ages (maybe 5 years) and also that he also is married. Could his wife and AJ be friends too? Who else might have had access to the white car? Also I believe in the beginning one of her closest friends did say she was going to blow off steam. I still believe that this might have been the case and that this info was retracted or not pressed upon in the public because of the investigation. She very well could have gone off with someone to blow off steam because she was upset about things that were going on at home.

WH tries to explain away that his neighbor knows what his brother's white car looks like. Now he can try to explain away to the public that he thinks it wasn't his brother's car but that could be a way to try to mislead LE or the public into thinking that it wasn't his car like saying that the girl in the 7-11 video might have looked like AJ but wasn't according to him.

I think we do need to look at other theories involved and even though I do believe that WH is involved it seems to me that there is more of a cover up going on and maybe even some deals could be going down before charges are made. I don't think it's just going to be black and white easy case or there would have been charges made already. Of course this is just an opinion but I just don't see things being as easy as WH did it and he's the only one that knows or was involved.

Hmm. You're right. Maybe Nephbro's .... had the car and hooked up with AJ and offered pills.

She accidentally o.ds and cover up via Wes is implemented.

But the ditching of the body the where it was left doesn't fit the covering up a od of a loved one.

Plus Wes would really have to love this person for not outting them and going through all the preambles.

Here is an example of an "alternate theory". Let it be known and clearly understood that I do not believe a word of what I am about to post, I do so only for example.

Theory: Mr. X killed AJ

I believe that someone other than WH had the motive and the opportunity to kidnap AJ from her home, kill her, and dump her at the abandoned house in Franklin. We will call this person "Mr.X". Mr. X had a prior relationship with AJ, was obsessively in love with her, and AJ was in fear of him.

I believe that Mr.X saw AJ returning to her home driving the red truck at 2 pm on March 2. I believe that Mr.X got into a white compact vehicle, and followed AJ to her home. I believe that an argument between Mr.X and AJ occurred inside of her Millard St. residence, and AJ died as a result of that argument. Mr. X took the keys to AJ's truck, and moved it the the other side of her driveway, so that he could carry AJ through her backyard, where he would not be seen due to the privacy fence, through the gate of privacy fence, and directly into the trunk of his vehicle. From there, Mr. X drove AJ's body to an abandoned house in Franklin and discarded her body there.

Returning from Franklin, I believe that Mr. X returned to his home, hid AJ's Longwood jacket in the sofa of his couch, cut up her debit card, and scattered it out on the road to make it appear as if AJ had been abducted and robbed. Here are links to the finding of the credit card pieces and the finding of the jacket which I believe supports this theory:

Etc. etc. etc.
Hmm. You're right. Maybe Nephbro's .... had the car and hooked up with AJ and offered pills.

She accidentally o.ds and cover up via Wes is implemented.

But the ditching of the body the where it was left doesn't fit the covering up a od of a loved one.

Plus Wes would really have to love this person for not outting them and going through all the preambles.


Well they all seem to love each other so much even as far as calling each other brother and sister's when they aren't even related or are related but call each other brothers and not Uncle/Nephew etc. Sometimes the depth of someone's love is how each individual perceives their relationships. Like maybe where WH might have thought he loved his first wife way more than she loved him. See what I'm saying. That he loved her so much he had to kidnap her. Or that maybe he loves JH or nephew or whoever that he would cover for them or take the blame in his eyes to become a savior or to be perceived as a savior in his own eyes.

I also think that an OD might have been made to try to look like another crime or someone that didn't know here did it because in their minds it would be so horrible that her demise could have come by the hands of the people that loved her so much. Like trying to place the blame on someone else because if they REALLY loved her they would have called 911 in the first place if it was an OD. But that didn't happen and once they could have realized that they were more worried about themselves getting in trouble than saving AJ's life.
I do believe there was another male who felt rejected by AJ and has shown somewhat of an obsession and anger towards her.

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