
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I have been thinking and agree with the bolded. I'm still tossing around WH's involvement. I had a theory at one point that he was the clean up man, but I don't think he would hold out this long.

I think it would all depend on who he was cleaning up for.
I'm still stuck on Wes and just Wes. I think if someone helped him he'd be telling or he will tell because he's not the taking the wrap alone type IMO. I am glad though that others are keeping an open mind sometimes I can get so focused on one theory it helps to be able to look at others. Some make sense some don't but I respect them all.
And I respect your opinion, and to the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.

Besides the discovery of her body in tall grass behind an abandoned house close to the state line and 40-50 miles from her home, her total disappearance from social media, and only questionable texts...

Some of her friends and close family started using the #JusticeforAJ hashtag after he body was identified.
The police have not commented on a possible accidental / self-inflicted death which would have been determined without any toxicology.

While we try to back up every fact with a link, the assumption that she was murdered seems to be a safe one right now and anyone who has an alternate theory should understand where everyone who states her murder as fact is coming from.
I am having trouble with an alternate theory besides homicide.

I rule out suicide because of the whole mess of evidence that was popping up after she was gone, as well as the fact that no transportation was left where she was found, I don't know that area but I can't imagine how she got herself out there.

I toyed with the accidental death theory a bit and thought maybe WH was acting squirrely because he provided the "entertainment" but rule that out as well since we see how quickly those boys rolled on him. I am sure if WH had provided drugs and AJ accidentally OD'd they would have spilled by now.
That is also why I am having trouble with a ton of people being involved in a homicide. As Wes found out, it's hard to make people shut up. The more people who know the more who can spill.
I think if multiple people were involved they'd have to be really close, possibly family? Or maybe they'd just have to be as guilty in order to keep quiet?

And of course this isn't officially ruled a homicide but if we waited to discuss anything until it's set in stone we'd be waiting for the trial in most cases. I appreciate those who are patient and wait for just the facts. I guess I appreciate the sleuthing phase that gathers these necessary fact, the human behavior is fascinating, more so in this case than others for me. It's all good and makes the boards interesting. Sometimes I wish we could discuss others in the case but understand why that is not possible.
I am having trouble with an alternate theory besides homicide.

I rule out suicide because of the whole mess of evidence that was popping up after she was gone, as well as the fact that no transportation was left where she was found, I don't know that area but I can't imagine how she got herself out there.

I toyed with the accidental death theory a bit and thought maybe WH was acting squirrely because he provided the "entertainment" but rule that out as well since we see how quickly those boys rolled on him. I am sure if WH had provided drugs and AJ accidentally OD'd they would have spilled by now.
That is also why I am having trouble with a ton of people being involved in a homicide. As Wes found out, it's hard to make people shut up. The more people who know the more who can spill.
I think if multiple people were involved they'd have to be really close, possibly family? Or maybe they'd just have to be as guilty in order to keep quiet?

And of course this isn't officially ruled a homicide but if we waited to discuss anything until it's set in stone we'd be waiting for the trial in most cases. appreciate those who are patient and wait for just the facts. I guess I appreciate the sleuthing phase that gathers these necessary fact, the human behavior is fascinating, more so in this case than others for me. It's all good and makes the boards interesting. Sometimes I wish we could discuss others in the case but understand why that is not possible.


I appreciate those who strive to keep an open mind. But I find I also lack patience with alternating theories when the facts of a case line up so clearly in my mind. It is not enough, in my mind, to simply have an idea or theory...that theory must fit the known facts. I simply don't see that in any of the alternate theories being presented in this case. What I do see are people proposing theories of what happened to AJ that can not be reconciled to the known facts of this case...and when they can't do that, the reason given is because we don't know all the facts. While that's true, we DO know many facts in this case, and to leave those facts out because they don't fit into an alternate theory, is a mistake and an exercise in futility, imo.

For example: if the alternate theory is that AJ overdosed, those proposing this theory have a sort of obligation to explain how they believe AJ came to be dumped at an abandoned house, several counties away, in a way which makes sense, and applies the known facts of this case. If AJ overdosed, why take her body all the way to Franklin? Couldn't her body simply have been dumped on the beach, behind the shopping center, or any other number of places that involved less risk for whomever dumped her body? If AJ overdosed, what was the point of cutting up her credit card (with her entire name left intact on one piece) and dumping it on the road leading out of her neighborhood? If AJ overdosed, how and why did her Longwood jacket end up in the home of CF? Why wasn't it simply dumped with AJ's body? Why were some of her clothes discarded on S Battlefield Blvd. in Chesapeake? And so on and so forth. You have to be able to answer questions like that when proposing an alternate theory, imo, otherwise you're not proposing a viable theory.

So, while I appreciate those who keep an open mind, I also have a certain expectation of logic and reasoning being applied to the ideas others suggest. When I do not see that I consider reading those ideas a waste of my time and energy. I know that sounds harsh...perhaps it is...but I'm simply being honest about my own expectations of posters here at WS.

All JMO.
Coming out of the woodwork to say I have no idea who's being talked about.

Heck, I don't even know who all of the players are. There seems to be one group of people we can't sleuth that includes one more person than I can account for. So maybe there's a whole subnarrative I'm not getting.

I'm really glad to have the "Alternate Theories" forum, though.

I just don't think WH had what it takes to do this on his own; either he was the primary perp and had help with coverup, or he helped someone else.

I'm curious as to why you think WH wouldn't have had what it takes to do this on his own. Part of the established facts of this case include WH's prior criminal history, because that history speaks directly to what he is capable of. He required no help from anyone when he assaulted, raped and kidnapped his estranged wife. So what specifically, makes you believe that he would have required help to kill AJ and dispose of her body?

Sincere question.
I'm curious as to why you think WH wouldn't have had what it takes to do this on his own. Part of the established facts of this case include WH's prior criminal history, because that history speaks directly to what he is capable of. He required no help from anyone when he assaulted, raped and kidnapped his estranged wife. So what specifically, makes you believe that he would have required help to kill AJ and dispose of her body?

Sincere question.

I was going to ask the same question but got sidetracked. I've seen several ideas that either he didn't do it alone, or did this or that to cover for someone else, etc. Wesley Hadsell is not only capable of committing violence against other people, he's been charged with it multiple times in the not too distant past. For that reason alone, I don't understand why some here think he'd need help.
I don't think there was any obvious cause of death.
I don't understand why its taking so long.

toxicology results would mean drugs right?
Ok so lets go back to drug overdose, why hide the body?
I don't think there was any obvious cause of death.
I don't understand why its taking so long.

toxicology results would mean drugs right?

It's entirely possible that LE already knows both the cause and the manner of death, even before the tox reports come back. But we still have to wait for those reports for a couple of reasons. 1. an autopsy is not complete until it is complete. 2. Even if LE knows the cause of death is not dependant on the toxicology reports, those reports still matter because they add to the details of what may or may not have happened in this case. For instance, if a toxicology report should come back and show that AJ was impaired at the time of her death, that might answer a number of questions. A few hypotheticals: it might answer why her killer might not have defensive wounds, it might answer the question of why no one heard her scream (assuming she did scream), it might answer how she was sexually assaulted if a sexual assault occurred, and so on and so forth. I understand that everyone is impatient to see justice for AJ, but there can be no real justice for her until we have gathered every possible fact. We're all just going to have to try to be patient while we wait for the autopsy to be completed...and we're all going to have to stop freaking out and assuming things based on things we don't know.

I don't think there was any obvious cause of death.
I don't understand why its taking so long.

toxicology results would mean drugs right?

It's entirely possible the COD was physically obvious from the moment they discovered her. It's also possible it wasn't. Impossible to know at this point until the ME actually releases the COD. Tox tests don't automatically mean drugs as in illegal drugs. Prescription meds are tested for as well. Here's a good article on why they can take so long, what they test for and why an ME's report isn't usually considered complete without one:
I don't think there was any obvious cause of death.
I don't understand why its taking so long.

toxicology results would mean drugs right?

The results may be back. They may have known COD without the toxicology. They don't have to tell us right now.
I try to keep an open mind and see why others feel there are possible alternate theories, especially when a person stops and thinks about an alternate theory could be something so simple as others may feel that WH is not the sole person responsible. For instance, I don't necessarily feel WH is innocent; however, I do tend to think at times others may have played a role in AJ's demise. Whether it be, for example, lying to police and/or maybe not necessarily lying but not telling the entire story of how things went down, maybe not being truthful about when the last time was that they saw AJ, and my list could go on and on. WH's past criminal history speaks for itself, that is a given and nothing anyone can deny. Is his criminal past enough to convince me that he is the sole person responsible for AJ's demise? Nope, IMO it does not. It does though show what he is capable of and that he could very well indeed be the *only* person responsible, but we do not know enough facts IMO to make that call at this point. As a matter of fact (no pun intended), what *Facts* do we actually know in regards to AJ's demise? That her body was found. That WH is in jail, we do know what his charges are, but we do not know exactly how those charges all came about. Sure, we gained a few bits and pieces from MSM of what two witnesses said in court, but IMO not near enough to tell the whole story of the sequence of events prior to and immediately after AJ's disappearance. We have been told basically nothing from LE, which IMO is understandable, but with so little information being given, we really don't know many *Facts* of what actually happened. Even regarding the phone pings, LE themselves IIRC have not said anything about phone pings; we have a person who lives near the pond in IOW who *said* LE told him something about phone pings. So do we take this as a fact because this person said so? I don't. Maybe it's true, maybe it's not, until LE says it, I'm not taking it as it's etched in stone. I'm sure there are some other known *Facts* that I've overlooked (that we have been told) but IMO, regardless, not enough for me to already be convinced of who is guilty and who is not.
IMO, while some people on one side of the fence may feel it's irrelevant that others want to talk about their alternate theories and/or possibilities of what could have happened, there are also people on the other side who feel there could be other theories as to what happened.
JMO, until someone is actually charged and found guilty of murdering AJ, I am not ruling anything out. I personally cannot jump on a bandwagon that WH is "the" only person responsible for AJ's demise; not with such few facts even yet known.
There are too many theories that could work. IMHO

Let say AJ was seen by JH and sisters at 7:00. WH saw her at lunch time gave her money. Witness said saw her "driving with purpose". Truck was parked on wrong side of driveway, maybe white car was there and AJ got in white car and went with someone?!?

There could be an unknown, I have been following one person with a rap sheet also.

I think there are at least 3 players in this case, with rap sheets that could have done this. Two would have know about where her body was found. One has access to white car and black SUV. One had access to black SUV.

IMHO LEs know the COD and are not releasing because only the one would know what happened.

I have another theory but wanting on info if I get it.

Keep this going with any and all thoughts, brainstorm maybe someone will remember the key to the answers we are looking for. Please don't let this become a cold case.
I'm completely sincere with this question: What constitutes a rap sheet? More than one offense? Felonies and misdemeanors? Traffic tickets? Jail time?
My husband has two speeding tickets. Does he have a rap sheet?
I promise, I'm not being snarky.
I'm completely sincere with this question: What constitutes a rap sheet? More than one offense? Felonies and misdemeanors? Traffic tickets? Jail time?
My husband has two speeding tickets. Does he have a rap sheet?
I promise, I'm not being snarky.

I don't think you husband has a rap sheet with just traffic tickets, it more then that.

What Is a RAP Sheet?

• “RAP” stands for Record of Arrests and Prosecutions. A “rap sheet” is a record of an individual’s criminal history i.e. any contact he or she may have had with the criminal justice system. If you have ever been arrested, even if the case was dismissed or you were found not guilty, you will still have a rap sheet.

• State rap sheets are maintained by the state’s criminal record repository. A FBI rap sheet contains criminal history from each state, as well as the federal government. The Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) division of the FBI maintains FBI rap sheets.
I'm completely sincere with this question: What constitutes a rap sheet? More than one offense? Felonies and misdemeanors? Traffic tickets? Jail time?
My husband has two speeding tickets. Does he have a rap sheet?
I promise, I'm not being snarky.

I don't think you husband has a rap sheet with just traffic tickets, it more then that.

What Is a RAP Sheet?

• “RAP” stands for Record of Arrests and Prosecutions. A “rap sheet” is a record of an individual’s criminal history i.e. any contact he or she may have had with the criminal justice system. If you have ever been arrested, even if the case was dismissed or you were found not guilty, you will still have a rap sheet.

• State rap sheets are maintained by the state’s criminal record repository. A FBI rap sheet contains criminal history from each state, as well as the federal government. The Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) division of the FBI maintains FBI rap sheets.

RAP sheet: Record of Arrests and Prosecutions
Thank you. I thought so, too but wanted to make sure!
I guess I'm missing the 3rd person involved with a rap sheet then.
It's entirely possible the COD was physically obvious from the moment they discovered her. It's also possible it wasn't. Impossible to know at this point until the ME actually releases the COD. Tox tests don't automatically mean drugs as in illegal drugs. Prescription meds are tested for as well. Here's a good article on why they can take so long, what they test for and why an ME's report isn't usually considered complete without one:

I would think if the COD was obviously Homicide LE would have said so not say they are awaiting toxicology results!
I see no reason to withhold that information?

They do not have to say how she died but they would say she was murdered.
Or no visible sign of foul PLAY.
All they said here is awaiting tox results!

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