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yeah that's an intriguing theory for sure. Eventually (hopefully) the truth will emerge.

For all the speculation that BC is a 'meticulous' person I would say not so much in this particular case.

A 'meticulous' killer would make sure to have absolutely NO forensic evidence that could ever include him. S/he would make sure the method of murder could not be traced back to him/her in anyway. There would literally be no physical evidence linking him/her to the crime scene or wherever. S/he would make sure that they had an airtight alibi, they were hundreds, if not thousands, of miles away and there were no accomplices that could/would talk. Of course a really meticulous killer would never ever talk about wishing their wife/husband was dead, or do anything to raise suspicion before or afterwards. And if they were lucky enough to get away with their crime they wouldn't turn around anytime within the next 3 years and marry the girlfriend or start living large on any life insurance funds.

These dudes usually don't get away with it because they always seem to: have a honey on the side, have trouble in the rel'p that others know about, threaten their spouse in some way, act 'hinky' when the spouse goes missing or is found...they give themselves away on multiple levels just through their behavior. And thank goodness for that.

I cringe to think of the Peterson men, the Entwistles, the Hackings, or the Cutts' of this world getting away with their heinous crimes.
headndownstream....I think the 10:30 call is speculation, but put it in my theory since it is very possible it occured like some suggested. Like everyone on here, I am speculating and putting my theory on the table.

What do you mean eggs? I am missing what you mean by this.
momto3kids here is a link to a story Clint Van Zandt wrote.

From the link:

No one other than Brad Cooper is known to have come forward to say they saw Nancy after she left a Friday night neighborhood party that she attended alone, although a friend spoke to her on the phone at 10:30 p.m. that same evening.​
mahmoo.... Thanks so much for the link. I thought it had been published.
momto3kids here is a link to a story Clint Van Zandt wrote.


The phone call at the party was also widely reported during the initial search. I guess it "proved" that she had every intention of helping paint and had not changed her mind, as of late on the previous evening.

There never has been any mention of Jessica calling the house on Friday evening, though it has been theorized here, but she obviously didn't tell the police or local media because it wasn't mentioned in the initial stories, nor has she said it to anyone else.

ETA: Upon reflection, I also think that it was reported by the Chief at one of her early 7/14 press conferences. I re-watched all three this morning to pull quotes for my post about semantics and now that I think about it, I believe she may have also referenced it, but I can't be sure. Though, once again, I do know the 10:30 call has been reported by legitimate media, since day one.
Brad didn't know about the painting and realized he had the girls Friday nite, Sat morning and now Sat afternoon.

Another very perceptive part of mom's post. A person like Brad, consumed with himself, would view weekend's as "his" time. And, he would think that Nancy just had a vacation, why does she need all this time to herself.

A "player" such as himself would not enjoy being viewed as a babysitter, which many men in general, and one like Brad in particular in my opinion, would view his weekend as. Never mind they are his own kids. One or two hours tops would be the amount of his doing paternal duty. Any more and it is beneath him.
Another very perceptive part of mom's post. A person like Brad, consumed with himself, would view weekend's as "his" time. And, he would think that Nancy just had a vacation, why does she need all this time to herself.

A "player" such as himself would not enjoy being viewed as a babysitter, which many men in general, and one like Brad in particular in my opinion, would view his weekend as. Never mind they are his own kids. One or two hours tops would be the amount of his doing paternal duty. Any more and it is beneath him.
I can't see many men who work 40hrs a week wanting to spend their weekend babysitting their 2 & 4 y/o daughters, especially a man who was having marital problems and alleged to be having an affair with another woman. Most of the time these guys don't even show up for court scheduled visitation after the separation/divorce! If Brad was as controlling as it's been suggested, I'm very surprised he wasn't livid when she didn't show up Saturday morning after jogging! So, to me, that means he wasn't expecting her to. MOO :)
I can't see many men who work 40hrs a week wanting to spend their weekend babysitting their 2 & 4 y/o daughters, especially a man who was having marital problems and alleged to be having an affair with another woman. Most of the time these guys don't even show up for court scheduled visitation after the separation/divorce! If Brad was as controlling as it's been suggested, I'm very surprised he wasn't livid when she didn't show up Saturday morning after jogging! So, to me, that means he wasn't expecting her to. MOO :)
YOU ARE RIGHT!!! Thanks for pointing that out. I hadn't really thought of it. GREAT CATCH!!:blowkiss:
I definitely believe that this is not because they really want to have custody and raise the kids - rather, it's for control. Men know that they can control their wives by threatening harm to the kids or saying that they'll never allow the wife to "have" the children. That is why we see so many incidents of men taking the children and killing them. Their biggest motivation is to hurt the spouse.

And though most often it is the husband, I live in the town and knew the woman who murdered her 3 children, I believe, to spite her husband.
You are exactly right. It is a control thing. They see the children as "possessions" and also I have found that these guys have a need to always "WIN"
An additional possibility:

While NC was at the neighborhood gathering, Bradley found information in the house or on her computer regarding plans to leave with the girls.

He confronts her with the information that night when she returned home.
I don't buy the painting the dining room and then organizing Nancy's home story. Way to much work for one day.

The friend didn't say they were going to do both activities the same day. I do think the plan to paint the next day is important because BC wasn't expecting someone to check on Nancy so early in the day and that caught him off guard with a story.
He was probably hoping he could make excuses and not raise concern about Nancy for the whole weekend. IF someone had found the body before he even reported her missing....hmmmmm it would have been a whole different twist! IMO
The friend didn't say they were going to do both activities the same day. I do think the plan to paint the next day is important because BC wasn't expecting someone to check on Nancy so early in the day and that caught him off guard with a story.
He was probably hoping he could make excuses and not raise concern about Nancy for the whole weekend. IF someone had found the body before he even reported her missing....hmmmmm it would have been a whole different twist! IMO

Hi - been reading here since thread one and finally had to register. What follows is inquiry and highly speculative opinion and theories that I respectfully submit to what seems like a really sincere and polite group of posters.

Here goes:

Inquiry - It's been established that NC had her cell phone w/her at the party and did not have it with her while "running". Has there been any official report indicating where her cell phone was found - whether it was in the house, the car, her purse? Has anyone other than BC (one of her running partners maybe) commented whether it was NC's normal routine not to take it w/her running? Seems very odd that she would take it with her to a party across the street and not with her running.

Inquiry - Several posters commented that it didn't seem suspicious that the Louis Vitton bag was in the car but,.. if cars in the area had reportedly been broken into (saw that from another poster) it seems odd that NC would leave her purse in the car. Again, wonder if this was NC's normal routine? Perhaps BC was planning to scatter the contents and changed his mind. (??) Maybe it wasn't even NC's bag (??)

Inquiry - Has there been any report of what time the party ended? NC may not have been the last to leave - friends may have been in the neighborhood for a while. Minimally, someone may have seen lights on or noted whether one or both cars were in the driveway.

Theory - Regarding the full day of work planned for Saturday - agree with Sewing Buddy. First impression was that the painting was scheduled for Saturday but not necessarily the organizing,.. the house organization may have been a future commitment or even a Sunday activity. Planning it for Sunday would make certain that NC would not be home alone with BC. IMHO Seemed like NC was trying to fill her own weekend schedule to position herself either away from BC or in the supervised company of friends - especially if she had just made an announcement of plans to leave.

Theory - NC comes home from a nice visit with her family, tells BC of her plans for an official separation and then goes to the party where she is surrounded by friends. She tells some people she's not feeling well because she's emotionally drained from having just made her declaration and she's not ready to share her experience with a crowd at a party. (** pure speculation **) The entire time NC is at the party, BC is building up anger because he cannot control any of this - his "image" and plan for his financial future is about to crumble. When NC gets home, BC waits until NC is asleep (less confrontation, less activity in the neighborhood) then either tries to suffocate her or wakes her to engage in an argument (catching her off-guard). Her death may have been an "accidental" result of some twisted attempt at intimidation. By then, it may have been 3am and the neighborhood would probably be quiet.

IMO - BC was involved or responsible for NCs death. Maybe this rambling will help someone to remember something small that would under normal circumstances have been insignificant or meaningless.

Sorry for the long post - just trying to make sense of this selfish, senseless, shameless act.
Jessica told the police that she called Nancy at the party and this was widely reported from the start. She has never said that she called the house and it wasn't until a few minutes ago, when I ran his name through AnyWho that I knew whether or not, Brad and Nancy even had a landline. After all, a lot of people from their generation have been doing away with their landlines and going totally wireless.

Still, though they have a landline, a lot of people in their thirties live on their cell and besides the fact that there's never been anything to indicate that Jessica called the house (including her own words), we actually don't have an idea, whether Nancy ever received any calls from anyone on her wire-based phone. (Do they have the landline just to get cheaper DSL?)

Now, the theory is being advanced that though we have no reason, whatsoever to believe that the first call actually took place, it could've been the straw that broke the camel's back because it told Brad that he'd have to babysit on Saturday and apparently just like "men don't do laundry", men also don't want to be responsible for their children and often resent spending time with them.

In addition to all of the cultural and generational questions this theory might raise, it has been widely reported that Nancy and Jessica met each other through their children's preschool. I'm a father of young children and some time ago, a lot of my family's socializing started to revolve around playdates, birthday parties, trips to the zoo and other things geared toward the kids.

Apparently, Jessica and Brent have at least one child, a similar age to Brad and Nancy; Supposedly, Jessica was Nancy's "best friend" and back when this was a missing person case, Brent was reportedly Brad's.

My wife and I have a similar situation with another family in town; they have children my kids' age, we do many of the same activities, our kids have frequent playdates, they go to the same school and because we've spent so much time with this family over the past six years, the wife has become my wife's best friend, their children have become my children's and I have to say that the husband is probably the closest thing that I have to a best friend in this god-forsaken corner of nowhere.

IOW: There's been nothing to indicate that Nancy wasn't going to take her kids to Jessica's for a playdate, while the two women painted. It'd actually might have been a little selfish, if Nancy was going over to her kid's best friend's house and not take them.
Hello n-honor and welcome to Websleuths! :)

I like your theory of NC telling Brad upon her return from her visit with family, she wanted a separation. While she's away he seethes and anger builds and when she returns. Well, maybe not intentional, but the result was the same, IMO.


I won't address your entire post but I would like to ask you something. Have you ever tried to paint with three or four little ones running around playing? Like, you must care for them, feed them, stop little tiffs, make sure they're staying out of trouble, that they're content?

It doesn't work. Take the word of a mom who raised 6 kids. It's even difficult if they're even up, much less having to be sure they stay out of the paint etc. When mine were small, I would stay up all night painting or wall papering. I didn't even begin until everyone was fast asleep....course, that's just me.

I won't address your entire post but I would like to ask you something. Have you ever tried to paint with three or four little ones running around playing? Like, you must care for them, feed them, stop little tiffs, make sure they're staying out of trouble, that they're content?

I've been redoing my roof over the course of this summer (with my oldest home from school) and I've done extensive remodeling work with both my kids around, including painting the kitchen and a couple of other rooms, plumbing, etc. And, it's actually easier when there's other kids over for a playdate because then they can occupy themselves much better and Daddy's help isn't as often required.

I have a kid in early elementary and a boy who is just getting past toddler. Our "best friends" now have four kids, but one is still a baby. When she had just two, our female best friend completely gutted and totally remodeled her house, room-by-room, including everything imaginable and after she had the third kid, they bought a building and completely remodeled the restaurant.

Now, she'd occasionally hire someone for the big jobs (roof on the house, plumbing, updating the wiring in her business), but she did most of the grunt work herself and I'm sure that she'd also tell you that it's easier, when the kids are otherwise occupied.

BTW: Nancy had two kids and I don't know how many Jessica has, but there could've been only three children underfoot and if Nancy didn't bring hers, one could assume that Jessica's would still be home and would thus require more attention.

(Oh, and none of this is to say that not having the kids around wouldn't be easier, but making the assumption that Nancy wouldn't have brought hers is making one heck of a leap. After all, the Adams live in a nice neighborhood with ample-sized yards and houses)

ETA: I don't know if their kid's preschool is more of a daycare-like place or if it follows a traditional calendar; Half(?) the schools in Wake County are year-round and their preschool could've been year-round, so Saturday might've been the perfect day for a playdate.

I also don't know that Brent wasn't planning to take the kids to Pullen Park. We really don't have any of this information.

We also have no reason to believe that Jessica called the house and thinking that Brad learned late on Friday night, he'd have to babysit actually seems like the least likely scenario. I mean, I know that when I'm expecting my wife to be home, but instead she's going out and I'll be needed for the kids, I'm usually informed before the actual event, so that I don't make other plans.
If Brad was as controlling as it's been suggested, I'm very surprised he wasn't livid when she didn't show up Saturday morning after jogging! So, to me, that means he wasn't expecting her to. MOO :)

That is a FANTASTIC observation! YES! A guy who's got a lot going on wants to be out doing it (esp. when it's all about HIM).

I have a friend who has a really selfish hubby and they have 1 child, 3 yr old, and she does 95% of the childcare and boy, when we go out he's calling and whining to her "when you gonna come homeeeee." This guy can't wait to palm off his child so he can be off doing his various hobbies. In fact even the one or 2 times we went out of town on a mini vacation, he started calling her to come back and he had the grandparents nearby helping him out.

So in this case, not only is Brad Cooper not livid that his wife hasn't come back, he's not even concerned, and he's not the one who's looking for her or calling to find her. INTERESTING! Obviously the reason for any lack of being either angry or concerned: he knew she wasn't coming back. GOTCHA BRAD!
headndownstream....I think the 10:30 call is speculation, but put it in my theory since it is very possible it occured like some suggested. Like everyone on here, I am speculating and putting my theory on the table.

What do you mean eggs? I am missing what you mean by this.

Oh nothing, just 'said' it big to say I agreed.
It is hard to have small children running around while painting. Not impossible, but difficult.
So another possible theory..... Jessica called NC at the party to say her husband had a previous obligation she had forgotten about. Jessica asked if Brad would also watch her child and/or children. Nancy said she couldn't see why not, he already was babysitting and an extra to play with Bella would be great. NC went home Friday nite to tell BC what she had agreed to...BC just got another child added to his babysitting duties. He goes bonkers on her!
It is hard to have small children running around while painting. Not impossible, but difficult.

I've painted my kitchen, cabinets, several ceilings and other rooms with my children underfoot, as has our "best friend". We've also done tilework, hung sheetrock and have completed other tasks. And, I'll tell you, compared to completely redoing a roof (up and down a ladder to change pull-ups, kiss boo-boos, etc), painting was a peice of cake.

(That's why as often as possible, I've let my daughter invite a friend over to keep them distracted)
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