Theory #2: Family Abduction by George Waters with George Brody and/or Associates

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Margaret was a navy nurse at Letterman Hospital (Presido Army Base, San Francisco) during her military career.

She did have some legal troubles that resulted in her being placed on probation for four months in 1953 (nothing that seems to relate in any way to Anna's case, so I will not post the details here). Media reports from the time do not mention Brody or anyone fitting Brody's description being involved. The earliest that we have been able to tie Brody and Kukoda is either the late 1950's or the early 1960's.
Annasmom said:
Doogie asked me about the absence of the two Georges after Anna's disappearance, and I found it in my journal, dated Jan. 31, 1973: "We called Sergeant Maguire, who says George and his companion Brody haven't been seen at the hotel for more than a week."
I was rereading the recent posts and realized how significant this point is:

"More than a week" would mean at least eight days they were missing. Eight days from January 31 would mean that they had been missing since (at the latest) January 23 which is only one week after when Anna disappeared. We know that Waters was working on the day she disappeared, so the window for the start date for their "trip" was somewhere between January 17th and the 23rd.

Even a couple of loons like GW and GB would have had to have recognized that traveling out of town so close to the disappearance of Anna would have raised suspicions, yet they went anyway - their trip must have been very important (it was worth the risk).

I believe that they must have been transporting Anna somewhere during this absence. The length of their absence points away from my theory that Anna was kidnapped by the couple in the car who lived within a half-a-day drive from HMB. I am starting to think that the couple in the car did the actual abduction for GW and GB, then GW and GB transported Anna to somewhere at least three days away, giving her to someone else. It is possible that the couple and the two Georges traveled together, but I cannot come up with a rational reason why the Georges would have accompanied the couple on their journey.

One other aspect of the length of their absence: it bodes well for the possibility that Anna was not physically harmed after the abduction. If they were disposing of a body, why make an eight day round trip to do it. No, it appears to me that Anna was transported alive and that means that she could still be alive today.

There is a lot of speculation in the above analysis. Please give me some feedback and let me know if something is wrong in my thinking here.
I can agree with most of the theory. There had to be involvment of other individuals, because the George's had alibi's for the time period. And someone had to have had the child while they were checked out by police investigators. I think that may have been the Wa. couple.
As far as the time period, I would say 1-3 days away. Assuming that the George's had some involvement with whoever accepted Anna from them, I am guessing they spent some time conducting business, visiting, or accepting their kudo's for the kidnapping.
I am thinking that George B. had no obligation to be anywhere and that George W. might have used the occasion as an excuse for a "vacation".
When looking through the BFH, I know you are watching for those dates on any receipts or papers you find.
If Sgt Maguire had noticed they have been gone for over a week, I would hope he would have spoken with them when they returned from their trip. Has the case FILE been requested?

At that time were the George's driving a dependable car to take them on an extended trip? You can't rely on todays mapquest for accurate travel time from early 70's, roads were not like they are today.

Another thought since they both had passports and a passport was mentioned about Anna earlier in a post, could they have flown Anna out of the country?
SherlockJr said:
If Sgt Maguire had noticed they have been gone for over a week, I would hope he would have spoken with them when they returned from their trip. Has the case FILE been requested?
I have asked about copies of the case file several times, too. It would be so helpful in putting together the pieces of the puzzle that we already have here at WS and Dr. Doogie has with the BFH.

As I have posted previously, in my personal experience, with a case that is this old, that is not being actively investigated, the family can request copies of the case file.
Now that we know that the Georges left town right after Anna's disappearance, I have to wonder if there is any connection between their trip and the notation found in the BFH regarding the monetary/beneficiary plan.

We now know that the note did not refer to "MONY" insurance/investment....What did it refer to?

The note is too important not to be connected in some way, considering the time frame.

mfmangel1 said:
I have asked about copies of the case file several times, too. It would be so helpful in putting together the pieces of the puzzle that we already have here at WS and Dr. Doogie has with the BFH.

As I have posted previously, in my personal experience, with a case that is this old, that is not being actively investigated, the family can request copies of the case file.
I have been reluctant to request the case file from the San Mateo County Sheriffs detectives because them turning over their file would represent the end of their involvement in the case. I have always hoped that we could generate enough new information that it would respark their interest and that they would actively join the search.

I probably am not being realistic in my hopes. Even when I had the information concerning a woman named Anna who was using the email address, they never seemed to really care to spend a moments time following up on what seemed to be a very promising lead. (In case you are new to the thread, it turned out to not be our Anna.)

I will look into the feasibility of getting the case files. We have made more progress here on this forum than SMCS has ever accomplished. Like it or not, we are the lead investigating agency at this point. We should see those files.
wait cant u ask to get copys of the files. but tell them we dont want you to close the case or anything we just want to see the files once us ws have enugh information we can go to the le and see what they will do which prolly wont be much.. in the case of janice pockett 1973 age 8 tolland connecticut.. a man who was a main suspect got mad cuz le was questioning him so he went to a lawyer that le was harrasing him. well le backed off after he got legal grounds which is sad beacuse they should have looked more into him
smile22 said: the case of janice pockett 1973 age 8 tolland connecticut.. a man who was a main suspect got mad cuz le was questioning him so he went to a lawyer that le was harrasing him. well le backed off after he got legal grounds which is sad beacuse they should have looked more into him
Sounds similar to the situation between LE and Timothy Bindner who was (is?) a suspect in the disappeareance of several young girls in the SF Bay Area in the late 1980's - early 1990's. He did many things to draw attention to himself as a suspect, then sued (and won) against the Vacaville Police department. The city had to pay him some damages for the fact that they had mentioned some evidence against him without ever charging him. Once this happened, it appears that LE interest in him waned.
Dr. Doogie said:
I have been reluctant to request the case file from the San Mateo County Sheriffs detectives because them turning over their file would represent the end of their involvement in the case. I have always hoped that we could generate enough new information that it would respark their interest and that they would actively join the search.

I probably am not being realistic in my hopes. Even when I had the information concerning a woman named Anna who was using the email address, they never seemed to really care to spend a moments time following up on what seemed to be a very promising lead. (In case you are new to the thread, it turned out to not be our Anna.)

I will look into the feasibility of getting the case files. We have made more progress here on this forum than SMCS has ever accomplished. Like it or not, we are the lead investigating agency at this point. We should see those files.
I truly understand the reluntance of placing LE outside of the loop, but at this point, what is the harm?

You, Dr. Doogie have done so much work, and the other sleuthers here, have many good and plausible leads....all that is needed is to fill in the blanks. I believe those blanks may be in the case file or a least the clues will be there. You have done too much work to reach a dead end.

This is one case where I truly believe in my heart that Anna is still alive and a happy ending is just waiting to happen.
No, Kabalarianism and Kaballah are two completely different religions/areas of study. This following was taken from a messageboard on the the Kabalarians website:

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Kaballah is a sacred Hebrew study of the mystical power of the alphabet. Kabalarians understand this principle in a more basic way; the application of language, through the mathematical combination of the name, creates the vehicle of consciousness. Kabalarians think that the origins of this study date much further back in antiquity than most people realize. Although Kabalarianism is not linked to the Jewish faith or Kaballah, Mr. Parker named the organized study of these principles the Kabalarian Philosophy. This is from the root word Kaballah that means, "to receive." In this case, it means to receive the wisdom of the power of the Word.[/font]

Gee, I had to copy and paste this from Part I. It would not let me "quote" since the thread is closed. But anyway, Kyresearcher found this link about George Brody/Honary President of Lincoln Park Jewish Center

I sent an e-mail inquiring about the late George Brody two weeks ago, and still no reply. :(
SherlockJr said:
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/font]

Gee, I had to copy and paste this from Part I. It would not let me "quote" since the thread is closed. But anyway, Kyresearcher found this link about George Brody/Honary President of Lincoln Park Jewish Center

I sent an e-mail inquiring about the late George Brody two weeks ago, and still no reply. :(

I may really be grasping at straws here, but did you notice under "Board of Directors" the name, Hansi Braudy?

Braudy....Brody....Seems very close....Is George's correct name actually Braudy?

Perhaps I am just tired right now! :confused:
I spoke (briefly) with the possible relative of Maragaret Kukoda today. I caught her by phone at a bad time (she had two children running wild in a store) and did not have time to spend with some strange guy asking her even stranger questions.

I did however establish that she does not think that she is related to Margaret. She stated that she is from the Kukodas in Buffalo, NY, not Pennsylvania. I believe that all the families sprung from a single family in New Jersey, but it may be so far back that this woman was not familiar with the PA branch.

My next step is to contact Kukodas in Pennsylvania (including Margaret's neices and nephews) to see if Margaret's brother who is living can provide any information about George Brody. (The brother is 91 years old and I do not think that it would be appropriate to contact him directly due to his age. If he is willing and able to discuss Margaret, I will provide my contact information to his children to pass on to him.)

We march on...
I realize the improbability of this man being "the" George Brody, due to how old this man would have been when "our" George Brody died, but I did find this man by the name of George D. Braudy on something called the 1910 Pennsylvania Miracode Index, who was coincidentally from Pennsylvania (isn't that where the Kukoda family was from?).

Pennsylvania 1910 Miracode Index Recordhttp://javascript<b></b>:showPop('infoPopup')
about George D Braudy

Name: George D Braudy
Birthplace: Pennsylvania
State: PA
Age: 22
Color: W;W
County: Allegheny
Relation: Boarder
If the above George Braudy was 22 in 1910, that means he was born in 1888, so I truly doubt the two are one in the same.
HeartofTexas said:
I realize the improbability of this man being "the" George Brody, due to how old this man would have been when "our" George Brody died, but I did find this man by the name of George D. Braudy on something called the 1910 Pennsylvania Miracode Index, who was coincidentally from Pennsylvania (isn't that where the Kukoda family was from?).

If the above George Braudy was 22 in 1910, that means he was born in 1888, so I truly doubt the two are one in the same.
There was some mention that Brody was originally from Pennsylvania in the coroner's investigation of Brody's death, but I do not know where that info came from. You are correct concerning the age of this Braudy - this would have made Brody 93 at his death which does seem too old.

I did find a George Brody from PA that graduated high shool around 1941 (which would have meant a birth year of around 1923-24). However, the high school yearbook picture does not look like our Brody (broader face and much smaller ears). Also, it appears that this Brody is still alive and still living in the PA. However, I will post the picture for your opinions:

Yearbook photo

Brody Portrait (for comparison)
Doogie, in your best estimate, what year would you say Brody was born in? I've found a few others whose names are spelled Brawdy that could fit, but in reading old threads on Anna's forum, I can't seem to decide how old he really was. I think at one point you said he was in his 60's in 1967... so does that mean he was born around the turn of the century? One Brawdy that I found was born in 1917, whose mother was apparently named Anna, and was from Pennsylvania. But 1917 might be too young for our Brody. Also, could you refresh my memory on his middle initial, if we know it. Thanks.
HeartofTexas said:
Doogie, in your best estimate, what year would you say Brody was born in? I've found a few others whose names are spelled Brawdy that could fit, but in reading old threads on Anna's forum, I can't seem to decide how old he really was. I think at one point you said he was in his 60's in 1967... so does that mean he was born around the turn of the century? One Brawdy that I found was born in 1917, whose mother was apparently named Anna, and was from Pennsylvania. But 1917 might be too young for our Brody. Also, could you refresh my memory on his middle initial, if we know it. Thanks.
This is based on nothing than my gut feeling after reviewing the photos of him, but I would say that he is ten-to-twenty years older than he claimed. In most cases, he claimed to be born in 1925 (one place 1935). I think more realistically somewhere in the window of 1905-1915. This is speculation, so if you find something promising outside these parameters, by all means, do not dismiss it. I could very well be off on my estimates.
Here's what I found for the George F. Brawdy who was born in "about 1917". This information is from the 1930 Federal Census:

Name:George F Brawdy
Age: 13
Estimated birth year:abt 1917
Relation to head-of-house:Son
Parent's Name:Anna M Brawdy
Home in 1930:pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania
A birth year of 1917 would probably be reasonable to include in your guesstimate of 1905-1915. It would place him at age 64-65 at the time of his death in 1981. He may have been a little older than this from his pix, however.
HeartofTexas said:
Here's what I found for the George F. Brawdy who was born in "about 1917". This information is from the 1930 Federal Census:

A birth year of 1917 would probably be reasonable to include in your guesstimate of 1905-1915. It would place him at age 64-65 at the time of his death in 1981. He may have been a little older than this from his pix, however.
It could be him. I am hoping that my attempt to contact the Kukoda family in PA will give us some clues about Mr. Brody.
I agree... it would be difficult at best to prove he was anyone we're locating now, without some kind of outside substantiation. Good luck on the PA contacts. In the meantime, I'm going to check on a few variations of the spelling on Brody because him changing the spelling of his name makes a lot of sense to me... more so than changing his entire name.
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